Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Ultimate Sith Edition Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Downloadable Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Ultimate Sith Edition Cheats
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Jan. 19, 2010
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
During game play press [Start] to bring up the pause menu and select "INPUT CODE". At this point enter the following codes to unlock costumes and force upgrades.

OSSUS - All databank entries unlocked.
EXARKUN - All force push ranks unlocked.
ADEGAN - All saber throw ranks unlocked.
JOCASTA - All Talents Unlocked.
MASSASSI - New Combo.
SAZEN - New Combo.
RAGNOS - Combo Unlock.
FREEDON - New Combo.
LUMIYA - New Combo.
MARAJADE - Unlock a New Combo.
KATARN - Unlock Maxamum Force Powers.
DATHOMIR - Unlock maximum Force Repulse ranks.
YADDLE - Unlock new combo.
VENTRESS - Unlock the Aerial Ambush combo.
EETHKOTH - Unlock the Aerial Assault combo.
PLOKOON - Unlock the Saber Slam combo.
KITFISTO - Unlock the Saber Sling combo.
DARAGON - Unlock the Sith Slash combo.
Unlock Trophies
"I'm Not Your Father, But..." (Gold) - Take Luke to school.
"No More Lies, Old Man" (Gold) - Defeat Obi-Wan, before and after he becomes more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
100% Complete (Platinum) - Unlock all trophies.
And The Quarterback Is Toast (Silver) - Defeat Boba Fett.
Apprentice (Bronze) - Complete Game - Apprentice difficulty. Do not change the difficulty after the game has started.
As The World Turns (Bronze) - Use the large globe to kill 10 enemies in the museum.
Bossk (Bronze) - Defeat 200 Wookiees on Kashyyyk Prologue.
Bully (Bronze) - Defeat 25 Ugnaughts or Jawas.
Cannon Fodder (Bronze) - Defeat 150 Stormtroopers.
Corellian Star (Bronze) - Complete all bonus objectives on one level.
Destroyer (Bronze) - Complete Level - Raxus Prime, act 2.
Empirical (Bronze) - Complete Level - Empirical, act 2.
Expert (Silver) - Earn 500,000 Force Points on a single level.
Force Repulse Mastery (Silver) - Defeat 500 enemies with Repulse.
Frenzy (Bronze) - Get a Frenzy x4 bonus.
Force Grip Mastery (Silver) - Defeat 500 enemies with Force Grip.
Force Lightning Mastery (Silver) - Defeat 500 enemies with Force Lightning.
Force Push Mastery (Silver) - Defeat 500 enemies with Force Push.
Get A Grip (Bronze) - Defeat the trials without the sphere turning red.
Grappled (Bronze) - Defeat 100 enemies with a grapple move.
Gripped (Bronze) - Defeat 100 enemies with Force Grip.
Insurrection (Bronze) - Complete Level - TIE Factory, act 1.
Invasion (Bronze) - Complete Level - Prologue.
Jawa Juicer (Bronze) - Crush 5 Jawas by using the grinder in the Garbage Processing Room.
Jedi Hunt (Bronze) - Complete Level - Felucia. act 1.
Jedi Knight (Silver) - Complete Jedi Temple - Sith Lord difficulty.
Jedi Master (Gold) - Complete Jedi Temple - Sith Master difficulty.
Holocron Collector (Silver) - Collect all Jedi holocrons in the game.
Hot Bot (Bronze) - Use the hot irons three times on the Gonk Power Droid.
Impaled (Bronze) - Defeat 100 enemies with Saber Throw.
Infestation (Bronze) - Complete Level - Felucia, act 2.
Junkyard (Bronze) - Complete Level - Raxus Prime, act 1.
Launched (Bronze) - Defeat 100 enemies with Aerial Ambush juggle combos.
Legend (Gold) - Earn 600,000 Force Points on a single level.
Lightning Shield Mastery (Silver) - Defeat 500 enemies with Lightning Shield.
Lightsaber Throw Mastery (Silver) - Defeat 500 enemies with Saber Throw.
Official PETW Member (Silver) - Make it through the Ice Caves without killing a single Wampa.
Padawan (Bronze) - Complete Jedi Temple - Sith Warrior difficulty.
PETW Hates You (Silver) - Kill 10 Wampas in the Ice Caves.
PROXY Won't Be Happy (Bronze) - Destroy 35 droids.
Pull the Plug (Bronze) - Remove the Power Battery without destroying any of the sentry turrets.
Pushed (Bronze) - Defeat 100 enemies with Force Push.
Rebel Leader (Bronze) - Defeat 500 Imperials.
Redemption (Bronze) - Complete Game - Light Side.
Repulsed (Bronze) - Defeat 100 enemies with Force Repulse.
Revenge (Bronze) - Complete Game - Dark Side.
Robot Parts (Bronze) - Defeat the training room in less than 2 min.
Shocked (Bronze) - Defeat 100 enemies with Force Lightning.
Sith Frenzy (Bronze) - Get a Frenzy x8 bonus.
Sith Lord (Silver) - Complete Game - Sith Lord difficulty. Do not change the difficulty after the game has started.
Sith Lord Frenzy (Bronze) - Get a Frenzy x12 bonus.
Sith Master (Gold) - Complete Game - Sith Master difficulty. Do not change the difficulty after the game has started.
Sith Training (Bronze) - Complete all Training Room lessons.
Sith Trials (Silver) - Complete all Training Room challenges and Combat Modules.
Sith Warrior (Silver) - Complete Game - Sith Warrior difficulty. Do not change the difficulty after the game has started.
Skilled (Bronze) - Earn 250,000 Force Points on a single level.
Skyhook (Bronze) - Complete Level - Kashyyyk, act 2.
Skywalker Style (Silver) - Meet Jabba and defeat his pet using the pit gate.
Stormed (Bronze) - Defeat 100 enemies with Lightning Shield.
The Bigger They Are (Bronze) - Defeat 6 Rancors.
The Cable Guy (Bronze) - Use the electrical cables throughout Echo Base to shock fifteen enemies.
The Harder They Fall (Bronze) - Defeat 10 AT-STs or AT-KTs.
Vapor Room (Bronze) - Complete Level - Cloud City, act 2.
Worst Day-Shift Manager Ever (Bronze) - Kill 12 Stormtroopers as Vader during the Prologue.
Youngling (Bronze) - Complete Jedi Temple - Apprentice difficulty.
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