TimeSplitters Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Downloadable TimeSplitters Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
1935 Tomb story level rewards
Successfully complete the 1935 Tomb level in story mode under the easy difficulty setting to unlock Cultist as a playable character in arcade mode. Completed the level under 1 minute to also unlock the Paintball mode cheat. Complete the level under the normal difficulty setting to unlock the Graveyard level in arcade mode. Successfully complete the level under the hard difficulty setting to unlock Eyes Mummy as playable character in arcade mode; if this is done in less than 6m15s, Teeth Mummy will be playable in arcade mode.

1950 Village story level rewards
Successfully complete the 1950 Village level in story mode under the easy difficulty setting to unlock "Period Horror" as a Bot Set in arcade mode. Complete the level under the normal difficulty setting to unlock the Castle level in arcade mode. Complete the level under the hard difficulty setting to unlock Fishwife Mutant as a playable character in arcade mode; if this is done in less than 3 minutes, the Insect Mutant will be unlocked as a playable character in arcade mode.

1965 Mansion story level rewards
Note: Set "Auto Aim" to toggle, leave it on, and crouch to get easier head shots to complete this level easier. Successfully complete the 1965 Mansion level in story mode under the easy difficulty setting to unlock "Horror Shocker" as a Bot Set in arcade mode; and Fishwife Mutant, Hick Hyde, Insect Mutant, Overall Mutant, Police Zombie, Girl Zombie, Skull Zombie, and Jacket Zombie as Bots in arcade mode. If the level is completed under 2 minutes on easy, the Big Heads cheat will be unlocked. Successfully complete the level under the normal difficulty setting to unlock Mall as an arcade mode level; if done in less than 4m30s, Overall Mutant will be playable in arcade mode. Successfully complete the level under the hard difficulty setting to unlock the Priest Mutant as a playable character in arcade mode; if done in less than 9m55s, Girl Zombie will be playable in arcade mode.

1970 Chinese story level rewards
Successfully complete the 1970 Chinese level in story mode under the easy difficulty setting to unlock Chinese Chef as a playable character in arcade mode. Complete the level under the normal difficulty setting to unlock the Site level in arcade mode. Complete the level under the hard difficulty setting to unlock Suit Hoodlum.

1985 Chemical Plant story level rewards
Successfully complete the 1985 Chemical Plant level in story mode under the easy difficulty setting to unlock "Usual Suspects" as a Bot Set in arcade mode; and Lumberjack, Malehood, and Waiter as Bots in arcade mode. Complete the level under the normal difficulty setting to unlock the Bank level in arcade mode. Complete the game under the hard difficulty setting to unlock the Lumberjack as a playable character in arcade mode; if this is done in less than 2m55s, Malehood will be playable in arcade mode.

2000 Docks story level rewards
Note: There are a lot of snipers in high perches by the waterfront, so be alert in this level. Successfully complete the 2000 Docks level in story mode under the easy difficulty setting to unlock "Law and Order" as a Bot Set in arcade mode; and Male Soldier, Female Soldier, Gasmask Soldier, Male SWAT, Female SWAT, and Gasmask SWAT as Bots in arcade mode. Successfully complete the level under the normal difficulty setting to unlock the Compound as an arcade mode level. Successfully complete the level under the hard difficulty setting to unlock the Gasmask Soldier as a playable character in arcade mode and the Shock Trooper as an arcade mode Bot.

2005 Cyberden story level rewards
Successfully complete the 2005 Cyberden level in story mode under the easy difficulty setting to unlock the 1950 Village, 1985 Chemical Plant, and 2020 Planet X as levels in story mode; Dr Seth Graven. Dr Kate Nadir, Fingers McKenzie, Ravelle Velvet, Sebastian Photon, Angel Perez, and Badass Cyborg as playable characters in arcade mode; and Badass Cyborg, Siamese Cyborg, and Female Cyborg as Bots in arcade mode. Complete the level under the normal difficulty setting to unlock the Streets level in arcade mode. Complete the level under the hard difficulty setting to unlock the Female Cyborg as a playable character in arcade mode; if this is done in less than 3m30s, the Enemy Rockets cheat will also be unlocked.

2020 Planet X story level rewards
Successfully complete the 2020 Planet X level in story mode under the easy difficulty setting to unlock 1965 Mansion, 2000 Docks, and 2035 Spaceways levels in story mode; Peekabo Jones, Mary-Beth Casey, Jacques Misere, Olga Strom, R108, and Gretel as playable characters in arcade mode; "Space Opera" as a Bot Set in arcade mode; and Tuxedo Cyborg, Red Alien, and Green Alien as Bots in arcade mode. Complete the level under the normal difficulty setting to unlock the Spaceship level in arcade mode. Complete the level under the hard difficulty setting to unlock Pillar Alien as a playable character in arcade mode as well as an arcade mode Bot.

2035 Spaceways story level rewards
Successfully complete the 2035 Spaceways level in story mode under the easy difficulty setting to unlock challenge mode and Space Opera as a bot set. Complete the level under the normal difficulty setting to unlock the Warzone level. Complete the level under the hard difficulty setting to unlock the Spaceways Stewardess as a playable character in arcade mode as well as an arcade mode Bot.

Challenge mode
Successfully complete the game in story mode to unlock challenge mode, which allows you to compete in different challenging situations. Complete all challenges under a number to unlock a new challenge.

Instead of completing every level under the easy difficulty setting, you can skip Mansion and Docks and just complete Spaceways to get Challenge mode.

Challenge 1-A Behead the Undead level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock "The Living Dead" as an Bot Set in arcade mode and Challenge 1-B Putrid Punchout.

Challenge 1-B Putrid Punchout level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock Green Zombie and Brown Zombie as playable characters in arcade mode and Challenge 1-C Dusk of the Dead.

Challenge 1-C Dusk of the Dead level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock Police Zombie, Skull Zombie, and Jacket Zombie as playable characters in arcade mode and the next challenge.

Challenge 2-A Flock Around the Dock level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock Duckman Drake as a Bot in arcade mode and Challenge 2-B Pro Am Duck Shoot.

Challenge 2-B Pro Am Duck Shoot level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock the "All Enemies Are Ducks" cheat and Challenge 2-C Crispy Duck.

Challenge 2-C Crispy Duck level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock Duckman Drake as a playable character in arcade mode and the next challenge.

Challenge 3A Tin Man level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock Robofish as Bot in arcade mode and Challenge 3B Lobster Run.

Challenge 3B Lobster Run level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock the "All Enemies are Robofish" cheat and Challenge 3C Bowl them Over.

Challenge 3C Bowl Them Over level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock Robofish as a playable character in arcade mode.

Challenge 4A Shame if Something Got Broken level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock Challenge 4B Don't Wait Around.

Challenge 4B Don't Wait Around level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock the "Enemy Bricks" cheat and Challenge 4C Brick Flung High.

Challenge 4C Brick Flung High level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock the brick as a weapon in arcade mode.

Challenge 5-A First Impressions level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock The Impersonator as Bot in arcade mode and Challenge 5-B Lasting Impressions.

Challenge 5-B Lasting Impressions level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock the "All enemies Are Impersonators" cheat and Challenge 5-C Who's he Trying to Impress?

Challenge 5-C Who's he Trying to Impress? level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock The Impersonator as a playable character in arcade mode and the next challenge.

Challenge 6-A Barrel Blast level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock Challenge 6-B Bodyguard.

Challenge 6-B Bodyguard level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock Gasmask SWAT as playable character in arcade mode and Challenge 6-C Heist.

Challenge 6-C Heist level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock Veiled SWAT as a Bot and playable character in arcade mode and the next challenge.

Challenge 7-A Shop 'til you Drop level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock Ginger as a Bot in arcade mode and Challenge 7-B Sorry, Was That Your Bag?

Challenge 7-B Sorry, Was That Your Bag? level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock "All Enemies are Gingerbreads" cheat and Challenge 7-C Everyone Must Go!

Challenge 7-C Everyone Must Go! level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock Gingerbead as a playable character in arcade mode.

Challenge 8-A Girls 'n' Boys level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock Fun-Bunny as a Bot in arcade mode and Challenge 8-B Dinner Dates.

Challenge 8-B Dinner Dates level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock the "All Enemies are Bunnies" cheat and Challenge 8-C Bone Grab.

Challenge 8-C Bone Grab level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock Farrah Fun-Bunny as a playable character in arcade mode.

Challenge 9-A I Can't Hear Anyone Screaming level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock TimeSplitters as a Bot Set in arcade mode; TimeSplitter, and TimeSplitter (Same name, different character) as bots in arcade mode and Challenge 9-B Flight Delay..

Challenge 9-B Flight Delay level rewards
Complete all challenges to unlock TimeSplitter as a playable character in arcade mode and Challenge 9-C Space Vandals.

Challenge 9-C Space Vandals level rewards
Complete to unlock TimeSplitter, different than above, as an arcade mode playable character.

Time Attack rewards
Win the level under the indicated difficulty setting and time to unlock the corresponding reward.
1935 Tomb
Easy: 1m0s - Paintball cheat
Normal: 2m35s - Priestess playable in arcade mode
Hard: 2m20s - Teeth Mummy playable in arcade mode

1970 Chinese
Easy: 1m15s - Chinese Waiter playable in arcade mode
Normal: 2m35s - Gun Sounds cheat
Hard: 6m5s - Mr Big playable in arcade mode

2005 Cyberden
Easy: 0m50s - Siamese Cyborg playable in arcade mode
Normal: 1m40s - Tuxedo Cyborg playable in arcade mode
Hard: 2m0s - Enemy Rockets cheat

1950 Village
Easy: 0m30s - All Heads Detachable cheat
Normal: 1m15s - Hick Hyde playable in arcade mode
Hard: 2m20s - Insect Mutant playable in arcade mode

1985 Chemical Plant
Easy: 0m30s - Male Swat, Female SWAT playable in arcade modes
Normal: 1m0s - Infinite Ammo cheat
Hard: 2m35s - Malehood playable in arcade mode

2020 Planet X
Easy: 0m50s - Green Alien playable in arcade mode
Normal: 1m35s - Float Alien playable in arcade mode, Bot
Hard: 2m30s - All Characters Headless cheat

1965 Mansion
Easy: 1m0s - Big Heads cheat
Normal: 1m30s - Overall Mutant playable in arcade mode
Hard: 1m35s - Girl Zombie playable in arcade mode

2000 Docks
Easy: 1m15s - Male Soldier, Female Solider playable in arcade modes
Normal: 1m30s - Big Guns cheat
Hard: 2m40s - Shock Trooper playable in arcade mode, Bot

2035 Spaceways
Easy: 1m05s - Red Alien playable in arcade mode
Normal: 1m05s - Female Alien playable in arcade mode, Bot
Hard: 2m55s - Small Heads cheat
Tattoo on woman from Chemical Plant
Start any type of match in two player mode. Have person play as the woman from the Chemical Plant mission. The other person can be character. Walk up behind the woman and look at her shoulder to see a rose shaped tattoo on her shoulder.

Scifi Autorifle Grenade
Start any normal game and get a Scifi Autorifle. Press [R1] to launch a grenade into your target. This attack will cost ten Scifi shells.

Triple rockets rocket launcher
Select any kind of game (story or arcade) and choose either select the rocket launcher as a weapon or find it in arcade mode. Once it is in your possession, press [R1]. This will fire three or more rockets at one time. Note: This will take three shells from your rocket launcher.

Character differences
Some characters can endure more damage than others. For example, Siamese Cyborg and Insect Mutant. Others are physically stronger. For example, Tuxedo Cyborg and Zombies. Fast characters include Badass Cyborg and Float Alien, who can run very quickly.

Glitch: See inside person
Start any type of match in two player mode. Kill the other player and make sure that they do not press [X]. Stand exactly above the dead body to see inside the person.

Glitch: Easy points
Make a industrial-type map and only put the largest room in it. Customize it so that the only guns are up at the very top right corner of the room (the small sniping stop). Save it and go into the game with a friend. Customize the weapons and only put in the sniping rifles and one other gun such as the autorifle. Put as many bots in as possible. After the game starts, get the guns from the small room. Go outside that small sniping point and to the right. Slightly below the door is something that appears to be a vent. Back up, run towards it, fall off the ledge, and into the vent. You should now be outside of the game. Walk all the way around to the other side and just stand there, waiting for the people to appear. The glitch cuts the map from your view in half, but you can still shoot anywhere. However, you will not be able to see what you are shooting. At the small doorway that you were at, a wad of bots will begin to group and try to snipe you. If you have them set at one star, they will never kill you due to their poor accuracy. Have your friend help clear that doorway and the bots will just keep reappearing. You will look as though you are in the game and can be shot -- back up and you will leave the room and will not be seen at all times at some views. This is a great way to improve sniping skills and get a lot of head shots.

Glitch: Sitting ducks
Play an arcade level with the weapon set to custom 1 (no weapons selected) and have "Start with weapon" enabled. When you start the level, the CPU players will not move and will be sitting ducks for you. This is a perfect chance to achieve 100% accuracy and head shots.

Glitch: Headless allies
Play a regular arcade game of Capture The Bag or Deathmatch and turn "Friendly Fire Damage" off. Set the players you want on your team to be either zombies or mutants. When game play begins, find one of your teammates and shoot at their head. It should go flying, but they should still be able to move around and shoot, because you cannot damage them. Note: Your allies must be controlled by the CPU.

Glitch: Chinese: Paintball marks on reflection
Go underneath the bridge in paintball mode on the Chinese level. You will see a reflection of the bridge. Shoot the bridge in the reflection. Marks will appear on the reflection.

Glitch: Mansion: Headless zombie
When you play the Mansion level under challenge mode, shoot a zombie anywhere but the head. When they fall on the ground, get ready for a head shot. When he puts his hands on the ground and starts getting up, shoot him in the head. If done correctly, the zombie should get up without a head. Shoot him anywhere else on the body and he will die.

Glitch: Streets Deathmatch: Opponent acts if hit
Select arcade mode, Streets, and Deathmatch. Put the MI6 x2 on, use all the ammunition for the MI6 x2 until you run out. Keep firing and aim at someone. They will bend over and act as if they got hit while firing.

Glitch: Mine in water
Find a toilet and shoot the water. It will not splash, but instead will make a hole. Leave a remote mine in the water and it will stay there.

Glitch: Floating mine
Stick a mine on glass. Break the glass and the mine will remain floating in air.

Glitch: Drifting gun
Select any character that holds a gun in arcade mode. Wait for about five minutes and the gun will slowly drift away from that person's hand.

Glitch: Chastity's levitating gun
In deathmatch mode, select Chastity Detroit at the character select screen. From this point on, do not press any buttons and let the animation where she folds her arms complete. After a few minutes, her gun will slowly begin to separate more and more from her body, until finally it appears that she is levitating it.
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