Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams Cheats - PlayStation 2
Primary Collection of Cheats
Unlock Multiplayer Mode
Go to the title screen, and both players must hold [R1] and [L2]. Player 2 must press [Start], and sound will chime to confirm the unlock.
Onimusha Arena
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [Square], [L1], [R2], [Square], [Left], [L1], [L2], [L3], [Right], [Triangle].
Jubei wears Cammy's Street Fighter costume
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [L2], [L2], [Right], [Right], [L3], [Triangle], [Left], [L1], [L2], [Square].
Ohatsu wears Chun-Li's Street Fighter costume
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [R3], [Right], [L2], [Left], [Left], [R3], [L1], [R1], [Right], [R3].
Roberto wears Guile's Street Fighter costume
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [R2], [L2], [Left], [L1], [Left], [Right], [R3], [Square], [Square], [Triangle].
Soki wears Ryu's Street Fighter costume
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [Left], [Triangle], [R2], [R3], [Square], [R1], [R1], [Right], [Left], [L2].
Tenkai wears Ken's Street Fighter costume
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [L3], [L3], [R3], [R3], [R3], [Left], [R2], [L1], [Square], [Right].
Jubei has tennis racket weapon
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [L1], [R1], [Right], [L2], [Triangle], [Right], [L1], [Right], [L3], [R1].
Ohatsu has piggy bank weapon
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [Right], [Triangle], [Left], [L3], [L1], [Triangle], [Square], [R2], [Square], [R2].
Roberto has boxing gloves weapon
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [Triangle], [R3], [Triangle], [Right], [R1], [L3], [Triangle], [L1], [Right], [L3].
Soki has steel pipe weapon
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [L2], [Square], [Triangle], [R1], [R1], [R3], [Left], [Square], [L1], [Triangle].
Tenkai gets microphone stand weapon
Select the "Special" option at the main menu. Highlight the "Exit" option at the "Special" menu, then press [R2], [R3], [Square], [Left], [Left], [Right], [L2], [Left], [R2], [Left].