Vexx Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Powerful attack
When doing the [Square]x3 combo, press the buttons slowly and the third attack will be a ground piercing attack that you can follow up with an uppercut by pressing [Square]. If you hold [Square] on the third hit, Vexx will power up for a more powerful attack, and his uppercut will send him into the air.

Super move
Use combos to increase the super move meter in the top right corner. After it is flashing, press [R1] to execute a super move.

Faster consecutive long jumps
Press [L1] + [X], and as soon as Vexx lands from the long jump, press [L1] + [X] again to go faster.

Everlasting slash
To perform this move, continuously press [Square].

Alternate ending
Go to Timberdale. Go to the sundial. Set it to either of the golden dots (sunrise or sunset). Quickly get back to the hub and enter the Shadowrealm. The ending sequence will be different, with Vexx will flipping off Yabu.

Extra lives
On occasion, if you knock an enemy off into a bottomless pit or well, the combo counter in the right hand corner will continue to grow. If this happens, go around and do a half-decent air juggle to receive extra lives. It is possible to score 2,500 and get over 10 extra lives.

Quick save
If you found a diary page or an extra life and need a quick way to save but cannot find a new heart, do not collect a heart you previously acquired. Instead, go to Darby's house on Timberdale. Teleport into the picture and pick up the Crimson Key. This works with the Air Suit, but Timberdale is quicker.

Cow Suit
In Timber Dale, there is a hut hidden behind trees. The trees are metallic, and if you uppercut them, they will clang. if you go behind them and into the hut, there will be a cow. Uppercut it and you will have the Cow Suit. Note: When you uppercut the five metal trees, you will also have a choice of either the Cow Suit, Fly Suit, or Rock Suit.

Fly Suit
In Dragons Reach (level 2), climb up the dragon's tail. Continue climbing until you reach the yellow poles on the slippery ground. Climb the first and jump to the others. On the last one, turn to your left and try to do a long jump to a small platform with a jump pad on it. You will be rocketed over to the plateau. Walk around it. The fly suit is on the other side. Note that the jump to the jump pad may require some adjustments on your part.

Rock Suit
After the Talon's tutorial, when the blind guy wakes you up, jump to the column in the middle that has fire on it, but do not touch the fire. After that, arrange yourself so that you are on the left side facing the exit. Hop into the fire, and rocket yourself out to the left. Proceed towards the blue rings. You will be teleported to the red tapestry. Climb to the top of it and grab the red disk. Afterwards, jump off either side to exit the tapestry.

Pirate ship game in the below
In the pirate ship game with the three pirates from the belly of the large beast, it is easier to not try to change the colors of the squares yourself. Instead, watch the board and let the cannonballs do the work for you.

Sundial portal in Daggercrag
In Daggercrag, once you adjust the sundial, go to the base with the ring full of enemies. Climb the second pole to the right and you should find a sundial portal. Go through it if you see another world in it. Note: Be careful, as this stage is extremely tricky.

Extra life in Tempest Peak Manor
Go to the table with the goblets of red and green goo. Get on top of the one with the red goo and wooden spoon. Climb up the handle of the wooden spoon. Jump up and down a few times on the end of the spoon and red goo will pop out, revealing an extra life.

Enter Dragonreach Sandcastle
Inside of the castle in Timberdale, get to the part with the long narrow pathways in the air. Once you get to the jumping part, drop off the edge to land on a small platform. Jump to the other platform and do a pulse-jump below the shiny spot. You should hit a button that will open a door underneath the normal path. You can dangle from the bottom of the path and climb through the door. You will then be inside the Dragonreach Sandcastle.

Defeating Sumo
Do jump moves or wait for Sumo to do a racer crash and dodge it, Slice his back and he will fall off the circle to his doom.

Defeating Yabu
After you enter the Shadowrealm and defeat the Shadowwraiths, Yabu will transform into a spider demon. He is very dangerous in this form. After he does the double punch, his face will be at the ground. Slash your talons at his face, then run under his legs while he is dizzy. Then, do an uppercut to his rear. He will flip over on his back. Go to his rear again and do a ground smash, then rapidly circle his body doing the long jump. Repeat this until he is defeated.

Avoid falling damage
When falling from a great height and about to take damage, perform the Ground Pound attack just before you hit the ground. If timed correctly, it will break your fall and you will not sustain any damage.
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