Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Downloadable Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Cheats
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May. 22, 2010
EX Ending Artwork
To unlock the EX ending artwork, finish Arcade mode with the respective EX Character.

Guilty Gear Generations
To unlock the Guilty Gear Generations versions of the characters, play the game for a total of 48 hours:

GG Mode - Characters move faster, do relatively more damage, and can Instant Kill opponents without needing to charge. Bursts, Roman Cancels, and Faultless Defense are unavailable. Characters have the ability to charge their tension by holding the Heavy Slash and Dust buttons.
GGX Mode - Bursts and False Roman Cancels are unavailable. Characters can Faultless Defense Cancel their attacks.

Play as Gold and Shadow characters
Play the game for more than 48 hours, then do the following at the character selection screen. This also works for EX characters, and possibly all GG modes (GG GGX and AC)

Gold Character - Change the color mode to Slash, and select your character with Dust
Shadow Character - Change the color mode to Reload, and select your character with Dust

Hidden GGXX Slash and #Reload Stages
After all the EX Characters have been unlocked, GGXX Slash Stages will slowly be Time Released in Hour increments. Once a stage is unlocked via Time Release, you have access not only to that Slash stage, but also the #Reload version of the stage.

To select the #Reload version of the stage, hold the "Respect" Button while selecting stages and Music, this is usually the [R2] Button.

Unlock Slash Stages
Play the game for more than 48 hours, and then when the stage selection screen comes up, you can select the Slash versions of all the stages.

Fight against Boss Order Sol
Beat arcade mode without losing a single round.

Unlock EX Characters
To unlock EX Characters, defeat the Shadow version of them in Survival mode. To select them, press [Start] on the Character select screen.

Boss Order-Sol
Beat arcade mode without losing a round, not even to I-no.
After you beat her, stand as NEAR to I-no as possiable. You should be sucked in the portal after she jumps in if you didn't lose at all.

WARNING: You will be up aginst an even stronger Order-Sol with one chance to beat him.

Time-released Unlockables
Everything other than gallery pictures is unlockable via time release. This means time that you are playing the game, NOT time spent in the main menu, character selection screen, in between arcade matches, etc. There are normal ways to unlock these, but time released seems to be the easiest way.

EX modes - Every hour after 48 hours, an EX character will be released. Starting with Potemkin and then Chipp, going in the same order as Survival mode.
GG Mode - 48 hours of gameplay.
GGX Mode - 24 hours of gameplay.
Shadow and Gold modes - Every hour after all the EX characters are unlocked or 48 hours, whichever comes last. Press [D] with Reload colors for Shadow, Slash colors for Gold.
Slash levels - Once all EX, and Shadow/Gold characters are unlocked and you've spent at least 48 hours a Slash level will be unlocked. Press [R2] for the #R stage ver.
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