S.O.C.O.M. U.S. Navy Seals: Fireteam Bravo 2 Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Crosstalk Characters
Sync with SOCOM: Combined Assault for these multiplayer unlockables.
Jester - Complete the Socom: Combined Assault campaign at the rank of Admiral.
Killjoy - Complete Socom: Combined Assault campaign at the rank of Commander or higher.
Simple - Complete Socom: Combined Assault at the rank of Ensign or higher.
Specter - Automatically unlocked.

Unlock Face Gear For Multiplayer
In order to unlock some of the face gear, you need a certain amount of CE points:

Shades Gold - 5000 CE points
Shades Orange - 1000 CE points
Shades Red - 1000 CE points
Shades Small - 1000 CE points
Ski Goggles Black - 100 CE points
Ski Goggles Orange - 1000 CE points
Ski Goggles Red - 1000 CE points

Unlock Faces For Multiplayer
In order to unlock certain faces for multiplayer, you need to have a certain amount of CE points:

Fate - 15000 CE points
Gloom - 15000 CE points
Lensflare - 1000 CE
Nemesis - 15000 CE points

Unlock Head Gear For Multiplayer
In order to unlock some of the head gear, you need a certain amount of CE points:

Black Baseball - 1000 CE points
Black Baseball Back - 1000 CE points
Boonie Black Side - 500 CE points
Boonie Black Up - 500 CE points
Boonie Desert Side - 500 CE points
Boonie Desert Up - 500 CE points
Boonie Green - 1000 CE points
Boonie Jungle Side - 500 CE points
Boonie Jungle Up - 500 CE points
Flak Helmet Black - 1000 CE points
Helmet Black - 1000 CE points
Helmet Black Small - 1000 CE points
Helmet Desert - 1000 CE points
Helmet Desert Small - 1000 CE points
Helmet Green - 1000 CE points
Helmet Green Small - 1000 CE points
Helo Black - 5000 CE points
Helo Black Dark - 6000 CE points
Helo Black Shade - 6000 CE points
Yellow Baseball - 1000 CE points
Yellow Baseball Back - 1000 CE points

Unlock Pants For Multiplayer
In order to unlock some of the pants in multiplayer, you need a certain amount of Command Equity points:

Desert Tiger - 10000 CE points
Digital Desert - 4000 CE points
Ninja - 30000 CE points
Tiger Stripe - 1000 CE points
Undercover - 1000 CE points
Urban - 10000 CE points
Winter - 1000 CE points

Unlock Torso Equipement For Multiplayer
In order to unlock some of the torso equipement, you need a certain amount of CE points:

Backpack Black - 1000 CE points
Backpack Desert - 1000 CE points
Desert Tiger - 8000 CE points
Digital Desert - 4000 CE points
Hawaiian - 20000 CE points
Hazmat - 100 CE points
Ninja - 30000 CE points
Tiger Sripe - 1000 CE points
Undercover - 1000 CE points
Urban - 8000 CE points
Winter - 1000 CE points

Unlock Waist Gear For Multiplayer
In order to unlock some of the waist gear for multiplayer, you need a certain amount of CE points:

Camera - 100 CE points
Pack Desert - 500 CE points
Pack Green - 500 CE points
Biohazard Bag - 5000 CE points
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