Oni Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Master code
Press [Select] during game play. Highlight "Help", then press [L2], [L1], [L2], [Square], [Circle], [Square]. There is no confirmation that the code is active. The following sub codes may now be enabled. The master code must be entered before each sub code.

Unlimited health
Enable the "Master code", then press [R3], [L3], [R3], [Circle]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Enter the code again to disable its effects.

Unlimited ammunition
Enable the "Master code", then press [L2]x2, [L1], [L3]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Enter the code again to disable its effects.

Ballistic ammunition clips filled
Enable the "Master code", then press [Circle]x3, [R3]. . A sound will confirm correct code entry. Enter the code again to disable its effects.

One hit kills
Enable the "Master code", then press [L3], [R3], [Circle], [Square]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Konoko can now kill enemies with one hit. Enter the code again to disable its effects.

Level skip
Enable the "Master code", then press [L3], [R3], [L2], [L1]. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Character select
Enable the "Master code", then press [L2]x4. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Keep pressing [L2] to cycle through the characters available on the current level. Each has special moves different from Konoko, and is a remnant from the network/death match mode that was removed before the game's final release.

Tiny characters
Enable the "Master code", then press [L3], [R3], [Square], [Circle]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Enter the code again to disable its effects.

Big characters
Enable the "Master code", then press [R3], [Square], [Circle], [L3]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Enter the code again to disable its effects.

Big head
Enable the "Master code", then press [Start], [Square], [Circle], [Start]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Enter the code again to disable its effects.

Fists Of Legend mode
Enable the "Master code", then press [R3], [L3], [Circle], [Square]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Enter the code again to disable its effects. When activated, this code makes your enemies fly further when punched.

Gatling Guns mode
Enable the "Master code", then press [L2], [L2], [L1], [L3]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Most weapons can fire without pausing, and all weapons will have unlimited ammunition. Enter the code again to disable its effects.

Unlimited Phase Cloak
Enable the "Master code", then press [L1], [R3], [L2], [L3]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Enter the code again to disable its effects.
Avoid fall damage
When you jump off or fall from a high area, press [L2] to flip close to the ground. You will not take damage from the fall.

Leaning gut punch
Press [R1] + [L2] for a secret, albeit weird, leaning gut punch.

Press [X] with no weapon equipped during a fight to taunt the enemy. You can also do this while standing over a dead person.

Skip training
Instead of selecting "New Game", select "Load Game" and level 1 will be available to start on.

Defeating the computer
When up against the computer drop your gun. You do not need it and you could accidentally press [R3] -- you cannot maneuver with a gun in your hand. The first set of lasers are easy. Just do a jump flip, but watch for the higher laser. When you have activated all the consoles, the second set of lasers are activated. These lasers are faster, but are easy to jump flip over. After activating the consoles a second time, the third and final set of lasers show up. This must be timed perfectly. If you were jumping over the lasers while running at them -- this time run away from the lasers and do not jump, dash and roll. It is okay if you accidentally hit a laser, as you still may have enough health to finish. If you really want to save time throughout the entire level, after activating all four consoles, then activate the one you just did, so your order would be 1-2-3-4-4-1-2-3-4.

It is easier to defeat the computer if you run counter-clockwise around the room. Just run in a circle since Konoko can move faster than the laser beams.

Defeating the second Deadly Brain
On Level 13, hold onto a mercury bow that you get in the stage. Make sure to have some ammunition. When you are fighting Shinitama, go up to Griffan's force field. If he is not standing near the force field, hit one of the switches and return. After he is near the force field, shoot him. If done correctly, he will get hit and come through the force field at you. Simply hit him a few times to win. Note: You cannot get the "Didn't kill Griffan" last Boss battle if this trick is used.

Defeating Barbras
Knock his gun out of his hands, then pick it up and shoot missiles at him. If you run out of ammunition, let him pick it up and when he charges it up, get it from him again. Note: This will not kill him the second time that you fight him.

Defeating the Boss after the brain computer
The Boss after the brain computer has the Wave Motion Cannon. When you start, run at him at an angle and jump kick the gun out of his hands -- he will fall down. Once he is on the ground, run over to the gate with the two fallen guards on each side. Go to the right and pick up the Hypo. Use it, and when you are super charged go after the Boss. This should make quick work of his health. If he has any health remaining, just use combos on him. Note: Do not let him get the gun.

Multiple endings
After defeating the computer (Shinatama), you are faced with a choice -- kill Commander Griffin or not. Your choice will drastically effect the ending Boss fight. Should you decide to shoot him, you just made things harder on your self. At the final battle you will face your brother after he transforms into a monster. If you do not kill him, the final battle will be slightly easier This time, your brother will approach you with two of his troops and will not transform. Do not worry about the troops, your old "friends" from the TCTF will help you, as well as Commander Griffin, leaving you to face your brother. With either choice, the ending sequence remains the same.

An Innocent Life: Easy robot target
On level 8, "An Innocent Life", one save point is within a room with three or four robots, deadly green ooze below, and large sparking arcs of electricity that you must avoid to get to the other side. From the save point, run up the stairs and take care of the robot up there. Then, hop down at the outcropping to the Terminal below. You should have just avoided the first half of the first arc of electricity. After you drop down, the robot guarding the terminal to temporarily shut down the arcs of electricity will not usually "see" you, since you arrived the wrong way. He now should be an easy kill.

Atmospheric Conversion Center (interior): Easier start
When you begin level 14, attack the enemy which is in front of the pillar that you started out at. He will attack you as well. When he does this, run behind the pillar. This will "bring" his other patrolling friends towards you. This will be slightly easier than running into the open, where a sniper is waiting for you. When all three of the enemies appear, duck and continuously trip them. This strategy works if you disarm the man carrying the gun. Once you have defeated them, look to the left of where you started. There will be an invisibility item. Pick it up and run towards the exit where two guards are located. If you try to kill them, you will probably get shot down by the sniper.

Bio Lab: Force Shield
On the Bio Lab level, immediately after you defeat the Boss, go to the door to the second save point. After saving the game and you have made it up to the second floor, save the scientist in the back of the left-side room. After doing so, he will give you a Force Shield which will stop all bullets that are shot at you. Note: Even with the shield active, hand to hand combat still can hurt you.

Dawn of the Crysilus", "Syndicate Mountain Compound: Mutant Muro
Enable the "Character select" code and keep pressing [L2] to cycle though the different characters on that level. After Konoko and Muro, a huge final form of Muro that only appears in the regular game if Griffin is killed earlier. Enable the "Tiny character" code to make the final form of Muro smaller. Enter the "Tiny character" code again and it will be average size.

Rooftops: Defeating the ninja
Use the following trick to easily defeat the ninja at the end of the level. Get and keep the Screaming Cannon. While fighting the ninja, stand with your back to the elevator door that you came through. The ninja will teleport and get stuck in the elevator behind you. Walk forward, turn around, and you will be able to see him trying to run through the door. Shoot him with the Screaming Cannon and he will die instantly. Note: Sometimes he will teleport beside you. If this happens, hit him until he has to teleport and try standing in front of the door again.

Syndicate Warehouse: Unlimited time
On the truck section, you will have approximately three minutes to get the console. To have no time, first get to the floor of the console. There will be a striker. Turn the console but do not kill the striker. It will have no time afterwards. Note: If you leave the area by the console and return, you will automatically trigger the intermission sequence and win the level. Also, to keep the striker from killing you, get rid of his gun then run away.

Truth And Consequences: Walk outside
On level 9, "Truth And Consequences" you will start in a small room with a man you can talk to. He will tell you he has a wife and kids. Leave this room and go into the front atrium. In here you will see the locked front door, dual staircases, and a lot of glass. Shoot out a full square pane of glass (not just a triangular section), then run and hop through. You are now outside on the streets. The programmers anticipated this and placed roadblocks outside, as well as invisible barriers, at the end of each street. You cannot run around too much. Note: At each roadblock are two enemies, with at least one carrying a Mercury Bow. If you are fast enough you can see them pop into existence. If you are careful and quick enough, you can grab a Mercury Bow from one of the opponents and it will still have one shot remaining. When you want to reenter the building, run up to the front door and it will open, and lock behind you. If you do not kill any of the opponents that see you while outside, they may come stalking after you throughout the building. Finally, going outside and then reentering the building sometimes causes a glitch in the game where it will stutter every second or so.

Skip level 13
Enable the "Unlimited health" code. When Griffin's desk falls at the beginning, follow it. From here, you can either go towards the door at the other side of the room to initiate the Deadly Brain, or just start to use the control panels that deactivate the Deadly Brain (but if you do that, you may have to skip this level to exit).

Faster Mercury Bow recharge
Instead of waiting for the Mercury Bow to recharge between shots, drop it and pick it up again and it will be ready to fire.
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