Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Downloadable Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Cheats
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Jul. 25, 2011
Jul. 25, 2011
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
All weapons
Press [R2], [L2], [Up], [Down], [X], [Up], [Square], [X] during game play.

Level skip
Press [R2], [L2], [Up], [Down], [X], [L3], [Circle], [X], [Circle], [X] during game play. Enable this code immediately after starting a level to complete it with a "Silent Assassin" rank.

Level select
Press [R2], [L2], [Up], [Down], [Square], [Triangle], [Circle] at the main menu.

Nailgun mode
Press [R2], [L2], [Up], [Down], [X], [L1]x2 during game play. Weapons will pin people to walls when this code is activated.

God mode
Press [R2], [L2], [Up], [Down], [X], [R2], [L2], [R1], [L1] during game play.

Unlimited ammunition
Press [R2], [L2], [X], [Up], [Down], [Circle], [X], [R2]x2 during game play.

SMG and 9mm Pistol SD
Press [L2], [R2], [Up], [Down], [X], [Up], [R2]x2 during game play.

Full heal
Press [R2], [L2], [Up], [Down], [X], [Up], [Down] during game play.

Lethal charge
Press [R2], [L2], [Up], [Down], [X], [R1], [R1] during game play.

Slow motion
Press [R2], [L2], [Up], [Down], [X], [Up], [L2] during game play.

Punch mode
Press [R2], [L2], [Up], [Down], [X], [Up]x2 during game play.

Toggle gravity
Press [R2], [L2], [Up], [Down], [X], [L2]x2 during game play.

Bomb mode
Press [R2], [L2], [Up], [Down], [X], [Up], [L1] during game play.

Megaforce mode
Press [R2], [L2], [Up], [Down], [X], [R2]x2 during game play. Restart the level to remove its effect.

Alternate menu screen
Unlock the Silenced Ballers gun, then go to the main menu. The Ballers in Hitman's hand now have silencers on them.
Silenced ballers gun
Successfully complete a level with a "Silent Assassin" rank.

Sawed-off shotgun
Successfully complete a level with a "Silent Assassin" rank twice.

Successfully complete five levels with a "Silent Assassin" rank to get the M4. Alternately, complete the Shogun Showdown level with a "Silent Assassin" rank.

Successfully complete the St. Petersburg Stakeout, Tubeway Torpedo, and Invitation to a Party levels with a "Silent Assassin" rank all in one session.

Using the Methoxyfluorane (Anesthetic)
Equip the Anesthetic and go to your target person. Hold "[Fire]" as long as desired. While using it, you will automatically use two bottles, or if held longer, you can use three to five bottles. Each bottle will result in one minute of unconsciousness. Be careful or he will tell the guards about you. You can also take their clothes, but if they wake up without them they will tell the guards.

Double pistols of any type
Take all of the pistols in the game and drop them into a pile. Next, tap [X] very quickly to pick up your guns. You will end up with a combination of guns, such as the Double Eagle and revolver. Reloads for the guns are also very fast when you press [R2]. Note: The gun combination depends on which two guns you picked up last.

Silent Assassin ranks
You can still get a "Silent Assassin" rank on a mission if you are spotted. To get a "Silent Assassin" rank, there has to be nothing in the aggression bar. You can make sure of this by only using chloroform on guards and eliminating the target with just one shot.

Ambush the Temple: Easy Silent Assassin rank
Start the level by running into the city and move in a general direction to the left until you reach a building. On your map, this is the bottom right building with a silver icon. Go in there and a man will talk to you. After that, walk up behind him (there is no need to sneak), and use some Anesthetic on him. Take his clothes then get out of the building. Then, go to your map. Note: This is very hard to describe in detail because the position of the agent is different each time. Look for the small red weapon pick-up icon. Go in, and a man sitting at a chair will fire two shots in the air, but no one will be alerted. After the intermission sequence, look at your map and find the yellow icon that is stationary (another one will be moving). The stationary icon will be somewhere in one of the two main plaza areas. Wherever the stationary icon is, go into the storage thing under it, and go up the stairs. Sneak up on the man at the window and Fiber Wire him. Take his Sniper Rifle, and take out the other yellow icon. Then, take pictures of the two dead men. Take the pictures back to the agent, and follow your map to the exit.

Anathema: Easy Silent Assassin rank
At the start, wait for the guard at the side door of the gates to urinate then sneak in. Run straight to the cellar steps then sneak up to the kitchen. Save the game at this point. Check your map and wait for the Don to enter his bedroom. When he does, the guard outside his room should leave and go to another room. Quickly get up there. You can take the Don out with the silenced 9mm. Aim at his head. Take his keys and jump off the balcony to the yard. Save the game at this point. Hurry to the pool and wait until the coast is clear. Next, enter the side door to the house and run to the kitchen. Sneak down to the basement, making sure that the cook does not see you. Go to the only room in the basement where 47 will say that Victorio is not there. From here, check your map and wait until the guard urinates again. Then, run to the tool shed/car garage. Once there, get the sniper rifle. Wait until he is done urinating and leaves to chat with his the guard at the kitchen steps. Run out the door and make for a clean get away through the front gates where you first saw the postman enter.

You begin this level with a 9mm Pistol SD, Fiber Wire, Anesthetic and the Ballers. When you start, ignore the mail man and just go to the side door. Stand outside, but to the right of the door so the guard that comes out does not spot you.. When he goes out, he will take urinate. Tap [L1] so that you are under stealth and sneak up to him slowly and quietly. Use the Anesthetic on him. Take his clothing and hand gun. Equip your 9mm SD and tap [Square] to put it in your holster.. Get the body and drag it just inside the door, or the guard that walks outside will spot him. You have to make sure that no one is alerted or killed besides the target throughout this entire level. Once you drop the body, walk casually all the way to the back of the yard (on the right side of the house). Avoid getting too close to the guards because they might shoot you. As you reach the back of the yard, open your map and see where the Don and driver are located. If they are walking towards the back to urinate, run in quickly, take a left as you walk in the door, and climb the ladder without getting spotted. As soon as you get on the roof, run to the office and enter the first door you encounter. The Don will now enter the house and be on his way to the office. Tap [Square] to pull out your silenced 9mm pistol. Walk to the other exit of the office, which is directly across from the door you entered. Open the door, go out slightly, and do a 180 turn so that you are facing the office. This is done so that there is less of a chance that the Don will spot you when he walks in. Tap [R3] so that you can get a better shot and take him out with one head shot. Once he walks in, he will not spot you and will walk to his desk. Aim for the head and shoot. Make sure that you shoot with the silenced 9mm pistol so you will not be detected. Walk up to his body and pick up the revolver and room key. Drag the body to the door you entered from. Tap [Square] to put your hand gun in your holster. Save the game at this point. You must exit that room, but the guards will almost always see right through you. Walk through the left door (as if you were looking towards the front of the house) and walk casually. The guard just outside will be extremely cautious and the meter will be flashing red. Do not panic. Just keep walking and take a left. If he shoots, pause game play then load from your previous save and try again. When you take that left, go through the door to your right. You will be able to pick up some ammunition in that room, but you will not really need it as you cannot shoot anyone to get the Silent Assassin rank. As soon as you enter that that room, there will be another door that will be on your left that leads to the kitchen. Check your map and make sure that no guard is there. If there is only a green circle in your map, it is the cook and she will not be alarmed. Run down the stairs quickly, walk in the kitchen, and walk towards the basement stairs. From there, you can run to the door where your main objective is located. Once you open the door, you will find no one and walk out the other door (left of the door you just opened). Save the game at this point. Once you climb up those steps, you will be in the main yard again. You have to exit through the door you came in through. The guard should still be knocked out. There will be two guards in front of the house looking around. Try and walk closer to the wall to decrease the chances of being spotted. Run as fast as you can through the door and main exit and you will get a Silent Assassin rank. If you get a message that the guards are alarmed, start over from your last save point. If they call you and are close and chase you. they will see the knocked out guard which will alarm them and you will have to start from the last save point. If you take too long, the mail man will deliver the flowers, the maid will go to the Don's office and see that he is dead which will also fail the Silent Assassin rank.

If you have a sniper rifle that you can start with, use it. If not, when you start all you need is the Anesthetic. From the hill you begin at, run down at a right diagonal. You should be next to a door with a guard inside. He will exit and start to urinate. When he does, use the entire bottle of Anesthetic on him. Take his clothes and gun and walk inside the door. Next, walk over to the back garage door entrance. Go in and get the sniper rifle. Walk back to the hill you started at. If you look in your scope, you will see the Don playing golf on his deck. Snipe him. Drop the rifle and run back to the door. Then, walk over to where to Don is located. Pick up the key and walk to the other side of the house, down into the cellar. Open the door, walk in the room, and immediately walk back out. Walk out of the cellar and out the door you came in. If the coast is clear, run to the exit and you are done.

Go down to the side door and hide just to the right of the door. In a minute, a thug will come out to urinate. When he does, sneak in the door behind him (use stealth mode). Run to the basement stairs, wait until the grocery boy starts to go up the stairs, then run after him. When you get to the stairs, enter stealth mode and use Anesthetic on the thug by the kitchen door. Then, run to the doorway that leads to the pool. Save the game at this point. Check your map to see when the two men leave to urinate. When they do so, use the ladder. When you reach the roof, go to the door facing the roof you are on. Once inside the office, go to the door directly across from the one that you are in. Stand in the doorway. Take out your 9mm SD (first person view recommended for better aiming). When the Don reaches his desk, shoot him in the head. Collect his room key, then drag him to the door where you first came in. Do not take him all the way outside. Save the game at this point. Check your map. When the two men by the pool go inside (this takes a while), drag the Don over the peak of the roof. When the guys go onto the balcony, they will not see him. Next, run to the edge of the roof and look to the right. You will see a little ledge that runs along the side of the building. Run along it until you are above the basement stairs. Drop down into them. Then, go into the room where Vittorio is supposed to be at. Diana will say here bit. Check your map. When the man by the side door where you first came in goes to chat with his friend at the kitchen stairs, run for the side door then on to the exit. You are now done with Silent Assassin rank. Note: If the thugs are alarmed at all, you will not get the ranking.

Start out on the hill. If you have a sniper rifle, turn about 45 degrees to the right and zoom in with it. You should see a man that is the Don. You will notice him because he is swinging a golf club. Kill him, then go down the hill. Hide behind the trees and snipe the two guards at the gates. Go in and hide behind trees. Snipe all the men that you can see. Go towards the garage. Be careful as there are more men out here. Snipe them, then go to the door along the wall that leads to the pool. Climb the ladder there and kill that target. Drop your sniper rifle to a place where you will not forget it. Take a guard's clothes and get a 9mm out. Take the key from the guard that you just killed. Go in the house, to the Don's room. There is a small door leading to the outside where the don was located. Take what he has and follow the remainder of mission as instructed.

Start by running to the door nearest to you. When the guard comes out to urinate, use the Anesthetic to knock him out and take his clothes (and gun if desired). Then, go inside. Go to the right until you reach the stairs to the basement, then go inside. Wait until only the cook is in the room above, then walk up the stairs and enter the door. Go through the door directly in front of you and close it once outside. There should be an opening to the left of the door. Walk through it, making sure you hug the wall. Once you reach the balcony of the Don's office, walk to the door on the right. Sneak while opening the door. Shoot the Don with a silenced weapon, take the keys and whatever else, then walk through the ledge back. As you walk on the ledge, the door to the basement should be under you. Carefully drop, enter, do what you need to do, and simply walk out through your entry point to leave.

As you start out, run down and stand out of sight on the opposite side of the small wall to the right of the door (that the one the man exits from to urinate). When he does, sneak up and strangle him with the Fiber Wire. Drag his body through the door and drop it on the other side. Take his clothes and gun. Go to the back of the garage and move north toward the villa house. Walk past the kitchen door and go north to a door with the pool area on the other side. Look at the map screen, and wait for two guards to walk to the northern field on the other side of the door. You may have to wait a while, but they will go there. You also may not see them at first, as they go inside. Once the guards stop in the field, go through the door and run left to the ladder leading to the roof. Climb it up and run across the roof. Then, go across a board to the balcony. Do not go through the door on the other side of the board. Instead, go around to the door on the other side of the balcony. Look through the keyhole and wait for the Don to walk into the room and stand facing in the other direction. If you see a message anytime before this point that states "The Don has been alarmed", there will be a man packing a shotgun on the other side of the door. If this happens, restart the level and try to stay further away from all the guards. When the Don walks in the room, sneak up behind him and strangle him with the Fiber Wire. Take his keys and exit the room through the door in the northeast corner. Move east across the roof, turn right, and walk along the edging of the building for a bit. Drop down to the grass just in front of the stairs leading to the basement. If you land on the stairs, you will hurt yourself and perhaps die. Go down into the basement, open the first door to the right to release Vittorio. The room is empty. Diana tells you he was moved before you arrived. Exit the basement through the door you entered, then run to the door where the man whose clothes you stole is laying. If anyone sees you running and starts shooting, ignore them and keep running. If you fire back, you will not get a Silent Assassin rank. Exit the villa grounds through that door, then run to your right along the road through which the postman enters at the beginning. Exit to complete the mission.

This trick only requires the Anesthetic and 9mm SD pistol. When the level starts, run down the hill you are standing on towards the side door. Stay to the right side of the door or the guard that exits to urinate will spot you. When he appears, sneak up to him. Knock him out with the Anesthetic and take his clothes. Go straight towards the cellar, and when inside save the game. Go to the kitchen and go through the door to your right when you are upstairs. Check the map and run towards the study. Grab the degeal then check your map again. Go towards the stairs which leads to the left side of the Don's bedroom. Wait at the stairs where the guard cannot see you, but you can still see him. Wait until the guard moves aside and goes to another hallway. Go into the Don's bedroom and hide behind his bed. Wait until the Don enters and goes to the balcony then returns. At this point, use your 9mm SD to take out the Don with just one head shot. Pick up the revolver and the room key from his body. Then, jump out of the balcony and get back to the cellar unnoticed. Check the only room in the basement, then go to the garage. Grab the sniper rifle and escape through the door you entered the house. Run towards the exit to finish the mission.

Start by running down the hill and to the door in front of you. Wait at the right-hand side of the door in sneak mode with Anesthetic ready. A man will come out to urinate at the trees. Use all five bottles of Anesthetic on him. Take his clothes and gun if desired, then go in the door. Move north across the courtyard avoiding the guards. When you get to the end, there should be a door to your left. Go in there and wait for two guards to walk past you. Then, go in and climb the ladders to your left near the trees. Sneak across the roof to the balcony. Go across the wooden plank to the door on the other side. If you are quick enough, you can sneak through the door and Fiber Wire the Don. If he is not there, wait for him outside then sneak in. Take the room key and his gun if desired. Go back down the ladders, avoiding the guards. Walk back across the courtyard and into the basement. Check the room, then exit using the door used to enter. You may have to use more Anesthetic on the guard. Then, go to the exit.

Start the level with a sniper rifle (preferably the W2000 Custom rifle). When you begin, walk as far to the left as possible, then look at the mansion with your sniper rifle. You will see the Don practicing his golf swing on a balcony to the left side. Shoot him in the head when he comes through with his golf swing. If done correctly, he will fall backwards off the balcony. Then, look down to the back door in the trees. When the guard appears, snipe him with one shot. Run down the hill to the guard and take his clothes, drop your rifle, and walk through the door. Slowly walk over to where you saw the Don fall. Make sure no one sees you pick up his key. Once you have the key, save the game. Then, start walking around the front of the mansion to the basement steps. If anybody notices you, restart from the saved game. Go into the basement as usual and find that the room is empty. Carefully walk back to the door you came through. Walk through it then walk to the gate to complete the level with a "Silent Assassin" rank.

Anathema: Urinating guard
Equip a sniper rifle and watch the door directly in front of you. If you watch long enough, a guard will appear and walk to the trees on the left side of the door and urinate. Do not shoot him too soon or you will miss the funniest part.

At The Gates: Custom W2000 rifle
Use the following trick to get the W2000, which is best sniper rifle (the only one that is silenced). Start the mission with a rifle and take out the guards in your sight. Follow the road and be ready for the "Sniper has acquired target" message. After this, quickly run back a few yards, and he will probably lost you. The snipers are at towers to your left. At your left it is a hill that helps give you cover. The first sniper at the tower at the right is an easy target. After him, you will see another one at a higher tower. Do not shoot him. Walk back and save the game. His rifle is very fast and powerful. Use your sniper rifle to shoot him, but do not try to kill him with a headshot. You must hit him lower than his rifle. If done correctly, you will see him dropping his rifle out the window while falling back. Do not run to take it, as another sniper is at a tower to your left. Use your map to find him. Kill him, then find the rifle. It is a custom version of W2000 with very powerful shot and is silenced. You can kill multiple enemies with one shot. Note: Do not stop trying if he does not drop the rifle; try to hit him at the correct spot.

Basement Killing: Easy Silent Assassin rank
You need to bring Anesthetic. Once you have started the level, go into the men's restroom. It is located on the left side of the map. If you look closely on the sign near the door, it should read "Gentlemen". Once inside, wait in any stall except the last one until the delivery boy enters to urinate. While he is doing so, sneak up behind and use your Anesthetic. Take his clothes and drop all of your guns in a different stall. Keep your Fiber Wire. Then, go to the food court. Go to the window and wait for the delivery boy to give you a pizza. Once you have it, go to the elevator while staying as far away from the guards as much possible. Once you are down there, go to the second basement and pick the lock. Once you are down there, watch out for chips on the floor. The man at the computer will hear them. After you get past the chips, strangle the man with the Fiber Wire. Then, head back upstairs and return to the bathroom. Change your clothes and hide in the stall with your guns. You must hide because once you get back up, the delivery boy should be telling the guards about someone taking his clothes. Wait for the police to stop entering the bathroom. Once this happens, go into the place with your stash. Go into it and get the Smoke Bomb. Then, go to the laundry room and drop the bomb into the chute. Next, go outside the fire department and wait until all the fireman have exited. Because of the Smoke Bomb, the fire alarm should have gone off. When they are out, go in, change into the fireman outfit, and grab an ax. Then, run down the fire stairs and enter the office where the stairs are to get to your target. Once there, use the fire ax or the gun in the cabinet to destroy the computer. Once that is done, go into the elevator.

You will only need the Anesthetic, 9mm SD, and the Fiber Wire. You will start in the little "booth". Check your map to see where the Hitman symbol is located and go to the area. Before going in the door, check your map to see if there are any guards walking in that room. If there are no guards, go in. Open locker #137 and only take the Smoke Bomb. Walk to the clothes shaft and drop the 9mm SD down one of them (while not being seen by any guards). Next, check your map and go to the men's bathroom on the other side of the level. Go in the bathroom stall that is second from the right. Stay there until the pizza delivery boy walks in. Then, go into sneak mode and use all five bottles of Anesthetic on him when he is going to the bathroom. You may want to shut the door before taking his clothes. Save the game at this point. Leave all your guns in one of the bathroom stalls. Go to the elevator, through the metal detectors. Take the elevator down to the basement. Walk to where the 9mm SD that you dropped down the shaft earlier is located. Take it, then walk to the area the kill target is at. Once you have picked the lock at the very bottom of the stairs, sneak all the way to the "Kill target". Be careful not to step on the potato chips, as this will alarm him. Stand behind him with the Fiber Wire and use it. Drag his body behind the desk. Save the game at this point. Drop the Smoke Bomb in this room. Stand outside of the police office for a short while. Once the fire alarm goes off, wait till the police run out of the office. Shoot the computer all the way to the left. Then, run into the elevator.

You are not required to bring anything with you (except Fibre Wire which is automatically selected) for this trick. As soon as you start, run to the guards quarters which is around the corner to your right. As you enter, wait the for guard that is in there to enter the room on the left and for the door to shut. Quickly run into the room on your right. Open locker 137 and take all of the contents. Quickly leave, making sure that you have holstered the pistol. Go into the gentlemen's toilets, which are located behind the first door on your right as you leave the guard's room. Enter one of the stalls and use the Smoke Bomb. From this point on, speed is essential. Leave and run to the fire department room at the other side of the building. When the fire alarm sounds, all of the firemen will run out of the fire departmen. Make sure all of the firemen have left (using map or counting either five or six of them). Then, run into the room they just vacated and change into the fireman's outfit. This may cause your alert meter to flash. If it goes red, it could be a problem later. Note: Try to get as close up to the locker as possible; this hides you from whatever it is that that sees you. Pick up a fire ax and leave. Run through the metal detectors and to the elevator. Enter it and ride down to the basement. If you have done this quickly enough, the fire alarm should still be on (but cannot be heard from basement). There should be at most one guard there. Go to the stairs to the lower basement. Drop your ax down the stairs, and shoot the surveillance computer with your 9mm SD. Then, run down the stairs picking up the ax on the way, so that the guards will not see it when they return. Drop your ax near the door and pick the lock to the room. Although this is slow, sneak your way to the target, avoiding the crisps which will make a noise if stepped on. Kill the target with the Fibre Wire. After the intermission sequence, run back to the door (and pick up your ax if desired). This is where you have a problem. Up above in the room where the elevator is located are at least two guards. If you did not get a red bar while changing into fireman clothes, then this is a lot easier. If you did, do not worry. You might want to save your game at this point. Run back up to the stairs through the door and into the elevator before the guards realize that you are there. If your alert bar flashes red, you may not get the Silent Assassin rank, because you are only allowed one close encounter. If you did not get Silent Assassin, check the stats at the end, There should only be one close encounter, if any.

Basement Killing: Getting the pizza boy's clothes safely
Use the following trick to get the clothes from the pizza boy without him telling anyone. Wait at the restroom on the left of the map in the fourth stall. Wait for the pizza delivery boy to arrive and use five bottles of Anesthetic on him. Do not take his clothes. Go to the room with the sign "Food Delivery" unnoticed by guards. If guard appears, hide close to the wall and he will go away. Before the delivery boy tells you "Cannot go--- you no access la", equip the Anesthetic and use two bottles on him. Then, take his clothes and wait for him to get up.

Death of Hannelore: Easy Silent Assassin rank
When the level starts, immediately run to the brown boxes and wait for the guard to go up the little "hill". Run towards the water and stay along it. Go into the sewer and look at your map. Find the way up the stairs. When you get there, do not go up the steps. There should be four walls that stick out. Find the one that is the darkest and go through it. Then, go up the ladder and head right into the room. Go left and keep running to the next room. The doctors will run, but just keep going. When you cannot go through any more doors, look on the bed and change into the clothes quickly. Go out the way you came from quickly and run. Some of the doors on your right have bathrooms. Find the one that does not have one. Walk out calmly and go to the supply room. Get the door key then go to where the lady you are supposed to kill. When you arrive, there should be two people sitting down. Wait for the nurse to get up and talk to you. Follow her up the stairs and she will take you to the lady in the green. Wait for the nurse to leave and the lady in the green goes to the window. While she is still talking, go up behind her and cut her throat or strangle her. After she dies, drag her out the door and watch out for any patients or innocents. Go straight across the circle so the guards do not see you. Go to the door on the right and put her inside. Walk out calmly and go back all the way you came from. When you reach the end of the sewer where you first entered, watch out for any guards that may be present. When it is clear, run to your motorboat, still in your doctor's clothing.

Start by dropping any rifle that you have and equip, then holster, your Anesthetic. Wait for the nearest bodyguard to go to the nearest narrow passage. Run to the helicopter landing site and go into the sewers. Watch out for the bodyguard patrolling it. Run to the end of the sewers but do not go up the ladder, as the guards will see you. On your right while facing the ladder is a passage. Go there. Watch out for bodyguards, nurses, doctors, or patients that are going your way. Save the game. If you get through this, go to the room on your right. With luck, there will be no one there. If there is, wait for the doctor to go away. Alternately, sneak by the crouch behind him not using anything; he will not even notice you and go away. Go to the last room and change into the doctor's clothes. Walk to the place with the Hitman symbol. Get the door key and poison. Bodyguards will not notice your disguise. Go to the place where Dr. Von Kamprad is located and talk to her. Poison her water first, and when she returns to drink her water she will die. Immediately drag her to the room with the symbols. Walk to your boat and you will receive a Silent Assassin rank without using your weapons. Note: Use the Anesthetic was in emergency situations.

Gontranno Sanctuary: Flying scarecrow
Equip a Fiber Wire and stand slightly to the right of the scarecrow. Double lean to the left and strangle it. If this does not work or you strangle it normally, walk slightly to the left or right of it.

The Graveyard Shift: Easy Silent Assassin rank
You need Anesthetic for this trick. As you start the level by the elevator, drop you axe and look at your map. You will see a room to your left side with an attention point. Move to the door on your left side, but do not open it. Wait until the guard moves aside, then open the door and move calmly towards the room. Pick the lock and open the door. Grab the keycard and save the game. Get out of the room and knock out the guard with the Anesthetic. Take his clothes and hide his body in one of the bathrooms. No one will find him there. Look at your map and you will see a room directly in front of the server room. Its door is marked red. Run towards that door and make sure that the guard does not see you. When you reach the door, open it with your keycard and put a bullet in the server cooler. This will overheat the server and cause the administrator to run towards the server room and enter it. When he does so, enter the room after him before the door is locked again. Knock him out with the Anesthetic, plant the bug, then calmly get out of the room. Save the game at this point. Run towards the great window leading to the skybridge. Smash it by puting a bullet into it. Ignore the guards outside and just run towards the exit to complete the level.

You will need a silenced pistol and Anesthetic for this mission. As soon as you start, go into the room to your left that has a "!" blinking in it. This one is the closest blinking one next to you on your map. Once inside, shoot the camera aimed at the coffee pot. Then, go back into the elevator and get the Anesthetic ready. Watch your map for the system administrator to walk into the room with the camera that you shot. While he is standing looking at the camera, sneak up behind him and use all five slots of Anesthetic on him. You only have about five minutes to complete the next part; and must be quick. It is difficult, so run when you can. Take his clothes as soon as he is out cold. Run to his office and grab the key card. His office should be the room with the "!" in it on the far left of the map. Run to the office that has a "!" blinking in it with the yellow door. This room should be at the top of your map; it is the left room (and not the right one). Plant the bug on the computer server. Run to the big window and shoot it with your silenced pistol. Then, run all the way to the exit. It will be difficult with the guards there, but by now the administrator is waking up and about to tell the guards someone took his clothes. The trick for this mission is not to get noticed or shoot anyone. Also, in order to walk faster, walk backwards.

Hidden Valley: Getting the custom rifle
Take any sniper rifle into the Hidden Valley level. Creep to the area where the truck stops and watch the sniper in the tower. As he is stretching, he holds the custom rifle out of the window. Shoot him in the side and he will drop the rifle out of the window. If it drops on the roof, just restart and try shooting him further up in his side, The M195 rifle is recommended, as does shooting him in the armpit.

Invitation To A Party: Easy Silent Assassin rank
Run down the road that the Agency's pickup is down, heading west until you see a man wearing a tuxedo walking towards you. Knock him out with the Anesthetic and hide his body around the wall. Take his clothes and grab the invitation. Go to the front gate and show the guard your invitation. He will let you in. Go through the front door and go into the ballroom. Wait until General Zuphikov walks past the maid's room, then kill him with the Fiber Wire. Drag his body into that room. It is the one next to the maid's room, closest to the ballroom door. By now, the German ambassador should be walking up to the office on the second floor, alone. Follow him, and when he gets to the office, knock him out with the Anesthetic. Take his combination and use it to open the safe. Take the briefcase and go back downstairs. Walk out the front door and go through the front gate. Run back to your boat, and you should complete this level with a Silent Assassin rank.

When you start, chloroform the waiter. Take his clothes and his key. Go to the agency pick-up and get the poison. Enter the right gate entrance (not the center one). Enter through the garage door. Carefully walk past the guards through the hallway and go into the kitchen. Get the champagne glass. Exit through the first door on the left. Go to the top of the stairs on the left. Put the poison into the glass. Enter the main room and wait for the general. Walk up to him and he will take the poisoned glass. He will cough and run into the bathroom. Follow him and watch him vomit to death. Then, carefully go upstairs and enter the secret entrance to the second floor balcony (go up the left staircase, go in south left south door, walk into the wall right in front of you, then open the door). Be careful, because there will be guard, a W2000 sniper rifle and a guest's clothes. Quickly put on the clothes and leave without the guard seeing you. Ignore the sniper rifle. Buy now the Spetsnaz has held up the ambassador. Quickly go to where the agent and the ambassador are located. Go into the connecting room. Sneak in behind the Spetsnaz agent and Fiber Wire him, slit his throat, or shoot him in the back of the head with the silenced 9mm; make sure he dies quickly. If he is not already dead, chloroform the ambassador. Get the suitcase and leave through the front door, then exit through the gate you first entered (not the center one) and proceed back to the boat.

Your objectives are to eliminate the general and to retrieve the suitcase. In this mission, there is also a Spetnaz agent trying to retrieve the case. Do not eliminate him unless he tries to kill you or gets to the suitcase before you. If you kill him, you will not get the Silent Assassin rank. When the mission starts, immediately run up the stairs and take out the Fiber Wire. Sneak up to the waiter who is smoking. After you strangle him, drag his body and hide it behind the nearby dumpster. Take his clothes and a key then run up to the open road. Check your map and you will notice the agency pickup is hidden in an alley. Run towards it. Do not worry about being spotted, as you are in disguise. Pick up the poison and anything else you need. Then, check your map and you will notice that a guest is arriving on the far end. Run towards the guest and hide in the alley behind him. With perfect timing, you can strangle him. Hide his body without being noticed. This may require a few attempts. When you finally succeed, take his tuxedo and invitation. Then, walk towards the gatekeeper. With your invitation, he will let you in. Walk towards the entrance and enter the building. There will be two staircases and a huge door which leads to the party, However, instead look for a small side door which leads down to the kitchen. Go down and through the kitchen, ignoring the cook. Then, pass the bodyguards and look for a small room on the side. Go inside and you will find another waiter's suit and a 9mm pistol with ammunition. Put on the suit then go back to the kitchen. Take a champagne glass and go up the stairs. Without anyone noticing, poison the glass. Your objective is to kill the general and retrieve the suitcase. Go into the party hall and walk towards the general. He will take the glass and drink it, then run outside. Your first objective is now complete. Now, look for the ambassador (marked as a VIP on the map). He will go up the stairs. Follow him. Then, follow him into a room with a safe. When he opens the safe and turns his back, strangle him and take the brief case. Hide it in any other room on the same floor. Then, run back all the way tp the kitchen without being noticed. Go into the room where you found the waiter's suit. Change back into the tuxedo then rush back into the room where you hid the case. If you run into any trouble with the Spetnaz agent, eliminate him with the silenced 9mm pistol and hide his body. Take the case and rush out of the building without being noticed. Run back to the starting point of the mission to end it.

Invitation To A Party: Getting the Sniper Rifle
If you want to pick up the Sniper Rifle and the suitcase at the same time, holster any weapons you may be carrying and pick up the suitcase. It should be in your left hand. Then, pick up the rifle and you will drop the suitcase on the ground. Take out you 9mm SD and the rifle should go into your left hand. Holster you 9mm SD, then pick up the suitcase. You now have the suitcase in your left hand, and have shifted the rifle to your right. You can even use the rifle with one hand.

Get the briefcase but do not kill the general. Instead, run to your boat and drop the briefcase directly next to it. Go back, kill the general, then get the rifle. Next, go up to your boat the mission will be completed. Try different positions for the briefcase if you do not get it the first time.

Invitation To A Party: Secret entrance
Do all the necessary objectives and go to the second floor of the level. Take the left set of stairs and turn left. If you look closely, you will see a keyhole. Open the door and go to the narrow passage. Be careful because there is a bodyguard here. This secret area contains a W2000 rifle, some sniper ammunition, and guest clothes.

Invitation To A Party: Saving the Ambassador
Go inside the mansion and into the ballroom. Find the tall agent that is by himself next to the piano. Wait until the Ambassador (as shown in the photo) enters the room to talk to the agent about the briefcase inside the safe. After they are done talking, they will exit the ballroom and the Ambassador will escort the agent to the room with the safe. Follow them, but do not get too close. They will enter the room with the safe and will talk to each other before the Ambassador opens it. Go inside the room next to the room that they are in without looking suspicious. Look inside the keyhole in the room that you are in, and you can see the agent pointing a .54 pistol at the Ambassador to kill him. Open the door and wait until the Ambassador opens the safe. This is your chance to take out the agent silently. Take the briefcase inside the safe and exit the room. The Ambassador will be directly in front of the table, very scared.

Jacuzzi Job: Easy Silent Assassin rank
When the level starts, immediately hop over the railing next to you and enter the door. Go towards the two double doors that lead to the elevator hallway but do not go through either of them. Stand between them, next to the potted tree. If you are in the correct location, the guards will not see you when they enter. Once they have passed, calmly walk through the double doors and toward the Jacuzzi room. Enter it and stand behind the screen so that the bikini guards cannot see you. Wait for them to go to the bathroom then sneak up and rope Charlie Sidjan with the fiber wire. Quickly drag his body towards the door and position him and yourself so that when the door opens you will be hidden behind it. When the girls re-enter the room they will not see you. After they walk by, drag Charlie into the bathroom across the hall. By doing this, the girls will not find his dead body immediately. A male guard should now be heading your way. If desired, open the door and chloroform him as he turns and walks back from the end of the hall. Hide his body in the bathroom as well. Next, walk straight to the piano room where the expensive statue is, but do not take it. Exit the doors and wait outside, watching your map. When the computer woman turns around (green circle on map), enter her room then sneak up behind her when she has the wall safe open. Feed her some chloroform and take the money in the safe. Leave her body there -- no one will see it. Exit the other door in the room and cross the hallway to the next room. Smash the fuses so the power goes out. Head back, grab the statue, then wait for the technician to arrive in the elevator. Stay out of his sight. When he exits the elevator and heads for the fuse box, walk into the elevator and get your Silent Assassin rank. Note: You can optionally chloroform the second male guard in the dark when he cannot see you. Also, if you cannot see in the dark, turn up your brightness on your screen or get the nightvision (difficult to use) near the statue.

Kirov Park Meeting: Easy Silent Assassin rank
Note: This is the easiest level to complete with a "Silent Assassin" rank. You will need the crossbow from the hidden valley at the Gates And Shogun Showdown level. Start by running to the dumpsters directly in front of you. Hide behind the box so that the patrolling guard does not see you. When he goes back behind the wall, run and get the car bomb. Then, run down the sewer that is visible when you run from your boat. Keep going to the left of the wall and you will eventually get to a turning. Go down here and you find a ladder that leads to the underside of the car. Place the bomb then climb down. Go to the ladder that is nearest to the radio tower and climb out. There will be a guard that will stay at the door of the tower for a long time. Go behind the wall. As soon as he goes past the wall, run up and pick the lock. Then, run to the right of the radio tower. Do not go up the ladder. Instead, hide as far behind the tower as you can. Wait for awhile until the guard goes behind the wall again then climb up the ladder. Save the game at this point. Look through the scope and you should see the two targets walking around the park. Do not shoot them the first time you see them. Wait until they come back and take out the man in the brown. Save the game at this point. Wait until the "Objective Updated" message appears then check which way the guard down at the bottom is facing. Drop the crossbow and go down the ladder. Run to the place that you hid at previously. He should return to his patrolling. When he goes behind the wall that you waited for him to go behind before, run out the door and to the manhole. Then, run back to the manhole you started from in the sewers and check where the nearest guard is located. Climb out and run to your boat.

The Anesthetic and custom rifle are recommended. Otherwise, you will be using the sniper rifle you will get at the pick up. When you start the level, wait for the limousine to pass by you without getting spotted. Check your map and make sure the guard is not heading towards the dumpsters where the weapon drop is located. Once the guard is walking the other way, run toward the dumpster and get your weapons. If you do not have the custom rifle, get the sniper rifle that was assigned for the mission. As soon as you get all your weapons, run to the street and go down the manhole. Once in the sewers, run all the way to the manhole next to the one you climbed down. If you check your map, it is located all the way to the left. Once you climb it, you be under the General's limousine. Set the car bomb and climb down. Open your map. You have to go to second man hole from your left . When you go up, you should be near the water tower. As soon as you are up on the streets again, run towards the building that is closer to the water tower. Stay on the side of the street, not the alleyway. Hide from the guard but make sure you can still see what he is doing. Save the game at this point. Once the guard is walking beside the water tower (away from the streets), run to the door, pick the lock, and run besides the water tower (on the side the guard is not on). Hide as close to the wall as possible near the corner, drop the sniper rifle, then take out your Anesthetic and have it ready. Tap [L1] so you can be ready to walk silently when the guard is near. The guard will pass right next to you, walking toward the street. When he passes by you, start walking towards him. As soon as he stops, use all your Anesthetic on him. Take his clothes, run and get your sniper riffle then climb the water tower. As soon as you are ready to shoot, save the game. Aim towards the park and shoot the Mafia leader. He will be wearing a brown outfit. If the Mafia leader cannot be seen because the General is in the way, take the shot at the General. It will go through and you will take out two men down with one shot. If you just shoot the Mafia leader, the General will run towards his limousine, which will explode with the car bomb you set. Go down the tower and run towards the manhole you came out from. Climb down and run toward the very first man hole you climbed down from (the one near the weapon pick up). Then, run toward your boat.

Get the two car bombs from behind the dumpster (and do not get spotted by the guard). Go into the sewers and go left. Go to the ladder that comes up under the limousine. You can tell which one is correct by comparing the sewer and street maps. Go up the ladder. You will see the bottom of the car. Place a bomb. Go back down the ladder and move to the far side of the sewer. Check your map for the manhole that exits behind the building by the Mafia man's limousine. Go up that ladder and wait for the limousine driver to urinate behind the building. When he does so, sneak up on him and use the Anesthetic. Take his uniform. You may want to save the game at this point. Walk up to the limousine and place the other bomb. If the guards start shooting at you, just reload from behind the building. Once the bomb is placed, walk back to the boat. Both men will try to leave and blow up in their cars. You will not have alerted anyone or fired a single shot.

You will need a rifle to do this. At the start, run behind the garbage dumpsters and wait for the patrolling guard to turn around. Then, run to the nearest Kirov Park entrance (specifically the one from which the limo came from). Stay on the opposite side of the road from the guards. Use the scope on your rifle to look into the park. Wait for the two targets to arrive and walk into the park. When they start hugging, shoot them with one shot and you have killed them both. Check your objectives to make sure you did this successfully. Run back to your boat to get a Silent Assassin rank. This trick works well if you have the Custom Rifle.

Start by waiting the first limousine to pass. Then, wait for the guard in front to pass. Go to the dumpster to get your weapons, especially the two car bombs. Run to the nearest sewer unnoticed by the guards. Run all the way to the left of your map until you find a ladder and put the bomb in the limousine. Then, look at your map of the sewers. Check which is the longest passage and go there (center-up on the map). Wait for the driver to urinate. He will not run if he sees you; do not crouch or do something else. Use the entire bottle of Methoxyfluorane (Anesthetic) on the driver. Take his clothes, walk to the limousine, and plant the bomb. The guards will not notice. Go to the sewer (from the one you came from) and listen to the targets calling for help. Go to the beginning sewer that you came from and go to your boat until they explode. You will still get the Silent Assasin rank even if the "Warning: the guards have found the dead bodyguard" message appears.

As soon as you start, run directly to the Agency Drop Point and pick up the Drugenov sniper rifle, unless you already have one. Do not bother with the extra ammunition. Run to the river and walk toward the cathedral. Stay as close to the wall next to the river as possible Position 47 directly in front of the park entrance. If you stick to the river wall, the guards at the entrance will not see you. Wait until the targets are in the park area, then go into sniper mode. You should be looking at the broken wall opposite. If not, find a target and follow him through your scope. When the targets meet, they will give each other a big comical hug. When they do this, aim for the head or neck of the back person and take the shot. The bullet will pass through both people, killing them both with one shot. Once this is done, exit sniper mode and run directly to the boat where you started. Do not kill any guards. Get to the boat and the mission will end with a "Silent Assassin" rank and two silenced Baller pistols. Repeat this mission again to get the sawed-off shotgun.

Motorcade Interception: Easy Silent Assassin rank
Walk over to get the sniper rifle that the agency dropped off for you. There is a building across from here that has stairs that only go up one story. Make sure you do not get spotted with the rifle in your hand and make you way to those steps, but do not go up them. Use them to hide behind. Set your aim to where you are still behind the stairs and have the last bit of road that the limousine will get to before entering the castle gates in view. This should leave you with a good shot at your target. Once you have scored the shot, drop the rifle and walk calmly to the exit. It may take a few attempts to hit the target. Note: Kneeling helps.

When you start this level, it is recommended that you bring a 9mm SD. Start by walking normally to the agency drop-off and get the .50 caliber sniper rifle. Holster it, then run and duck behind the boxes next to the street. Keep checking your map until there are no guards on the street in front of you. Once the street is clear, run across the street to the building with the stairs behind it. Position yourself on the steps so that you have a good view of the road, but the guards cannot see you from the street. Kneel down, and once the note that the motorcade has reached the gates appears, save the game. Zoom in with the rifle and shoot the target through the window of the limo. Immediately drop your rifle and walk around the area. Find a hiding location near the MP guards. Eventually the sound of the machine guns will die down. This indicates that the MP guards have all shot each other. Quickly run to where the MP guards were located and pick up an M4. Run as fast as you can to the exit, because there will probably be one or two MP guards remaining who will chase you once you pick up the M4. If you run into a regular guard on the way to the exit, either avoid him or kill him with one shot to the head. If it is an MP guard, just keep going. If done correctly, you will get a "Silent Assassin" rank and have an M4 in your gun hut.

Motorcade Interception: Getting the M4 (M16)
Start by clearing everyone out of the level. Then meet with the man that gives you the .50 caliber sniper rifle. Next, go to the gate that the motorcade drives through, Wait directly beside the gate until the motorcade comes through. Once you have your sight on the man you have to kill, shoot him then run off to the left of the level. Hide behind one of the buildings. Ditch the sniper rifle and do not leave any guns in your hands. Find a U.N. guard that you can sneak up on. Sneak up behind him and strangle him with the Fiber Wire. Note: You will not fail the mission when you use the Fiber Wire. Pick up the M4 and run to the exit.

Murder At The Bazaar: Easy completion
Equip any silenced guns, the Crossbow with at least three arrows, and the AK-47. When you start, you will be near the entrance to the bazaar. Get into sniper mode while using your Crossbow. Zoom in as far as you can and you will see the Colonel coming around the corner. Snipe him in the head, then quickly run to the backdoor of LT.'s House. Quickly unlock his door. To do this, open your map and look at it quickly. Crouch, then silently open the door and close it. Ready your .22, 9mm Silencer, or Silverballer .45 Surpressed. Crouch, climb the stairs, and look up. Get a good shot at the LT.'s head and shoot. If done correctly, he will not be disturbed if you miss and hit the upper floor. Quickly run to his bedroom and pick up the coordinates. If you check your map, two guards will walk in and stay on the first floor, talking. Drag the LT. to the left side of the bed and wait for them to leave. Go out the same way used to enter. A guard should be walking towards the map's right from the back door. Kill the guard. Use his clothes and your/his AK-47 for disguise. Drag it to a hidden location. There is one with boxes near the back of the LT's house. If you do not kill him here, wait until he is past the alley near where you started the level and kill him -- thus also making a good spot to hide his body. Next, pick up the Colonel's Key and find the exit. Note: If desired you can use the LT.'s and the Colonel's clothes, but you would probably get shot.

Murder At The Bazzar: Easy Silent Assassin rank
You will need the 9mm SD pistol for this trick. When the level starts, move towards the lieutenant's quarters, but do not enter yet. Wait for the two guards to pass by, then pick the lock of the backside door of the quarters. Enter the sneak mode and open the door. Note: If you not get into sneak mode, the lieutenant will hear you and call for help. Get inside and move up the stairs. Take out your Fiber Wire and strangle the lieutenant and get the coordinates from him. Do not let your sneak mode guard down yet. Move cautiously downwards and leave without getting spotted by the guards who have entered the quarter. Then, move towards the bazaar. Check your map and you will see a ladder leading up. Wait for the two guards to patrol back to their positions, then climb the ladder. You are on the bazaar. The second lieutenant should now be under the first window to your left. Check the map to make sure. Save your game and take out the 9mm SD pistol. Move towards the window and finish the job with a headshot. Quickly climb down the ladder and save the game. Move calmly towards the bazaar and make sure there are no guards around the dead lieutenant. Grab his key, then get out of the bazaar. Move towards the exit to complete the level.

Redemption At Gotranno
Your objectives are to eliminate all of Sergei's bodyguards, and to eliminate Segei Zavarothkhov. Note: You will need these weapons :SPAZ 12 Shotgun, Svd sniper, the sniper from Motorcade Interception, the sniper from the second to last mission, SMG, AK-47, 9mm pistol, revolver, Deagle, crossbow, and the Hitman Ballers. When the final mission starts, do not run out into the open or you will die. Instead ,check the map and look for two bodyguards. When they are out of range and slowly turn their backs, run up to the big door and jump down the stone stairs. Before you run to your weapon shed, look out for a sniper and time your run to the shed. When inside, equip and be ready with your Spaz 12. Crouch and wait for the door to open and the agents to run in. With one shot each, about five agents will die. After all the agents are dead, take off the Spaz 12 and take out a silenced sniper. Carefully snipe outside and look for an agent who is sniping from the monument-like building. Take him out. Now, go back inside the shed. Take every pistol you find, SMGs, and any other weapon that can be holstered. In addition, take your Spaz 12 and go into the building next to your tool shed. Open it and eliminate every agent you find. Look for a church key and enter the sanctuary. Go up the stairs and kill the two agents who are on top. Then, wait for an agent who will pop up and kill him. If you run low on ammunition, use the SMG. Next, open the door and kill the sniping agent. Then, run all the way to your weapon shed. Run back to the place where you eliminated the two agents with a good weapon. Now, run back and forth until you have three snipers, a crossbow, an AK-47 and Spaz 12 all stored with you inside the sanctuary. Then, utilize the crossbow and kill all the agents who are sniping on top. There are now lots of agents below. Carefully crouch and sniper all of them with a silenced sniper. Once all are dead, only Sergei remains. Run down and find a door which leads to the main hall. Go to the confessing chamber and shoot the heart. Sergei will run out into an open room. With your Spaz 12, wait for him to come out and give him five shots. Alternately, run to the big cross and hide behind it. Once there, out Sergei when he is vulnerable.

Redemption at Gontranno: Defeating Sergei
After you have killed all of the bodyguards, get a sniper rifle. Go into the confession booth and wait for the Sergei to appear. When he begins to come out, run across the church and hide behind the cross. When Sergei is in front of you on the second level, fire one shot to the head. Note: If you are in stealth mode when you open a door, no one will hear you.

In order to fight the Boss, you have to eliminate all of the hitmen. This will make the Boss battle much easier. When you have killed all of the hitmen, enter the confession room on the left. This is the one that you pray in during the first level's loading screen. The priest will be in the confession room directly next to you, being held captive by the Russian general. The only way to get the general out is to crouch down and shoot a bullet at the heart on the confession booth's inside wall. A short intermission will start and the general will come out, firing an SP12. Use any automatic rifle and fire, making sure every bullet connects. Make sure you have the full amount of ammunition equipped in the gun. He should die within a few seconds.

After you have killed all of Sergei's bodyguards, return to the gun collection place. Select your M60 and full ammunition. Reload the gun and about five shots from it should kill Sergei.

Go to your shed and pick up any desired weapons and a knife (kitchen knife, combat knife, scalpel, etc.). Kill all of the bodyguards and go to the confession booth. Aim at the window and shoot. After the intermission sequence, equip your knife, run up behind Sergei and slit his throat. You must stay behind and run up against his back. Note: For a miserable death, try using the fiber wire.

Kill all of Sergei's men and go into the confessional. Then, shoot through the heart and wait for Sergei to go to the next room. Immediately go to the side of the room, crouch, and wait for him to come out. Equip a SPAZ 12 shotgun. When he comes out, shoot him six or seven times.

Secret Valley: Easy Silent Assassin rank
A sniper rifle is required for this trick At the Tracking Hayamoto level, add a sniper rifle to your inventory. When you complete that level, you will have the sniper rifle with you at the start of the Secret Valley level. When the level starts, take out the sniper covering the entrance to the tunnel with your sniper rifle. Wait until a cargo truck arrives. Look at your map and make sure that all of the men guarding the entrance are looking towards the alley before getting inside the back of the truck. Duck and wait until the truck stops. Get out of the truck and save the game at this point. Run until you reach the location where three guards are patrolling the way, up and down. Hide behind a pillar in the middle of the way and wait until the guard in front of you turns around and begins patrolling downwards. The guards are patrolling in a zigzag pattern. Do the same thing without getting spotted by the guard patrolling upwards. You will probably get spotted a few times before managing to do this successfully. Save the game after you have passed the guards and reach a safe location. Look at the map to see four guards blocking the way. Wait until a truck to arrive, but do not jump into it. The guards will check the truck and they will spot you if you hide inside it. Instead, wait until the truck reaches the guards, and they start to check it. Walk on the right side of the road and sneak by the guards while they are checking the truck. Save the game after you have passed the guards. Afterwards, you will reach a place with three guards patrolling up and down again. Use the same trick done previously and save the game afterwards. Look at your map to see many guards blocking the way out. Move towards the ladder at the upper corner at the map. Be careful, as a guard is patrolling the place. Do not kill or knock out the guard. Get past the guard and go up the ladder. Watch out for the sniper and avoid him at all costs by running towards the trees directly in front of you. Afterwards, just run to the exit and you will have completed the level with a Silent Assassin rank.

Shogon Showdown: Easy Silent Assassin rank
You will need Anesthetic for this trick. When the level starts, enter the door at the right side of the stairs leading to the courtyard. Walk up the stairs and enter sneak mode. When you reach the first floor, look through the keyhole. When the guard turns, open the door and stay behind a pillar. Note: Walking on the wooden floor makes noise, alerting the guard. Walk on the brown platforms connecting to the pillars to prevent this. Use the Anesthetic to take out the guard, Be careful not to step on the wooden floor. When the guard is unconscious, take his SMG and clothes. Remember not to exit sneak mode during this process. After taking the clothes, walk on the brown platforms and go down the stairs to your left (in sneak mode). When downstairs, take the door to the left. Walk to the next door, open it, and take the key card on the shelf next to you on the right side. Go back the way you came from and move to the lasers. Before deactivating them, save the game and exit sneak mode. Deactivate the lasers, walk past the guards, and move upstairs. Continue to walk upstairs until you reach the fourth floor. Look at the map. There are two women in this area, one moving and one that is not. Move to the woman that does not move. She will give you a key card. After that, go back the way you came from and move upstairs. Deactivate the lasers and move on. There should be three guar
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