Shaun White Snowboarding Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Downloadable Shaun White Snowboarding Cheats
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Jan. 19, 2009
Nov. 22, 2008
Unlock Trophies
Airmail (Bronze) - You knocked somebody out of the air with a snowball! You jerk!
All Aska (Bronze) - All Alaska challenges completed.
Baron Von C (Bronze) - You've done so much shredding at Park City that everyone adores you. Good job.
Frequent Flyer (Gold) - All the challenges on each mountain have been completed.
Generation 2.0 (Bronze) - Thanks for putting a video online. I bet it will totally be the best one on the internet.
Gravity Allergy (Bronze) - That was a lot of hangtime. You must have legs made out of iron.
Grouchbedoit (Bronze) - Everyone in Europe thinks you are pretty awesome now. Way to go!
High Stakes (Bronze) - You sent those other chumps to the poorhouse, and now you're the richest person I know.
Ice Worm (Silver) - Played all challenges online in Alaska.
It's Only a Game (Bronze) - Wow. You should be dead right now, nice bail.
Itto-Ryu (Bronze) - All Japan challenges have been completed.
Like a Top (Bronze) - You do longer butter spins than I've ever seen!
Living on the Edge (Bronze) - Riding a cliff edge for so long was intense. Maybe not very smart, but very cool.
Magnet (Bronze) - You've done so many spins on a single rail, it made me sick just watching.
Mardi Gras (Silver) - Played all challenges online in Park City.
Mathemagician (Bronze) - You had the multiplier maxed out for so long I forgot that it changes!
Mecha Shredzilla (Silver) - You have gained a ridiculous amount of respect while playing online!
Ministry Retreat (Bronze) - Remove 20 Ministry posters & logos
Big Run (Bronze) - That was a totally impressive run.
Bizzy Bear (Bronze) - All the animals in Alaska now respect your snow shredding prowess.
Bonii (Bronze) - Nice! You nailed a bunch of style bonuses in a single jump.
CAPiTA? (Silver) - Win the CAPiTA? SlopeStyle
Connoisseur (Bronze) - You've ridden a chairlift from bottom to top.
Demon Sings (Bronze) - You rock! Start headbanging..... now! \m/ \m/
Dizzy (Bronze) - You make a strange looking helicopter when you spin that much.
Dr. Air (Bronze) - You've done an incredibly sick air trick!
Dr. Butter (Bronze) - That was one gnarly ground trick!
Dr. Jib (Bronze) - That was jibbing at it's finest. What a impressive score!
Dropping the Science (Bronze) - That was an awesome sequence of big tricks!
Free Your Mind (Bronze) - Use shaping to mold the world
Musashi (Bronze) - Earn a tonne of respect in Japan.
New Kid on the Block (Bronze) - You've won an event online! Let's hope this victory is the first of many.
Octoberfest (Silver) - Played all challenges online in Europe.
OMG! (Silver) - You've earned a ridiculous amount of respect!
Platinum Trophy (Platinum) - Shaun White Snowboarding Platinum Trophy
Scenester (Bronze) - You've mastered each Style Bonus!
Skate Shop Moxie (Bronze) - Impress Bob & free his skate
Slammy McSlammerton (Bronze) - You've won the Triple Slam!
Supa Bounce (Bronze) - You've earned the Big Air focus power.
Supa Flash (Bronze) - You've earned the Speed Boost focus power.
Supa Powa (Bronze) - You've earned the Power Shove focus power.
Tanaba (Silver) - Played all challenges online in Japan.
Terrani (Bronze) - All Europe quests completed.
The Gambler (Bronze) - That wasn't much of a gamble. You beat those other riders easy!
Touchy Feely (Bronze) - That was so many grabs in a single jump! Are your hands burning?
Town Bicycle (Gold) - You've played every challenge multiplayer. Way to go!
Trans Flat (Bronze) - That was one loooooooonnnnnggggg butter!
Ultimate Ultimate (Silver) - You have completed every Ultimate Competition.
Valedictorian (Bronze) - All Park City challenges have been completed.
Whitewall (Bronze) - You've earned a cascade of points from a single avalanche.
Y.T.M.N.D. (Gold) - Incredible! You've beaten Shaun White!
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