Star Wars: The Clone Wars Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Multi-player level select
Enter "JORG SACUL" as a code.

Campaign level select
Enter "DOORDONOT" as a code.

Unlock next level
Enter "THRISNOTRY" as a code.

Enter "DARKSIDE" as a code.

Unlimited secondary and special weapon
Enter "SUPERLASER" as a code.

Three bonus objectives for current mission marked complete
Enter "GIMME" as a code.

Battle Droid unlocked in Academy: Geonosis level
Enter "TRADEFED" as a code.

Super Battle Droid unlocked in Academy: Geonosis level
Enter "TEKNOUNION" as a code.

Clone trooper unlocked in Academy: Geonosis level
Enter "SONOFFETT" or "FETTSSON" as a code.

Alternately, enter "FAKE FETT" as a code.

Padme Amidala unlocked in Academy: Geonosis level
Enter "NATALIE" as a code.

Wookie unlocked in Academy: Geonosis level
Enter "NERFHERDER" as a code.

Programming team photographs
Enter "JEDICOUNCIL" as a code. Note: The Sketchbook option must first be unlocked to view them.

All FMV sequences
Enter "12 PARSECS" as a code.

Raxus Duel multi-player level
Collect a total of 5 bonus points.

Thule Moon Control multi-player level
Collect a total of 10 bonus points.

Rhen Var multi-player level
Collect a total of 15 bonus points.

Jedi Academy multi-player level
Collect a total of 20 bonus points.

Unit viewer option
Collect a total of 25 bonus points.

Making Of FMV sequence
Collect a total of 30 bonus points.

CD player option
Collect a total of 35 bonus points.

Sketchbook option
Collect a total of 40 bonus points.

Yoda unlocked in Academy: Geonosis level
Collect a total of 45 bonus points.
Battle Of Geonosis: Running
Instead of fighting your way to the gunship, just run to it. Mace will automatically deflect most attacks.

Geonosis: The Rescue Begins: Locating the three R5 droids
First Droid: After destroying the first of the Hailfire Droids and before driving under the platforms, look for a ramp up the right wall of the canyon. At the top are ammunition and the first R5 Droid.

Second Droid: After destroying the second Anti-Orbital Cannon, the R5 Droid can be found on a plateau along the far west wall, just where the rock ridge begins.

Third Droid: The third R5 Droid is found along the left wall of the large room containing the last cannon's power supply.
Geonosis: Duel: Get on top of the rock
To get on top of the rock with the Disintegration Field and Cloaking Device, go to the place where there are pointy spikes everywhere. Turn left onto the upper levels (turn left if facing the rock, right if not) then search around that little area (without leaving the pillars' area). You will see a ramp. Go up it then keep going until you see a hole. Boost over the hole and hold [L1] slightly. You should be on the other side. Keep going to get to an invincibility item. You will see a ramp in front of the invincibility item, Boost long enough over it and you should end up on the rock.

New Alliances: Locating the three R5 droids
The three R5 droids for the "New Alliances" mission on the Kashyyyk moon are located as follows.
First Droid: The first droid is located at the Separatist outpost you attack in order to get the AAT. The Droid is located behind the building where the AAT is stored. Note: If you are killed you must still find this Droid; otherwise you will not get the bonus point.

Second Droid: Once you first enter the Separatist compound with the AAT, go through the entrance and keep going to the other fence. You should be behind a building. On the left side of your current location is the second R5.

Third Droid: The third R5 is found when you are on foot. After you have defeated the group of three small Spider Droids, run past the corner of the fence, then turn left. Follow that short fence line. Once past the fence, go to the green canister on your left side. Once you get to the green canister, go around to the back of it. You will find the last R5 there.
Alternately, use the following guide.
The first R5 is in the isolated station, just next to the ATT hangar.

The second R5 can be found when you enter the Comm Outpost in the ATT. It is at the right side, behind a hangar where a GAT Confederacy tank is stored.

The third R5 can be found when you are Anakin at foot. It is behind a large shooting tower. It is the only such tower in the outpost. You can reach it by foot. It is difficult to reach it, as its real location is hidden behind small spaces and alleys.

Note: Always check the radar. The tiny white dots that are not moving are often R5 droids.
Raxus Prime Duel: Get through forcefield
You will see a blue forcefield. Keep shooting it until it blows up to reach a hidden area.

Raxus Prime Duel: SuperBlasters and health
You may have noticed SuperBlasters and Health behind a wall in the level. To get there, go through the buildings. At the end (on the other side of the forcefield) turn right. You will see a wall. Shoot it until it explodes.

Multi-player mode: Super Blasters in Thule Moon Academy
If you use your boost, you can climb the rock off to the right and get Super Blasters for twenty seconds.

Multi-player mode: Ride in trenches
On Kashyyyk and Thule Moon, you can ride in the trenches by enabling the "Invincibility" code and falling off.

Defeating the Dark Reaper
Move your tank around the Dark Reaper so that you are facing it and out of its cannon range. Strafe to the right or the left by using [L2] and [R2]. Keep going in circles around it while firing. It cannot shoot you, but you can shoot it, However, when it fires its main laser beam at you, use a boost to get away. This strategy works also well with some other Bosses.
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