Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Downloadable Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Cheats
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Feb. 15, 2008
Aug. 28, 2007
Author: 26KB
Jun. 09, 2007
Aug. 08, 2006
Author: 100KB
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Enter one of the following codes during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Note: Some of the following codes cannot be disabled. Do not save the game while they are active. Other codes may be disabled by repeating code entry.

Weapons (tier 1): [Up], [Square]x2, [Down], Left, [Square]x2, [Right]
Weapons (tier 2): [Up], [Circle]x2, [Down], Left, [Circle]x2, [Right]
Weapons (tier 3): [Up], [X]x2, [Down], Left, [X]x2, [Right]
$250,000: [L1], [R1], [Triangle], [L1], [R1], [Circle], [L1], [R1]
Body armor: [L1], [R1], [Circle], [L1], [R1], [X], [L1], [R1]
Full health: [L1], [R1], [X], [L1], [R1], [Square], [L1], [R1]
Wanted level increased: [L1], [R1], [Square], [L1], [R1], [Triangle], [L1], [R1]
Wanted level disabled: [L1]x2, [Triangle], [R1]x2, [X], [Square], [Circle]
Better handling vehicles: [L1], [Up], Left, [R1], [Triangle], [Circle], [Down], [X] (Note: Press[Down] to have your vehicle jump)
Change motorcycle tire size: [Circle], [Right], [X], [Up], [Right], [X], [L1], [Square] (Note: Repeat the code to cycle the tire sizes between large, small, and normal)
Destroy all cars: [L1]x2, Left, [L1]x2, [Right], [X], [Square]
Drive on water: [Circle], [X], [Down], [Circle], [X], [Up], [L1]x2
Black traffic: [Circle]x2, [R1], [Triangle]x2, [L1], [Square]x2
Chrome traffic: [Triangle], [R1], [L1], [Down]x2, [R1]x2, [Triangle]
White traffic: [X]x2, [R1], [Circle]x2, [L1], [Triangle]x2
Traffic lights always green: [Triangle]x2, [R1], [Square]x2, [L1], [X]x2
Aggressive drivers: [Square]x2, [R1], [X]x2, [L1], [Circle]x2
Pedestrians have weapons: [R1]x2, [L1], [R1]x2, [L1], [Right], [Circle]
Random pedestrian costumes: [L1]x2, Left, [L1]x2, [Right], [Square], [Triangle]
Clear weather: [Up], [Down], [Circle], [Up], [Down], [Square], [L1], [R1]
Sunny weather: [L1]x2, [Circle], [R1]x2, [Square], [Triangle], [X]
Foggy weather: [Up], [Down], [Triangle], [Up], [Down], [X], [L1], [R1]
Overcast weather: [Up], [Down], [X], [Up], [Down], [Triangle], [L1], [R1]
Rainy weather: [Up], [Down], [Square], [Up], [Down], [Circle], [L1], [R1]
Faster game time: [L1]x2, Left, [L1]x2, [Right], [Circle], [X]
Faster game play: [R1]x2, [L1], [R1]x2, [L1], [Down], [X]
Slower game play: [R1], [Triangle], [X], [R1], [Square], [Circle], Left, [Right]
Pedestrians attack you: [L1]x2, [R1], [L1]x2, [R1], [Up], [Triangle]
Pedestrians riot: [L1]x2, [R1], [L1]x2, [R1], Left, [Square]
Pedestrians follow you: [Down]x3, [Triangle]x2, [Circle], [L1], [R1]
Big head mode: [Down]x3, [Circle]x2, [X], [L1], [R1]
Spawn Rhino: [L1]x2, Left, [L1]x2, [Right], [Triangle], [Circle]
Spawn Trashmaster: [Triangle], [Circle], [Down], [Triangle], [Circle], [Up], [L1]x2
Commit suicide: [L1], [Down], Left, [R1], [X], [Circle], [Up], [Triangle]
View media attention level: [L1], [Up], [Right], [R1], [Triangle], [Square], [Down], [X] (Keep breaking the law until the media attention level is displayed.)
Upside down: [Down]x3, [X]x2, [Square], [R1], [L1]
Upside down (alternate): [X]x3, [Down]x2, [Right], [L1], [R1]
Return to normal from upside down: [Triangle]x3, [Up]x2, [Right], [L], [R]
Return to normal from upside down (alternate): [Up]x3, [Triangle]x2, [Square], [R], [L]
View game credits: [L1], [R1], [L1], [R1], [Up], [Down], [L1], [R1]
Completion bonuses
Get a 100% completion by finishing all story line missions, all side jobs, finish all races in first place, complete the car list for Love Media, find all 100 hidden packages, complete all 24 unique jumps, and survive all 20 rampages. A tank will now appear in Fort Staunton, and speedboats can be taken in Portland. Additionally, all multi-player costumes will now be available in single player mode.

Complete all Rampages to have the M60 to spawn at your safehouses. Note: The M60 is not in any of the weapon codes.

Taxi missions bonus
Steal a taxi and press [Up] to start the Taxi missions. After a total of 100 successful fares you will unlock the '76 Bickle cab.

Ambulance mission bonus
Steal a ambulance and press [Up] to start the Ambulance missions. After reaching level 12, you will have unlimited sprinting.

Firefighter mission bonus
Steal a ambulance and press [Up] to start the Firefighter missions. After reaching level 12, you will be fireproof.

Food delivery mission bonus
Go to the Well Stacked Pizza shop in Staunton Island or the Noodle Punk shop in Portland. Start the delivery missions and reach level 9 to increase your maximum health by 25 points.

Vigilante mission bonus
Steal a police car and press [Up] to start the Vigilante missions. After reaching level 12, you can get a maximum of 150 points of body armor.

No money loss when busted
Complete the Avenging Angels missions on Staunton Island.

Spirit E and PJC at Staunton Island safe house
Deliver all sixteen vehicles on the list to the Love Media garage in Bedford.

Super Angel Bike (bulletproof) at Portland safe-house
Complete Avenging Angels missions in Portland.

Super Land Stalker (bulletproof) at Shoreside Vale safe-house
Complete the Avenging Angels missions in Shoreside Vale.

Upgraded Sanchez
Complete all ten courses in the "Bump & Grinds" at the dirt bike course in Portland.

Antonio costume
Successfully complete the "Making Toni" mission.

Avenging Angel costume
Successfully complete the "Frighteners" mission.

Chauffeur costume
Successfully complete the "Rollercoaster Ride" mission.

Cox Mascot costume
Win SlashTV two times.

Dragon Jumpsuit costume
Successfully complete the "Crazy 69" mission.

Goodfella costume
Successfully complete the "Overdose Of Trouble" mission.

King' Jumpsuit costume
Successfully complete all missions.

Overalls costume
Successfully complete "The Portland Chainsaw Masquerade" mission.

Sweats costume
Successfully complete the "A Walk In The Park" mission.

Tuxedo costume
Successfully complete the "A Date with Death" mission.

Underwear costume
Complete one unique jump.

Wise Guy costume
Successfully complete the "Shoot The Messenger" mission.

Hidden package rewards
There are a total of 100 hidden packages in the game, 40 in Portland, 30 in Staunton Island, and 30 in Shoreside Vale. Besides getting $250 as each package is collected, the following reward will appear in your safe houses as you collect the required number of packages.

Handgun: 10 hidden packages.
Shotgun: 20 hidden packages.
Body armor: 30 hidden packages.
MP5 gun: 40 hidden packages.
Python gun: 50 hidden packages.
M4 gun: 60 hidden packages.
Laser aimed sniper rifle: 70 hidden packages.
Flamethrower: 80 hidden packages.
Rocket launcher90 hidden packages.
$50,000: 100 hidden packages.

Avenging Angels missions
After completing Leon McAffrey's "Crazy 69" mission, you unlock the "Avenging Angels" side missions. Go to the same park where the mission took place dressed in the Avenging Angels fatigues at night. Look for another Avenging Angel (they are dressed the same). Press [R3] near him to start the vigilante-style killing spree. On these missions you will fight various groups of hoodlums around Staunton Island. The best strategy is to run them down in a car, or use a bladed melee weapon to cut them down. Using Molotov cocktails, grenades, and other weapons capable of taking out multiple opponents at once. If your Avenging Angel friend dies, you must find another one within the time limit or the mission ends.

Taking the Peace mission: Easy completion
During this mission you must take control of Paulie Siddaco's car and kill the gang members. Enable the "Pedestrians follow you" code. After taking control of his car, he will exit. Drive to the area where you kill the gang and they will not attack you, making it easier for you to kill them. After you complete the mission, Paulie Siddaco will be in your van.

Wong Side Of The Tracks mission: Chinese food
After completing the Wong Side Of The Tracks side mission, go directly to your Portland safehouse. You should see Chinese food on the table in the safehouse.

Shoreside Vale: Hellanbach GT
If your are looking for a Hellanbach GT for LoveMedia crazy car give-away, there are two ways to get one. The first is to complete level 4 in the car salesman missions. It will appear in the showroom. The second place it can be found is at Shoreside Vale. Go to the first house on the bottom row of houses in the Cedar Grove area. Look in the driveway to the garage. If one is not there, drive left or right, then turn back. There should be one sitting in front of the garage.

Shoreside Vale: M60
There is an M60 in the airport. Go to the parking lot. There should be a small opening to your left. When you go through it, there is a ramp going on top of the fire station. To your left when you are up there is a ledge going around the airport. There is a secret package and magnum. Keep going around the airport until reaching a dead end. There is a small gap between the edge and an airplane hanger. Drive of the edge onto the airplane hanger to find an M60.with 100 ammo.

Staunton Island: Smiley face sign
Look for the place where you have to chase the "priest" to in the Church missions. It is a garage-type place. Look for the white stairs and climb up. Jump over to the roof to your right then run straight ahead. Jump off to the right of the wall. Follow this wall until you find the ramp. Once you reach the ramp, do not go up it. Keep following the wall and run to the back. Turn to the left to find the hidden location. In Grand Theft Auto 3 the sign said " You are not suppose to be here". Instead, the sign has a smiley face with the message ""You just can't get enough of this alley, can you?".

Barracks OL (army truck)
Find the junkyard and go into it. Next to a wall there will be a truck. It is a Barrack OL (army truck).

Hellenbach GT
You can also get the Hellenbach GT during the mission where you must kill the Sindacco gang member. JP calls and tells you to take his car as a down payment on the money that he owes you. That car is a Hellenbach GT. Save the car in your garage until you need it for the Love Fist car giveaway.

PCJ 600: Bulletproof
Steal Wayne's PCJ-600 during the "Biker Heat" mission.

When you do the third or fourth mission for Ma Cipriani called "Grease Sucho," you must win a race. When you win, you must kill Sucho. He is in a car with flames down the side, called a Thunder-Rod. You must ram the car to get him out so that you can kill him. However, do not let the car explode. If you do, it will be impossible to complete the game later. In the "Love Media" mission, you must deliver sixteen different cars. and the Thunder-Rod is one of them. After you ram Sucho's car just enough that he gets out, kill him then take the car and put it in your garage.

Good citizen bonus
Occasionally you will see a cop chasing someone down the sidewalk. If you run up to the person being chased and punch him, you will get a $50 Good Citizen Bonus. Make sure to only punch him once; if you continue and kill the person, the cop will want to fight you.

After completing the "Crazy 69" mission for Leon McAffery you will keep the ninja sword used during the mission. This is a very good weapon for your melee slot, as it will usually kill enemies in one slice. Use it for the "Avenging Angels" missions when fighting gangs to conserve ammunition for later levels. You can cut down many swarming opponents at once if you keep moving around and tapping [Circle].

Unlimited shotgun ammunition
Stand outside the Ammu-Nation store and target the man behind the counter. Kill him, then take his shotgun and drive away a few blocks. Return to the store, and he will have respawned with another shotgun, which you can once again take from him.

Free shotgun and ammunition
Find a cop car to get a free shotgun or bullets for it.

Free items
In the beginning of the game you can buy anything desired. During one of the first missions you must go to Ammu-Nation. Select the a pistol and you will not be charged. You can also go to the Pay N Spray for free the first few times.

Run longer
Instead of holding [X] to run, repeatedly tap it.

Winning fist fights
When targeting an enemy during a fist fight (or using brass knuckles), run towards them and tap [Circle] repeatedly. Even though you will just be running into them and may remain stationary, you will keep executing the "running" punch attack. If you keep tapping [Circle], Toni will keep doing this attack rapidly and your enemy will not have a chance to strike back.

Easier mission completion
When you get to the point where you can do missions for Ma Cipriani ("C" on the map), do not continue them until they are your only option. After Ma's "No Son Of Mine" mission, she will send hit men after you. They will continue to appear until they are all killed, making future missions more difficult to complete.

Easy Vigilante mission completion
Enable the "Spawn Rhino tank" code, get in then press [Up] to start the Vigilante missions. Crash into the cars and bikes you are chasing and they will explode.

Big air
To catch air off any car, enable the "Change motorcycle tire size" code, and use any bike to fly over cars.

Go at maximum speed on a PCJ-600 on the wrong side of the road. When you see a Banshee, drive directly into it .It works better with a Sanchez.

FBI car
Get a five star wanted level. FBI cars will appear. As soon as you see one, enable the "Wanted level disabled" code and quickly get in an FBI before it leaves. When you are driving the FBI car, turn on the siren. All of the other cars will move out of the way. It also has good speed and handling.

After you pass the "No Son Of Mine" mission, Ma puts a "hit" on you. When a assassin tries to attack, do not run away. You can kill him easily. He should be carrying money, body armor, and a nice gun.

Get To other areas early
To reach Staunton Island early, enable the "Drive on water" code and go to the Calahan bridge. Drive off the bridge and into the water then go to the docks. Drive your car onto the docks. Make sure it is not a nice car, as you cannot take it with you. You are now on Stanton Island. This also works for Liberty City.

Real car equivalents
Banshee: Dodge Viper RT/10 or Shelby Series One
Hellenbach GT: Dodge Challenger or AMC AMX
Infernus: Jaguar XJR-15 or XJ 220
Deimos SP: Nissan 300ZX
Cheetah: Ferrari Testarossa
V8 Ghost: Lotus Espirt V8
Phobos VT: Chevrolet Camaro/Pontiac Firebird TransAm
Stinger/Yakuza Stinger: Porsche Boxter
Thunder Rodd: 1939 Dodge Sedan Delivery
Police: Chevrolet Caprice pursuit
Taxi: Chevrolet Caprice
FBI Cruiser: Chevrolet Caprice pursuit
Forelli Exsess: Pontiac Grand Am
Stallion: Ford Mustang?
Sentinel/Leone Sentinel: BMW 3 Series
Yardie Lobo: Chevrolet Impala/El Camino
Patriot: Hummer H1
Stretch: Lincoln Continental Limousine
Ambulance: Ford E350 Ambulance
Rumpo: Ford E250 Econoline Van
Firetruck: American LaFrance pumper truck
Esparanto: Cadillac Coupe DeVille
Kuruma: Dodge Stratus
Cabbie: Chevrolet Bel Air
Landstalker: Mitsubishi Montero Sport
Bobcat: Ford Ranger
Blista: Dodge Caravan
BF Injection: Modified Volkswagen sand buggy
Idaho: 70's Dodge 440 two-door
Manana: Geo Storm
Bus: International Blue Bird
Moonbeam: Chevy Van
Yankee/Triad Fish Van: Ford Econoline 350
Linerunner: Freightliner/Peterbuilt Cab
Freeway/Angel: Harley Davidson
Faggio: Vespa Scooter

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City reference
During the introduction sequence for the Biker Heat mission, the poster above Maria's bed depicts members of the imaginary rock band Love Fist, which was the band Tommy Vercetti befriended and completed missions for in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.

Game Of Death reference
After completing the "Crazy 69" mission where you run around in the park and kill gang members with a samauri sword, you will receive the "Dragon jumpsuit" clothing option at your safehouse. This article of clothing is exactly the same as the one Bruce Lee wore in his 1973 film Game Of Death.

Glitch: Increase garage capacity
Park a vehicle already in your garage halfway out to keep the door up. Then, drive in as many other vehicles as you can fit. Make sure you can reach the doors on them or you may not be able to get them out.
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