Uncharted Trilogy Edition Cheats - PlayStation 3

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 3

Unlock Trophies: Among Thieves
20 Headshots (Bronze) - Defeat 20 enemies with headshots.
20 Kills: Pistole (Bronze) - Defeat 20 enemies with the Pistole.
100 Headshots (Bronze) - Defeat 100 enemies with headshots.
200 Kills: GAU - 19 (Bronze) - Defeat 200 enemies with the GAU - 19.
250 Headshots (Silver) - Defeat 250 enemies with headshots.
30 Kills: Desert: 5 (Bronze) - Defeat 30 enemies with the Desert: 5.
30 Kills: Mk-NDI (Bronze) - Defeat 30 enemies with the Mk-NDI.
30 Kills: Moss 12 (Bronze) - Defeat 30 enemies with the Moss 12.
30 Kills: RPG: 7 (Bronze) - Defeat 30 enemies with the RPG: 7.
30 Kills: Wes 44 (Bronze) - Defeat 30 enemies with the Wes 44.
50 Kills: 92FS 9mm (Bronze) - Defeat 50 enemies with the 92FS 9mm.
50 Kills: Dragon Sniper (Bronze) - Defeat 50 enemies with the Dragon Sniper.
50 Kills: M32 - Hammer (Bronze) - Defeat 50 enemies with the M32.
50 Kills: Micro 9mm (Bronze) - Defeat 50 enemies with the Micro 9mm.
70 Kills: FAL (Bronze) - Defeat 70 enemies with the FAL.
70 Kills: M4 (Bronze) - Defeat 70 enemies with the M4.
70 Kills: SAS 12 (Bronze) - Defeat 70 enemies with the SAS 12.
Apprentice Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find ten treasures.
Back At Ya (Bronze) - Get 50 Retaliation Medals.
Bare-knuckle Brawler (Bronze) - Defeat 20 enemies with hand-to-hand combat.
Bare-knuckle Expert (Silver) - Defeat ten enemies in a row with hand-to-hand combat.
Bare-knuckle Slugger (Silver) - Defeat 50 enemies with hand-to-hand combat.
Brass Knuckles (Bronze) - Get 100 Melee Kills in Deathmatch or Elimination games.
Buddy System (Bronze) - Complete one Cooperative Multiplayer game.
Cadet Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 30 treasures.
Charted! - Crushing (Gold) - Finish the game in Crushing Mode.
Charted! - Easy (Silver) - Finish the game in Easy Mode.
Charted! - Hard (Gold) - Finish the game in Hard Mode.
Charted! - Normal (Gold) - Finish the game in Normal Mode.
Cold Blooded (Silver) - Get 2,500 Kills in Deathmatch or Elimination games.
Crack Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 90 treasures.
Expert Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 80 treasures.
Fallen Angel (Bronze) - Get 50 Afterlife Medals.
First Treasure (Bronze) - Find one treasure.
Gold Digger (Bronze) - Finish Wave 10 in 1 Gold Rush Game.
Grenade Hangman (Bronze) - Defeat ten enemies with grenades by aiming while hanging.
Hangman (Bronze) - Defeat 20 enemies with gunfire by aiming while hanging.
Headshot Expert (Bronze) - Defeat five enemies in a row with headshots.
I Told You I Was Hardcore (Bronze) - Complete All 3 Co-op Objective Maps on Hard Difficulty.
I'll Cover You (Bronze) - Get 50 Defender Medals.
Proficient Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 60 treasures.
Rapid Fire! (Bronze) - Get 7 Tripled Medals in Deathmatch or Elimination games.
Relic Finder (Bronze) - Find the Strange Relic.
Rock a Rhyme (Silver) - Get 100 Tricky Medals.
Run-and-Gunner (Bronze) - Defeat 20 enemies by shooting from the hip (without aiming with L1).
Sneaky... (Bronze) - Get 50 Stealth Kills in Deathmatch of Elimination games.
Speedy (Bronze) - Get 10 First! Medals.
Steel Fist Expert (Silver) - Defeat ten enemies in a row with a single punch, after softening them up with gunfire.
Steel Fist Master (Bronze) - Defeat 20 enemies with a single punch, after softening them up with gunfire.
Still Alive (Bronze) - Win 50 Elimination Games.
Intermediate Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 40 treasures.
Jack of All Trades (Bronze) - Get 15 Triple Threat Medals.
Kneel Before Z... (Bronze) - Get 5 Put-em Down Medals.
Made It (Bronze) - Finish Wave 10 in 1 Survival Game.
Master Fortune Hunter (Silver) - Find all 100 treasures.
Master Ninja (Silver) - Defeat 50 enemies with stealth attacks.
Not So Fast (Bronze) - Get 20 Shut'em Down Medals.
Novice Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 20 Treasures.
Platinum (Platinum) - Platinum.
Plays Well With Others (Bronze) - Win 50 Objective Games.
Plundered! (Bronze) - Get 200 Captured Medals.
Practiced Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 50 treasures.
Professional Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 70 treasures.
Triple Dyno-Might (Bronze) - Defeat three enemies with one explosion.
Under Siege (Bronze) - Finish Wave 10 in 1 Siege game.
Wipe Them Out... (Bronze) - Win 50 Deathmatch Games.
Survivor (Silver) - Defeat 75 enemies in a row without dying.
Tastes Like Chicken (Bronze) - Get 20 BBQ Medals in Deathmatch or Elimination games.
Thrillseeker (Bronze) - Complete one Competitive Multiplayer game.
You Can't Break Me (Bronze) - Complete all 3 co-op objective maps on Crushing.
You Run, I'll Shoot (Bronze) - Get 10 Protectorate Medals.
Unlock Trophies: Drake's Deception
20 Headshots (Bronze) - Defeat 20 enemies with headshots.
30 Kills: Arm Micro (Bronze) - Defeat 30 enemies with the Arm Micro.
30 Kills: Dragon Sniper (Bronze) - Defeat 30 enemies with the Dragon Sniper.
30 Kills: G-MAL (Bronze) - Defeat 30 enemies with the G-MAL.
30 Kills: KAL 7 (Bronze) - Defeat 30 enemies with the KAL 7.
30 Kills: M9 (Bronze) - Defeat 30 enemies with the M9.
30 Kills: Mag 5 (Bronze) - Defeat 30 enemies with the Mag 5.
30 Kills: Mk-NDI (Bronze) - Defeat 30 enemies with the Mk-NDI.
30 Kills: PAK-80 (Bronze) - Defeat 30 enemies with the PAK-80.
30 Kills: RPG: 7 (Bronze) - Defeat 30 enemies with the RPG: 7.
30 Kills: SAS 12 (Bronze) - Defeat 30 enemies with the SAS 12.
30 Kills: T-Bolt Sniper (Bronze) - Defeat 30 enemies with the T-Bolt Sniper.
30 Kills: Tau Sniper (Bronze) - Defeat 30 enemies with the Tau Sniper.
100 Headshots (Silver) - Defeat 100 enemies with headshots.
Adept Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 60 treasures.
Apprentice Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 20 treasures.
Bare-knuckle Brawler (Bronze) - Defeat 20 enemies with hand-to-hand combat.
Bare-knuckle Slugger (Bronze) - Defeat 50 enemies with hand-to-hand combat.
Blindfire Marksman (Bronze) - Defeat 20 enemies by blind-firing while in cover (without aiming with [L1]/[R1]).
Brute Beater (Bronze) - Successfully counter all of a Brute's damage-giving attacks.
Buddy System (Bronze) - Complete one Cooperative Multiplayer game.
Grenade Hangman (Bronze) - Defeat ten enemies with grenades by aiming while hanging.
Hangman (Bronze) - Defeat 20 enemies with gunfire by aiming while hanging.
He's Gonna Need a Sturgeon (Bronze) - Hit three enemies with fish in the market.
Headshot Expert (Bronze) - Defeat five enemies in a row with headshots.
Land Shark (Bronze) - Defeat 20 enemies while swimming.
Marco Solo (Bronze) - Play in the swimming pool on the Cruise Ship.
Master Fortune Hunter (Silver) - Find all 100 treasures.
Master Ninja (Bronze) - Defeat 50 enemies with stealth attacks.
Platinum (Platinum) - Platinum.
Pro-pain (Bronze) - Defeat ten enemies with propane or acetylene tank explosions.
Quick Study (Bronze) - Inspect almost every display case in the Cartagena Museum.
Relic Finder (Bronze) - Find the Strange Relic.
Reload Master (Silver) - Defeat 50 enemies in a row without auto-reloading.
Ride the Crocodile (Bronze) - Stand on the crocodile in the Secret Library.
Charted! - Crushing (Gold) - Finish the game in Crushing Mode.
Charted! - Easy (Bronze) - Finish the game in Easy Mode.
Charted! - Hard (Silver) - Finish the game in Hard Mode.
Charted! - Normal (Silver) - Finish the game in Normal Mode.
Combat Leapfrog (Silver) - Defeat ten enemies in a row, alternating hand-to-hand combat and gunplay.
Drop the Bomb Hotshot (Bronze) - Make five enemies drop their grenade by shooting them.
Dyno-Might Master (Silver) - Defeat four enemies with one explosion.
Expert Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 80 treasures.
Expert Ninja (Silver) - Defeat five enemies in a row using stealth attacks.
First Treasure (Bronze) - Find one treasure.
Riot Rocker (Bronze) - Defeat five Riot Shield enemies by running over their shield.
Rolling Ammo Master (Silver) - 20 times in a row, pick up ammo while rolling.
Run-and-Gunner (Bronze) - Defeat 20 enemies by shooting from the hip (without aiming with [L1]/[R1]).
Side Arm Master (Bronze) - Defeat 30 enemies in a row with your side arm.
Skilled Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 40 treasures.
Survivor (Silver) - Defeat 75 enemies in a row without dying.
Thrillseeker (Bronze) - Complete one Competitive Multiplayer game.
Throwback (Bronze) - Kill 10 enemies with thrown-back grenades.
Throwback Master (Bronze) - Throw back a grenade and defeat two enemies at once.
Truck Brawler (Bronze) - Defeat ten enemies using hand-to-hand combat on the back of the convoy trucks.
Unlock Trophies: Drake's Fortune
10 Headshots (Bronze) - Kill 10 enemies with headshots.
20 Kills: Desert: 5 (Bronze) - Kill 20 enemies with the Desert: 5.
20 Kills: Mk-NDI (Bronze) - Kill 20 enemies with Mk-NDI grenades.
20 Kills: Wes 44 (Bronze) - Kill 20 enemies with the Wes 44.
30 Headshots (Bronze) - Kill 30 enemies with headshots.
30 Kills: Dragon Sniper (Bronze) - Kill 30 enemies with the Dragon Sniper.
30 Kills: M79 (Bronze) - Kill 30 enemies with the M79.
30 Kills: MP40 (Bronze) - Kill 30 enemies with the MP40.
50 Kills: 92FS 9mm (Bronze) - Kill 50 enemies with the 92FS 9mm.
50 Kills: AK-47 (Bronze) - Kill 50 enemies with the AK-47.
50 Kills: M4 (Bronze) - Kill 50 enemies with the M4.
50 Kills: Micro 9mm (Bronze) - Kill 50 enemies with the Micro 9mm.
50 Kills: Moss 12 (Bronze) - Kill 50 enemies with the Moss 12.
50 Kills: PM - 9mm (Bronze) - Kill 50 enemies with the PM - 9m.
50 Kills: SAS 12 (Bronze) - Kill 50 enemies with the SAS 12.
100 Headshots (Silver) - Kill 100 enemies with headshots.
Advanced Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 35 treasures.
Beginner Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 5 treasures.
Brutal Brawler (Bronze) - Kill five enemies with a brutal combo.
Brutal Expert (Silver) - Kill five enemies in a row with a brutal combo.
Brutal Slugger (Silver) - Kill 20 enemies with a brutal combo.
Charted! - Crushing (Gold) - Finish the game in Crushing Mode.
Charted! - Easy (Silver) - Finish the game in Easy Mode.
Charted! - Hard (Gold) - Finish the game in Hard Mode.
Charted! - Normal (Gold) - Finish the game in Normal Mode.
Crack Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 55 treasures.
Dyno-Might! (Bronze) - Kill 3 enemies with a single explosion.
Enthusiast Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 15 treasures.
Expert Dyno-Might (Bronze) - Kill 3 enemies with a single explosion 5 times.
Expert Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 50 treasures.
First Treasure (Bronze) - Find 1 treasure.
Grenade Hangman (Bronze) - Kill 10 enemies with grenades by aiming while hanging from a ledge.
Hangman (Bronze) - Kill 10 enemies by aiming while hanging from a ledge.
Headshot Expert (Bronze) - Kill five enemies in a row with headshots.
Intermediate Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 20 treasures.
Master Fortune Hunter (Silver) - Find 60 treasures.
Novice Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 10 treasures.
Platinum Trophy (Platinum) - Collect all other 47 Trophies for this Trophy.
Professional Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 40 treasures.
Proficient Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 30 treasures.
Relic Finder (Bronze) - Find the strange relic.
Run-and-Gunner (Bronze) - Kill 20 enemies using firearms without aiming with L1.
Senior Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 45 treasures.
Skilled Fortune Hunter (Bronze) - Find 25 treasures.
Stealth Attacker (Silver) - Kill 20 enemies melee-attacking from behind.
Steel Fist (Bronze) - Kill five enemies with a single punch, after softening them up with gunfire.
Steel Fist Expert (Silver) - Kill 5 enemies in a row with a single punch after weakening them with gunfire.
Survivor (Silver) - Kill 50 enemies in a row without dying.
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