Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Codes
Press the following buttons at the indicated screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry:

Daredevil - [Left], [Left], [Right], [Right], [Up], [Down], [Up], [Down], [Start] (at a S.H.I.E.L.D. Access point; where you select your team).
Silver Surfer - [Down], [Left], [Left], [Up], [Right], [Up], [Down], [Left], [Start] (at a S.H.I.E.L.D. Access point; where you select your team).
All characters - [Up], [Up], [Down], [Down], [Left], [Left], [Start] at a S.H.I.E.L.D. (save zone menu or the main menu.)
All powers - [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [Up], [Down], [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Start] (at a S.H.I.E.L.D. save zone menu or the main menu.)
All costumes - [Up], [Down], [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [Up], [Down], [Start] (at a S.H.I.E.L.D. save zone menu or the main menu.)
The Courses - [Up], [Right], [Left], [Down], [Up], [Right], [Left], [Down], [Start] (at the simulator terminal screen where you choose a Comic Book mission.)
All comic book covers - [Left], [Right], [Right], [Left], [Up], [Up], [Right], [Start] (at the Review menu.)
All concept art - [Down], [Down], [Down], [Right], [Right], [Left], [Down], [Start] (at the Review menu.)
All cinematics - [Up], [Left], [Left], [Up], [Right], [Right], [Up], [Start] (at the Review menu.)
All wallpapers - [Up], [Down], [Right], [Left], [Up], [Up], [Down] (at the Review menu.)
Filler - [Left], [Right], [Right], [Left], [Up], [Down], [Down], [Up] (during game play.)
God Mode - [Up], [Down], [Up], [Down], [Up], [Left], [Down], [Right], [Start] (during game play.)
Touch of Death - [Left], [Right], [Down], [Down], [Right], [Left], [Start] (during game play.)
Super Speed - [Up], [Left], [Up], [Right], [Down], [Right] (during game play.)
100,000 Gold Coins - [Up], [Up], [Up], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Start] (at the team menu or hero management screen.)
Level 30 team - [Up], [Left], [Up], [Left], [Down], [Right], [Down], [Right], [Start] (at the team menu.)
Unlock Heros and Modes
There are a total of 7 playable characters which can be unlocked after performing certain ingame criteria:

Black Panther - Collect Black Panther Action Figures throughout various acts
Blade - Play Crane Game in Murder World
Daredevil - Collect Daredevil Action Figures throughout various acts
Dr. Strange - Rescue him from Mandrin in Act 1
Ghostrider - Rescue him from Mephisto in Act 2
Hard Mode - Complete the game on normal mode
Nick Fury - Complete the game on easy or normal mode
Silver Surfer - Complete all Comic Book Missions

Team Bonuses
Certain character combinations unlock special boosts:

Agents of SHIELD - Captain America, Nick Fury, Spider-Woman, Wolverine
Agile Warriors (10% Reduced Energy Cost) - Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Elektra, Deadpool
Air Force - Human Torch, Ms. Marvel, Storm, Thor
Alternate Identities - Ironman - War Machine, Ghost Rider - Western, Spider-Woman - Secret Wars, Ms. Marvel - Ventura, Thor - Beta Ray Bill
Assassins - Blade, Deadpool, Elektra, Wolverine
Avengers (+5% damage) - Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Spider-Woman, Ms. Marvel
Bad to the Bone - Blade, Ghost Rider, Luke Cage, Wolverine
Bruisers (+15 Striking) - Thing, Captain America, Luke Cage, Ms. Marvel
Classic Avengers - Black Panther, Captain America, Iron Man, Thor
Dark Past - Blade, Elektra, Ghost Rider, Spider-Woman
Defenders - Dr. Strange, Iceman, Luke Cage, Silver Surfer
Double Date - Black Panther, Invisible Woman, Mr. Fantastic, Storm
Fantastic Four (20 Health per KO) - Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Women, Human Torch, Thing
Femme Fatale (+5% Damage) - Ms. Marvel, Storm, Invisible Woman, Elektra, Spider-Woman
Flashback - Iceman in Snowy Form, Captain America in WW2, Daredevil in Original, Ghost Rider in Original, Iron Man in Classic, Orig. Ms. Marvel, Classic Wolverine
Martial Artists - Black Panther, Captain America, Daredevil, Moon Knight, Nick Fury
Marvel Knights - Black Panther, Daredevil, Dr. Strange, Luke Cage, Spider-Man, Moon Knight
Marvel Royalty - Black Panther, Dr. Strange, Thor, Storm
Natural Forces (5% Dmg inflicted as Health Gain) - Thor, Strom, Human Torch, Ice Man
Natural Leaders - Captain America, Dr. Strange, Mr. Fantastic, Nick Fury, Storm
New Avengers (+5% All Resistances) - Captain America, Luke Cage, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman
New Fantastic Four - Ghost Rider, Luke Cage, Spider-Man, Wolverine
Power Platoon (20 Energy per KO) - Silver Surfer, Iron Man, Ms. Marvel, Thor
Scorchers - Ghost Rider, Human Torch, Storm, Thor
Supernaturals - Blade, Dr. Strange, Ghost Rider, Thor
Weapons Specialists - Blade, Captain America, Deadpool, Elektra, Nick Fury
X-Men - Colossus, Iceman, Storm, Wolverine
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