Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Downloadable Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams Cheats
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Feb. 08, 2014
Feb. 08, 2014
Feb. 08, 2014
Mar. 17, 2010
Primary Collection of Cheats
Unlock Multiplayer Mode
Go to the title screen, and both players must hold [R1] and [L2]. Player 2 must press [Start], and sound will chime to confirm the unlock.

Onimusha Arena
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [Square], [L1], [R2], [Square], [Left], [L1], [L2], [L3], [Right], [Triangle].

Jubei wears Cammy's Street Fighter costume
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [L2], [L2], [Right], [Right], [L3], [Triangle], [Left], [L1], [L2], [Square].

Ohatsu wears Chun-Li's Street Fighter costume
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [R3], [Right], [L2], [Left], [Left], [R3], [L1], [R1], [Right], [R3].

Roberto wears Guile's Street Fighter costume
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [R2], [L2], [Left], [L1], [Left], [Right], [R3], [Square], [Square], [Triangle].

Soki wears Ryu's Street Fighter costume
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [Left], [Triangle], [R2], [R3], [Square], [R1], [R1], [Right], [Left], [L2].

Tenkai wears Ken's Street Fighter costume
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [L3], [L3], [R3], [R3], [R3], [Left], [R2], [L1], [Square], [Right].

Jubei has tennis racket weapon
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [L1], [R1], [Right], [L2], [Triangle], [Right], [L1], [Right], [L3], [R1].

Ohatsu has piggy bank weapon
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [Right], [Triangle], [Left], [L3], [L1], [Triangle], [Square], [R2], [Square], [R2].

Roberto has boxing gloves weapon
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [Triangle], [R3], [Triangle], [Right], [R1], [L3], [Triangle], [L1], [Right], [L3].

Soki has steel pipe weapon
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [L2], [Square], [Triangle], [R1], [R1], [R3], [Left], [Square], [L1], [Triangle].

Tenkai gets microphone stand weapon
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [R2], [R3], [Square], [Left], [Left], [Right], [L2], [Left], [R2], [Left].
Unlock Hard Mode
Finish normal difficulty.

Unlock 1st Set of Secret Costumes
You must complete all the Test of Valor.

Unlock 2nd Set of Secret Costumes
You must beat all the Test of Valor and get the Gold Ranking for all of them.

Unlock Oni Mode
You must finish Hard Mode.

Unlock Ultimate Oni
You must complete the game once on Oni mode.

Super Fast Level Up
First, you should have finished the stage where you are in Sakai Facility. After you finish the stage dont proceed to the next mission, revisit the sakai facility instead. Proceed until you have an encounter with a Black Genma General in a Test of Valor. Make sure you get rid of him fast and get a gold medal, for having gold medal you'll be awarded Gem of Will. Gem of Will has the abilty to give you 10 times more expericence after a fight when equipped but will hold your hp to 1. Now, here's the trick make sure you have equip the gem of will and you have a full Drive power and just let your ally wait and recover. Having full drive power makes you resurrect , preventing from a game over. Now, just reenter the room where the test of valor of black genma general again. But this time, wait for the general to summon his minions, then attack the genmas with a magic attack and critical hit all of them so that the fight would be easy, critical them again and again until they perish, after the fight you would notice that you have gained 200000 experience or simply 2 to 7 level ups in just one bout, it's very simple really. Just repeat the process again until you have reach level 100.
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