Mystic Heroes Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Primary Collection of Cheats
M1 Rune
Successfully complete story mode under the easy difficulty setting.

M2 Rune
Complete a versus mode match with four human players.

M3 Rune
Successfully complete story mode under the normal difficulty setting.

M4 Rune
Complete ten cooperative multi-player matches.

M5 Rune
Complete twenty versus mode matches. Note: These cannot be cooperative games.

M6: Rune
Complete twenty cooperative multi-player matches.

M7 Rune
Complete fifty versus mode matches. Note: These cannot be cooperative games.

M8 Rune
Successfully complete story mode under the hard difficulty setting.

M9 Rune
Successfully complete the game with all four characters under any difficulty setting.

M10 Rune
Complete 100 versus mode rounds in multi-player mode.

S1 Rune
Successfully complete the first group of four levels in survival mode. The S1 Rune helps your MP regenerate.

S2 Rune
Successfully complete the second group of four levels in survival mode. The S2 Rune helps you move faster.

S3 Rune
Successfully complete the third group of four levels in survival mode. The S3 Rune helps your HP regenerate.

S4 Rune
Successfully complete the first group of four levels in expert survival mode. The S4 Rune doubles your physical defense.

S5 Rune
Successfully complete the second group of four levels in expert survival mode. The S5 Rune doubles your physical attack.

S6 Rune
Successfully complete the third group of four levels in expert survival mode. The S6 Rune gives you unlimited MP.

Hard survival mode
Successfully complete the game in survival mode.

Play as Captain Dax
Successfully complete the game in survival mode under the beginner difficulty setting.

Play as Raja
Successfully complete the game in survival mode under the intermediate difficulty setting.

Play as Mariah
Successfully complete the game in survival mode under the advanced difficulty setting.

Play as Kai
Successfully complete the game in survival mode under the beginner difficulty setting in hard mode.
Shiga: Easy win
Keep attacking normally with your sword. Do two hits then do a direct spell. Go close to the enemy and repeat until your enemy is dead.

Easy hits
When in in a mission with no allies to fight with you, run around so that your enemies will chase you. When you are surrounded by plenty of enemues, unleash your S magic. You should make about 100 to 200 hits.

Battle at Mystic Castle shortcut
Once you have opened the two side doors at the start of the stage and completed the left side, there is a shortcut. Go through the right door and you will be immediately confronted by enemies. Use a Jump spell at the correct moment to land on the platform that takes you to the stairs.

Restore magic
Hold one of the block buttons + [Triangle] and your magic will get full.

Character recommendations
Naja is the strongest with close range combat and can charge magic about two to three times faster than any other character. Regardless of her stats, she also has relatively strong magic and she is the fastest person. Her only drawback is that in story mode, the Bosses are more difficult.

Shiga is strong, but not as strong as Naja. He is fast and his magic is also acceptable (Tornado magic recommended). He is fast and this is a good advantage.

Tai is good at close range, but not as good as Naja. His magic is also second best. However, he is slow.

Lani has the best magic and has relatively good speed but she has the worst attack.
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