Hitogata Happa Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Unlock Trophies
1 in 64's Not Bad (Bronze) - Use the Sphere 13 doll.
Destructive (Silver) - Destroy every part of every boss in one game.
Genoremasody's End (Bronze) - Finish the game on nobilmente difficulty.
I Can Do It! (Bronze) - Finish the game on Euridice difficulty.
Doll Collector (Bronze) - Have 12 of every standard doll at one time.
Endless Possibilities (Silver) - Finish the game in Solo Voyage mode with every doll.
Even If The World Ends... (Bronze) - Finish the game on Doomsday difficulty.
No, YOUR Time's Up! (Bronze) - Defeat a boss after time has run out.
Not An Unlucky Number (Gold) - Finish the game in Destiny 13 mode.
Loner (Bronze) - Finish the game in Solo Voyage mode.
No Cheap Tricks (Bronze) - Finish the game without using any bombs.
Phantastique Tea Party (Silver) - Defeat the true last boss.
The Rose Cross (Bronze) - Finish the game on Allemande difficulty.

Unlock Multiple Dolls in Solo Voyage Mode
On a mission of your choice (after mission 0!) collide with an enemy or their bullet while your flow meter is not at max so you do not detonate, A menu should come up that will say "PLAYER RELOAD" The second you see it appear on screen, Pause the game, And choose "Quit Game" then pick "Yes" It will return you to the title screen. After arriving at the title screen, Pick "Continue" And you should start off at the stage you were just on, Except you should have your original doll, And one leaf doll. To change dolls Press circle. Whichever doll you have highlighted as your next doll will have all of your gems go to refilling that doll`s remaining quantity.

Unlock Special Dolls
Fool - Complete the game a Forth time in either a difficulty you have not beat it in yet, or in solo voyage mode with a doll you have not beat that with yet.
Fourtuner - Complete the game a Third time in either a difficulty you have not beat it in yet, or in solo voyage mode with a doll you have not beat that with yet.
Lovers - Complete the game a Second time in either a difficulty you have not beat it in yet, or in solo voyage mode with a doll you have not beat that with yet.
Platina - Beat the game on Euridice difficulty or higher, Then this doll will be available for purchase for 1,800.

Unlock Special Modes
Destiny 13 - Awarded when you unlock the special doll Fool, for beating the game 4 different ways (difficulties / solo voyage doll choices).
Solo Voyage Mode - Beat the game on Euridice difficulty or higher.

Fight the True Final Boss (Euradice Difficulty)
Get a total of 112 dolls before entering the last stage and you will face off against the boss Kreutzer. This boss is Normally only available in higher difficulties.
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