Sengoku Musou 2 Empires HD Version Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Unlock Trophies
A Plethora of Treasures (Bronze) - Collect 10 unique weapons.
Adamant Tactician (Silver) - Unlock every policy available.
Adept Strategist (Bronze) - Use the formation command 100 times.
An Endless Variety (secret) (Bronze) - Create new officers using every model available.
Apprentice Strategist (Bronze) - Change formation in battle for the first time.
Building the Foundations of Peace (Bronze) - Finish Empire Mode in less than 100 turns.
Champion of Kanto (Bronze) - Clear the scenario "Unification of Kanto".
Competent Tactician (Bronze) - Use the policy command 100 times.
Eminent Tactician (Silver) - Unlock every tactic available.
Fierce Chaos (Bronze) - Play up to more than 30 hours.
Full Mastery (Bronze) - Have one officer master every known skill.
Get the Rope (Bronze) - Capture an enemy officer for the first time.
Group of Vassals (Bronze) - Recruit more than 50 officers.
Heartless (secret) (Bronze) - Execute more than 10 enemy officers.
Labor Worth a Thousand (Bronze) - Defeat 1,000 enemies in battle.
Land Under Heaven (Platinum) - Obtain all other trophies.
Legendary Hero (Bronze) - Maximize a character's class level.
Mark of Trust (Bronze) - Use the delegate command 100 times.
Massive Roundup (secret) (Silver) - Capture more than 100 enemy officers.
Mightiest in Chugoku (Bronze) - Clear the scenario "Unification of Chugoku".
Mountain of Vassals (Silver) - Recruit more than 100 officers.
New Player (Bronze) - Create an officer for the first time.
Observer of Sekigahara (Bronze) - Clear the special state "Battle of Sekigahara".
Officer Retsuden (Bronze) - Create 10 officers.
Pacifier of Chubu (Bronze) - Clear the scenario "Unification of Chubu".
Peacemaker of Kyushu (Bronze) - Clear the scenario "Unification of Kyushu".
Rare Strategist (Silver) - Unlock every formation available.
Regional Unifier (Bronze) - Unify a region for the first time.
Reliable Vassals (Bronze) - Use the consult command 100 times.
Returnee of Anegawa (Bronze) - Clear the special state "Battle of Anegawa".
Sage of Kansai (Bronze) - Clear the scenario "Unification of Kansai".
Samurai Event Collector (Gold) - Unlock every event scene available.
Samurai Movie Library (Silver) - Unlock every movie scene available.
Samurai Picture Scroll Gallery (Silver) - Unlock every artwork available.
Samurai Transcendent (Bronze) - Clear the scenario "Divided Land".
Something Warlike and Harmonious (Silver) - Maximize cultural level of player's forces.
Spectacular Victory (Bronze) - Break through enemy territory and defeat opposing generals 15 times.
Spending Spree (Silver) - Spend more than 100,000 gold at a shop.
Stepping Stone to Victory (Bronze) - Lose a base in battle for the first time.
Supreme Weapon (Bronze) - Obtain a unique weapon for the first time.
Survivor of Honnoji (Bronze) - Clear the special state "Incident at Honnoji".
Tactician's First Step (Bronze) - Use a tactic in battle for the first time.
Talented Tactician (Bronze) - Use the tactics command 100 times.
Trove of Vassals (Gold) - Recruit more than 150 officers.
Turbulent Chaos (Bronze) - Play up to more than 10 hours.
Unending Chaos (Bronze) - Play up to more than 50 hours.
Victor of Kawanakajima (Bronze) - Clear the special state "Battle of Kawanakajima".
War Master (Bronze) - Achieve an "S" Rank for the first time.
Winner of Tohoku (Bronze) - Clear the scenario "Unification of Tohoku".
With Lightning Speed (Bronze) - Clear a battle in under 3 minutes.
Without Any Hesitation (secret) (Silver) - Execute more than 100 enemy officers.
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