Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People Episode 1: Homestar Ruiner Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Unlock Trophies
'Started' Act 1 (Bronze) - User draws the track on the map.
F.C.U.T.R.E.R. Best Time (Bronze) - Obtained a really good time on the Free Country USA Triannual Race to the End of the Race.
Prank Call King (Bronze) - Called everyone in Strongbadia.
Card Collector (Bronze) - Collected all Teen Girl Squad cards.
Completed Game (Gold) - Completed the game itself.
Cover to Cover (Bronze) - Collect all pages of the Snake Boxer 5 manual.
Sharp Dressed Man (Bronze) - Obtained all costumes.
The Biggest Loser (Bronze) - Help Strong Bad lose the race for Homestar.
The Perfect Teen Girl Squad (Bronze) - Earn 5,000 points or more in Teen Girl Squad.
Snake Whisperer (Bronze) - Unlocked Snake Boxer 5's Cobra mode.
Snakes Cower Before Me! (Silver) - Faced and defeated 15 levels of snakes in Snake Boxer 5.
Start Act 3 (Bronze) - Homestar moves out of the house of Strong.
These Trophies Aren't Obscure Any More! (Bronze) - Earned all obscure trophies.
Trogdor Polo Chucker (Silver) - There is no higher rank to describe your awesomeness!
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