Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space Cheats - PlayStation 2

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2

Primary Collection of Cheats
Real names
When you create an Ace Pilot, enter the first and last names as blank. Their real names will automatically appear. Note: This does not necessarily change anything about the pilots.
Federation Pilot 1: Keith Rhee
Federation Pilot 2: Mark Simmons
Federation Pilot 3: Rika Maruya
Zeon Pilot 1: Roy Brewer
Zeon Pilot 2: Charles Mac
Zeon Pilot 3: Min Tea
Free ability
In mission mode, when you are finished putting your name in, hold [R2] to get one free ability. Your stats will vary between which of the one you get (for example, Test Pilot, Ambition, and NT1).

Action Zaku
Successfully complete the four-star Pezun Numbers mission in Mission mode as a Zeon pilot.

Ball K-Type
Successfully complete the Build the Solar-System mission as a Federation Pilot in mission mode.

BIG-ZAM Mobile Armor
Successfully complete the mission 3 in White Base mode with an "S" rank to unlock this massive mobile armor.

Black Trinity Custom Zaku II
Get an "A" or higher rank in mission 1 in Ace Pilot mode as Black Trinity .

Black Trinity Custom Zaku I
Get an "A" or higher rank in mission 2 in Ace Pilot mode as Black Trinity.

Black Tri-Stars Zaku1 Mobile Suit
Successfully complete Black Tri-Stars mission 2 with an "S" rank In Ace Pilot mode.

Blue Destiny 3 Unit Gundam
Complete the first mission of Yuu Kajima in Ace Pilot mode with an "S" rank.

Blue Destiny Unit 02 Gundam
Successfully complete Ace Pilot mode as Yuu Kagima. If you get good ranks, you will also get the Beam Rifle from the Blue Destiny Unit 3.

Braw Bro Mobile Suit
Successfully complete all Zeon missions in Ace Pilot mode.

Char Aznable's Gelgoog Mobile Suit
Successfully complete all of Char Aznable's missions with an "S" rank in Ace Pilot mode.

Char Aznable's Zaku 2 Mobile Suit
Successfully Char Aznable's mission 1 with an "S" rank in Ace Pilot mode.

Char Custom
Get an "A" or higher rank in mission 1 in Ace Pilot mode as Char Aznable.

Core Fighter II FB
Successfully complete the three-star Escort Transport Fleet mission as a Federation pilot in mission mode.

Core Fighter
Successfully complete tutorial 3 in White Base mode.

Dendrobium (Orchis)
Get an "A" or higher rank as Kou Uraki in missions 5 and 6 in Ace Pilot mode.

Dendrobium Stamen
Get an "A" or higher rank as Kou Uraki in missions 5 and 6 in Ace Pilot mode.

Dendrodium Stamen Gundam
Successfully complete Kou Uraki's missions in Ace Pilot mode with at least one "S" rank.

Dozle Custom
Get an "A" or higher rank as Shin Matsunaga in mission 2 of Ace Pilot mode.

Dozul Zabi Zaku-II Mobile Suit
Successfully complete Shin Matsunaga's mission 2 in Ace Pilot mode with an "S" rank.

Dra-C Mobile Suit
Successfully complete Anavel Gato's missions in Ace Pilot mode with any rank. Note: This is probably one of the worst Mobile Suits and has almost no firepower

Create a Zeon pilot with the skill NT 3 in Mission mode.

F-2 Type
Successfully complete Mission mode as a Zeon pilot.

Fritz Helm
Successfully complete the two-star Escort Transport Fleet mission as a Zeon pilot in mission mode.

Full Armor Gundam
Successfully complete the Federation mission mode Capture Fortress level 4.

Galbaldy Alpha
Complete the five star Pezun Numbers mission in Mission mode as a Zeon pilot.

Successfully complete the Federation mission mode Escort Transports level 4.

Gelgoog Gato Custom
Complete the second mission with Anaval Gato in Ace Pilot mode with an "S" rank.

Gelgoog High Mobility Type Ridden Custom
Get an "A" or higher rank as Johnny Ridden in mission 4 in Ace Pilot mode.

Gelgoog Jäger
Create a Zeon pilot in Mission mode with Fast Combat, Sniper, and Six Sense.

Gelgoog Jagr Matsunaga Custom Mobile Suit
Successfully complete the last mission in Ace Pilot mode with Shin Matsunaga with an "S" rank.

Gelgoog Marine Commander Type Cima Garahua Custom
Complete the second mission of Cima Garahua in "Ace Pilot" mode with an " A" rank.

Gelgoog Marine Commander Type Custom Mobile Suit
Unlock Gerbera Tetra and you will also acquire this amazingly agile style of Gelgoog, along with two different beam machine guns.

Gelgoog Marine Mobile Suit
There many ways to unlock this Mobile Suit, but the simplest one is to complete all of the Ace Pilot missions. The Gelgoog Marine has the shoulder armor from a Zaku II on i's arm, but its strengths and weaknesses barely differ from any other Gelgoog.

Gerbera Tetra Mobile Suit
Successfully complete the last mission in Ace Pilot mode with Cima Garahua with an "S" rank.

Get an "A" or higher rank in all White Base, Thoroughbred, and Ace Pilot mode missions.

Successfully complete White Base TV mode.

GM Cannon Mobile Suit
Successfully complete Kou Uraki missions in Ace Pilot mode with a medium or low rank.

GM Command Mobile Suit
Create a Federation pilot.

GM Command Type
Successfully complete all eight missions as a federation pilot in mission mode.

GM Custom
Successfully complete Ace Pilot mode as Kou Uraki with a "B" or higher rank in all missions.

GM Sniper 2 Mobile Suit
Create three Federation pilots.

GM Sniper II
Create three Federation pilots, and complete their mission mode training.

Gundam Alex
Create a level 3 NT Federation pilot.

Gundam G-3
Get an "A" or higher rank on all White Base mode missions.

Gundam GP04 Mobile Suit
Successfully complete Ace Pilot as Kou Uraki with all "A+" ranks.

Gundam Unit 4 [Bst]
Get an "A" or higher rank in the "What If" mission 5 in Thoroughbred mode.

Gundam Unit 4
Successfully complete the "What If" mission 5 in Thoroughbred mode.

Gundam Unit 5 [Bst] Mobile Suit
Get an "S" rank on the last mission in Thouroghbred mod to unlock Gundam Unit 5 [Bst]. Note: This Gundam is very similar to the normal Gundam Unit 5 but is worth getting.

Gundam Unit 5 Mobile Suit
Successfully complete Kou Uraki's missions in Ace Pilot mode with any "A" rank. Note: This Mobile Suit is equipped with the "Hyper Beam Rifle" which is a very powerful weapon that only a very few Mobile Suits can use.
any grades (preferably low).

Gundam Unit 5
Successfully complete mission 5 in Thoroughbred mode.

Successfully complete White Base TV mode.

Gyan Mobile Suit
Successfully complete mission 4 in White Base mode with an "S" rank.

High Mobility Black Trinity Custom
Get an "A" or higher rank in mission 3 in Ace Pilot mode as Black Trinity.

High Mobility Matsunaga Custom
Get an "A" or higher rank in missions 3 and 4 in Ace Pilot mode as Shin Matsunaga.

High Mobility R-2 Type Ridden Custom
Get an "A" or higher rank in mission 3 in Ace Pilot mode as Johnny Ridden.

High Mobility R-2 Type
Successfully complete Ace Pilot mode as Johnny Ridden.

High Mobility Type
Successfully complete Ace Pilot mode as Shin Matsunaga.

High Mobillity Black Tri-Stars Zaku 2 Mobile Suit
Successfully complete all of Black Tri-Stars missions with an "A" rank in Ace Pilot mode.

Jack Bayard's Mobile Suit
Create five Federation pilots.

Successfully complete the three-star Battle Of Loum mission as a Zeon pilot in mission mode.

Johnny Ridden's Custom Gelgoog Mobile Suit
Successfully Johnny Ridden's mission 4 with an "S" rank in Ace Pilot mode.

Complete the four-star Escort Transport Fleet mission in Mission mode as a Zeon pilot.

Create three Zeon pilots and complete all of their training missions.

Neue Ziel Mobile Suit
Successfully complete the last mission in Ace Pilot mode with Anavel Gato, with an "S" rank.

Complete the third mission with Anaval Gato in Ace Pilot mode with an "S" rank.

Public Mobile Suit
Successfully complete the Federation mission mode Battle of Loum level 4.

Rick Dom Gato Custom
Complete the first mission with Anaval Gato in Ace Pilot mode with an "S" rank.

Rick Dom Gato Custom
Get an "A" or higher rank in mission 1 in Ace Pilot mode as Anavel Gato.

Rick Dom II
Successfully complete Ace Pilot mode as Anavel Gato.

Val Varo's Mobile Suit
Successfully complete the Zeon mission mode Assault Enemy Fleet level 4.

White Zaku II
Successfully complete the Ace Pilot mode as Shin Matsunaga to unlock his Custom White Zaku.

Get an "A" or higher rank in mission 1 in White Base mode, then complete White Base TV mode.

Zaku F2 Mobile Suit
Create a normal Zeon pilot and successfully get up to levels close to Amuro's.

Zeong's Mobile Suit
Successfully Char Aznable's mission 5 with an "S" rank in Ace Pilot mode.

Zepheranthes Full Vernian
Complete the Kuu Uraki's mission 3 in Ace Pilot mode with an "S" rank.

Zephyranthes Full Vernien
Get an "A" or higher rank as Kou Uraki in missions 2 and 3 in Ace Pilot mode.

Play as Anaval Gato
Successfully complete Ace Pilot mode as Kou Uraki with any rank to unlock Anaval Gato in Ace Pilot mode.

Play as Black Tri-Stars
Successfully complete Ace Pilot mode as Char Aznable with any rank to unlock the Black Tri-Stars in Ace Pilot mode.

Play as Char Aznable
Successfully complete White Base mode with any rank to unlock Char Aznable in Ace Pilot mode.

Play as Cima
Successfully complete Ace Pilot mode as Gato with any rank to unlock Cima in Ace Pilot mode.

Play as Johnny Ridden
Successfully complete Ace Pilot mode as Black Tri-Stars with any rank to unlock Johnny Ridden in Ace Pilot mode.

Play as Shin Matsunaga
Successfully complete Ace Pilot mode as Johnny Ridden with any rank to unlock Shin Matsunaga in Ace Pilot mode.

Play as Sleggar Law
Successfully complete movie mode.

Play as Yuu Kajima
Successfully complete Thoroughbred mode with any rank to unlock Yuu Kajima in Ace Pilot mode.

Background music gallery
Successfully complete White Base mode with any character and rank to unlock the first set of background music. Successfully complete Thoroughbred mode under the normal Ace Pilot modes to unlock more background music.

TV mode
Get an "A+" rank on all missions in movie mode to unlock TV mode. Alternately, have a fully completed saved game file from Mobile Suit Gundam: Joruney to Jaburo.
Bonus points
If you destroy a ship and its remains are still there, you can blow it up again for extra points.

Easy "S" or "A" ranks
The easiest way to get "S" or "A" ranks is to use the multi shot on many targets. If all shots hit nearly at the same time, you will get bonus points. This is mostly useful for battleships.

To get an "A" or higher, do not call in support. By doing this, you will have more Mobile Suits to destroy, thus earning more points.

Recommended versus mode team
If you are the kind of pilot who likes using only strongest Mobile Suits, and having just a little bit of back-up just in case, then use the following team. Also, if you are using my team of Mobile Suits, you must also use the same pilots, because they are engineers and this ability is required to fit all three Mobile Suitesinto one team.
First pilot: Amuro Ray; first Mobile Suit: Tallgeese III with Megacannon
Second pilot: Kou Uraki; second Mobile Suit: Zaku II with Hyper Bazooka
Third pilot: Cima Garahua; third Mobile Suit: Gattle
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