Katamari Forever Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Downloadable Katamari Forever Cheats
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Oct. 22, 2009
Unlock Trophies
Back Then (Gold) - You've cleared all the stages with "Back Then Katamari Damacy".
Big Katamari (Bronze) - Create a Katamari which is over 500m.
Big, Big Katamari (Bronze) - Create a Katamari which is over 10,000km.
Big, Big, Big Katamari (Silver) - Create a Katamari which is over 2,000,000km.
Collector (Gold) - You've collected all of the Presents.
Congratulations (Gold) - You've cleared all the stages with "New Katamari Damacy".
Cousin Mania (Gold) - You've collected all of the Cousins.
Creator (Silver) - Make over 200 Katamaris.
D-d-d-d-d-dash (Bronze) - Complete a stage using "Oji Dash" only 6 times.
Destroyer (Silver) - Throw at least 50 Katamaris away.
Falcon (Gold) - You've cleared all stages with "Katamari Drive".
Fashionable (Bronze) - Collect over 30 varities of Presents.
Film Fan (Bronze) - Watched over 5 films in Film Mode, without skipping.
First Katamari (Bronze) - You have completed the first stage.
First Star Of Rubbish (Bronze) - You have thrown away your first Katamari Star.
Forever a Traveller (Silver) - Beat all of Eternal.
Good Friends (Bronze) - Play over 30 stages in Coop or Battle mode.
H-h-h-h-h-h-hopping (Bronze) - Complete a stage using "Oji Hop" only 7 times.
Katamari (Platinum) - Collect all of the trophies
Left the Atmosphere (Silver) - Obtain over 50,000 points during the Ending Minigame.
Lonely (Bronze) - Complete 50 stages in a row in any mode apart from Coop or Battle.
Love Ranking (Bronze) - Check the Net Ranking over 5 times.
Love Rolling (Bronze) - During one stage, Roll over more than 7650 "things".
Master Of Ruining (Bronze) - During one stage, clear the stage while breaking your Katamari over 50 times.
Mini Gamer (Bronze) - Play all of the Mini Games.
Oshioki Master (Silver) - Obtain over 50,000 points in the Oshioki Minigame.
Oshioki Regular Customer (Bronze) - Recieve Oshioki more than 50 times.
Photographer (Bronze) - In the Photograph Hall, Check a photo you have taken.
Superb Collector (Bronze) - Obtain over 80% of the Superb Collection.
Superb Listener (Bronze) - Play over 5 songs in the Sound Mode.
T-t-t-t-turn (Bronze) - Complete a stage using "Oji Turn" only 5 times.
Thinking Of Cousins (Bronze) - Collect over 30 of the Cousins.
Walking Dictionary (Gold) - You've got 100% in the Superb Collection.

Katamari Drive
Play the missions in a high speed katamari with shorter time limits.

Unlock Level Graphics Filter and Music
Complete a level.

Unlock Mini-Games
Beautiful Katamari (Hard) - Complete Katamari Drive Mode.
Beautiful Katamari (Normal) - Complete Katamari Drive Mode.
Katamari Forever Ending Credits - Beat the game.
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