Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Downloadable Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction Cheats
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Mar. 03, 2012
Mar. 03, 2012
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Enter the following codes at the "Cheats" menu:

cash - Acquire 1 million DNA cash.
hard - AI does 2x damage and player does 1/2 damage.
levels - Unlocks all levels.
classic - Unlock Fourarms alien form.
energy - Energy meter regenerates.
health - Life meter regenerates.
primus - Unlock Rath alien form.
upgrade - Upgrade every alien form to max.
Unlock Trophies
10 Hit Combo (Bronze) - Got a 10 hit combo.
25 Hit Combo (Bronze) - Got a 25 hit combo.
50 Hit Combo (Bronze) - Got a 50 hit combo.
100 Hit Combo (Gold) - Got a 100 hit combo.
Art of War (Bronze) - Discovered all of the Combat Bonuses.
Ben 10, Hero of Heroes! (Platinum) - Earned all trophies.
Better, Faster, Stronger! (Bronze) - Fully upgraded one alien.
Brawler (Bronze) - Defeated 100 enemies.
Camera Shy! (Bronze) - Destroyed all the security cameras in the Amazon level.
Conqueror (Silver) - Defeated 500 enemies.
Deep Pockets (Gold) - Earned One Million DNA.
Devils Tower Sumo Slammer! (Bronze) - Found all of the hidden Sumo Slammers in Devil's Tower.
E-Knocked Out! (Bronze) - Completed the Catacombs level.
Eiffel Tower Sumo Slammer! (Bronze) - Found all of the hidden Sumo Slammers in the Eiffel Tower.
Electric Slameroo! (Gold) - Found all of the hidden Sumo Slammers in the game.
Eye of the Storm (Bronze) - Completed the Final Battle level.
Fall of Rome (Bronze) - Completed the Colosseum level.
Funny Business (Bronze) - Completed the Zombozo Ultimate Event.
Go Ultimate (Bronze) - Defeated all of Vulkanus' minions.
Great Walls of Fire (Bronze) - Completed the Great Wall level.
Hunter Has Become the Hunted (Bronze) - Completed the Devil's Tower level.
Immobilized (Bronze) - Destroyed all cars within the game.
Investor (Silver) - Spent 10,000 on upgrades.
Savior (Bronze) - Rescued all of the civilians in the Final Battle.
Stinky Savior (Bronze) - Completed the Sunder Ultimate Event.
Stone Cold (Bronze) - Defeated the Terracotta General.
Thanks (Bronze) - Watched the entire credits.
The Amazon Sumo Slammer! (Bronze) - Found all of the hidden Sumo Slammers in the Amazon.
The Catacombs Sumo Slammer! (Bronze) - Found all of the hidden Sumo Slammers in the Catacombs.
The Colosseum Sumo Slammer! (Bronze) - Found all of the hidden Sumo Slammers in the Colosseum.
Menace (Silver) - Destroyed 500 breakable objects.
Original Gladiator (Silver) - Unlocked Fourarms as a playable character.
Power Up! (Bronze) - Spent 1,000 on upgrades.
Pwned the Clones (Bronze) - Completed the Amazon level.
Rescued at What Cost? (Bronze) - Completed the Tokyo Nights level.
The Final Battle Sumo Slammer! (Bronze) - Found all of the hidden Sumo Slammers in the Final Battle.
The Great Wall Sumo Slammer! (Bronze) - Found all of the hidden Sumo Slammers in the Great Wall of China.
Threat (Bronze) - Destroyed 200 breakable objects.
To the Moon (Silver) - Completed the Game.
Tokyo Nights Sumo Slammer! (Bronze) - Found all of the hidden Sumo Slammers in Tokyo Nights.
Torn Asunder (Bronze) - Completed the Eiffel Tower level.
Ultimate Aliens (Gold) - Fully upgraded all aliens.
Ultimate Echo Echo-wned (Bronze) - Completed the Ultimate Echo Echo event.
Ultimatrix Bearer (Bronze) - Defeated 50 enemies as Ben Tennyson.
Vandal (Bronze) - Destroyed 30 breakable objects.
Warrior (Bronze) - Defeated 200 enemies.

Unlock Fourarms
Beat the game once.
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