WALL-E Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Downloadable WALL-E Cheats
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Jan. 18, 2009
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Codes
Enter the following Movie Characters names at the "Bonus Features" cheat entry option:

Wall-E, Auto, Eve, Security Bot - All Bonus Features Unlocked
M-O, Auto, Security Bot, Eve - All Game Contents Unlocked
Security Bot, Wall-E, M-O, Auto - Costumes
Wall-E, Auto, Eve, Mo - Gives Wall-E Super Laser Blaster
Wall-E, M-O, Auto, M-O - Invincibilty
Auto, M-O, Auto, M-O - Make Any Cube Anytime
Auto, Auto, ZPM, ZPM - All holiday costumes unlocked
ZPM, Wall-e, M-O, Auto - All multiplayer costumes unlocked
Eve, M-O, Wall-e, Auto - All multiplayer maps unlocked
Auto, ZPM, M-O, Wall-e - All single player levels unlocked
Eve, Wall-e, Wall-e, Auto - Eve pemanent super laser upgrade
M-O, ZPM, Eve, Eve - Wall-e and Eve make any cube anytime
Wall-e, Eve, Eve, Wall-e - Wall-e with lasergun anytime
ZPM, Eve, M-O, Wall-e - Walle and Eve laser gun anytime
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