DragonBall Z: Budokai 3 Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Downloadable DragonBall Z: Budokai 3 Cheats
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Sep. 14, 2011
Dec. 03, 2010
Primary Collection of Cheats
Level Up
Start a new story in DRAGONUNIVERSE. Go to Kami's Lookout and level up. Then save your game data and quit DRAGONUNIVERSE. Start a new story in DRAGONUNIVERSE and repeat this process.
Unlock Characters
Bardok: In the beginning of DU fly over to Raditz's spaceship, you should see ???. Enter it to get him.
Brolly: Beat Brolly the second time through as Goku.
Captain Ginyu: Beat Captain Ginyu in Dragon Universe mode with Goku.
Cell: Defeat Cell in Dragon Universe mode with Teen Gohan.
Cell JR: In Dragon Arena, fight till piccolo breaks in. Beat him to Get the Cell JR capsule.
Android 16: Do krillian's DU a 2nd time. This time instead of stopping at the Namak saga, it will continue into the cell games saga. As soon as it starts, head to the world tournament arena. Just north of there will be Android 16. He asks that you bring him to someone who can fix him. Take him to Bulma in West City and you get his capsule.
Android 17: : Beat Android 17 in Dragon Universe mode with Piccolo.
Android 18: Complete Dragon Universe mode with Krillin.
Cooler: After beating Frieza, look under him for SS Vegeta. Beat him and Vegeta will tell you about him. Go to Cooler's red mark and beat him.
Dabura: Beat Dabura with Teen Gohan in story mode.
Dabura: Defeat Dabura in Dragon Universe mode with Gohan.
Dr. Gero: Defeat Dr. Gero in Dragon Universe mode with Yamcha.
Fat buu: Play through dragon universe with Goku.
Frieza: Defeat Frieza in Dragon Universe mode with Goku.
Future Trunks: Complete Dragon Universe mode with Vegeta.
Gogeta (ssj2) : After beating Broly In Dragon Universe Mode, Defeat Gotenks At The World Tournament Arena.
Gogeta (ssj4) : In Vegeta's DU instead of fighting Kid Buu go find Goku who is now a Super Saiyan 4.
Gogeta Capsule: On a time through as Goku/Vegeta. Instead of fighting Uub/Brolly, you must beat the sons.
Gohan: Complete Dragon Universe mode with Teen Gohan.
Goten: Defeat Goten in Dragon Universe mode with Gohan.
Great Saiyaman: In story mode defeat cell with Teen Gohan or Kid Gohan.
Great Saiyaman: Complete Dragon Universe mode with Gohan.
Kid buu: Play through dragon universe with Goku.
Kid Buu: Defeat Kid Buu in Dragon Universe mode with Goku.
Kid Goku: Complete Dragon Universe mode with Broly.
Kid Trunks: Defeat Majin Buu in Dragon Universe mode with Vegeta.
Majin Buu: Defeat Majin Buu in Dragon Universe mode with Goku.
Omega Shenron: In Goku DU, after beating Brolly for second time a new red dot will appear, go there to fight ultimate villain, Omega Shenron, beat to unlock, also you will SSJ4 fusion.
Recoome: Defeat Recoome in Dragon Universe mode with Goku.
Saibamen: In Dragon Arena, Fight till nappa Breaks in. Beat him and get the Saibamen capsule.
Super Buu: Defeat Super Buuin Dragon Universe mode with Goku.
Supreme Kai: After defeating Goten, Visit Bulma in West city then Videl in the Plains area A little NE of Goku's house or south of grandpa Gohan's. After you talk to Videl Fight her in another "Plains" area NW of West City. It will then jump to Gohan Talking about Piccolo and Krillin being turned to stone, ignore that for the time being and head the NE of the continent and use R1 to search for Vegeta near some mountains. Talk to him then head back to Babadi's Spaceship and fight Dabura (or if you want head for the mountains Goku fought Vegeta at and find Videl again and get the "Videl's Kiss" Capsule for Great Saiyaman). In the same spot as Dabura fight Majin Vegeta. After, head to central city (the city in the central of the map right next to a large lake) and hit R1 again to search for Supreme Kai. Talk to him and gain his capsule.
Teen Gohan: Complete Dragon Universe mode with Kid Gohan.
Trunks: Complete Dragon Universe mode with Vegeta.
Young Trunks: Defeat Majin Buu in Dragon Universe mode while playing with Vegeta.
Uub: When fighting kid buu use the spirit ball technique and win Vegeta Play through dragon universe with Goku.
Vegeta: Defeat Vegeta in Dragon Universe mode with Goku.
Vegito(Goku): Defeat Super Buu as Goku in Buu's Body in DU.
Vegito: Defeat Super Buu as Vegeta in Buu's Body in DU.
Videl: Go to plains with Gohan.

Unlock Dragon Balls
Find the Dragon Balls in Dragon Universe Mode You can find:

2 Dragon Balls in Saiyan Saga
2 Dragon Balls on Namek
2 Dragon Balls in Cell Saga
1 Dragon Ball in Buu Saga

Unlock Voice Data
In dragon universe mode, you can unlock 21 original voice data in the bonus section, by using special abilities with the opponents with all the characters. Here are some, please help unlock the others!

voice data 00: goku vs raditz - use kamehameha
voice data 01: piccolo vs raditz - use special beam cannon
voice data 02: tien vs nappa - use ki blast cannon
voice data 03: kid gohan vs nappa - use masenko
voice data 04: krillin vs frieza(third form) - use destructo disk
voice data 05: goku vs frieza(100% full power) - use super saiyen
voice data 06: yamcha vs dr. gero - use senzu bean
voice data 07: piccolo vs cell - use fuse with kami
voice data 08: vegeta vs cell (absorb 17 form) - life more than 2500
voice data 09: vegeta vs cell (perfect form) - use final flash
voice data 10: teen gohan vs goku - use super sayan
voice data 11: teen gohan vs cell (super perfect form) - use father-son kamehameha
voice data 12: vegeta vs majin buu - use final explosion
voice data 13: goku vs majin buu - use super sayan 3
voice data 15: gohan vs super buu - use elder kai unlock ability
voice data 16: goku vs kid buu - use super spirit bomb
voice data 17: vegeta vs ss4 goku - use super saiyan 4
voice data 19: broly vs gohan - use gigantic meteor
voice data 20: uub vs goku - use ki cannon

Bonus Items
To get Bardock, Babidi's Pot and a Silver Membership Card have a saved game from Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 on your memory card.

Alternate Costumes
When choosing a character at the selection screen, press [Left].

Additional difficulty settings
To unlock difficulty 'Z'successfully complete Dragon Universe mode on Very Hard difficulty.
To unlock difficulty 'Z2' successfully complete Dragon Universe mode on difficulty 'Z'.
To unlock difficulty 'Z3' successfully complete Dragon Universe mode on difficulty 'Z2'.
To unlock a Trophy successfully complete Dragon Universe mode on difficulty 'Z3'.

Unlock Dragon Arena
To unlock Dragon Arena successfully complete Dragon Universe mode with all eleven characters: Piccolo, Vegeta, Kid Gohan, Teen Gohan, Gohan, Goku, Broly, Uub, Yamcha, Krillin, Tien.

Finding Dragon Balls
The following is a list of how to find the Dragon Balls in Dragon Universe:

Two Dragon Balls are in Saiyan Saga (Earth) - The first ball is by the white plains; around Red Ribbon Army Base. The second ball is between the upper two main Islands.

Two Dragon Balls are in Frieza Saga (Namek) - The third ball is at the upper right island. The fourth ball is on the left Island near map border, southwest of the upper left Island.

One Dragon Ball is in Cell Games (Earth) - The fifth ball is found where the compass is on the map in the water.

Two Dragon Ball are in Buu Saga (Earth) - The sixth ball is by the main Island towards the middle by North City. The seventh ball is at a little sandbar Island (looks like a beach) near the Martial Arts tournament.

In Kid Gohan's story mode, there are four Dragonballs on Earth and three Dragonballs on planet Namek. Some Dragonballs may be in the water.

Omega Shenron: Easy money
Go to the tournament, and when it starts, fly to the edge of the ring. Equip Concentration. When your opponent attacks, teleport behind them and attack them. Sometimes this causes a "warp battle" but if you have enough ki you should win.
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