Eye Toy: Play 2 Cheats - PlayStation 2

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2

Football: Move penalty machine
After selecting "Football" at the game selection screen, select the penalty machine. When saving penalties, use the D-Pad on controller one and move the [Left Analog-stick] around. This will move the penalty machine. You can now move the machine wide and make it shoot. To make it shoot, press [X].

Knockout: Easy win
Stand directly behind your opponent and beat them up. When they are getting ready for a punch, freeze and they will not hit you.

Hit the white person with your hand. This is useful when he is talking and you want him to be quiet. To get him up, wave your hand under him so you cannot see it. This will require about three minutes of waving.

Duck off screen and stick up your hands. Hit, then retract your hands if he throws a punch.

Table Tennis: Easy win
When you are hitting a ball back to your opponent, spin your forearms around very fast and you will not miss it.

Use a DVD case to hit the ball very hard. The ball should go very fast.
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