Bakugan: Defenders of the Core Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
To enable cheat mode, navigate to "Main Menu" > "Collection" > "Unlock Codes", and enter "HXV6Y7BF" to enable codes.

Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat:

YJ7RGG7WGZ - 10 Vexos Passes.
HUUH8ST7AR - 10,000 Core Energy.
2FKRRMNCDQ - Light Arrow.
QY8CLD5NJE - Tornado Vortex.
YQLHBBSMDC - Earthen Armor.
82D77YK6P8 - Fire Spirit.
JJUZDEACXX - Zorch Thunder.
Unlock Trophies
1-Up (Bronze) - Purchase an upgrade for a Bakugan.
Collector (Silver) - Earn 100,000 in core energy.
D-Fence (Bronze) - Deflect an opponent's physical attack 5 times in a single battle.
Denied! (Bronze) - Do ten combo breakers in a single battle.
Duel Master (Bronze) - Win five duels against the CPU in Battle Arena Mode
First Encounter (Bronze) - Save Dan and Marucho.
B Student (Bronze) - Get B rank or higher in six Story Mode battles.
Bakugan Master (Platinum) - Get every trophy in the game.
Black Belt (Silver) - Do all combos on a Bakugan's Combo List in a single battle.
Champion! (Silver) - Win 30 times against the CPU in Battle Arena Mode.
Full Deck (Silver) - Get every Ability card in the game.
Gate Card Set (Silver) - Open each type of Gate card at least once.
Go Figure (Silver) - Collect every metal figure in the game.
Good Aim (Bronze) - Throw your Bakugan to get an item.
Long Hard Road (Gold) - Purchase all upgrades for all Bakugan.
One Down... (Bronze) - Destroy a Vexos crystal in Story Mode.
One Man Army (Bronze) - Obtain 250 or more points in a Battle Arena Free For All.
Perfection (Gold) - Get S rank in every Story Mode battle.
Power Hungry (Bronze) - Pick up all three power-up types in a single battle.
Gran Master (Silver) - Do twenty or more hits in a single combo.
Hologram Tycoon (Silver) - Build a hologram tower of each attribute.
Honor Roll (Silver) - Get A rank or higher in twelve Story Mode battles.
Illusionist (Bronze) - Build a hologram tower.
Six-Pack (Silver) - Purchase all upgrades for six different Bakugan.
So Many Choices (Silver) - Unlock every Bakugan in the game.
Treasure Hunter (Bronze) - Get ten items from item boxes.
Untouchable (Silver) - Do ten perfect combo breakers in a single battle.
Wrecking Ball (Bronze) - Obtain 500 or more points in a Battle Arena Destruction Battle.
We Feet (Bronze) - Follow Dan's instructions.
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