Madden NFL 07 Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Downloadable Madden NFL 07 Cheats
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Aug. 14, 2013
Primary Collection of Cheats
QB On Target card
Enter WROA0R as a code. Your Quarterback will have 100% accuracy for one half.

Mistake Free card
Enter XL7SP1 as a code. It will be impossible to throw an interception or fumble the ball for one half.

Lame Duck card
Enter 5LAWO0 as a code. Your opponent will be forced to throw lob passes for one half.

Super Bowl XLI Gold card
Enter RLA9R7 as a code.

Super Bowl XLII Gold card
Enter WRLUF8 as a code.

Super Bowl XLIII Gold card
Enter NIEV4A as a code.

Super Bowl XLIV Gold card
Enter M5AB7L as a code.

Aloha Stadium Gold card
Enter YI8P8U as a code.

1958 Colts Gold card
Enter B57QLU as a code.

1966 Packers Gold card
Enter 1PL1FL as a code.

1968 Jets Gold card
Enter MIE6WO as a code.

1970 Browns Gold card
Enter CL2TOE as a code.

1972 Dolphins Gold card
Enter NOEB7U as a code.

1974 Steelers Gold card
Enter YO0FLA as a code.

1976 Raiders Gold card
Enter MOA11I as a code.

1977 Broncos Gold card
Enter C8UM7U as a code.

1978 Dolphins Gold card
Enter VIU0O7 as a code.

1980 Raiders Gold card
Enter NLAPH3 as a code.

1981 Chargers Gold card
Enter COAGI4 as a code.

1982 Redskins Gold card
Enter WL8BRI as a code.

1983 Raiders Gold card
Enter H0EW7I as a code.

1984 Dolphins Gold card
Enter M1AM1E as a code.

1985 Bears Gold card
Enter QOETO8 as a code.

1986 Giants Gold card
Enter ZI8S2L as a code.

1988 49ers Gold card
Enter SP2A8H as a code.

1990 Eagles Gold card
Enter 2L4TRO as a code.

1991 Lions Gold card
Enter J1ETRI as a code.

1992 Cowboys Gold card
Enter W9UVI9 as a code.

1993 Bills Gold card
Enter DLA3I7 as a code.

1994 49ers Gold card
Enter DR7EST as a code.

1996 Packers Gold card
Enter F8LUST as a code.

1998 Broncos Gold card
Enter FIES95 as a code.

1999 Rams Gold card
Enter S9OUSW as a code.
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

30 Years of Franchise (100) - Complete 30 years of Franchise mode.
All-Madden Shut Out (10) - Pitch a shut out on All-Madden difficulty.
Create-A-Player (5) - Successfully create a player.
Game Record - Interceptions (10) - Set the single game record for Interceptions.
Game Record - Pass Touchdowns (10) - Set the single game record for Passing Touchdowns.
Game Record - Pass Yards (10) - Set the single game record for Passing Yards.
Game Record - Receiving TD's (10) - Set the single game record for Receiving Touchdowns.
Game Record - Receiving Yards (10) - Set the single game record for Receiving Yards.
Game Record - Receptions (10) - Set the single game record for Receptions.
Game Record - Rush TD's (10) - Set the single game record for Rushing Touchdowns.
Game Record - Rushing Yards (10) - Set the single game record for Rushing Yards.
Game Record - Sacks (10) - Set the single game record for Sacks.
Import Draft Class (10) - Successfully import a Draft Class.
Live Opponent (5) - Play a Live Opponent game.
Madden Gamer Level 10 (20) - Reach a Madden Gamer Level of 10.
Madden Gamer Level 2 (10) - Reach a Madden Gamer Level of 2.
Madden Gamer Level 20 (40) - Reach a Madden Gamer Level of 20.
Madden Gamer Level 30 (70) - Reach a Madden Gamer Level of 30.
Madden Gamer Level 40 (85) - Reach a Madden Gamer Level of 40.
Madden Gamer Level 50 (100) - Reach a Madden Gamer Level of 50.
Mini-Games (5) - Enter the Mini-Games mode.
Perfect Season (30) - Successfully complete a Perfect Season.
Season Record - INT's (20) - Set the season record for Interceptions.
Season Record - Pass TD (20) - Set the season record for Passing Touchdowns.
Season Record - Pass Yards (20) - Set the season record for Pass Yards.
Season Record - Receive TD (20) - Set the season record for Receiving Touchdowns.
Season Record - Receiving Yards (20) - Set the season record for Receiving Yards.
Season Record - Receptions (20) - Set the season record for Receptions.
Season Record - Rush Touchdowns (20) - Set the season record for Rushing Touchdowns.
Season Record - Rush Yards (20) - Set the season record for Rushing Yards.
Season Record - Sacks (20) - Set the season record for Sacks.
SS Career - 100 Sacks (20) - SS Career - 100 Sacks.
SS Career - 10000 Rush Yards (20) - SS Career - 10000 Rush Yards.
SS Career - 20 Forced Fumbles (20) - SS Career - 20 Forced Fumbles.
SS Career - 200 Pass TD's (20) - SS Career - 200 Pass TD's.
SS Career - 25 Interceptions (20) - SS Career - 25 Interceptions.
SS Career - 500 Tackles (20) - SS Career - 500 Tackles.
SS Career - 60 Receiving TDs (20) - SS Career - 60 Receiving TDs.
SS Season - 10 Receiving TDs (10) - SS Season - 10 Receiving TDs.
SS Season - 140 Tackles (10) - SS Season - 140 Tackles.
SS Season - 1400 Rush Yards (10) - SS Season - 1400 Rush Yards.
SS Season - 16 Sacks (10) - SS Season - 16 Sacks.
SS Season - 30 Pass TDs (10) - SS Season - 30 Pass TDs.
SS Season - 7 Force Fumb (10) - SS Season - 7 Force Fumb.
SS Season - 7 INTs (10) - SS Season - 7 INTs.
Super Bowl Win (30) - Win the Super Bowl.

Easy Madden Tokens
The following is an easy way to earn Madden Tokens to get Madden Cards fast. Play a Two Minute Drill after going to the rosters to change some player stats. It does not matter which team you change the stats to, just make them very good. For example, if you go to the Saints, make the entire offensive line very good. Then, do the same for the fullback and halfback. Then go a team you plan to go against in the Two Minute Drill. Go to their defense and make their speed and awareness very low for all the defensive players. Once done, go to Two Minute Drill. Select how many players you want, set the difficulty to All-Madden, then make sure your profile shows up to the left side of the teams you selected. If you plan to run against the defense, try a HB toss to run on the outside. If you pass, throw Hail Marys the entire time. Your receiver that was made very good should burn the defensive backs, more so if you make them very tall and skinny. They can make jump catches all the time. For some reason, running the ball for touchdowns gives you more points, so mix it up.

Set the game difficulty to "All-Madden". Then, go into the AI settings and set all of the human stats (QB Accuracy, O-line Pass Blocking, etc.) to the maximum. Next, set all the CPU stats to the lowest. Set the quarters to five minutes and choose a team with a good running back, such as Seattle or Washington. It will still be difficult to pass even with the CPU stats as low as they are. You should be able to rack up well over 500 rushing yards. You should get over 700 Madden Tokens per game.

Recommended defense
Try blitzing on first and second downs but not on the third down. Your opponent may be used to rushing his throws and throw the ball right into your coverage.

If you choose a 4-3 or a 3-4 defense against any team, select a play in which you blitz all your linebackers and have your defensive backs cover the receivers. This works about 90% of the time. You will average at least five sacks per game.

This works best when playing against the CPU and works well in two player mode. Use a 4-3 defense and use engage eight. Make the safety that blitzes into yellow coverage and the linebacker to the left in yellow coverage too. Next, make the line come in and have the linebackers spread out. Put the MLB that is blitzing between the end and the tackle on the left side. Put the other line backer that is blitzing in between the other tackle and end. For some flare, pump up the crowd at the snap. It should be easy to predict if it is a pass or run because QB vision will appear if it is a pass. On third down it is most likely going to be pass; just predict pass and they should be used to rushing their throws. You may be able to get an easy interception.

Use the following choices with a base 4-3 defense. This defense covers basically all holes that most defenses have and will normally prevent any long runs or long pass plays against you.

SS: Ed Reed (Reed is better at the SS position than FS)
FS: Brain Dawkins (another great FS option is Sean Taylor if you want a younger player)
CB1: Champ Bailey (another great CB1 option is Deangelo Hall if you want a younger player)
CB2: Marcus Trufant
MLB: Brian Urlacher
LOLB: Shawne Merriman (he is the youngest and the highest rated player)
ROLB: Lance Briggs (Joey Porter is another good choice but Lance Briggs is younger)
DT1: Casey Hampton (great strength and run stopping ability)
DT2: Tommie Harris (pass rushing and tackling ability)
RE: Dwight Freeney (only disadvantage is his size but his skills match up to that of Julius Peppers)
LE: Julius Peppers

Easy fumbles
Press [R2] to strip the ball from a player. This may cause a fumble.

Change menu song
When at the main menu where there is the "Help" button is available, hold [Square] and press [R1] or [L1] to change between songs. This action is only available in menu type screens and the "Help" option must be available.

Performance Institute revisit
You can use the Performance Institute more than once in one week during the Superstar and Hall of Fame modes. To use the Performance Institute more than once in one week (assuming if your agent lets you use it), first go to your schedule and simulate up to the day that you have your game. Then go to the Performance Institute and do your normal drill. Go to your schedule and start your game. However when you get to the kickoff, quit and go back to the Performance Institute. You should be able to attend once more (before the game).

Superstar mode: Easy enforcer role
Create a defender in Superstar mode. This works better if you use a faster player such as a safety or cornerback. Force your opponent into a fourth and long situation. When they line up to punt, line up offsides just behind the offensive line and about one step to the side of the kicker so that the ball can reach him easily. When they snap the ball, charge him and use the hit stick. You will be called for offsides and give up a five yard penalty, but will still have a Big Hit recorded. Do this as many times as you can and you should receive the enforcer role within a few games.

Superstar mode: Get traded to desired team
Create a player. Then, check your mail. Go to the calendar and choose your agent. Do all the interviews and the other tasks on the calendar, then enter the draft. Once you have been drafted, simulate all of the preseason. Afterwards, save the game. Next, go to the map and go to your agent's office. Demand a trade. Do this twice then press [Triangle]. Do not save the game. You will return to the main menu. Go to Superstar mode and load the saved game. Repeat the last steps until you find a team you want.

Get any player
Use the following trick to obtain almost any player desired in Franchise mode. Go to the desired player in the "View Roster" menu. Make sure there are more than enough players in the position he is in. Go to "Edit Player" then "Information". Change his position to something that would make him overall bad. For example, make Ladanian Tomlinson a linebacker. Go to "Trade Player" and trade someone with a higher rating than him for that player. Once you get the player on your team, change them back to their original position.

In franchise mode, before you play your last game of the regular season in week 17 look at the standings (records) of the other teams. Find the team with the worst record. The team with the worst losing record has the first pick in the upcoming draft. Go to the trade player screen. At this time propose a trade for your first round pick for their first round pick. The CPU always accepts the trade. You can do this for your other picks as well. When you reach the NFL draft in the upcoming off season, you will have the first pick even if you won the Super Bowl in the prior season. In order for this trick to work you must turn off the trade deadline at the beginning of the season.

Fantasy draft
Do not draft a running back because Reggie Bush will not be selected until the ninth round. You can choose him late and he is amazing. If you do the highlight stick he is unbeatable. Also for your first draft pick, it must be a quarterback. Make sure he is ranked at least 94 overall. Even a perfectly created quarterback will not get you Brady Palmer or Manning.

In the first round if you cannot get your desired QB or there is no one better than a 90 overall, take Champ Bailey. In the second round take Steve Smith or any of the top WR desired. In the third round take Polamalu or Steve Hutchinson. In the fourth round take a MLB, preferably Jonathan Vilma because he is young, very good, and usually ends up an elite LB after a short time. In the eighth round draft Reggie Bush. He is very fast, young, and will improve a lot in short time. Also try to get Manny Lawson (change to DE), Dbrickahshaw Ferguson (OT), Michael Huff (FS), Tye Hill (CB), and Lecharles Bentley (Center). This result in a fairly balanced team.

When you play Franchise mode, in the off season usually the CPU releases one amazing players and a group of good players. For example, after your first year usually they will release Terrell Owens (97), Ed Reed (99), or Justin Griffith (97). Instead of going for other good players, offer the ''superstar'' released in that offseason a lot of money on the first day, then try to get a some good players. Usually if you offered the "superstar'' enough on the first day, he will sign with you immediately. You can then focus on good players. Also, when you are re-signing players or getting them in free agency and you want to save salary, offer them all seven years and your salary goes up.

Recommended players
The following is the ideal offensive team:

QB: Peyton Manning
RB: LaDainian Tomlinson
WR: Chad Johnson
WR: Steve Smith
WR: Marvin Harrison
OL: Ogden, Faneca, Sapp, Pace, Rivera
TE: Dallas Clark

Stop clock while calling audibles on offense
If you call an audible and hold [R2] to view the current play, the clock stops running while everyone gets set to run the new play. This is an easy way to save a timeout if you need to call an audible during the hurry up offense. Note: This was done in Superstar mode when you are a QB.

Choosing the correct parents
When starting Hall Of Fame mode, certain parents will give you large boosts in key stats. If you want a receiver that is very fast, look for a hall of fame WR father with the note "He was the Randy Moss of his time". You should end up with 95 or higher speed. If you want a fast quarterback, look for a Pro Bowl or Hall of Fame QB father with the note "He was the Michael Vick of his time". You will be insanely fast and have good throwing power. Note: Do not chose a father with the note "He was his era's Tom Brady." He will be extremely slow (55 or less speed) and not be able to outrun anyone.

If you want to get a fast running back in Superstar mode look for a father who is a U.S.A. sprinter. It might cost you in other areas, but you will get 94 rated speed. Do not change any body features even though you are short.

Avoiding injuries
When you think one of your players may be injured on offense, hurry the play up and they will get back up.

Easy interceptions
When on defense, switch to one of the safeties in a zone coverage and pick up on a receiver. Stay about five to ten yards away from the receiver. When the quarterback throws the ball to that receiver, run towards the receiver. Press [Triangle] when you get in front of the receiver, just as the ball is getting there.

Easy kicker and punter stats
Use the following trick to get more field goals and punts in Superstar mode. If you are a punter, put him as a QB, then on your audibles set a play called "Punt". If you are a kicker, put him as a QB, then set "Field Goal" on your audible. Call the audible as soon as the offensive line is formed. You can now rack up more field goals from your opposition's 42 yard line forward. If the ball is spotted on the 50 yard line, you will shoot from about 15 to 18 yards further back than that (which is already an NFL record).

Use the following trick to acquire influence credits for touchbacks from kickoffs or punts for a Superstar punter and kicker, and to make sure that your touchbacks will be credited to your Hall of Fame resume as well as your stats line. Do not just boot the ball out of the endzone so that the returner cannot catch it. Make sure the returner catches the ball and kneels down. Also, even when you can back up a promise and win the game, never arrange media with the agent if you want to maintain a positive ego and avoid becoming a "lone wolf". However, being a "lone wolf" is useful for transforming a pocket QB to a makeshift scrambling QB.

Run in style
When you are running with the ball and have lots of space between you and the defenders, press [Square], [Circle], [L1], [R1], or [Triangle] to run in style.

Easy Madden Tokens
Enable any one of the codes for a stadium card several times. Then, go to the card screen and sell the stadium cards you just obtained. You will get 25 Madden Tokens for a card. When you have 100 tokens you can buy a new pack of cards.

Better chance at receiving
Tap [X] repeatedly when the other team chooses to kick or receive. You will have a better chance at getting to receive the ball.

Glitch: Stopped clock
Hold [L2] or [R2] to bring up the coach's view. Neither the play clock or game clock moves, even while running up to the line after a huddle or in a no huddle.

Glitch: Keep players forever
Play NCAA 07 and when the season ends save the draft class. Import it onto Madden 07. When the players from the draft eventually get older and retire, you can use that same saved draft class file to get them back as rookies again. By using this trick, you can keep players like Reggie Bush and Vince Young on your roster forever.

Glitch: Lose influence
In Superstar mode, when you recover a fumble and score a touchdown on the kickoff and you are the kicking team, you will lose influence.

Glitch: Superstar mode: Keep Influence Points
When you finish a game in Superstar mode do not save or turn off the PlayStation2. Do all the practices and gameplans and start the next game. Do the coin toss and choose to receive or kick or direction depending on coin toss. When you get to the screen with the play the coach picked for the kickoff, pause game play. Save the game and then turn off the PlayStation2. When you turn the game on and load Superstar mode, you should have all of your influence points and role points from the previous game. For example, if you finished game 1 with 100 influence points, you will have 100 influence points at the start of game 2 to build on.

Glitch: Superstar mode: Stats
If you create a safety in Superstar mode with a Hall Of Fame father and a mother who plays basketball, there is a chance that your player will receive both the QB's nightmare and Run Stopper roles before he is drafted. He will also start his career with over 700 tackles and about five or six interceptions.

Glitch: First Pick in Draft Glitch
This has worked in madden for the past 5 years. While in a franchise, if you have the trade deadline off you can wait till the last week of the season and trade your first round pick to the team with the worst record and get thier first round pick... which would be the number 1 pick overall. If you have the trade deadline on you do this with the team in week 6 with the worst record.

Glitch: Free Advertising
This glitch has worked in every Madden since owner mode was created. Set your advertising budget as high as you like and play or sim your game. You can sim all games in a week except Monday Night Football, do not sim any Monday night games. Now go back into owner mode and set your advertising back to zero, then sim any remaining games on the schedule. You will get the added attendance and revenue of advertising but will not have to pay for it. Obviously this does not work if you are hosting Monday Night Football.
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