ToeJam & Earl Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Pause the game, then press the following button combinations:

1. [Up] + [A] + [B] + [C]
2. [Right] + [A]
3. [Down] + [B]
4. [Left] + [C]

You will hear a sound if you entered the code correctly. Unpause the game, and you will have all but one of the ship pieces collected. The last piece will always be located on the next level.
Unlock Trophies
Even Adults Like Presents (Bronze) - [TJ&E] Snag some goodies from Santa.
Fallen Angel (Bronze) - [TJ&E] Defeat a Cupid.
This Earth Food Isn't Half Bad! (Bronze) - [TJ&E] Eat all of Earth's delicacies.
Up, Up, And Away (Bronze) - [TJ&E] Fly using the Icarus Wings.
We're Unstoppable (Bronze) - [TJ&E] Fly across water using the Rocket Skates.
Wh-wh-what Time Is It!? (Bronze) - [TJ&E] Wake up from a nap.
It's All About The Kicks (Bronze) - [TJ&E] Dash with the Super Hitops.
Lovin' This Earth Lifestyle (Bronze) - [TJ&E] Jump in the bath on Floor 0.
Smell Ya Later, Earth! (Silver) - [TJ&E] Clear the Fixed World.
The Long Road To Funkiness (Silver) - [TJ&E] Obtain a rank of FUNK LORD.
The Mailbox Ate My Mail (Bronze) - [TJ&E] Defeat a Demon Mailbox.
Word Up! Back To Outer Space! (Gold) - [TJ&E] Clear a Random World.

Free Presents
Sneak up on Santa Claus before he takes off and he'll give you a few presents.

Unlock Level 0
On Level 1, on the bottom left side, there is a small hole that leads to level 0, which has hula dancers in a tub and a lemomade man who gives you another life.

Present Island
At the top right of the map on level 1, there is a hidden island with a load of preasents for the taking. You will need rocket skates, an inner-tube or icarus wings to get there.
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