Kidou Senshi Gundam: Extreme VS Cheats - PlayStation 3

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 3

Unlock Trophies
08th MS Team (Bronze) - Obtain the 08th MS Team Emblem by clearing the Commander-level mission "Battle on the Burning Sands."
Ace Pilot (Silver) - Clear every Trial Mission.
Casval Rem Deikun (Bronze) - Obtain the Casval Rem Deikun Emblem by clearing the Commander-level mission "Red Comet."
Celestial Being (Bronze) - Obtain the Celestial Being Emblem by clearing the Newtype-level mission "I Am Gundam!"
Char Aznable (Bronze) - Obtain the Char Aznable Emblem by clearing the Newtype-level Trial Mission "Assault the Gundam Team."
Club Ace (Bronze) - Obtain the Club Ace Emblem by clearing the Soldier-level mission "Devil Gundam Corps."
Combat Specialist (Silver) - Participate in 100 online battles.
Crossbone Vanguard (Bronze) - Obtain the Crossbone Vanguard Emblem by clearing the Newtype-level mission "Between Mankind and Its Successors."
Cyclops Team (Bronze) - Obtain the Cyclops Team Emblem by clearing the Commander-level mission "Zakus and Balloons and Bombs and..."
AEUG (Bronze) - Obtain the AEUG Emblem by clearing the Newtype-level Trial Mission "MK.II Alliance."
Albion Team (Bronze) - Obtain the Albion Team Emblem by clearing the Commander-level mission "Through Shining Blue Fire."
Amuro Ray (Bronze) - Obtain the Amuro Ray Emblem by clearing the Commander-level Trial Mission "Winds of the Newtype 3."
Anaheim Electronics (Bronze) - Obtain the Anaheim Electronics Emblem by clearing the Commander-level Trial Mission "Vibration."
Awakening as a New Species (Gold) - Play the game for more than 100 total hours.
Black History (Platinum) - Obtain all other trophies.
Boy Hero (Silver) - View all EX scenes in Arcade mode.
Londo Bell (Bronze) - Obtain the Red Londo Bell Emblem by clearing the Newtype-level mission "Running Through Space's Counterattack."
Londo Bell (Bronze) - Obtain the Blue Londo Bell Emblem by clearing the Soldier-level mission "Londo Bell Task Force."
Luziana Militia (Bronze) - Obtain the Luziana Militia Emblem by clearing the Commander-level mission "Gathering the Flowers."
Mariemaia (Bronze) - Obtain the Mariemaia Army Emblem by clearing the Newtype-level mission "Never-Ending Battle."
Meister's Scout (Silver) - Obtain a medal in every arcade mission.
Neo Zeon (Axis) (Bronze) - Obtain the Neo Zeon (Axis) Emblem by clearing the Commander-level mission "Soldiers, Again..."
Neo Zeon (Bronze) - Obtain the Neo Zeon Emblem by clearing the Newtype-level Trial Mission "Capture 5th Luna."
New UNE (Bronze) - Obtain the New UNE Emblem by clearing the Newtype-level mission "8th Space War."
Newtype Ability (Gold) - Win 100 total online matches.
Nightmare of Solomon, Again (Silver) - Win 10 consecutive online
Possessor of SEED (Silver) - Obtain every emblem.
Earth Alliance (Bronze) - Obtain the Earth Alliance Emblem by clearing the Commander-level mission "Destructive Trio."
Earth Federation Forces (Bronze) - Obtain the EFF Emblem by clearing the Trial Mission "Enforcement Breakthrough Operation."
Earth Sphere Federation (Bronze) - Obtain the Earth Sphere Federation Emblem by clearing the Commander-level mission "GN-X Formation!"
FAITH (Bronze) - Obtain the FAITH Emblem by clearing the Newtype-level mission "To a New World."
Heim Family (Bronze) - Obtain the Heim Family Emblem by clearing the Newtype-level mission "Impact of the Dark History."
Jack in Dia (Bronze) - Obtain the Jack in Dia Emblem by clearing the Newtype-level mission "Clash! Gundam Fighters."
King of Hearts (Bronze) - Obtain the King of Hearts Emblem by clearing the Newtype-level mission "Deathmatch! Master Gundam."
Kou Uraki (Bronze) - Obtain the Kou Uraki Emblem by clearing the Newtype-level mission "Nightmare of Solomon."
Legend of the White Devil (Gold) - Upgrade every mobile suit in Trial Mission mode.
Power of an Enhanced Human (Silver) - Clear any route in Arcade without being shot down.
Preventer (Bronze) - Obtain the Preventer Emblem by clearing the Commander-level mission "Surrounded G."
Principality of Zeon Forces (Bronze) - Obtain the Principality of Zeon Emblem by clearing the General-level Trial "The Horse and the White Devil."
School of the Undefeated of the East (Silver) - Clear any Newtype-rank Trial.
Serpent Tail (Bronze) - Obtain the Serpent Tail Emblem by clearing the Commander-level mission "Blue Strike."
Space Revolutionary Army (Bronze) - Obtain the Space Revolutionary Army Emblem by clearing the Commander-level mission "Daughter of the Moon."
Union (Bronze) - Obtain the Union Emblem by clearing the Commander-level mission "Your Pupils Nailed Down."
Usso Ewin (Bronze) - Obtain the Usso Ewin Emblem by clearing the Newtype-level mission "Butterfly Wings."
Vist Foundation (Bronze) - Obtain the Vist Foundation Emblem by clearing the Newtype-level mission "Vs. Gundam! 1."
White Doll (Bronze) - Obtain the White Doll Emblem by clearing the Commander-level mission "Gingham Raid."
Z.A.F.T. (Bronze) - Obtain the ZAFT Emblem by clearing the Commander-level mission "ZAFT Targeted."
Zanscare Empire (Bronze) - Obtain the Zanscare Empire Emblem by clearing the Commander-level mission "Threat of the Motorcycle Battleship."
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