Silent Scope Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Professional Challenge mode
Hold "Trigger" at the mode selection screen and highlight "Training" or "Arcade". Keep "Trigger" held and press [Start]x4. The sound of a gun will confirm correct code entry. The aiming ring and enemy markers will be disabled in this mode.

Night Vision Challenge mode
Hold "Trigger" at the mode selection screen and highlight "Training" or "Arcade". Keep "Trigger" held and press [Start]x5. The sound of a gun will confirm correct code entry. The game will begin at night and require the Night Vision scope. Alternately, press [Up], [Left], [Down], [Right], [Up],
[Square], [Triangle] at the mode selection screen.

Professional Night Vision Challenge mode
Hold "Trigger" at the mode selection screen and highlight "Training" or "Arcade". Keep "Trigger" held and press [Start]x6. The sound of a gun will confirm correct code entry. The game will begin at night, with no aiming ring or enemy markers.

Convert health to time
Press [Start] to pause game play in arcade mode, then press [Up]x2, [Down]x2, [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [X], [Circle]. The sound of a gun will confirm correct code entry. One half of a life will be converted into five extra seconds. This code can be repeated.

Convert time to health
Press [Start] to pause game play in arcade mode, then press [Triangle], [X], [Right], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Circle], [X], [Right], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Down]x2, [Up]x2. The sound of a gun will confirm correct code entry. Five seconds from the timer will be converted to one half of a life. This code can be repeated.

Mirrored levels
Press [Left]x2, [Right], [Square], [Down]x2, [Up], [Triangle], [Up], [Right], [Down], [Up], [Left], [Down], [Square] at the mode selection screen. The sound of a gun will confirm correct code entry.

First person view
Press [Up]x4, [Down]x4 at the mode selection screen. The sound of a gun will confirm correct code entry.

Disable aiming ring
Press [Right]x3, [Square] at the mode selection screen. The sound of a gun will confirm correct code entry.

Disable enemy markers
Presss [Right]x4, [Left], [Down], [Up], [Right] at the mode selection screen. The sound of a gun will confirm correct code entry.

Disable scope
Press [Right], [Down], [Right], [Square], [Right], [Down], [Right], [Square] at the mode selection screen. The sound of a gun will confirm correct code entry.

Love mode
Press [Left], [Right], [Right], [Square], [Triangle] at the mode selection screen. The sound of a gun will confirm correct code entry.

Scope-only graphics
Press [Down], [Triangle], [Up], [Square], [Triangle], [Down], [Right], [Down], [Right], [Square], [Triangle] at the mode selection screen. The sound of a gun will confirm correct code entry.

Hidden mode
Press [Right], [Down], [Right], [Square], [Up], [Square]x2, [Triangle], [Down], [Right], [Down], [Right], [Square], [Triangle] at the mode selection screen. The sound of a gun will confirm correct code entry.

100 Challenge mode
Successfully complete all nine Outdoor Shooting Range challenges to unlock 100 Challenge Mode.

Extra options
Successfully complete the game under any difficulty setting to unlock a real time window and up to 8 health in the options menu. Alternately, accumulate over two hours of game play.

Successfully complete the game more that twice under any difficulty level to unlock infinite credits in the credit section of the options menu and +30 in the time limit section. Alternately, accumulate over three hours of game play to unlock the +30 time limit and over five hours for the infinite credits.

Alternate controls
A USB mouse can be used to aim. Press "Left Mouse Button" + "Right Mouse Button" to shoot.
Extra health
At the start of story mode in the second wave, a pool will appear randomly on one of the smaller buildings. Use your scope to zoom in on the pool and look for a woman in a bikini. If done correctly, instead of your regular scope it will be a pinkish red heart and you will gain extra health. This also can be done on the highway level by looking for a pink car.

Extra points
Shoot an enemy's gun to get 1000 points.

Highway level: Easy kills
When on the highway level, instead of aiming for the men in cars, shoot the tires to kill them all at once. Repeat this at the Boss.

Shoot at the driver to make the car spin out of control, killing everyone onboard the vehicle.

Rescuing the President: Lights out
When rescuing the President from the enemy base, choose to parachute in and shoot out all the lights at the bottom so they cannot see you.

Rescuing the president: Lead terrorist
To successfully complete the game you must shoot the lead terrorist in the boat directly in the head. You only have one bullet left. If you miss, you will lose and have to start again.
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