Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2001 Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Distract opponent
During a multi-player game, press [X], [Triangle], [Square], or [Circle] while your opponent is aiming and starting their swing. A strange sound will be played. Each button produces a different sound. More sounds can be heard if [R1] or [R2] is held while pressing the other buttons.

Faster CPU turn
Hold [L1] + [Triangle] when the CPU hits the ball.

Red shirt
Successfully complete all 21 courses in "Play Now" mode. Tiger Woods' red shirt is now unlocked, which allows the ranges on all clubs to match his actual stats.
Good drives
You can hit almost every green in the game with a driver (400) yard drive average. Press [R2] to tee up the ball. Perform your swing with the Right Analog-stick while holding [D-pad Up]. Once your ball gets into the air, you can put more spin on the ball with spin control. The sooner you press it and the longer you hold it, the further the ball will go. Also, for those tough par fours, you may want to try hitting the ball while using the topspin during your swing and using backspin on the spin control to get the ball to sit down.
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