WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Downloadable WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth Cheats
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Jul. 25, 2011
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Divas FMV sequence
Get 100 Knockouts in the Slobber Knocker match in exhibition mode.

Backlash PPV rewards
Win a match at the Backlash PPV to get the choice to unlock:
The Rock's attire
Christian's attire
Create Parts 1
Backlash arena
Foam Hands A
Armageddon PPV rewards
Win a match at the Armageddon PPV to get the choice to unlock:
Ric Flair's attire
Chuck's attire
Billy's attire
Armageddon arena
Winter Plaza area
Winter Times Square area
Insurrextion PPV rewards
Win a match at the Insurrextion PPV to get the choice to unlock:
Jeff Hardy's attire
William Regal's attire
Moves 9
Create Parts 4
Insurrextion arena
Judgment Day PPV rewards
Win a match at the Judgment Day PPV to get the choice to unlock:
RVD's attire
Vince McMahon's attire
Eddie Guerrero's attire
Undertaker's attire
Create Parts 2
Judgment Day arena
King Of The Ring PPV rewards
Win a match at the King Of The Ring PPV to get the choice to unlock:
Kurt Angle's attire
Edge's attire
Moves 2
Create Parts 8
King of the Ring arena
Plaza B backstage area
No Mercy PPV rewards
Win a match at the No Mercy PPV to get the choice to unlock:
Shawn Michaels' attire
Stephanie McMahon's attire
Rikishi's attire
D-Von's attire
Molly Holly's attire
No Mercy arena
No Way Out PPV rewards
Win a match at the No Way Out PPV to get the choice to unlock:
Kevin Nash (for Season Mode)
X-Pac (for Season Mode)
Big Show's attire
The Big Valbowski's attire
Moves 5
No Way Out arena
Rebellion PPV rewards
Win a match at the Rebellion PPV to get the choice to unlock:
Chris Jericho's attire
Stacy Keibler's attire
Brock Lesnar's attire
Moves 10
Rebellion arena
Royal Rumble PPV rewards
Win a match at the Royal Rumble PPV to get the choice to unlock:
Triple H's attire
Steve Austin's attire
Bubba Ray's attire
Create Parts 6
Royal Rumble arena
WWE Superstar Special Movie
SummerSlam PPV rewards
Win a match at the SummerSlam PPV to get the choice to unlock:
Booker T's attire
Torrie Wilson's attire
Moves 4
Moves 6
Create Parts 9
SummerSlam arena
Survivor Series PPV rewards
Win a match at the Survivor Series PPV to get the choice to unlock:
Matt Hardy's attire
Hardcore Holly's attire
Moves 7
Moves 8
30 Ability Points
Survivor Series arena
Undisputed Championship rewards
Win the Undisputed Championship to get the choice to unlock:
Special RVD FMV sequence
SmackDown SYM Special FMV sequence
Unforgiven PPV rewards
Win a match at the Unforgiven PPV to get the choice to unlock:
Chris Benoit's attire
Trish Stratus's attire
Moves 3
Create Parts 5
Unforgiven arena
Foam Hands B
Vengeance PPV rewards
Win a match at the Vengeance PPV to get the choice to unlock:
Lance Storm's attire
Raven's attire
Billy Kidman's attire
Create Parts 3
Vengeance arena A
Vengeance arena B
WrestleMania PPV rewards
Win a match at the WrestleMania PPV to get the choice to unlock:
Hulk Hogan (for Season Mode)
Faarooq's attire
Bradshaw's attire
Moves 1
Create Parts 7
WrestleMania X8 arena.
Move sets
Move set 1: Genichiro Tenryu
Move set 2: Kendo Ka-Shin
Move set 3: Keiji Mutoh
Move set 4: Toshiaki Kawada
Move set 5: Bill Goldberg
Move set 6: Misc. Kung Fu
Move set 7: Jeff Jarrett
Move set 8: David Flair
Move set 9: Scott Hall
Move set 10: Scott Steiner
Move set 11: Sting
Move set 12: Terry Funk
Move set 13: Atsushi Onita
Move set 14: Misc. Puroresu set A
Move set 15: Misc. Puroresu set B
Move set 16: Taka Michinoku
Move set 17: Ken Shamrock
Move set 18: Rey Mysterio Jr.
Move set 19: Great Sasuke
Move set 20: Fred Durst
Move set 21: Hiroyoshi Tenzan
Move set 22: Jushin Lyger
Move set 23: Kensuke Sasaki
Move set 24: Masahiro Chono
Move set 25: Manabu Nakanishi
Move set 26: Yuji Nagata
Move set 27: Jun Akyama
Move set 28: Kenta Kobashi
Move set 29: Mitshuru Misawa
Move set 30: Vader
Move set 31: Essa Rios
Move set 32: Gangrel
Move set 33: Brian Christopher
Move set 34: Jerry Lynn
Move set 35: Ron The Truth Killings
Move set 36: Road Dogg
Move set 37: Antonio Inoki
Move set 38: Akira Taue
Move set 39: Giant Baba
Move set 40: Big Boss Man
Move set 41: Crash Holly
Move set 42: D'lo Brown
Move set 43: Sho Funaki
Move set 44: Godfather
Move set 45: Justin Credible
Move set 46: Mike Awesome
Move set 47: Perry Saturn
Move set 48: Steve Blackman
Move set 49: Shane McMahon
Move set 50: Sean O' Haire
Move set 51: Steven Richards
Move set 52: Andre the Giant
Move set 53: Bob Backlund
Move set 54: Dean Malenko
Move set 55: Mick Foley
Move set 56: Naoya Ogawa
Move set 57: Shin'ya Hashimoto
Move set 58: Sergeant Slaughter
Hidden Superstar faces
Enter the head/face section in the Create A Wrestler menu and choose Hair 7, Face 7, Face Shape 7, and Beard 7 to get a perfect Scott Hall. Try the same thing with the different faces to get the following:
2: D-Lo Brown
3: Bull Buchanon
4: Big Boss Man
5: Chavo Guerrero
6: Sho Funaki
7: Scott Hall (locked)
8: Justin Credible
9: David Beckham (UK Footballer)
10: Earl Hebner
11: Mick Foley (locked)
12: Taka Michenoku
13: Dean Malenko
14: Road Dogg
15: Ken Shamrock
16: Tommy Dreamer
17: Essa Rios
18: Perry Saturn
19: Ron Killings (K-Kwik)
20: Steve Richards
21: Mr Perfect Curt Hennig
22: Brian Christopher
23: Rey Mysterio without his mask (?), Crash Holly (?)
24: Harry Potter
25: Goldberg
26: Bret Hitman Hart (locked)
27: Andre
28: Steve Blackman
Note: This also works for women wrestlers:
2: Chyna
3:Tori (X-Pac)
4: Madusa
There are even more hidden pre-made faces in the game, The face model's require your own edits however.
Shannon Moore
Eyebrows 32
Eyes 22: -32,-28/-0
Cheek 22/Face Model 15 (edits unknown)
Hair 26
Face Accessories 51

Charlie Haas
Eyebrows 57
Eyes 9
Cheek 9/Face Model 22 (edits unknown)
Hair 22
Face Accessories 23

Eyebrows 54-56
Eyes 2
Cheek 2/Face Model 4 (edits unknown)
Hair 17
Face Accessories 64
Mustache 2?

Chris Nowinski
Hair 49: -81,-46/-25
Eyebrows 87: 100,-84,21/6
Eye 20: 87,41/0
Cheek 20/Face Model 1:

Eyebrow: 3,20
Eyes: 0,0/-22,-5
Nose: 0,0/0,0
Cheek: 0
Mouth: 67,46
Jaw: -3,0/-31

Eyebrows 6
Eyes 12
Cheek 12/Face Model 7 (edits unknown)
Hair 19
Mustache 30
Mustache 27

Deacon Bautista
Eyebrows 30
Eyes 9
Cheek 9/Face Model 4 or 7 (edits unknown)
Hair 20
Mustache Unknown

Chris Kanyon
Eyebrows 11
Eyes 2
Cheeks 2/Face Model 22 (edits unknown)
Hair 26
Mustache 9 or 28

Jamie Knoble
Eyebrows 77
Eyes 3
Hair 12
Mustache 14
Cheek 3/Face Model 22:

Eyebrow: 16,58
Eyes: 0,-8/25,12
Nose: -24,-18/-45,-19
Cheek: 11
Mouth: -32,21
Jaw: -22,16/15

John Cena
Eyebrow 11: 50,-89,-3/0
Eye 20
Hair 3: -81,-17/14
Cheek 20/Face Model 11:

Eyebrow: -2,38
Eyes: 11,-6/-17,45
Nose: -14,25/47,33
Cheek: 0
Mouth: 24,13
Jaw: -7,0/0

Scott Steiner
Eyebrows 11
Hair 18
Eye 3
Cheeks 3/Face Model 18? (edits unknown)
Mustache 49
Pattern/Simple/166/: in middle of beard

Paul Heyman
Eyebrows 19
Eyes 19
Cheek 19/Face Model 10:

Eyebrows: -21,33
Eyes: 60,9/-9,100
Nose: 36,0/6,-3
Cheek: -17
Mouth: 17,31
Jaw: 95,62/23

Mustache 51: -45,27,8/-42
Hair 78: 28,-105/-36
Caps and Hats 15: -5,-103/-19
Face Accessories 23: -31,-100,-3/0
Face Accessories 56: -21,-93,-11/18
Play as Jeepers Creepers
Go into create mode. Go in "Appearance" and select "Sample Model". Highlight number 12. Sample Model 12 Is Jeepers Creepers.

Evolution Trio
To get Evolution (Triple H, Randy Orton, Ric Flair), go into season mode. Go into "Stable" and select a blank stable. Pick the members: Triple H, Randy Orton, and Ric Flair. For "Movie", use "Opening". For "Moves", use "Superstars". For "Music", use "Triple H 1" or "Triple H 2". Go to a six man tag match and choose those members in that order. They will appear together as Evolution.

Doing your opponent's move
You can do your opponent's moves against them. Fill up 2 Smackdowns and press [L1] + [L2] in the correct position. Note: This does not work in survival mode.

Alternately, use the following steps to steal an opponent's special. If the special requires the opponent to be standing (for example, the Stunner), kick the opponent in the midsection by pressing either [Down/Left] or [Down/Right] to stun them and make them vulnerable. Then, taunt them. While you are taunting, press [L1] and you should do your opponent's special instead of your own.

You can also steal the ref's finishing move by stunning him during game play and pressing [L1] + [L2]. His finishing move is a Standing Crossface.

Higher move damage
Doing the combination moves (pressing [X] three times in a row) will do more damage than those moves done alone. This will help charge your SmackDown! meter quicker. However, be careful as the CPU can easily block an X move.

Alternate Matrix effect
In any match that allows you to do you SmackDown! Matrix effect (press [L1] while doing your SmackDown! Move), press [L2] instead. It will do another Matrix effect. Instead of circling the wrestlers, it will show the move multiple times all in Matrix effect.

While doing a SmackDown! move in any match that allows you to use the Matrix effect (by [L1] or [L2]), press [L1] + [L2]. This combination should spin the camera around and follow up with the multiple camera angles. Note: This might require a few attempts.

For another SmackDown! effect for your finisher, hold [L1] + [L2]. Keep them held as the camera circles around the characters. As it is about to return to the beginning of the spin, press [L2] again. It will then go into the blurry multiple time effect. Thus, you will get a combination effect for your finisher. This may require some practice.

Post-match beatdown
After the final bell rings, press [X] to do a beatdown after the match.

Post-match taunts
After your match (when the third bell rings), press [L2]. Your wrestler will do his or her taunt. For example, Stone Cold will drink beer; HHH will do his taunt on the turnbuckle.

Inflict more pain
When pinning an opponent, you can break up the count to inflict more pain by pressing [R1] during your pin.

Illegal pin
Press [Down] + [Circle] when your opponent is facing the turnbuckle when playing as one of the following: Al Snow, Big Valboski, Billy, Chris Jericho, Christian, Chuck, D-Von, Eddie Guerrero, Goldust, Ivory, Jazz, Kevin Nash, Kurt Angle, Lance Storm, Molly Holly, Randy Orton, Raven, Ric Flair, Rico, Scotty 2 Hotty, Shawn Michaels, Shawn Stasiak, Spike Dudley, Test, Torrie Wilson, Vince McMahon, William Regal, or X-Pac.

In order to block punches, press [Square]. However, to block moves you must press [Square] + D-Pad.

Standing Ankle Lock Submission
Use a WWE character with the Kurt Angle type ankle lock SmackDown! special. When anyone tries to kick you in the stomach, counter it. As soon as you catch his foot, press [L1] and you will do the ankle lock on his right leg.

DDT onto a chair
When you have a chair, get close to your opponent and press [Circle]. You will do a DDT onto the chair.

Ultimate chair finishers
If you have a special, grab a chair or get one from under the ring. Press [Right] + [X] to shove the chair into your opponent then press [L1] to do the Ultimate Finisher (DDT to chair, or if playing as Rob Van Dam you will throw the chair into his hands then dropkick it into your opponent's face.

Second chair move
Other than special moves with chairs, there are regular chair moves. Hold a chair, walk over to your opponent, and press [Circle]. You should perform a chair move such as a DDT onto a chair, hit opponent in the stomach then over the head, etc.

Throw opponent over boiler room rail
Whip your opponent into the orange rail on either side of the boiler room. Your opponent should flip over the rail and take a brutal fall onto the ground.

Knock opponent over boiler room rail with a chair
Get your opponent to stand in front of the orange rail in the boiler room. Grab a chair, run at your opponent with it, and swing it at him or her and they will fly over the big orange rail . Note: This works best with two players.

The Con-Chair-To
Start a no DQ single match with 1 player vs. 2 player. Have them both get a chair. Have both players focus on the referee (until you are experienced at doing this) then hold [Left] or [Right] and press [X]. You will perform the Con-Chair-To, the famous move that Edge and Christian do. Note: Each person has to be on either side of the ref.

Real 619 without the West Coast Pop
Give your wrestler "The 619" as his or her "Jump Down Over" move. When your opponent is next to the ropes to your left, run towards the ropes and press [Square] + [X]. You should do the move and hit them in the stomach or back.

Dudley Death Drop(3D) through a table
First, start a TLC Tag Team Match (Tornado style) and pick the Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) or anyone who can do the 3D using double team (both grappling the opponent). When the match starts, take two tables and stack one directly in front of the announcer's table and the other directly in front of the first. You can also stand one in front of the announcer's table and the other on the left or right side. Then, have you or your partner throw your opponent on one of the tables. Next, have you and your partner get on top of the tables. Have you or your partner pick the opponent up into a grapple (press [Circle] while the opponent is laying on the table). Once you or your teammate is holding your opponent in a grapple, have the other wrestler press [Circle] button and [Up], [Down], [Left], or [Right] (depending on the combination for the move) to grapple the opponent that the other teammate is grappling. If done correctly, you and your teammate should perform the 3D on your opponent and one, two, or all three of the tables should break.

Double SmackDown
Get a superstar who has a running special and another superstar with the Vandaminator (such as Rhino and RVD). Position the superstar with the running special to the right of other superstar. Then let RVD, do his Vandaminator with the chair. Once he does it, the victim will spin around before falling. Then, have Rhino run up and do the Gore. It will hit for twice the damage, and 90% of the time knocks out the victim.

Fighting stance
When playing as Rob Van Dam, The Undertaker, or someone else with their own stance, you have moves allowed only for that stance. For example, with Rob Van Dam if you have a steel chair in your hand, run towards your opponent and press [X] for a Dropkick into the steel chair. It will hit your opponent in the face. The Undertaker's special move is his reversal of a double team move. Usually you do a Clothesline, but with him he does a Double Choke Slam.

German Suplex through a table
Set up a table near the ropes on either the left or right side of the ring. Make sure your character is Chris Benoit or anyone who can perform a German Suplex while running to your opponent's back. Kick your opponent, then turn them around so that you are facing his or her back. Walk towards the table, then run from the table to your opponent and press [Down] + [Circle]. You will release a German Suplex onto your opponent that makes them fly through the table.

Chokeslam from the Hell in a Cell
Choose Undertaker and put him in a one-on-one with any opponent. During the match, break out of the cell (press [Circle] at the cell door). Climb your way to the top of the cell (press [Triangle] when close to the cell). If you are fighting the CPU, they will follow you to the top. When your opponent's back is towards the edge of the Hell in a Cell, press [Circle] and Undertaker will perform a Chokeslam that will send your opponent from the Hell In A Cell straight down to the floor. Also, if you pick a wrestler with the Running Powerbomb (Super Powerbomb), you can use this move to send your opponent falling from the Hell in a Cell to the floor. Press [Circle] and the button needed to perform this move when your opponent is at least one foot away from the edge. This also works for moves such as the Catapult, DDT (will send you also falling), Rod Van Dam's move where he flips with the opponent and his hands and rams into his stomach, plus numerous other grapple moves. Specials will also work.

Weapon locations
Note: Ladders can be pulled from under the mat only if the chosen wrestler has an aerial maneuver as one of his/her finishers.
Chair: Located under the mat to the left.
Ladder: Located under the mat to the right.
Table: Located under the mat at the upper center.
Sledge Hammer: Located under the mat at the bottom center.
Weapon moves
When you pick up weapons, you can do certain moves with them. Press [Circle] when you have a weapon in your hand to do the weapon;s special attack. The following is a list of all the weapons and their special attacks.
Ladder: Snapmare your opponent onto the ladder. After hitting the Snapmare onto the ladder, you can do a high flying move onto your opponent or press [Circle] again to body slam them onto the ladder.

Steel Chair: Hit your opponent with a chair to the stomach and then to the head. Press [Down] + [Circle] to kick your opponent, then DDT them onto the chair.

Ring Steps: Hit them in the stomach then give them a shot to the head.

Table: Push the table into your opponent. This move slides your opponent onto the table. Press [Circle] to grapple with your opponent on the table. Press [Down] + [Circle] to Piledrive them through the table. Press [Up] + [Circle] to Powerbomb them through the table. Press [Left] or [Right] + [Circle] to DDT them through the table.

Trash Can Lid: Same moves as a steel chair.

Trash Can: Put the trash can over your opponent's head then push them backwards.

Fire Extinguisher: Spray the water or foam into their eyes.

Shopping Cart: Put your opponent in the cart and push it. Tthe opponent falls out.

Sledgehammer: Choke out your opponent.

Microphone: Rake your opponent's eyes out.

Snowball: Same as the Microphone.

Foam Hands: Same as the Microphone and Snowball.

Steel Cane: Same as the Slegehammer.
Choose weapon attack
Whenever you are editing someone's moves, go down to "Special" and choose "Special Weapon". Once there, select your special weapon move. You can choose from Rob Van Dam's Vandaminator, Undertaker's Guillotine, and a regular DDT on the chair. Also, press [Down] + [X] to stab your opponent with the chair while you have it in your hands. Then, press "Special" to do your special weapon move, or press "Over" + "Special" to do your other special weapon move.

Illegal weapon use
If you want to use a weapon during a match in season mode or any kind of DQ match, take out the referee then run and grab any weapon of your choice (chair recommended). You only have a few seconds before the referee recovers from knockout. Hit your opponent in the mid-section and press [L1] to do you chair special while the referee is down. This gives you a good amount of SmackDown meter fill up.

Fire extinguisher
Pick up the fire extinguisher, have an opponent approach you and press [Circle]. Doing this will expel the contents from the fire extinguisher. It does not do a lot of damage, but is funny to watch.

Get the sledgehammer and get close to your opponent. Press [Circle] to hit him with the sledgehammer then choke him out with it.

Trash Can
To slam a trash can over your opponent, pick it up, go near your opponent, then press [Circle].

When you have a garbage can (not a lid , just a can) press [Circle]. You will put it on your opponent's head and throw him down.

Foam Hands
Upon finishing certain pay-per-views you have the choice to pick "Foam Hands". The purpose of these is that when you pick them up, your wrestler will do the signature taunts of the wrestler whose Foam Hands you have. For example, if you picked up the Rock's Foam Hand you would do the People's Eyebrow and the rest of his taunts. It is rather hilarious to see someone's imitation, such as Undertaker or Big Show.

In the lobby, if you pick up a Foam Hand with [R1] and remain idle for about two seconds. Your wrestler will do a taunt of whichever wrestler's Foam Hand you are holding.
The Hogan hand does poses.
The Rock hand does the Just Bring It taunt.
The WWE hand makes your character jump.
In a Hard Core or Anywhere Falls match, go to the Shopzone collectible stand. Beside the stand will be a Rock "Just Bring It" foam hand. Go up to the hand and press [R1] to pick it up. Then, press [L2] to do a "Just Bring It" to an opponent.

Riding the Undertaker's bike
Go into a single match with The Undertaker. He will leave his motorcycle outside the ring. Approach it and press [R1] to get on. Press [X] to go and [Square] to stop.

While on the bike, press [X] to accelerate, [Circle] to turn, [Triangle] to reverse, and [Square] to brake.

If you go into the Plaza B level in a hardcore match, there will be two cars, and the Undertaker's bike. Press [R1] to get in either car or the bike. Note: This may require more then one attempt.

Climb onto the ring apron
Run towards the apron and press [Square]. You will automatically jump onto the ring's apron. You cannot move across the apron, but can do high flying moves off it. You cannot perform a high flying finishing move off the apron.

Start any match and go outside. Make sure that countout is off. Then, run towards the apron. Just before you touch the apron, press [Square]. You can now do high risk moves such as Hell. Be careful, as your opponent can knock you off.

Remove turnbuckle pads
Walk into a turnbuckle and press [R1].

Walk over to any turnbuckle and press [R1] + [Towards] the turnbuckle.

Get to areas faster
While in the lobby area of any arena, press [Triangle] to run to get to places such as the locker room, VIP room, etc. faster. Press [Triangle] again to stop running.

Get backstage
To get backstage, press [R1] and a black screen will appear.

Climb the ladder in the boiler room
Go to the bottom of the stairs. Go to the ladder. It should be the farthest to the right. Knock your opponent out, then just run up to the ladder and to climb it.

Restraining order
Talk to Stacie Kebler (or any other female). She will ask what she can do for you. Choose "Ask to be manager ". She will answer "No". The next time, she will say that she has been thinking about you Chose "I've been thinking about you too". She will leave. The time after that, she will be your manager for a match against a random opponent. If you win the next time you talk to her, she will say something similar to "Stop looking at me", and if you come within 50 feet of her she will sue you.

Early DeGeneration X
Use the following trick to get some DeGeneration X action before unlocking anything. Go to season mode. At the menu screen, go to "Stable" to create a new team. Pick a duo. The first member will be Shawn Michaels, and the second will be Triple H. Then, pick triple H's music because it suits the duo best. Save and exit at the top. Then, try it in a tag exhibition match of any sort. The two will come out very enthused, the screen will go rapidly from Triple H's video to the two walking down the ramp (just like DX's video). Once they get into the ring, they will proceed to do the "suck it" pose with the pyro X's in the background.

Change random wrestler
If you are not satisfied with the wrestler randomly selected to speak with you while walking backstage, walk into the VIP Room. By the time you come out again, the wrestler will change.

There are randoms wrestlers/divas in the lobby, locker room, etc. There are almost always three superstars. If you do not like any of them, just go to the GM's office (V.I.P. room) and talk to them about your stats or title. When you exit the room, there will be three different superstars in different locations. You can find people in the lobby, locker room, downstairs, boiler room, stock room, parking lot, station, area outside the World, the World, and outside the lobby. However if you try to get to close to some of the females to quickly, they will put a restraining order on you.

Set person onto table
When you have a table, get close to your opponent and press [Circle]. This will set them on the table, letting you jump on them to break the table; or grab them and break the table.

Break table without DQ
Set up a table in a corner in the ring and set your opponent on it. Kick or punch your opponent so that they break through. The referee will not count it as a DQ.

Put opponent through a table with aerial move
Grab the table, go up to your opponent, then press [Circle] to climb onto an elevated platform and do an aerial down move.

Put opponent through a table
Place a table down and position your opponent in the same direction (facing to the front of you). Then, Chokeslam or use your special on him. Usually if you hit him with a weapon enough times he will go through it.

Double tables
In a TLC or any match with a table, place one table in the ring (center recommended). Then, grab another table and run upon the first table. Press [R1] to set the table on the other. This does not always work when working with an enemy.

Opponent goes through two tables at once
This trick works with any wrestler, in any match. Get the table, which is located under the mat at the upper center. Throw it on top of the announcer table. Then, climb on top of the announcer table and pick the table up. Wait for your opponent to climb on top of the announcer table. When this happens, press [Circle]. Your opponent should now be on top of the table. Then, press [Circle] again with the D-Pad. Your opponent should be able to go through both tables at the same time. This can also work with some specials (for example, Stone Cold Stunner, Jeff Twist of Fate).

Throw a table on the announcer's table. Climb on the announcer's table and pick up the table. When you opponent comes on the announcer's table, press [Circle]. When you opponent is lying on the table, press [Circle] then [Circle] + [Up]. You will do a Powerbomb through both tables.

This move works best with The Last Ride. Line both tables side by side, flush up against one of the announcer's tables. Stand at the edge of the announcer's table and perform The Last Ride. If done correctly, he or she should go through both tables, but not the announcer's table.

3-D through two tables in the middle of the ring
Fight in a TLC Tornado Tag Match (two player recommended). Place two tables (one in front of the other) in the middle of the ring in the middle, but touching the rope at the top of the screen. You will need to do a move that will keep them knocked out for a good while (Last Ride, Reverse Death Valley Driver, The People's Elbow, etc.). Set up the two tables, then have you or your partner grapple the opponent. Then, throw him onto the two tables. Then, have your partner get onto the table and grapple him, but not slam him through either table. Next, get onto the table and press your Standing Tag Team Move that is the 3-D. If done correctly, you will perform the 3-D and break them through the table(s).

Powerbomb through table from the inside the ring
Note: You must have the Super Powerbomb 2 in order to perform this trick. First, set up a table as close as you can to the side of the ring. Your opponent must be close to the ropes where you put your table. Kick your opponent so he/she is groggy, then use your Super Powerbomb 2. Your opponent should fly over the ropes and through the table. This works well in the Royal Rumble Tournaments.

Opponent goes through three tables at once
Go to a TLC match. Get a table and put it on the announcers table. Get another table and put it besides the other table. Get on top and wait for your opponent to get on top with you. Toe kick him/her and do a move.

Go to a TLC match and get two tables out. Take one and throw it on the announcer's table, and then take another table and do the same thing. Irish whip an opponent onto the announcer's table and get up there with him. When he gets back up and is facing you, pick up a table and press [Circle]. This will make your opponent lay on the table that you had. After putting your opponent on the table, take the other table and align it with the table that your opponent is on. Then, get on the two tables and do a [Circle] combination move to put him through all three tables.

Set person onto ladder
When you have a ladder, get close to your opponent and press [Circle]. This will toss them on the ladder and let you slam them; or jump on them while they are on the ladder.

Brutal fall
To perform this trick, you must participate in a match where you can obtain a ladder (Ladder, TLC, single, etc.)/ Position the ladder in any corner of the ring. Next, knock out your opponent outside of the ring where it is close to the ladder that you positioned. Go inside the ring and climb the ladder. Perform a high flying move from the top of the ladder. If your opponent outside the ring moves out of the way immediately after you jump, you will fall to the floor. You will hit ground with impact, making your wrestler do strange movements after hitting the floor. This also works when you jump from the SmackDown! fist in the SmackDown! Arena or a Titantron that can be climbed in another arena.

Sneak attack
During any match (tag teams and singles, but no DQ matches), knock the referee out from behind and grab a chair. Note: It works best when you grab a chair, then knock out the referee. While the referee is down, crack your enemy in the head with the chair.

High flying move on ground
If you give someone Rob Van Dam's taunt where he jumps and chops between his legs, you can do a special high flying move whenever it appears below your name; or do a high flying move you already know, such as [Down] + [X]; [Up] + [X]; or [X]. Note: Your opponent has to be on the ground outside and you must be near his head or chest.

Flying opponent
Go to a Hardcore match and lead your opponent to the Boiler Room. Throw your opponent in to a boiler. The boiler should bust open and cause your opponent to take flight. This can also be done in the Parking Lot with certain cars. You should be able to find them.

Easy win
This can be done in any match other then a 1 on 1. Do your SmackDown move, then put your opponent in a submission move (if it is also not your SmackDown move). Keep doing the move until your opponent gives up. This allows you to win without the other opponents breaking up your pin.

In any type of match, do as many moves as you can to your opponent until when they are lying on the ground with their hands and legs stretched out. Then, pin them. If you are not interrupted, you should be able to pin them up to three counts.

Use this trick for easy wins in career mode with Rob Van Dam or any cruiserweight. In a match with disqualification, remove a pad from any turnbuckle and throw your opponent there. Then, quickly go to the right side of the ring and press [R1]. You will then take out a ladder. Set it up on the turnbuckle by pressing D-Pad + [R1]. Next, just keep running into it. Your opponent will eventually attack you with the ladder, causing the ref to call a disqualification.

Use the Toe Kick ("Left/Right" + [Down] + [X]) to momentarily stun your opponent, allowing for a quick front finisher.

In a normal match (where DQ is on), go outside to the side opposite the entrance. Pull a table out from under the ring by pressing [L1] + [R1] in the middle of the side of the ring. When you get the table out, set it up in a corner. Stand next to it and your opponent should Irish Whip you in to it and break you through, resulting in a DQ.

When the match starts, knock down the referee and your opponent. Go outside the ring and get a table. Get back in the ring, and set up table in any corner (walk to the corner and press [R1]). When the referee gets up, repeatedly run into table. The opponent will do a move to put you through the table. You will win by disqualification.

Use the following trick for easy wins in matches that you could be disqualified in. Knock the ref out then knock your opponent down. Get out of the ring and go to the top. Get a table from underneath the ring and take it into the ring. Set it up against a corner. Stay in that corner and have your opponent hit you against the table. Eventually, he will throw you through it and be disqualified when if the ref sees it, leaving you the winner.

Use the following trick to use weapons in a DQ Match for easy wins. First, go out of the ring and get a steel chair or any other weapon. Go near and face the ring. Press [Square] to throw the weapon in the ring. Make sure it does not hit your opponent. Then, knock down your opponent and knockout the referee. Use the weapon as much desired until the ref wakes up. Then, drop the weapon and knockdown the referee. Use the weapons and when your opponents is knocked out and is not moving, tap [Circle]x2 to pick up the referee. Quickly pin your opponent for the win.

Easy Hardcore Time Limit title
Choose someone (Rhyno recommended) with a running special (The Gore, The Big Boot, etc.). When the match starts, if you are the champion stay away from everybody. When somebody comes after you, do your special to them, then run away again. If you are not the champion, run after the champion and keep doing your special to them until they are KO'd, then use the champion strategy.

Easy Royal Rumble win
To easily eliminate other entrants in the Royal Rumble, stand as close to the ropes as possible and Irish Whip your opponent into the ropes directly across from you. When he or she comes back, press D-Pad + [Circle]. Instead of doing an Irish Whip counter (like a Backdrop), you will flip your opponent over the top rope to the floor, thus eliminating them.

Easy Slobber Knocker mode win
The easiest way to get 100 victories in Slobber Knocker mode is to create a wrestler. Give him good defensive stats (for example, POW: 3, SPE: 4, TEC: 4, ROU: 3) and moderate offensive stats (for example, POW: 3, SPE: 4, TEC: 4, ROU: 0; roughneck moves are basically useless). Give him/her a running attack that almost always knocks an opponent down on their face (for example, Karate Kick 1). Then give him/her the Atomic Leg Drop 2 (or 1 depending on how much time you want to spend). Give the match no time limit and get to the top side of the ring (furthest from the camera). Run at the opponents when they enter and use the Karate Kick 1. Use the Atomic Leg Drop 2 and pin/KO them.To keep your specials up you must pose at least four times after an opponent is defeated.

Enter the options and set your SmackDown meter to the fastest setting. Then, select Slobber Knocker and set it to no time limit. Choose Stone Cold. Do the Mini Stunner when your opponent is groggy ([Down] + [Circle]), then the special. You should never lose your special by doing this. Repeat it until you get 100 wins.

Get a wrestler that has the Earthquake special. Just when your opponent enters the ring, knock him down and do the Earthquake special. KO or pin him.

Choose Slobber Knocker mode and choose Stone Cold. You will automatically get five specials. When you start, do the Stone Cold taunt move where he gives them the middle finger. The opponent should be distracted. You will see the SmackDown! symbol appear to show that you can do your special. Do it, and they should be knocked out. If not, just pin them.

Create a character and use The Undertaker's moves, or to just edit The Undertaker's moves. Edit the moves under the special catagery from his Chokeslam special move to The People's Elbow. Begin the Slobber Knocker. You will automatically start out with five special moves. To begin, go into the upper left turnbuckle. When the first person comes in, run at them and press [X]. You should do a normal No Diving Clothesline that will automatically take that opponent down. Then, do your special, The People's Elbow. If it does not knock them out, just pin them. They will be in and out before their entrance music finishes. Then, run at the upper left turnbuckle. Press [R1] in mid-run to do a flip and face the opposite corner. Then, press [L2] until the next person comes in to get your fifth special back. Then, repeat the process.

Choose "Exhibition", then "Special", "Slobber Knocker", and no time limit. Chose Brock Lesnar and when you start, the person who is closest to the ramp (behind you) will enter first. Wrestle and defeat them. Do not worry about posing after you defeat them. Go to the upper right corner of the ring and take off the turnbuckle cover. From now on, all you need to do is charge at your opponent and press [X] without any directions. Sling them towards the uncovered turnbuckle, then use the F-5 or Double Powerbomb since the rope break is turned off.

Use the Undertaker and keep using the Tombstone Piledriver to knock opponents out. When you get more specials, use the Last Ride or Chokeslam.

Choose a Superstar with a Running SmackDown (for example, Rhyno). As your opponent runs at you, run at him at the same time and use your SmackDown.

Easy Season mode win
Knock down your opponent with a quick running attack or any other desired move, then slide out to the top part of the ring. Pull out a table and throw it into the ring. If you slide in it, the referee will take it and throw it out. Knock down the referee (and probably the opponent again), then set up the table in a corner. Wait for the referee to get up, then continually run into the corner. Your opponent will slingshot you through the table, giving you the DQ win. This works particularly well in tag team matches. It does not work in title matches, matches with no DQ, and when you cannot get out of the ring (for example, in Triple Threat).

On most of the matches where you can get disqualified for using a weapon, get your opponent to break a table on you, therefore getting them disqualified. At the start of the match, go to the north part of the outside ring and get a table. Put the table in one of the turnbuckles. This must be done quickly or the referee will take it away from you. After the table is set, stand close to it. Your opponent should beat you up towards it and eventually break the table on you.

Use Edge or a CAW that has the Edge Spear and Toe Kick. When the match starts, Toe Kick the opponent([Down/Left] + [X]), then run ([Triangle]) and grapple ([Circle]) toward your opponent. You will Spear him. Then, pick him up ([Circle]) and repeat four more times. Then, at the last Spear, press [Down] + [Circle] to pin the opponent. If it is a Cruiserweight opponent (Edge, Billy Kidman, Hurricane, etc.) you will almost always win the match. If it is a Heavyweight ( The Rock, Stone Cold, Kane, Undertaker, etc.), then you will need to spear him at least seven times. In tag team matches, if you attack your opponent the same way, the opponent's tag team partner will sometimes not interfere while you are pinning him.

Go to the top center of the ring and pull out the table. Get in the ring and set it up in the turnbuckle. Note: You might get grabbed by the ref. Get your opponent next to you and run into the table. Keep doing this and your opponent will press [Circle] resulting in your wrestler being scoop-slammed into the table. He will then get disqualified.

Easy Triple Threat match
The best way to win a Triple Threat, Handicap, etc. match is to keep doing submissions to one of your opponents until they are limping. Get them down after the limping, then do an aerial move such as the Frogsplash (because they give a lot of special). When you get a special, do a submission special such as The Walls Of Jericho 2. That opponent should now give up. However, in some cases it does not work; after doing the special, do more submissions to the leg. They should now give up.

In season mode when you get to a Triple Threat match, use this method to win. When the match starts, go to the corner that the other two wrestlers are not fighting at and show off. Wait until you have one finisher and when one of the wrestlers is on the floor, toe kick ([X] + D-Pad) and do your SmackDown! Pin him and you will win the PPV.

Easy Undisputed Championship win
Continue your career until you get to Royal Rumble 2003. Save the game. Then, fight your opponent. If he or she defeats you, reset the game and go to "Create". A menu with "Appearance" or "Moves" options will appear. Choose "Moves". Once there, a menu with "Superstar", "Created Superstar", and "Save/Exit" will appear. Choose "Superstar". Go to edit on whomever you are facing and change his moves to Albert's. Change their special and give them the "Big Punch". This should increase the chance for you to win and soften the blows you take. You may possibly become WWE Undisputed Champion.

Win The Intercontinental or Tag Team Titles
If Ric Flair or Vince McMahon asks you to fight for the Undisputed Championship, reject them. Then, go to the VIP room and ask one of the owners for a title match. You can choose between the Intercontinental belt or the Tag Team belts.

WWE Grand Slam Champion
Start with someone with a high number of superstar points (the points that appear in the roster under season mode). Ask Flair or Vince for a title shot. Go for the Intercontinental Title. When J.R. asks you to go to England, accept the offer. Win the European Title shot that you get. Win the King Of The Ring or Royal Rumble and get the Undisputed Title. Then, when Vince and Flair team up, win the tournament for the tag titles that they issue. Whenever you appear in a non-title match, you will have the Undisputed belt, but it will read "WWE Grand Slam Champion".

Created wrestlers during season mode
When you first start with a created wrestler, you will be placed on WWE Raw due to the fact you do not have enough superstar points. Eventually Maven will approach you. Both of you are friends. When you are challenged to a match by whomever, accept it. Otherwise, you will be wasting an to unlock something at the PPV.

Female character in season mode
If you make a female character, you can play as her in season mode if you enter "Other" instead of "Woman" in the biography.

Season restart
After you finish two years, your entire season will start over with the draft. However, your superstar points will be saved.

Cage match: Get out of cage faster
Tap [Square] while climbing the cage.

When climbing on a cage in any type of cage match, quickly press [Up] + [X]. You will climb out of the cage much faster.

Cage match: Elbow Drop
When you start climbing, press [R1] to do an Elbow Drop.

Cage match: Easy win
Try to be the first one out of the cage if you are let one of your opponents get out so that your partner will be one on one. Every time your other opponent tries to climb out hit the cage, he will fall off. Repeat this until your partner gets out.

Hell In A Cell match: Get out of cell
Get out of the ring and go to the left side of it. Run down towards the camera. You will hit the door and it will open. Then, press [R1] or [Triangle] and you will be out of the cell.

Hell In A Cell match: Winning the 6-Man match in Armageddon PPV
Sometime during December, Vince McMahon will announce that there will be three wrestlers from each brand that will compete for the Undisputed title in a 6-Man Hell In A Cell match. If you are the champion at that point (or if you have more than 90 superstar points), you will be fighting in that match. To win it easily, change your wrestler's specials to submission moves. For example, if you are playing with the Undertaker, change his "The Last Ride" finisher to "Crossface". You will win the match easier by doing that because submission moves cannot be broken up unlike pins. This gives you a better chance of winning.

To get an easy win in this match, leave the ring as soon as possible and climb to the top of the cell. Then, just taunt until someone else comes up. Make sure everyone else is outside the cell, and put the person through the center. They usually will be out afterwards, so pin them.

Ladder match: Easy knockdown
If your opponent is swinging on the belt, get directly underneath him and press [Up] + [Circle] to pull on his legs and knock him down.

Table match: Easy win
Put the table against the turnbuckle, then Irish Whip your opponent onto the turnbuckle with the table. Then, press the [Circle].

Tag match: Easy win
Enter a Tag Match in season or any other mode. Make sure your character has a non-pinning finisher and the West Coast Pop (corner grapple) as a regular move. Beat your opponent down as usual, then use your finisher. Pick your opponent up then send him or her to the top right corner of the ring. Use the West Coast Pop. The opponent's partner should walk up to the corner you were in as if you were still there, instead of breaking up the count.

Choose Brock Lesnar and you will never have to leave the ring and tag during tag matches. To do this, knock your opponent down at the start of the match, then pick him up and press [Down] + [Circle]. Brock will do the Bearhug. When your opponent falls to the ground, pick him up and repeat this. Eventually, your opponent will give up and you will win the match without having to tag. This is much easier than tagging your CPU drone opponent and watching him get beat up by the CPU.

In a tag match, when you are the legal man, notice that your partner gets a special very quickly. Whenever you are getting pinned for some reason when you call in your partner, he will occasionally climb the ropes and simply sit there. You are in trouble if you cannot kick out. Instead, beat down your opponent until your partner gets a special. Tag in your partner and feel free to double team until you are forced out by the ref. Then, when your partner does his special, quickly enter the ring and run over to the opponents' corner to intercept any break they may attempt. Sometimes you can catch them right at the edge of the ring and knock them out of there before they can break up the pin. If your opponent still kicks out, exit the ring and press [R1] to make your opponent tag you and repeat this process.

In a normal Tag Match (6-Man included), when you Lay The SmackDown! on the legal opponent, attack one of the illegal opponents until he or she falls down. As long as one of the illegal opponents are down, the other will not enter the ring.

Tag match: Get over without losing any star points
In season mode, tag your partner in and grab a weapon. Hit the person on the other side that is not in the ring. You will lose, but nothing to be taken from you.

Tag match: Faster Superstar move
In a normal tag or six man tag, when on the turnbuckle keep pressing [L2] to do a taunt. This will add to your increasing SmackDown meter to help get your Superstar move quicker.

Tag match: Easy specials
Tag your opponent so that he has to win the match. Then, knock out the ref and get a weapon. Your special meter should go up quickly. Make sure the ref does not see you or he will call a DQ.

Surprise match
If you want a surprise match in story mode with a girl as your manager, look for one in the lobby. You will usually see superstars standing around near the Shop Zone stand. Talk to her, and she will ask you how you are doing. Select any response, then she will ask "Would you like me to accompany you on your next match?". Select "Yes" and you will fight a random unlocked superstar. You cannot choose and you do not know who the superstar will be.

WWE European Championship
In the first week of May, J.R. approaches you and asks if you can make it to Insurrection. Reply that you can make it. When you start the PPV, Regal will appear and either say "I will accept your challenge" or " I have a tag partner tonight". You will either have a title match against Regal or you will be his tag team partner.

WWE Undisputed Championship in story mode
When you start story mode, the draft will being and you can pick your show. If you choose SmackDown, Vince McMahon will approach you and say that he can make you the next Undisputed Champ as long as you win your first match for him. Answer "That sounds pretty good" then win all your matches in April. You will take on the current champ the Undertaker at Backlash.

Parking Lot: Exploding cars
In the Parking Lot area of the RAW Arena, whip your opponent into the cars four or five times. The car will explode, hurting your opponent.

Use the following trick to blow up two cars at once. When playing in a hardcore match, go to The Parking lot. There should be an ambulance there, with a car below it. Whip your opponent into the ambulance. It should explode after three or four tries. Your opponent will go into the air, then bounce onto the car below it. Both of them will explode.

Backlash arena: Climb on top
Select a TLC match, then grab the ladder. Set it up by the hook closest to the fans. Climb the ladder and push the D-Pad toward the direction that the hook is at and jump. You will climb to the top and can do anything. Note: This may require a few attempts.

King Of The Ring arena: Easy damage
At the King Of The Ring in season mode or while playing against a friend, choose the King Of The Ring arena (resembles like a big concrete chair over the ramp). Put your opponent on the table near the King Of The Ring chair, move in the leg and run towards it. You can climb it and do damage.

King Of The Ring arena: Climb on stage
Choose any type of match and select no count out in the rules. Select the King Of The Ring set. Go to one of the two poles with a ribbon-like object on it. You will climb the stage and be able to fight on top of it or jump off.

King Of The Ring arena: Climb on chair
To climb the King Of The Ring chair, go up any leg of the chair (left or right). You will start climbing up to the base of the chair.

In order to do this trick, climb a leg of the throne (either right or left). This will have a great effect in the match in the KOR. Perform a move that will only drive the other superstar off the set and hurt himself from the ten foot fall. Be careful -- you can hurt yourself as well. Use this to win a match quickly.

King Of The Ring arena: Climb on Titantron
Go to one of the legs of the chair and run at it. You will climb to the top of the chair.

Rebellion arena: Climb set
When playing in the Rebellion arena, you can climb the set. Go up on the stage, move next to the poles surrounding the stage lights, then press [Triangle] + [Up] to climb.

Rebellion arena: Ladder on Titantron
Play a TLC match in the Rebellion Arena. Take both tables and the ladder up to the stage. Stack the tables, then throw the ladder on top of both tables. Climb them, pick up the ladder, then throw it up on the Titantron. Note: This may require a few attempts.

Rebellion arena: Climb Titantron
Go to the Titantron and run at one of the cages around the colored lights. You will climb up to the screen.

Winter Times Square arena: Snowball weapons
Go to a snow pile and press [R1]. Your wrestler will make a snow ball which can be used as a weapon and thrown at your opponent.

SmackDown! arena: Climb the SmackDown! fist
Walk over to the left side of the ramp and go very close to the edge where you see cracks in the SmackDown! set. Press [Triangle] while near it and you should climb up and be able to jump off using the normal "Turnbuckle Flying Moves".

To do this, you have to go to the left where the lights are located then press [Up] + [Triangle].

SmackDown! arena: Put people through tables from the SmackDown! fist
Note: Two players are required for this trick. Select Jeff Hardy as your wrestler and pick a TLC match. Take the table where the ramp starts on the stage. Have Jeff Hardy go on top of the fist. Then, have the other player(s) get a wrestler on a table. When they are on the table, Jeff will not be able to do his special. Press [X] and he will put the wrestler through the table.

Booker T.: Alternate entrance
If you unlock entrance move Original 9, this starts exactly the same as Booker's normal entrance. However, when his flame pyros go off, the explosion causes him to fly down the ramp, hit his head, and collapse.

Brock Lesnar: F-5 to Big Show
Normally, When Brock Lesnar does the F-5 to the Big Show in real life, the Big Show lands on his back because Lesnar does not have the strength to F5 him on to his front. If you want this to happen on the game, simply choose Death Valley Driver 2 as Lesnar's second move. Because the Big Show is so big, you cannot see Brock lifting him over his shoulders and to the canvas. It t will appear as Brock's F-5 on the Big Show.

Chris Jericho: Easy Ultimate Submission Match
Knock your opponent down and keep on doing the Dragon Sleeper ([Left] + [Circle]). Keep doing that and he will eventually tap-out. Keep using combinations of the Walls of Jericho (one of your specials), Double Power Bomb Pin [Down] + [Circle]) and the Dragon Sleeper.

Chris Jericho: Do Walls Of Jericho on the ladder
Select a TLC or Ladder match. You and your opponent must be on top of the ladder. Keep hitting your opponent until he or she is groggy, then press the D-Pad + [Circle].

Select a ladder match or TLC match with Chris Jericho or a CAW with the Walls of Jericho as his second special. Then, set the ladder up and climb it. Your opponent will then climb up with you or knock the ladder down. If he climbs up with you, punch him by using [X] or [Circle] until he falls slightly lower on the ladder. Then, press [Circle] to perform the Walls of Jericho on the ladder. This can also be done with Jeff Hardy or with a CAW who has the Swanton Bomb as their second special. Jeff will push the opponent off the ladder. Then, perform the Swanton perfectly on to the opponent.

Eddie Guerrero: Backstage conversation
Anytime Eddie Guerrero is backstage, you can talk to him. However, he will be trying to pick up a girl. If you prevent him from picking up the girl you will have to fight him in a match, along with your other match on the card if you have one.

Hulk Hogan: Whip opponent with belt
After winning a match, press [X] or [Circle] after the bell. Instead of attacking the opponent with a chair like everyone else, he will whip the opponent with his belt.

HHH: Easy win
When facing your opponent, press [Left] + [Circle]. If they are still standing, do it again. Next, stand him up, then press [Left] + [Circle]. After the move, press [Up] + [X]. do this several times until SmackDown appears, then do the Pedigree.

Hollywood Hulk Hogan: nWo style
Go to Create A Superstar. Go to moves, then edit Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Change his entrance moves to X-Pac. Next, change his music to nWo. Then, change his video to nWo1 (after it is unlocked). Finally, pick Hollywood Hulk Hogan and choose attire B (after it is unlocked). When coming down the ramp, he will have nWo attire with black and white entrance graphics. The ring announcer will call him an nWo member.

Go to Create A Superstar. Go to moves, then edit Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Change his entrance video to Hogan 1. Then use attire B if available. If you wish, you may change his entrance to Big Show 2, Kevin Nash or X-pac. Do this if you do not want to have red and yellow lights. Note: You cannot change Hogan's red and yellow entrance, you can only pick another one.

Jeff Hardy: Ladder weapon
Go to a single match and select Jeff Hardy. Go to the right side of the ring and press [R1].

Jeff Hardy: Automatic Swanton Bomb off a ladder
Start a match which has no disqualifications as Jeff Hardy. When the match starts, go outside the ring to the right and press [R1] near the ring apron to get a ladder from under the ring. Set up the ladder anywhere desired and climb it. This trick works best with a friend playing as your opponent. Have the second player climb the ladder as well. Punch the second player until he falls down a step (the position to do moves like a Superplex off the ladder) and press [Down] + [Circle]. You will push your opponent off the ladder and then climb up to the top then automatically do a Swanton Bomb, You do not need any SmackDown! points to do it.

Jeff Hardy: Push opponent off ladder
As or Jeff Hardy or a created wrestler with the Swanton Bomb 2 in a Ladder, TLC, etc. match, stand with your opponent on the ladder. Press [Circle] or [X] multiple times until the opponents looks like he/she is about to fall off. Press [Up], [Down], [Left], or [Right] + [Circle]. You will push your opponent off the ladder, do a lot of Hardy-like Swanton taunts, and do a Swanton Bomb and react to it (rolling over, clutching stomach, etc.).

Jeff Hardy: Mini Senton Bomb
When your opponent is knocked out, climb the turnbuckle and press [X]. He should do the Senton Bomb, but not as strong as the real finisher.

Jeff Hardy: Alternate Swanton view
Select a TLC or Ladder match. At anytime during the match, get the ladder and leave the ring. Go to the left side of the ring. Set up the ladder so that the steps are facing the screen. Go to the side that is not facing the screen and climb the ladder. Have your opponent climb the ladder. Beat up your opponent until he or she is groggy on the ladder. Then, press [Circle] + [Up]. You should push your opponent off the ladder and do a Swanton. The camera angle should stretch, and you see Jeff do a Swanton off the ladder in the stretched camera angle. Note: This is difficult to do while playing against a CPU opponent. Try it when facing a friend or an idled second player.

Rey Mysterio: Moves
To get moves for Rey Mysterio, unlock Moves 10 from the Rebellion PPV. This will unlock Rey Mysterio's moveset (which is Moveset 18).

Rey Mysterio: CAW parts
Win a match at the Insurrextion Pay-Per-View and chose to unlock "Create Parts 4". This will unlock Rey's Mask and other CAW items.

After unlocking Rey Mysterio's CAW parts, go to "Face". Select "Mask" and choose "Mask144" or Rey Mysterio's mask. When you look at his eyes, you will notice that they belong to Rey Mysterio.

Rob Van Dam: Ladder in any match
Choose Rob Van Dam and go to the middle of the right side of the ring. Press [R1] and a ladder will appear.

Rob Van Dam: Jump over top rope with leg drop
Go outside of the ring, throw your opponent into the ring apron, and press [Down] + [Circle] outside by the apron. He should jump over the top rope doing a leg drop to his opponent.

Rob Van Dam: Frog Splash standing on the ground
Choose Rob Van Dam and have a special. Use your [Down] + [L2] taunt, which should be him jumping up. Notice that your special sign flashes up at the top. When you are in mid-air on the taunt, press [L1] and he will do a Frog Splash while standing on the ground outside the ring. Note: This requires precise timing. You cannot do this while in the ring.

Note: You can also do a Split Legged Moonsault (press [Down] + [X]) the same way, with the correct timing.

Rob Van Dam: Vandaminator
Choose Rob Van Dam and have a special. Grab a steal chair and make your opponent groggy with it. You will see the SmackDown! icon flashing. Press [L1] to do the Vandaminator (throw the chair at your opponent's head and kick the chair).

Rob Van Dam: Vanterminator
When playing as Rob Van Dam, grab a chair then run and press [X]. He should take the chair and drop kick it to the opponent.

The Rock: Easy win
In order to make your SmackDown! meter to go up faster and easier, run and press [X] when you are at your opponent. The Rock will do an elbow to the face and keep going for a little bit. This should knock your opponent down and give you a few seconds to taunt. Do this by pressing [Left] + [L2]. He will do the skipping taunt, which will make more space between you and your opponent. Do this as many times as possible (usually one to four). When your opponent gets up, run and do the entire thing again. When you get your SmackDown! meter full, run and knock your opponent down again. Howeve,r instead of taunting, do the People's Elbow and pin him. The match should be over.

The Rock: Ducking Rock Bottom
Use a countering special like Kurt's Ankle Lock. Counter the opponent's punch, and if done correctly you can counter directly into the Rock Bottom.

Scott Hall: Appearances
There are two Scott Hall hidden appearances in the game. The first one is near the end of the credits movie where the nWo are shown in which Hulk Hogan drives the truck. The last appearance is in the nWo Entrance Movie 1. The main clips shown in that entrance movie are about Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash, but Scott Hall can be seen in the background in a few segments. Scott Hall cannot be clearly seen in these parts but he is hidden there.

Shane McMahon: Deathdrop
To do his flying elbow, select a Tables match and beat down your opponent so that he or she does not get up for a while. Note: Have a superstar with a Flying Senton Splash. Climb to the top of the King of the Ring and you will smash your opponent through the table.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Mini-stunners
While your opponent is groggy, press [L1] + [Circle] + [Down]. Note: This requires correct timing.

Tajiri: Flip onto the railing
During the match,
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