Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Unlock Trophies
Brave One (Gold) - Raise Friendship level and Tepeu's level to max.
Battle Master (Silver) - Defeat 5 or more enemies at once using a finish or combination attack.
Chatterbox (Bronze) - Talk to the Majin 100 times.
Combination Master (Bronze) - Defeat 300 enemies with combination attacks.
Cosplay Master (Silver) - Get all costumes.
Cosplay Maniac (Bronze) - Get 3 full costume sets.
Dark Hunter (Bronze) - Defeat over 100 enemies.
Escape from the Dark Castle (Bronze) - Escape from the Dark Castle.
Immortal Man (Bronze) - Have the Majin revive you 3 times.
Majin Knight (Silver) - Help the Majin out when he's in trouble 30 times.
Majin Rescued (Bronze) - Save the Majin.
Majin Bodyguard (Bronze) - Help the Majin out when he's in trouble 10 times.
Majin Healer (Bronze) - Feed the Majin over 10 Blue Fruit.
Master of the Majin (Bronze) - Give the Majin more than 500 orders.
Finish Master (Bronze) - Defeat more then 50 enemies with finish attacks.
Headlong Rush (Bronze) - Attack shielded enemies 100 times.
One Enthralled by Darkness (Bronze) - Become 'haunted by darkness' 10 times.
One of a Kind (Silver) - Defeat over 500 enemies.
Platinum! (Platinum) - You've acquired all the Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom trophies!.
Sneak Master (Bronze) - Defeat 50 enemies with sneak attacks.
Trap Master (Bronze) - Defeat over 30 enemies with traps.
Treasure Hunter (Silver) - Open all treasure chests.
Ultimate Health (Silver) - The Majin's 'health' ability rises to maximum.
Ultimate Strength (Silver) - The Majin's 'strength' ability rises to maximum.
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