Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Downloadable Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Cheats
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Mar. 05, 2010
Dec. 24, 2009
Dec. 11, 2009
Dec. 11, 2009
Nov. 21, 2009
Unlock Trophies
Back in the Saddle (Bronze) - Help train the local militia.
Danger Close (Bronze) - Get hand picked for Shepherd's elite squad.
Cold Shoulder (Bronze) - Infiltrate the snowy mountain side base.
Tag 'em and bag 'em (Bronze) - Find Rojas in the Favelas.
Royale with Cheese (Bronze) - Defend Burger Town.
Soap on a Rope (Bronze) - Storm the gulag.
Desperate Times (Bronze) - Execute the plan to help the Americans.
Whiskey Hotel (Bronze) - Take back Whiskey Hotel.
The Pawn (Bronze) - Assault Makarov's safe house.
Out of the Frying Pan... (Bronze) - Complete the mission in the airplane graveyard.
Pit Boss (Bronze) - Run The Pit in 'S.S.D.D' and finish with a final time under 30 seconds.
Ghost (Bronze) - Plant the C4 in 'Cliffhanger' without alerting or injuring anyone in the blizzard.
Colonel Sanderson (Bronze) - Kill 7 chickens in under 10 seconds in 'The Hornet's Nest'.
Gold Star (Bronze) - Earn 1 star in Special Ops.
Hotel Bravo (Bronze) - Earn 4 stars in Special Ops.
Charlie On Our Six (Bronze) - Earn 8 stars in Special Ops.
It Goes to Eleven (Bronze) - Earn at least 1 star in 11 different Special Op missions.
Operational Asset (Bronze) - Earn all 3 stars in at least 5 different Special Op missions.
Blackjack (Bronze) - Earn 21 stars in Special Ops.
Honor Rol (Bronze) - Earn at least 1 star in each Special Op mission.
Downed but Not Out (Bronze) - Kill 4 enemies in a row while downed in Special Ops.
I'm the Juggernaut... (Bronze) - Kill a Juggernaut in Special Ops.
Ten plus foot-mobiles (Bronze) - Kill at least 10 enemies with one Predator missile in Single Player or Special Ops.
Unnecessary Roughness (Bronze) - Use a riot shield to beat down an enemy in Single Player or Special Ops.
Knock-knock (Bronze) - Kill 4 enemies with 4 shots during a slow-mo breach in Single Player or Special Ops.
Some Like it Hot (Bronze) - Kill 6 enemies in a row using a thermal weapon in Single Player or Special Ops.
Two Birds with One Stone (Bronze) - Kill 2 enemies with a single bullet in Single Player or Special Ops.
The Road Less Traveled (Bronze) - Collect 22 enemy intel items.
Leave No Stone Unturned (Bronze) - Collect 45 enemy intel items.
Drive By (Bronze) - Kill 20 enemies in a row while driving a vehicle in Single Player or Special Ops.
The Harder They Fall (Bronze) - Kill 2 rappelling enemies in a row before they land on their feet in Single Player or Special Ops.
Desperado (Bronze) - Kill 5 enemies in a row using 5 different weapons or attachments in Single Player or Special Ops.
Look Ma Two Hands (Bronze) - Kill 10 enemies in a row using akimbo weapons in Single Player or Special Ops.
No Rest For the Wary (Bronze) - Knife an enemy without him ever knowing you were there in Single Player or Special Ops.
Three-some (Bronze) - Kill at least 3 enemies with a single shot from a grenade launcher in Single Player or Special Ops.
For the Record (Silver) - Complete the Single Player campaign on any difficulty.
First Day of School (Silver) - Complete 'S.S.D.D' and 'Team Player' on Veteran Difficulty.
Black Diamond (Silver) - Complete 'Cliffhanger' on Veteran Difficulty.
Turistas (Silver) - Complete 'Takedown' and 'The Hornet's Nest' on Veteran Difficulty.
Red Dawn (Silver) - Complete 'Wolverines!' and 'Exodus' on Veteran Difficulty.
Prisoner #627 (Silver) - Complete 'The Only Easy Day.. Was Yesterday' and 'The Gulag' on Veteran Difficulty.
Ends Justify the Means (Silver) - Complete 'Contingency' on Veteran Difficulty
Homecoming (Silver) - Complete 'Of Their Own Accord', 'Second Sun', and 'Whiskey Hotel' on Veteran Difficulty.
Queen takes Rook (Silver) - Complete 'Loose Ends' and 'The Enemy of My Enemy' on Veteran Difficulty.
Off the Grid (Silver) - Complete 'Just Like Old Times' and 'Endgame' on Veteran Difficulty.
Operative (Silver) - Earn all 3 stars in at least 10 different Special Op missions.
Specialist (Silver) - Earn 30 stars in Special Ops.
Professional (Silver) - Earn all 3 stars in at least 15 different Special Op missions.
The Price of War (Gold) - Complete the single player campaign on Hardened or Veteran Difficulty.
Star 69 (Gold) - Earn 69 stars in Special Ops.
Platinum Trophy (Platinum) - Earn all other trophies.

Kill Streak Bonuses
Get the indicated number of consecutive kills in Multi-player mode to unlock the corresponding bonus:

UAV - 3 (reveals enemies on mini-map)
Care Package - 4 (ammo or killstreak air drop that can be collected by anyone)
Counter UAV - 4 (disables enemy maps)
Sentry Gun - 5 (airdropped weapon)
Predator - 5 (directed missile)
Precision Airstrike - 6 (select a location to bomb)
Harrier Strike - 7 (select a location to bomb and defend with a Harrier)
Attack Helicopter - 7 (helicopter backup)
Emergency Airdrop - 8 (four ammo or killstreak air drops that can be collected by anyone)
Pave Low - 9 (armored helicopter backup)
Chopper Gunner - 11 (operate a helicopter gun)
AC130 - 11 (operate a plane gun)
EMP - 15 (disables enemy electronics)
Tactical Nuke - 25 (kills everyone)

Professional Perks
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding perk:

Bling Pro - Get 200 kills with a weapon with two attachments. Its effect is two primary weapon attachments and two secondary weapon attachments.
Cold-Blooded Pro - Destroy 40 enemy Killstreak rewards with the Cold-Blooded perk. Its effect is is undetectable by UAV, air support, sentries, and thermal imaging; and no red crosshair or name when you are targeted.
Commando Pro - Get 20 melee kills using the Commando Perk. Its effect is increased melee distance and no falling damage.
Danger Close Pro - Get 100 kills with explosives while using Danger Close perk. Its effect is increased explosive weapon damage and extra air support damage.
Hardline Pro - Get 40 Killstreaks with the Hardline perk. Its effect is that Killstreak rewards require one less kill and Deathstreak rewards require one less death.
Lightweight Pro - Run 30 Miles with the Lightweight perk. Its effect is move faster and quick aim after sprinting.
Marathon Pro - Run 26 Miles with the Marathon perk. Its effect is unlimited sprint and climb obstacles faster.
Ninja Pro - Get 50 close range kills using the Ninja Perk. Its effect is invisible to heartbeat sensors and silent footsteps.
Scavenger Pro - Resupply 100 times with the Scavenger perk. Its effect is resupply from dead enemies and extra magazines.
Scrambler Pro - Get 50 close range kills using the Scrambler perk. Its effect is jam enemy radar near you and delay enemy claymore explosions.
Sitrep Pro - Destroy 120 detected explosives or tactical insertions with the Sitrep perk. Its effect is detect enemy explosives and tactical insertions and louder enemy footsteps.
Sleight of Hand Pro - Get 120 kills with the Sleight Of Hand perk. Its effect is faster reloading and aiming.
Steady Aim Pro - Get 80 hip fire kills using the Steady Aim perk. Its effect is increased hip fire accuracy and longer hold breath duration.
Stopping Power Pro - Get 300 Kills with the Stopping Power perk. Its effect is extra bullet damage and extra damage to enemy vehicles.

Sixth Custom Class Slot
Reach level 70 in Multi-player mode then enter Prestige mode.

Multi-player Weapons and Equipment
Reach the indicated level in Multi-player mode to unlock the corresponding item.

Assault rifles
FAMAS: Level 1
M4A1 carbine: Level 4
SCAR-H: Level 8
TAR-21: Level 20
FAL: Level 28
M16A4: Level 40
ACR: Level 48
F2000: Level 60
AK-47: Level 70

Submachine guns
UMP .45: Level 1
MP5k: Level 4
Vector: Level 12
P90: Level 24
Mini Uzi: Level 44

Light machine guns
L86 LSW: Level 1
RPD: Level 4
MG4: Level 16
AUG HBAR: Level 32
M240: Level 52

Sniper rifles
CheyTac Intervention: Level 1
Barrett .50 caliber (M107): Level 4
WA2000: Level 36
M21 EBR: Level 56

Secondary weapons
PP-2000 machine pistols: Level 1
Glock 18: Level 22
M93 Raffica: Level 38
TMP: Level 58

SPAS-12: Level 1
AA-12: Level 12
Striker: Level 34
Ranger: Level 42
M1014: Level 54
Winchester 1887: Level 67

USP .45: Handguns Level 1
.44 Magnum (Colt Anaconda): Level 26
M9: Level 46
Desert Eagle: Level 62

AT4-HS: Level 1
Thumper x2 (M79 grenade launcher): Level 14
Stinger: Level 30
Javelin: Level 50
RPG-7 x2: Level 65

Frag grenade: Level 1
Semtex: Level 1
Throwing knife: Level 7
Tactical insertion: Level 11
Blast shield: Level 19
Claymores: Level 31
C4: Level 43
Museum Bonus Level
When you have completed the game, go to the single player missions. Select the bottom new mission, called "Museum". When you start the level, the best thing is to study the layout. Get two weapons and top off the ammo with the crates supplied. Go to the desks by the entrance to the rooms. Note: There are three rooms, one of which nothing happens. On the desks there is a red bell that is labeled "Don't Press". Once you press this button, the entire museum comes to life in one room area at a time. About thirty people (all characters from the game) will try to kill you. Choose a difficulty at the start. You will hear a sound once that wave is done. There are two waves of kills needed to complete it. Do not shoot anyone prior to using the bell, as it will not count.

Endgame: Nazi Trucks
Select Campaign mode and play "Endgame" in Act 3. After exiting the caves during the speedboat chase, notice the village on the hills to the left coast. You can find a Nazi truck from Call Of Duty 2 behind a low wall near a pontoon and another one farther down at a jetty. Note: You will lose Shepherd by stopping to find the trucks.

Estate: Infinity Ward Gamestation
Select Multi-player mode and the "Estate" map. Search the home theater to find an Infinity Ward Gamestation 5 game console.

The Hornet's Nest: Infinity Ward Teddy Bear
Select Campaign mode and play "The Hornet's Nest" in Act 2. Go to the market and look for a soccer ball on a table to the left. Walk a short distance ahead to find a television set. Break its screen to find an Infinity Ward teddy bear inside.

"High Rise": Sniper Position
Look from the center of the map at the cranes, then to the left side of the map. Go that side's back left corner. You will see broken scaffolding. Sprint from before the ledge and jump to the left outside yellow railing. Note: The railing is vertical. This is a hidden ladder. Climb up this railing/ladder to the top of the scaffolding. Walk to the right of the scaffolding along the ledge of the building. You will eventually reach another scaffolding. Climb onto this scaffolding. Walk to the top. Look towards the building and climb onto the higher ledge. Follow that ledge going left. Keep going forward and you will reach the roof. This is a great sniper position. You may want to bring a Tactical Insertion because other players may discover you on your way to the top, or while you are up there, and lob grenades.

"Loose Ends": Blow-up Doll
Start the mission and continue all the way until you get to the first building. Once clearing the entire first floor of enemies, make your way upstairs to breach the doors. Breach all doors on that level until you get to the last door to breach on that floor. Once you squad has announced all clear, make your way into the bathroom, which should be to the right of the room as soon as you breach it. Look into the bathtub and you can see a blow-up doll with colorful stars on its chest and a circular mouth.

Intel Locations
Search the indicated locations to find the hidden enemy Intel laptops.

Act 1: S.S.D.D.

* The Intel is under the watch tower, straight across from the entrance to the obstacle course.

Act 1: Team Player

* The Intel is in a classroom. Someone will announce "I think I saw one go in that classroom", and your team will go in. It is on the right wall as you enter, on a desk by the barrels.
* As you exit the school, it is on a crate directly outside, next to a taxi.

Act 1: Cliffhanger

* Directly in front of you when Soap tells you to go ahead alone is a guard tower. Go up the ladder to find the Intel on the catwalk.
* When you are about to enter the building with Soap, go to the previous building in the alley where the Jet is inside the hanger. Break out the window to find the Intel inside.
* During the snowmobile sequence, when you are approximately 1,850m from the finish, stop. Look for a small wooden fence surrounding some trees in the middle of the path in front of you, and a small wooden building up a hill to the right. The Intel is on the ground inside the fenced area with trees. Just run over the Intel to pick it up.

Act 1: Takedown

* Using the map, go towards the south-west corner when you enter the favela. You should find a motorcycle leaning against a building. In front of it, there is a building with an angled wall and a large window in the wall. Go through the door to the right of that window to find the Intel inside.
* When you go through the alley and see the building with the ladder on the wall, go up it and through the door. The Intel is on a table inside.
* .Directly across from the previous Intel is a building with a small set of wooden stairs. There are a few guys inside you have to kill. The Intel is inside the building on a nightstand next to the bed.
* Towards the end of the chase, off an alley, go in the building on the right side of the path. Go downstairs to find the Intel between two beds.

Act 2: Wolverines!

* The Intel is on the counter in the gas station after you go through the alley.
* The Intel is inside CRB Financial (across from Nate's Restaurant), near the front door, under a sign labeled "Online Banking".
* The Intel is on a table inside Taco To Go. Enter the building through the blown up corner.
* The Intel is inside a dumpster (in a small brick enclosure) on the east side of Burger Town. It is visible from the Burger Town roof ladder.

Act 2: The Hornet's Nest

* Near the beginning, after you move forward from the first building, go inside the house to the right of where Soap stops in the road (there is a blue car in the garage). Go past the blue car and into the kitchen to find the Intel on the table.
* After clearing the small lot (has a bunch of appliances and cars), instead of going right up the stairs between buildings, go left around the three-story house (floors are colored red, yellow, red), and look in the little hut attached to its side to find the Intel on some barrels.
* As you move up the sloped street, there is a blue car on the right side of the street. In the building on that side is the Intel up on the second floor on the table.
* When you enter the last open lot and are supposed to go up on the roof, turn to the right, and look in the window behind the goal fence to find the Intel inside a window.

Act 2: Exodus

* In the apartment office, near where the enemies are first repelling in from a chopper. It has red walls and blue curtains inside. The Intel is on the desk.
* In the right-side building of the structure that forms an arch over the road (has toll booths), on a desk directly to the right as you enter.
* After you cross the bridge, go into the second house on the right side of the street. Enter from the front door, then go to your right and up the stairs. The Intel is on a yellow couch above those stairs.

Act 2: The Only Easy Day... Was Yesterday

* In the room before you go back outside (shortly after breaching), the Intel is on one of the metal racks against the wall.
* After executing "Plan B", in the room Soap goes into on the right, the Intel is on a metal rack inside the door.
* After clearing outside, when the team starts going up the stairs, enter the room to the right (you were probably in this building before when you were told to take cover), and look under the stairs on some wooden palettes to find the Intel.

Act 2: The Gulag

* As your team moves towards the arch with the red light, go to the stone stairs before it, and look inside the room on the far wall to find the Intel on some filing cabinets.
* The Intel is on a desk behind the large wall of monitors you encounter on your way through.
* After you get the riot shield and leave the room where you got it, turn left, and go down the hallway. In the first open cell on the right-side wall is the Intel on a desk.
* Once you find the person you have been looking for, turn to your left to find the Intel on the desk.

Act 2: Of Their Own Accord
* Inside the elevator that keeps trying to close (in the hallway after you enter the building), the Intel is to the right of the body sitting inside.
* In the room with a balcony (out on the balcony is a missile launcher), go to your left as you enter the room, and enter the door straight ahead (near the portrait of Franklin Pierce) to find the Intel on a table down a small hallway.

Act 3: Contingency

* When you reach the three-man patrol standing near the fence, kill them, and go over to where they were. The Intel is about ten feet south on a crate.
* The building labeled "33" along the angled south-west fence contains the Intel on a metal desk inside the northern door.
* Just north of building "33", locate the stairs leading to a helipad (has blue lights on the corners) to find the Intel in the north-west corner.

Act 3: Whiskey Hotel

* When you are told to go left to the building, inside that building after the next door has been opened, the Intel is in the hallway on a couch to the left.
* After you go up the first stairs towards the roof, the Intel is to your right on a desk. This should be about the time when the you see the flares get lit.

Act 3: Loose Ends

* Before entering the house, go behind it, and locate the small boat hanger along the shore. The Intel is on a crate outside of it.
* In the locked room on the top floor of the house, the Intel is on a desk in front of the door.
* In the nearest locked room in the basement, go into the arms room to the left. The Intel is straight across from the wall of weapons on a crate.

Act 3: The Enemy of My Enemy

* The Intel is immediately to your right when you begin the mission, in the front of the plane.
* After you slide out of the plane hull and move across the street and up the hill, look for the plane pointing towards the road. The Intel is inside, near the cockpit.

Act 3: Just Like Old Times

* As you enter the tunnels, go left as instructed. After the patrol passes, kill the guard standing at the monitor, and go straight across to find the Intel on a crate just to the right of the cave entrance.
* The Intel is to the left on a desk right before you go outside from the tunnels.
* After going across the ridge, the Intel is in an alcove, on a crate.
* The Intel is on the desk with soda cans after you breach the room, near where your ally is working on the computer.


* The Intel is at the beginning of the mission, before you board the vehicle.

Call of Duty Reference

Super Mario Reference

Unlock "Mile High Club" Bonus Level
Complete the game on any difficulty.
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