NFL 2K3 Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Faster drafts
Select franchise mode. Hold [Triangle] while other teams are making their choices to speed up the draft process.

Power hit
Press [L1] + [R1] to power hit your opponent.

Use this special move to plow through the defense. While running the ball, hold [L1] + [R1]. And the runner will shoulder charge the opponent, and knock them on their butts. This is very useful when you need that extra yard.

Press [R3] for a power hit.

Easy timeout
Hold [L1] + [R1] and press [Select].

Alternately, just press [Select].

Spoken created player names
Enter one of the following names for a created player to have them announced during a game.
Bill Clinton
Barry Sanders"
When playing against a friend or friends, use this trick so they cannot choose a play, or more accurately, the one that they want. Make sure you select your play before your friend(s) do, then press [Start] to pause game play. Their play book menu will go back to the beginning, forcing them to start picking the play again. Keep doing this until the play clock runs out, and they will not be able to choose their own play.

Predict plays
Look at the offensive tackles used by the CPU before any play is run. They will either be in a two point or a three point stance (their hand will either be on the ground or on their knee). If they are in a two point stance (hand on knee), it is either a pass play or a draw. If they are in a three point stance (hand on the ground), it is either a run or a play action pass. This works all of the time, and the CPU rarely uses play pass or draw -- you can almost always guess what play they are running.

Note: You can also predict a human opponent's play, even though they hide it, by watching the position of the defensive ends. They are the same as when predicting the CPU plays.

Closer looks at plays
Just before you get out of a huddle, hold [L1] + [R1] to get a closer look at the play. This works especially well on running plays up the middle.

View end of season highlights
To see highlights from your team's season, win the Super Bowl in franchise mode. Approximated highlights of your rise to glory will show while the credits roll.

Get the ball on kickoff
Whenever you kickoff do a onside kick. Aim on the opposite side of the other team, low. If done correctly, you will get the ball.

Onside kicks
Press [Start] to pause game play. Select "Game Plan", then "Substitution", then choose "By Package". A list of packages will appear. The one you need is at the bottom. Now, go to "Onside Kickoff" (and not "Onside Kick Return"). A list of players will appear. You will need to select the correct one. Change the tightend into the kicker. Select one of the tightends and the game will ask for a replacement. Go down the list, find the kicker (K), and select him. Exit out of the pause menu. Then, select "Onside Kick" instead of "Kickoff". While kicking, position the arrow all the way up. Instead of a regular onside kick, position the kick not all the way to the left but almost there. When kicking, make sure the power bar is filled. The works almost every time.

To always get the ball on onside kicks, in game mode go to the options screen select "Penalties". Turn off the "Illegal Onside Kick" option. Before you pla,y go to "Substitution" and then "By Package". For "Onside Kicks", replace the tight end for the kicker. When you onside kick, keep the arrow all the way to the right and power at half.

Run faster
When running with the ball, rapidly tap "Speed Burst" instead of holding it.

Funny commentary
Choose a passing play and take the ball. Fade back for a long time and the announcer will say, "I've heard of fading back but this is ridiculous!" or "What is he doing?"

Broadcasters announce your last name
Go to "Roster Management" and select "Create Player". Then, type in your player's first name and enter any pro football player's last name. Put him on any team as a starter in any position, The broadcasters will say his last name.

No first name-announced
When you create a team in the Roster Management section, and play with the team, the announcers will only say a player's last name. For example, when Brett Farve is shown in the Offensive Lineup, they will only say Farve and not Brett Farve.

Change attributes
You can go into roster mode and change attributes. Highlight the attribute that you want to change and select it. Choose "Change Attribute" and use the numbers on the top of the keyboard to enter the value (0-99) for that attribute. You can use this to make your team completely unstoppable, or make your opponents unworthy.

Get lots of draft picks
Go to the trading block and put down your three top players. Then, play a few weeks of the season. When you go back, there should be offers from teams. The more, offers the better. Put down your first and second picks in each trade offer. then leave the trades on the trading block. Go to the regular trade screen and trade away your first and second picks now for whatever you want. Go back to the trading block and view each offer. Your draft picks will still be in each offer, and you can trade them repeatedly.

Additional player creation points
This trick will give a player additional points when creating a halfback or a fullback. First, go to "Player Create" and select a halfback or a fullback. In the point distribution screen, select the "Speed" archetype and distribute points as desired. When done, save the new player. Return to the main menu and load the roster file. Return to "Player Create", select the player that was just made and go to the point distribution screen. The archetype listed will now be "Power" and there will be an additional 99 points to improve the player.

100 Rated Cornerback
Note: This works for all types of cornerbacks (Aggressive CB, Coverage CB, or Balanced CB). Also, fatigue must be disabled for best effect.
Speed: 99
Agility: 99
Upper Body Strength: 23
Lower Body Strength: 22
Tackle: 99
Coverage: 99
Pursuit: 99
Intelligence: 0
Hint 100 Rated Free Safety
Note: Fatigue must be disabled for best effect.
Speed: 99
Agility: 99
Upper Body Strength: 23
Lower Body Strength: 22
Tackle: 99
Coverage: 99
Pursuit: 99
Intelligence: 0
100 Rated Inside Line Backer
Note: Fatigue must be disabled.
Speed: 99
Agility: 0
Upper Body Strength: 76
Lower Body Strength: 70
Tackle: 99
Coverage: 99
Pass Rush: 99
Pursuit: 99
Intelligence: 0
100 Rated Outside Line Backer
Note: Fatigue must be disabled.
Speed: 99
Agility: 0
Upper Body Strength: 76
Lower Body Strength: 70
Tackle: 99
Coverage: 99
Pass Rush: 99
Pursuit: 99
Intelligence: 0
100 Rated Linemen
Balanced Defensive or Offensive Line
Speed: 55
Agilty: 50
Upper Body Strength: 99
Lower Boby Strength: 99
Tackle: 99
Pass Rush: 99
Pursuit: 99
Intelligence: 0
100 Rated Wide Receiver
Note: Fatigue must be disabled.
Power WR Setting
Speed: 99
Agility: 99
Break Tackle: 0
Catch: 99
Run Route: 99
Run Blocking: 44
Pass Blocking: 0
Stamina: 0
100 Rated Quarterback
Power QB Setting
Speed: 99
Agility: 99
Pass Accuracy: 99
Pass Arm Strength: 99
Pass Read Coverage: 99
Break Tackle: 5
Hold On To Ball: 68
Composure: 0
Intelligence: 70
Leadership: 80
Scramble: 0
100 Rated Running Back
Speed: 100
Agility: 100
Break Tackle: 100
Power Moves: 100
Finesse Moves: 99
Catch: 100
Run Block: 53
Pass Block: 53
Intelligence: 12
100 Rated Fullback
Power FB Setting
Power Run Style: 0
Speed: 99
Agility: 99
Run Route: 80
Break Tackle: 97
Run Blocking: 53
Pass Blocking: 53
Hold on to the ball: 55
Upper Body Strength: 42
Lower Body Strength: 42
100 Rated Half Back
Power HB Setting
Power Run Style: 0
Speed: 99
Agility: 99
Run Route: 80
Break Tackle: 97
Catch: 98
Run Blocking: 53
Pass Blocking: 53
Hold on to Ball: 80
Upper Body Strength: 45
Lower Body Strength: 45
100 Rated Kicker/Punter
To get a 100 rated kicker or punter, take the Intelligence away and set Accuracy and Power to 99.

Old team with modern logo
Press [L1] and [R1] to cycle through the teams until you see either what looks like a man in a two point stance (1985 Patriots) or an oil rig (Oilers logo). Watch the beginning FMV sequence, and if they show the coaches they will have the team's modern logo.
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