Dynasty Warriors 2 Cheats - PlayStation 2

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2

Primary Collection of Cheats
All generals
Press [Square], [R1], [Square], [R2], [Square], [R2], [Square], [R1] at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Note: Press [Square]x2, [L1], [L2], [R1], [R2], [Square]x2 at the title screen in the Japanese version of the game.

All Shu generals
Press [Square]x2, [R1]x2, [Square]x2, [R2]x2 at the title screen to unlock Ma Chao, Jiang Wei, Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, and Huang Zhong. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Alternately, successfully complete Musou mode with any member of the Shu Kingdom. Note: Press [Square], [R1]x5, [R2]x2 at the title screen in the Japanese version of the game.

All Wei generals
Press [Square]x4, [R2]x2, [R1]x2 at the title screen to unlock Cao Cao, Xiahou Yuan, Zhang Liao, and Sima Yi. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Alternately, successfully complete Musou mode with any member of the Wei Kingdom. Note: Press [Square]x3, [L1]x2, [L2]x3 at the title screen in the Japanese version of the game.

All Wu generals
Press [Square]x2, [R2]x2, [R1]x2, [Square]x2 at the title screen to unlock Taishi Ci , Sun Jian , Sun Quan , Lu Meng , and Gan Ning. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Alternately, Successfully complete Musou mode with any member of the Wu Kingdom. Note: Press [Square]x2, [L2]x4, [L1]x2 at the title screen in the Japanese version of the game.

Opening Edit option
Press [R2]x3, [L2]x3, [R1], [L1] at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. An "Opening Edit" selection will be unlocked on the options menu. Alternately, successfully complete Musou mode with all generals with the exception of Dong Zhuo, Diao Chan, Lu Bu, Yuan Shao, and Zhang Jiao. Note: Press [L1], [L2], [R2], [R1], [L1], [L2], [R2], [R1] at the options screen in the Japanese version of the game.

Free mode side selection
Hold [Triangle] and press [R1], [L1], [L2], [R2], [R1], [L1], [L2], [R2] at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Free mode level selection
Hold [Square] and press [L1], [R1], [R2], [L2], [L1], [R1], [R2], [L2] at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Alternately, press [L2], [L1], [R1], [R2], [L2], [L1], [R1], [R2], [L2]. Note: Hold [Square] then press [L1]x2, [R1]x2, [L2]x2, [R2]x2 at the title screen in the PAL version of the game.

BGM Test option
Press [L1]x3, [R1]x3, [L2], [R2] at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Choose the "Sound" selection at the options menu, then choose "BGM Test" to hear all the background music from the game. Note: Press [R1]x2, [R2]x2, [L1]x2, [L2]x2 at the options screen in the Japanese version of the game.

In-game reset
Press [Start] + [Select] during game play to return to the main menu.

Fight as Diao Chan, Dong Zhuo, Yuan Chao, and Zhang Jiao in free mode
Successfully complete Musou mode with at least one member of each kingdom. Note: This also unlocks Side Selection in free mode.

Fight as Sun Quan
Successfully complete Musou mode with all Wu Kingdom members (Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, Sun Shang Xiang, Taishi Ci, Gan Ning, Lu Meng).

Fight as Sima Yi
Successfully complete Musou mode as Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, and Zhang Liao.

Alternately, successfully complete the game using the Wei generals in the following order: Xiahou Dun, Dian Wei, then Xu Zhu.

Fight as Cao Cao
Successfully complete Musou mode with all Wei Kingdom members including Sima Yi.

Fight as Zhuge Liang
Successfully complete Musou mode as Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, and Jiang Wei.

Zhuge Liang can be unlocked by complete the game with (in order): Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, and Huang Zhong. There may be other combinations, but this one is faster than having to use all six of the Shu generals.

Fight as Liu Bei
Successfully complete Musou mode with all Shu Kingdom members including Zhuge Liang.

Fight as Lu Bu (Free mode only)
Win Stage 2 (Hulao Gate) in Musou mode with at least 1000 KOs.

Alternate introduction sequence
Successfully complete Musou mode as any general.

Restore health
Pause game play, choose the save option, then resume game play without saving.
Level up fighters before Musou mode
Enable the "Free Mode Side Selection option" code. Go to free mode and select any character. This is useful for characters you may not be too skilled with. Set the level to "Yellow Turbans". Fight on the side of the Yellow Turbans. In the fort, the center walls form a cross. Go to the top of that cross to find "Life +10". Kill Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Jian -- they each give "Life +10". Killing their officers usually give "Attack +4" with each. Also try killing by using your special while using the bow. When killing officers in this manner, you can reach a 28-hit combo; but instead of receiving "Attack/Defense +1", "+2", or "+4", you can get "Attack/Defense +8". This does not work on Liu Bei, Cao Cao, or Sun Jian. By using this tactic, the game and your fight with Lu Bu becomes slightly easier.

Female character's unlimited combo
Attack (only one hit), move forward, attack (only one hit), move forward, attack (only one hit), move forward, and repeat. This must be done quickly in order to continue the combo.

Strong character's unlimited combo
Note: This requires a character strong enough to run over an Officer with a horse. Wait until an Officer moves into a corner, then run straight into him/her. Continue to press [Forward] and the horse will always keep running into him/her till you stop pressing in that direction. This will continue your combo indefinitely. You can also attack during your charge to speed up the combo count. Note: A 32+ hit combo will give you the maximum shield/sword drop and you can not exceed a 99 hit combo.

Defeating Lu Bu
Hit him once and then jump away. Then hit him again and repeat. When he blocks the hit, jump away as fast as possible.

Fire an arrow at him from a distance. He will run about, but not attack you. Keep firing arrows and waiting until he mounts his horse. Eventually, he will be killed.

Defeating officers
Attack the officer with a combo, using [Square]. When they fall to the ground, wait until you see them begin to get back up. Quickly start your combo over again, and they should not have a chance to block it. This is especially useful for defeating Lu Bu, one of the hardest officers in the game.

Defeat the officer's guards and any other lower rank men around him. Run away from the officer so that he loses interest in you. When this happens, they often stand still. Get close enough so that you can barely make the officer out, but he does not see you. Start hitting him/her with your arrows. They cannot see who hits them, and they will not recover their life.

Defeating strong generals on low health
Go to a stand were archers are killing your men. Defeat them, then from above you can snipe your enemy's generals.

Easy Boss battles
Officers can regain health when you hit them down and they get back up. Do not hit them on the ground. This helps when fighting Lu Bu.

Run to one of your heroes, then hold [Circle] to charge until it is full. Then, run to the Boss and unleash the power by pressing [Circle].

Chang Ban level:+10 Sword
Go to the Chang Ban level on Liu Bei's side. When the level starts. defeat all generals (excluding sub-general and Cao Cao)/ You should get the weapon from one of the generals randomly.

Save your people
If you see a gate that you can go up to, go up and kill all the archers. After that, face the other side and use your arrow at them. Note: Look back because some people will try to attack when you are not looking.

Get more from your Musou power
Circle usually allows you to do a spectacular move for about five seconds to kill defenders. However if you hold the [Circle] as you are doing the special power, about ten more seconds will be added on to you Musuo.

Large chain attack
Attack someone three times (they must die on one of these hits for this to work), stop, then as they are falling down, attack three times again.

More powerful hits
When attacking someone, press [Square], [Triangle]; or [Square]x2, [Triangle]; or [Square]x3, [Triangle].

Attack +10
Defeat Zhang Lian at the He Fei level to get an Attack +10.

Character recommendation
Dian Wei is the best character when he is maxed out.
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