Devil May Cry Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Downloadable Devil May Cry Cheats
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Mar. 30, 2013
Oct. 01, 2010
Dec. 29, 2008
Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Replay bonus
Successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting. You will be able to keep all your items such as the grenade launcher and all your swords.

Easy difficulty
Intentionally use continues while completing one of the first three levels. An option for the easy difficulty setting will appear when starting then next level. Once easy difficulty is selected, you will be locked into that setting for the remainder of the current game.

Hard difficulty setting
Successfully complete the game to unlock the hard difficulty setting.

There are extra in-game options when playing the game in hard mode. Press [Select] during game play after starting a level. Two new options, "Save" and "Total Results", are now available.

Legendary dark knight mode
Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting. You will be able to play as Sparda in this mode.

Dante must die mode
Successfully complete the game in legendary dark knight mode.

Super Dante mode
Successfully complete the game in Dante must die mode. Dante will be able to change into a demon with unlimited Devil Trigger.

All-star group photo
Successfully complete the game with an S rank on all missions.

Skip FMV sequences
Press [Select] during an FMV sequence.

Secret missions
Mission 3: Fall back in the water where the skullheads were located.

Mission 3: You will start near the Judge of Death. Press [X] to get the secret mission.

Mission 3: After you get chased by the Phantom, at the end of the hall will be a door to the left. Enter it.

Mission 4: Return to the room with the power-up statue. You will have an encounter with the spider in the hall, just escape to the nearest door, then go back out.

Mission 4 part 2: Go to the airplane room after the panther has been defeated, then take the elevator down.

Mission 7: Kill the enemies in the sewer hall, then go the pipe room (where the key was located).

Mission 11: Go through the door at the start of the mission.

Mission 14: Check the skeleton of the boat from the previous mission.

Mission 15: Check the skull carving underground in the previous mission.

Mission 16: Defeat the blob Boss, then go to the airplane room.

Mission 16: For a second secret mission, go to the coliseum.

Mission 17: Go through the warp zone, then cross the broken bridge without falling.

Mission 21: Check the wall on the opposite side of the power-up statue.
More Orbs
This trick can be done in any stage, as long as you find that this mission has a lot of monsters. First, kill all the monsters on that mission or even after a part of that mission. Save the game, then press [Select] to reset the game. Restart the mission again and start killing monsters. Repeat this process to get more Orbs.

Save the game before you play the mission that you first fight Phantom (the scorpion-spider) in the hallway. This is the second encounter with phantom. Fight and beat Phantom. An easy way is to have three to five Magic Meters and have the Air Raid move mastered. Once you gain control of Dante after the short FMV sequence, press [L1] to change to Devil mode. Immediately press [Triangle] to jump then hold [R1] to float. Press [X] repeatedly as fast as possible until your magic runs out. Once you fall, run as far away as you can, while still keeping Phantom in your view. Whenever he shoots a fireball, jump over it and slash his eyes. Repeat this until your magic meter is full again. Change into Devil mode and perform the Air Raid on Phantom. Repeat this process as needed until he is defeated. Collect the 500 orbs he drops. Then press, [Select] and choose save. Overwrite or save the game in a new slot. Then, return to the game. Press [Select], and select "Reset". Choose to quit. At title screen, load the mission that you just fought Phantom in. When you start again you will have the newly acquired orbs and you will be able to fight Phantom again. Repeat this entire process as needed to collect orbs (at least 15,000 recommended). This is one of the easiest Boss fights and it happens in the beginning of the mission before you really need orbs. After this, do not waste any orbs on anything. Choose wisely on what you buy.

Find the secret missions rooms with killing the phantom babies. Either of the two will do. Simply go into the room and intentionally fail the objective. Kill all the babies to get between 100 and 135 Orbs a pop. Then, exit the room, go back in, and repeat the process to get as many Orbs as needed.

When you enter the room with the Lion in it, jump on the top of the fountain. You will receive about twenty Red Orbs.

Play the mission where you fight Griffon. Before you fight Griffon, go to the room guarded by the blue shield and get the Luminite at the opposite side of the room. Then, go down the stairwell. Defeat the two Fetishes (the fire demons) there. An easy and fast way is to roll or jump directly after shooting them, then jump (with Ifrit equipped) and do the kick. Keep repeating this until they die. Collect the orbs, then go to the door. Immediately hold [R1]. When Dante aims, you will see one or two Sin Scythes. Immediately shoot, then roll or jump. Shoot repeatedly until they are dead. Run around until all of the dropped orbs are collected. Then, return to the room with the Fetishes and kill them. There will be one more by the station where you buy items. Kill all three and return to the Sin Scythe room. Repeat going back and forth between the rooms, always collecting all the orbs dropped. Repeat this for awhile to collect a very large amount of orbs.

In hard mode during mission 4 when you face the phantom spider for the second time, while in the corridor where he chases you, just equip the gauntlets, Make sure you have at least five Devil Triggers. Turn into Ifrit and use Inferno three times in a row. If you are fast enough, he will die, dropping 500 Orbs (sometimes without even doing damage to Dante). Save the game, restart the level, and repeat.

To gain easy Orbs and level up abilities quickly, after you have returned to the castle the second time (whenthe castle has changed), the room with the biplane will new enemies. These enemies transform into bats and split when attacked. Enter the room (the gauntlets are recommended), shoot the first enemy with your grenade gun, then attack it. The monster will split into two more enemies. Attack until you can trigger Ifrit, then use Inferno to kill all the enemies surrounding you. Each time you enter the room and successfully defeat all the enemies, you will gain 300 to 400 Orbs. Exit the room and repeat as desired.

In mission 4, after you defeat the scorpion, you can get easy Red Orbs by going into the room where you got the shotgun with full devil trigger. In there are three Sin Scissors. Circle around until they are near each other, and activate the devil trigger. Begin shooting them with the shotgun. By the time you kill them, you will have reached the Stylin ranking, which gets you a lot of Red Orbs. Go out into the hall and kill things until you get full Devil Trigger and repeat.

At about mission 18, hit the switch and defeat the enemy with one eye and laser vision. After a few doors you should be able to run into another one of them. Take out your shotgun and use nothing but that weapon. The enemy will split into two, having three on the screen at once. Keep walking in circles and destroying the creatures. Two will die and the original one will remain. Again, shoot him with the shotgun and he will split apart. From this you should get close to 1000 to1500 red orbs. You can leave and do it again.

In mission 21 (the heart mission), have the Inferno move and at least seven Devil Triggers. Go back through the room where you fought Nightmare. Go to the room with the two Frosts. When you get there, quickly run in and run towards the first Frost you see. Activate Devil Trigger just before you get there, jump, then hold [R1] and press [Circle]. Two Infernos should do in the first Frost. Quickly run around to the second Frost. Attack it first with a Homing Kick ([Jump] and press [Circle]). After that, just use ground combos and knock it out. If you do any more jumping, it will have a chance to strike back. You should not use your guns, as they just slow you down and stop your combo. Killing the second Frost should fill your Devil Trigger again, and if done properly, can easily get an absolute or stylish combo without getting hit. You will get hit very rarely, and you should get enough Green Orbs to keep going indefinitely. The whole procedure should take an average of 10 to 14 seconds (excluding the time to go out of the room and return). and will yield about 200 to 240 orbs every time. This averages to about 800 orbs a minute. You can do this in normal mode, so the items are nice and cheap, unlike similar tricks which are done in hard mode, where things get very expensive. You can quickly buy any moves you do not already have, and stock up on items for the final battle which is coming soon. Note: You should save fairly frequently (or when your life bar turns orange), to avoid losing all those orbs.

At beginning of mission 8, do not jump over the main hall to the green door. Instead, jump down into main hall. Mission 8 does start until enter the green door, so go into the "puppet" room with the airplane. Then, go through the door on your left to the long curved hallway. Follow it until you see the gold-toned door. Enter this room (with the fountain) and use the Air Raid to quickly kill the three Scythes. They should drop a good amount of Red Orbs. Next, go into the door in same room at top the stairs, where the lion door is located. Press [R2] to taunt or kill the bug-enemies until your Devil Triggers are full, or are at least 4. Go back out the door into fountain room. Use Air Raid on the three Scythes again. Repeat this as needed. Note: This is your last good chance to build up your powers and your weapons.

You must have the Roundtrip move and have handguns equipped for this trick. When at a Red Orb Lantern, hold the corresponding Devil Arms activation button. As the Devil Arms leaves his hands, pull out Dante's handguns and start shooting rapidly. You should be able to get the Roundtrip/Handgun combo two to three times.

In hard mode at the start of mission 4 when you fight the phantom in the hallway for the second time, you can easily get red orbs. At least five Devil Trigger gauges and Vortex level 2 are required. Equip the Alaster, and as soon as he starts to chase you, transform and quickly jump towards him. Use Vortex on him. Hold [Circle] + Left Analog-stick. He will try to hit you, but it will have no effect. Collect the orbs, press [Select], save the game, and reset. Return to the title screen and load your file. Keep repeating this as many times as needed. After awhile you should be able to kill him in about twenty seconds without him touching you . Try to max out your Devil Trigger gauge and vitality for Dante Must Die mode.

On the mission 3, after defeating the Phantom for the first time, leave the room you fought him in through the exit. You will now be outside the statue of the judge. Turn around and enter again to access the secret mission to kill 100 baby Phantoms. Fail it intentionally, then kill as many as you can to gain Red Orbs (about one from each). When they stop returning, leave through the door where you took the Lion Heart test (when you fell down and had to kill the Skulls). A screen will appear, stating that the mission was failed. Go back through the door and you will be able to attempt the mission again. A long as you keep failing it, you can do this as many times as needed, gaining more orbs each time. The best part is that the baby Phantoms cannot hurt you.

In mission 3, when you enter the room with the large mirror in the back (where you first meet Neo Angelo), there is a king sized bed towards the other side of the room. Double jump and land on top of the bed. You will get two large orbs.

In mission 1, jump on top of the spike that the knight on the horse statue is holding. You should get about 20 Red Orbs. This is difficult, but not impossible to do.

Get enough orbs for Vortex Level 2 or something similar. After you defeat Phatom during the next mission, he chases you down the hall. If you have Vortex attack, you do not even have to run from him. Morph and attack away to kill him quickly and get 500 Orbs. After collecting the Orbs, press [Select] and save the game. Then, press [Select] and reset. Restart the mission and repeat as many times as desired.

Hidden Orbs
Check on top of pillars and other high places. You can get a good hand full of Red Orbs and other special treats.

At the start of the game, jump on the bridge that spans across the walkway. Walk all the way to the left and a Blue Orb fragment will drop.

If find a knight in armor in some levels, destroy it and you will get some Red Orbs.

Quick transformation
This trick can be done at any time after you get Ifrit. If you want a quick change between Alastor or Ifrit, press [R3] and he will do something and either a Blue or Red light will surround you, indicating the switch.

Quick Devil Trigger
Approach an enemy and press [R2] to taunt the opponent. The Devil Trigger meter should go up by one.

Press [R2] + Left Analog-stick in any direction to taunt. Correct timing is required. Once done correctly, it will increase by two symbols instead of just one. If you do this taunt from a distance it will always give you at least one. The normal taunt only gives you a half when done at that distance. When you know you have done the taunt, instead of him instigating with one gun, he will use both guns.

Charged firearms
You can charge any weapon by holding [Square] or [X] while aiming. The longer the charge, the more charged ammunition you will shoot (handguns only). However, you can still charge any weapon but only get one shot (excluding the needlegun). Unfortunately, when you charge The Nightmare - Beta, it takes away your Devil Trigger symbols. Charged ammunition is great for building Devil Trigger symbols -- when you are in Devil Mode you shoot charged ammo, but you do not build Devil Trigger symbols.

Easy Upslash
Have Dante face the enemy. Use your Force Edge or any other of your swords to hit your enemy. Then, press the "Left Analog-stick" in the opposite direction that Dante is facing. He should do an Upslash. Use your handguns while your enemy is in the air.

Double Upslash to Stab
When do a normal combo, take two slashes, then delay very briefly (immediately after he stops his sword swing for the second slash) and press [Circle] again to upslash twice, and one last time to stab or hard slash. This will make the Sparda sword transform for the end of the combo.

Multiple stab
Begin with two slashes, then pause for a brief moment (almost until he puts his sword away), then press [Circle] to start stabbing. Press [Circle] repeatedly to extend the amount of time he is stabbing. This also makes the magic stones light up in only one combo and the Sparda sword transform for the end of the combo.

Multiple charged shots
After charging the weapon (pistols recommended), release [X] or [Square], then rapidly tap the button. It is possible to get up to five shots.

Unlimited Kick Jump
Go to the first level. When you get to the puppet that is lying down, jump on the wall and keep pressing [Triangle]. Dante will keep jumping and you will hear a clanking sound.

Unlimited Air Hike
Go to an enemy that makes you backflip when you hit it with your sword. Use Alastor and when you backflip, Air Hike towards the enemy and repeat.

Fast Punch combo
With Ifrit, you can execute a combo of fast punching attacks. In order to execute this move, stand close to the enemy, press the Left Analog-stick in the direction Dante is facing, then hold [L1] and rapidly press [Circle] rapidly while holding in that direction. If successful, he will unleash a volley of fast punches and kicks. However, this will use two or three Devil Magic Symbols per volley.

Grenade Sting combo
Use a Stinger Level 2 to knock an enemy back. Then, blast them with the Grenade Gun. Hit with the Stinger again, then Grenade Gun and repeat.

Blazing Buster combo
If you have Ifrits and need a quick escape when being beaten by a tough enemy, use the following trick. Jump behind him with Rolling Blaze to stun him, then use a Kick 13 to knock him to the floor, or severely stun him. Then, charge up a Magma Drive, knock him into the air, and finish him with your Shotgun or Grenade Gun.

Dante Deluxe combo
Perform a five-hit slash (press [Circle]x2, pause a moment, then tap [Circle] repeatedly), but instead of finishing with a big swing, do an Uppercut Slash. Hold [Circle] to leap into the air after your opponent, and press [Circle] again to slash him in midair. Then, finish him with a Round Trip attack.

Electric Fire combo
Note: You must have Alastor and Ifrit for this trick. Use Round Trip with Alastor, then press [R3] to switch to Ifrit. Then, use Magma Drive. Next, use Ebony and Ivory to keep them in the air. Wait until your sword comes back, then use High Time to go into the air. Finally, use your shotgun to blow them out of the air.

Ground Round combo
Charge up a Round Trip attack and hurl your sword at the enemy. Then, switch to your Ifrits very fast and invoke Devil Trigger. Use the [R1] + [Forward] + [Circle] attack on your opponent to bust them up with blazing fists while they are being cut by Alastor.

Greased Lightning combo
Hit your opponent with a Stinger attack. Then, while they are still dizzy, invoke Devil Trigger. Hit your opponent with an Uppercut Slash, holding [Circle] to leap in the air. Then, press [R1] to turn into Devil mode. Blast your opponents with lightning.

This weapon is located on mission 19 (after the mission where you receive the Elixir). When you exit from the first painting in the area with the broken bridge, a short intermission sequence will begin. Jump into the second painting and you will find yourself in the room with the bed, the mirror, and the statue that allows you to buy power-ups. Approach the mirror. The Elixir will activate the mirror. Press [X] to enter the mirror, as if it were a door. You end up in the same room and the screen will be slightly fuzzy. You will not be able to see the weapon at first, but it is in this room. If you walk towards the screen, away from the mirror, you will find the bed. On top of the bed is the weapon, shining. Pick it up from there.

Nightmare-Beta without Devil Trigger drain
Once you have both the Nightmare-Beta and the Sparda sword, equip both of them. Your Devil Trigger will not be drained, even when charging up the Nightmare-B.

Juggle enemies
First you go up to a small group of enemies that are close together (minimum of two enemies). Keep pressing [Circle] while holding [R1] and pulling back the Left Analog-stick in the opposite direction that Dante is facing to literally "juggle" enemies. Note: Only use this trick on Marrionettes, Bloodymaries, Blades, and Fetishes. Practice on a single enemy first.

Press [L1] + [Circle] while pressing "Left Analog-stick Back" with the shotgun. Keep shooting until the enemy dies. This does not work on all enemies.

Easy long jump
Using a Stinger of any level near the border of a ledge will make you do the automatic long jump. This is extremely useful after mission 3, when the bridge of the Cathedral is broken. Two or three long jumps will bring you easily from one side to the other.

Easy kills
When facing a single enemy, try running from it. If it follows, run towards a wall if one is near. When you are few steps away from the wall, quickly jump at the wall. When you hit the wall in mid-air, quickly press [Jump] again and away from the wall. When you land on the ground quickly turn around to get the enemy from behind and attack.

To defeat a single dummy, use your sword to hit him in the air. Then while he is still in the air, use your guns and keep firing. He will stay suspended if you keep shooting. Do not use this trick around other dummies -- one could come up behind you and do damage.

Press [Circle]x2, then while Dante's sword is back, press [Circle] again. He should then do a Double Upward Slash. Then, do the High Time just after the Double Slashes. Hold [Circle] until Dante is in the air, fire the pistol until Dante begins to drop down, then press [Circle] again. Also, for the Fire Gauntlet, charge Magma Drive until the enemy is about to attack. If it is not dead yet, use the Kick 13.

You can get an easy kill with the Ifrit Gauntlets and your shotgun. Equip both, jump, and fire a single blast from your shotgun followed by a Homing Kick. Jump up again and repeat. This makes you very hard to hit, and works with most enemies. Note: Since the shotgun does more damage when you get closer, if timed correctly you should be able to fire the shotgun just before you land and still get a Homing Kick in on the enemy. This also works well when you are getting overwhelmed by enemies, because while you are hopping around, they tend to try to follow you and end up in a little group that is nicely lined up for your shot and kick, which will usually knock them all down. Repeat the steps until all your enemies are scattered into little bits all over the floor.

Do a High Time, go up in the air with your opponent, then start firing your guns. When you are about to descend, do an Air Hike and keep firing. Your opponent will still be getting hit from above, and his body will go up. As soon as you hit the ground, keep firing.

To kill opponents with easily, knock them up into the air with the first portion of the High Time attack, but without making yourself jump. Just tap [Circle] instead of holding the button. Next, aim your guns and fire quickly. They will suspended in the air until they are dead. This will also sort of work with the shotgun. You need to be alone or have enough time to kill them without interference because this leaves you wide open.

This trick is recommended when there is only one enemy in the room. Get your handguns and get near any enemy that you can lift up in the air with High Time on any sword. Do it, but do not hold [Circle] and you will not jump, but the enemy will be in the air. Then, light them up. If you are in Devil Trigger, the enemy will go farther in the air with every shot.

Equip Alastor. When facing a enemy, run to a wall, and wait for it. When it gets close, do a double jump and down slash. Then, do a stab. This should kill it. It is best done when at level 2 or higher.

Defeating Fedishes
A very easy way to kill Fedishes is to equip Alastor and use Vortex 1 or 2 on them. They will drop five times faster than normal, and usually cannot hurt you.

Defeating Frosts
Frosts are one of the more difficult enemies in the game. However, you can kill them in one hit with a little Devil Trigger and Ifrit's ability Inferno. Since most of them attack in groups, let them surround you. Make sure you have at least three gauges on the Devil Trigger full. Then, jump up, activate Devil Trigger (with Ifrit), then press Left Analog-stick in any direction and [Circle]. Dante should perform a powerful move. Though it sometimes does not even kill Marrionettes, it will kill an entire group of Frosts in one hit, since it is a Fire attack and they are of the Ice element. Even if you do not have Inferno, Ifrit makes the battle a lot easier instead of Alastor. Sometimes with Ifrit you can kill them up to four times faster than with Alastor,

Defeating the Griffin
Although your first instinct would to be to start blasting away at him with your guns at a distance, patience is the key to this battle. As soon as the battle starts, walk forward slightly. A lightning ball will hit the ground, giving out two bolts of lightning that come together as though they were scissors. Jump forward and the camera angle will change to where you can see the Griffin in your sights. As soon as this happens, walk backwards while firing. He will fly towards you while dropping balls of electricity. When you see this happen, run at him and jump on his head. Then, jump off and fire away. He will fly away some distance, then stomp around and laugh. He will then charge at you. Make sure to have the Gauntlets equipped. When he gets close, jump on his head and jump off. As soon as your second jump is performed, start firing rapidly. If you are able to Devil Within, do so while firing. As soon as you drop he will jump away. As soon as this happens, keep your distance. He will blow a gust of wind at you, then fire either lines of electricity or two electric lines coming together as you saw at the start of the battle. Keep your distance and avoid these attacks. When he is finished, he will charge at you again. Do the same routine. After some rounds of this, he will fall to the ground as if wounded. Approach him and bring out the Devil Within that you have gathered by shooting at him with your guns. Start punching him until he gets up. Punching him takes damage. After a few minutes into the battle, he will perform the attack he performed at the start. Do the same routine with the same tactics and this should finish him. Every once in awhile he will perform an attack that will put him high in the air before flying down at you. He will have bolts of electricity guiding his path so it will not be too difficult to evade. Remember, distance and patience. Do not go to him -- let him come to you.

When you first enter the coliseum to fight Griffin, have at least four of five Holy Waters. At the beginning of the battle, use all of your Holy Waters. After you use the first one, an intermission sequence will show Griffin falling to the ground, making him incapable of flying. Then, just waste all of your Holy Waters until he is defeated.

Once you have Air Raid and Air Hike, you can easily defeat the Griffin after he loses the ability to fly. As soon as he is down, get close to him. He will blow you away with wind if you charge at him head on -- run at him from the sides. Once next to him, jump on his back, about where his wings are located, and slash at his neck with your sword (Alistor). This may take awhile. You can speed this up by use the Air Raid ability and frying him with electricity. Once your devil gauge runs out, return to his back and fill it up again by slashing at him. You might not need Air Hike to do this. You can also try double jumping off the Griffin, but it will be a lot easier to do this with Air Hike.

Using your handguns to kill the Griffin is easier than using a grenade gun. The simplest way of killing the Griffin is to get above him on high ground. Use your Devil Trigger with your handguns to shoot him towards the ground. This is extremely effective. Once your Devil Trigger runs out, keep shooting it with your hand guns. It takes a while to kill him, but is worth the effort. You can also use the hand guns and the Flame Gauntlets. Use Inferno, and while in Devil Trigger, shoot him with your hand guns.

The following strategy works well during the third fight against the Griffin, mainly in Dante Must Die mode (in normal mode, you could use Air Raid to take him down). Go in with Nightmare Beta and Alastor then unload on him. After the intermission sequence, take off Nightmare Beta and equip either the shotgun or grenade gun. In the second half of the battle, your guns will be less effective, and he starts using very difficult to dodge lightning attacks. Equip Alastor and get as close as possible to him, so that his attacks miss. Slash at him in midair in Devil Trigger for good damage. If you have Vortex, make sure you are not touching the Left Analog-stick or you will go into it. Even when Dante is not in Devil Trigger, continue slashing. When he starts looking up and spreading his wings, he is about to do his Lightning Shower. This is very difficult to dodge; if you have Devil Trigger remaining go into Vortex and get as far away as possible as you dodge the bolts. If you dot not have any Devil Trigger remaining, you may want to use a Untouchable. However, in Dante Must Die mode they go for a 6000 Orbs. You may want to restart and try again. Also, if you are not in Dante Must Die mode and plan on getting through it, do not use any items.

During the final battle with Griffin in the Coliseum in mission 15, try to get behind him and jump on him. Note: This will drain your health little by little. Note: You need the Air Hike.

Defeating Marionettes or Bloody Marys
Equip the thunder sword (Alastor) and make sure you have bought Stinger level 1 or 2 with your red orbs. Keep hitting the enemy until it dies. This should only require three hits. You can also have the Vortex level 1 or 2 with Alastor in Demon state. When in the air in Demon state, hold [R1] to stay in the air, then press [Circle] to hit the Marrionette. This should only require one hit.

Defeating Marionettes or Fetishes
Have any sword (Sparda is recommended) and the grenade launcher. Do a two hit combo ending with Stinger and fire the grenade launcher. Then quickly do a Stinger to chase them and repeat. It is better to do Stinger with the Fetish, as it will block and counter with fire (especially in the harder modes).

Defeating Mundus
Buy as many Devil Stars as you can throughout the game. When you reach Mundus, you will be on the ground, and he will be in the center of a lava pit. Use your Devil Star, transform into Devil state, and fire your new weapon at him. They are balls of fire that do massive damage. Continue doing this until you defeat him. If you run out of Devil Stars, there will be large balls that occasionally appear in front of you. Destroy them and you will regain enough Devil Triggers to transform.

When he is flying through space, the best way to avoid getting hit is to fly around in circles. Shoot as fast as you can to break his shield and build up your Devil Trigger. When your Devil Trigger is full, use it. You will unleash a powerful dragon attack. Keep doing this until he is defeated. When he is in the lava, dodge and attack the orbs. Use Devil power and shoot the comets at him. When he shoots the white orbs at you, slash them with your sword and they will fly back at him. He shoots about three white orbs. Be careful, because if you hit too early or too late, the orbs will explode in your face. It is the strongest thing against him. The comets do little chipping damage. Watch out for the lava dragon -- kill it as soon as possible. You will gain health from it.

Use the following trick during Mundus' second stage in the lava pit. Wait for Mundus to release four giant orbs. Instead of exploding them, wait for Mundus to absorb the orbs. They will then begin to circle around his head; which means he is about to "pitch" them back at you. It is difficult to dodge the attack, and almost impossible if he absorbs all four. Instead, just stand back and transform. When he sends them flying towards you, "bat" them back with your sword. You have to be in Devil form or this will not work. If you need Devil Energy, shoot at least one of the four orbs he sends. This should give you enough energy to perform the trick. This strategy requires precision and timing if you want to hit him with all four or three orbs.

Use the following trick to easily defeat Volcanic Mundus, When the battle begins, make sure you have at least one Untouchable, and four to five Devil Stars. Throughout the battle, he summons somewhere about 20 Orbs. Use a Holy Water and all of the Orbs will disappear. You will now have your Devil Trigger gauge full. If you get hit by Mundus and are in need of health, he summons a dragon which shoots out fireballs. When you destroy the dragon, it gives you a Green Orb which restores a lot of health. When Mundus has about 25 to 35 percent of his health remaining, leap into the lava and stand next to him. Activate the Untouchable and destroy him.

Buy one Vital Star and two Untouchables and start level 22. Fight Mundus in space and defeat him. When he falls into the lava and the second fight starts, use your Vital Star. Then, activate Untouchable and jump into the lava directly next to him and slash away with your sword in Devil Trigger. After it runs out, use your next Untouchable and keep slashing in Devil Trigger. If done correctly, you will win easily, and with full life. Note: This has only been attempted in normal mode.

When you fight Mundus (after where Mundus and Dante fly), he will be trapped up to his waist in the lava pool. Keep Dante on the platform where you start. Jumping to the higher ones makes it easier for Mundus to attack, and they are not very big. Stay on the large one and equip the Nightmare-B. When Mundus lets out the floating orbs, run towards them and keep firing. If any shots miss, they will deflect off the walls and eventually hit Mundus. When the Dragon head appears from the lava, jump towards it, Air Hike or jump, and fire a Nightmare shot at its face in mid air. As soon as you land, fire another shot at the Dragon, then roll/jump away as it attacks Dante. When the head lifts back up, run toward it again, and repeat the attack. Once it is down, concentrate all firepower on Mundus. The dragon returns twice again. Repeat the previous steps until Mundus is dead.

After the intermission sequence near the end of the game, where the giant statue of Mundus appears to kill Trish, you are timed to escape from the collapsing castle. While escaping you will get into a few fights before you progress. If the time runs out or you get to the point where Dante falls into the sewer, Mundus will appear from the wall as a huge blob. Jump to avoid any attack Mundus tries. As Mundus slowly approaches Dante, he fills the room so you cannot get behind him. Run as far away from the blob as you can, and with your back to the wall, hit him with as many grenade shots as it takes before a short intermission starts with Trish. She gives Dante Ebony and Ivory (pistols). Equip them and fire one shot to destroy Mundus.

In space, equip Sparda and Ebony and Ivory, then fire as hard as you can, dodging the rocks. When Mundus is in the lava, stay on the platform you are put on and fire at him using Nightmare-beta or the grenade gun. If a dragon appears from the lava, fire at its head. The spheres with Chinese symbols need to be exploded as well. Use Ebony and Ivory on them. On the escape level, the floor will collapse in the castle and you will have to fight Mundus again. In the dungeon, Mundus is a big blob which you attack with Nightmare-beta, as it will reflect of the walls onto Mundus. When his life goes, Trish will use her magic with Dante's Ebony and Ivory, but you need Devil Trigger (buy a Devil Star or attack Mundus with Alastor or Ifrit). Then, put Devil Trigger on, fire once and Mundus will be defeated.

Before you make it to the Legendary Battle mission, make sure you have at least five or six Devil Stars. You may want to have more for the following battle. When you first encounter Mundus, you will be flying through space. Use a Devil Star then press "Devil Trigger". Dante will turn into a huge dragon and attack Mundus automatically. Do this about five times in a row and you will have successfully defeated Mundus the first battle in under a minute. When you encounter Mundus the second time, in the pit of lava, your Devil Trigger is very valuable but if you do not have a lot of Devil Stars Mundus creates spinning balls with devil symbols on them that he uses to shoot at Dante. If you shoot these, they will dramatically increase your Devil Trigger. Also, while fighting Mundus a huge dragon will occasionally appear to attack Dante. If you successfully destroy the dragon it will give you green life orbs. This can be very useful if your health is low. With the use of the Devil Trigger as much as possible however, your stamina should hold up well. Defeating Mundus the final time is much more difficult. He seems to be easy at first. His attacks are not entirely too damaging, however once you get his health down to about three quarters he begins to grow the rainbow worm-like things that you encountered in the previous underworld mission. No matter how much stamina you have, if Mundus gets close enough the worm-like things will grab you and you will automatically die. Try to immediately get as close to him as possible and use Holy Water repeatedly until you run out (you can hold up to five). After this (Alastor recommended) use a Devil Star if your Devil Trigger is not already built up then use Air Raid. Blast Mundus as quickly as possible. If he does not die right away, do this again, but remember to stay as far away from him as possible or else you will die. Note: At the start of the Legendary Battle mission you can walk back through the doors and re-enter the underworld. Once there you can fight more enemies and purchase more magic goods if desired.

Defeating Nelo Angelo
When you are on level 4 and are about to fight Nelo Angelo, find a way to knock his guard down to a point where he looks like he is panting. When this happens, turn into the Alastor Devil and do the 4-Slash combo followed by a Stinger. This should reduce his health greatly, especially in Devil Trigger mode.

With Alastor (first and second times), make sure you have at least Stinger. Air Raid may also help. Turn into Devil mode and attack him with your basic sword combo. His guard will be broken at about the third hit, unbalancing him. If you are quick enough, you can keep hitting him without giving him the time to teleport away and take away a lot of his life bar. Every time he uses the Energy Ball, Stinger towards him. He will stop the attack. Every time he teleports and slashes, jump over him and attack him from behind. Air Raid will break him out of any attack he attempts. Plus he cannot hit you in any way. Unfortunately he can block the bolts, so try using it when he is near death.

With Ifrit (second and times), make sure you have learned Inferno and Rolling Blaze. Once the battle starts, activate the Devil Trigger and get near to him. Everytime he guards, jump against him. His guard will be broken. Come down with Inferno and repeat. When he uses the flying swords during the third time, ,jump against them when they are about to strike you. You will destroy them.

Use the following trick to defeat Nelo Angelo (second time) under Dante Must Die mode. Since Nelo can kill you with a single combo (and if you are not good with your sword), use the Bangle Of Time (if available). First, use Stinger I or II (whatever available) to get close to him. It should stun him for a few seconds, which gives you just enough time to activate the Bangle Of Time and slice him up with the Alastor until your gauge is empty. Now that you have depleted your Devil Trigger gauge, you need to refill it and repeat the process, which is very simple to do. Quickly jump onto one of the side ledges and make your way to the alcove where you put the chalice in. Once inside, wait a fre seconds for him to teleport into position (it is usually one time). You then need to stand near the edge of the platform, but not too close to it (he might shoot a energy ball at you). Then, take out your grenade launcher and fire away until your Devil Trigger gauge is full. While shooting him, you sometimes can even get a shot in once or twice. Now that your Devil Trigger gauge is full again, jump down and stun him, then activate the Bangle Of Time. Slice him up again then go back to the alcove and repeat the process. If you done correctly, he should not land a single hit on you.

Run away from him as much as possible, firing your hand guns. When you max out your Devil Triggers, run up to him and slash him until he pants. Note: He will block frequently -- try to hit him when he raises his sword as it glows blue. Activate your Devil mode as he pants and slash him. Repeat until he transports himself to the crumbling wall across from the door you started from. Since he does not come down from there, stay hugged up to the wall so that his fireballs do not reach you. Try to get to a position where you can taunt him while staying close to the wall. This is about twelve paces from where he stands. When your Devil Gauge, fills go to Devil mode and fire at Nelo. Your health should go up slightly each time you shoot. Repeat until your life fills then jump up to where he is and slash him in Devil mode. If you start losing health again, jump down to the floor and recharge as mentioned above. When he transports the second time, follow the crumpled wall, jump the broken space, and stand where the piled rocks are located. There you can taunt him, gain health, and jump up to slash him whenever desired. Note: This can take a very long time, so be prepared to get a low Devil Hunter ranking.

The last time you fight Nelo Angelo (mission 17), he can be difficult. However, there is a quite easy, though lengthy, method to defeating him this time. Before the battle, make sure you have the Ifrit Gauntlets equipped. When the battle starts, get some hits in with your guns, then wait for him to teleport. Jump away from him and go towards the area he was originally standing at. Get very close to the glass pane. Wait for him to approach you, and when he is near, wait for him to attack. Jump over him and use the Ifrit Kick to counter. Note: When you are in the air, press [Circle] to do a flying kick. If you done correctly, he should be on either the left or right side of the glass. If he is here, jump backwards. At about the top of your jump, use the Ifrit Kick again to smash into him. It is too fast for him to teleport, but not so fast so that he can block. Keep jumping away and hitting him with kicks until he goes down. If he gets away, just dodge his attack and use the Ifrit Kick repeatedly.

Defeating Nelo Angelo the first time is easy if you use Stinger well (even more so with level 2 Stinger). Do not use your pistols, as it causes very little damage and will most likely provoke him into shooting one of his energy shots at you. Instead, start slashing at him. He will block most of them. Stop as soon as he pulls his sword to his side and hesitates. Immediately jump backwards to avoid his wide counter-swing and give him a Stinger. You can also use a Stinger after he finishes one of his combos. Save your Devil Trigger until he is winded; he will lower his sword and pant. When he does so, activate your Devil Trigger and let him have it. As soon as he regains balance, jump away and turn off your Devil mode. Even though you could continue slashing, he will most likely block them and give you a counterattack. If done correctly, he can be defeated without taking a single hit.

To defeat Nelo Angelo extremely quickly, simply use Holy Waters. These dramatically reduce his health, and tend to add towards your Devil Hunter grade.

Have the lightning devil (Alastor) equipped when you face Nelo Angelo. Nelo Angelo attacks in a simple pattern. He uses powerful strikes, teleports, then uses a projectile attack against you. Watch his arm movements. If you can hit his sword when he attacks, he will become unbalanced and be open to a lot of damage. Roll to dodge the projectiles, and chase when he teleports. Attack continually, and remember to hit his sword to knock him off balance.

Defeating Nightmare
Do not attack the metal plate which transforms him. Instead, let him pull you down into his special underworld. After defeating the mini-Boss in his underworld, go back to the surface by stepping through the portal. When you come back, it will destroy about one quarter of his health. Then, when you hit the metal plate to transform him, stand directly in front of Nightmare. Once the energy ball on top of him appears, he will begin to shoot a beam of ice at you. Jump on top of him and attack the ball repeatedly. Continue this until you defeat him.

Take time to get Orbs and get the Inferno attack. Make sure to get a Devil Star, Vital Star, Holy Water and an Untouchable. Have the Fire Gauntlets equipped. When you go into battle, let Nightmare take you to the Underworld. Defeat the monsters there, then take the warp out. Run over and hit the switch to transform him. Use the Holy Water (it takes almost half his hit points away). If your Devil Trigger is not full, use the Devil Star. Transform, then use Untouchable. Keep hitting Nightmare in his true form with Inferno until he is gone. Make sure to run over and hit the switch again if it is about to shut off. If your life gets to low, use the Vital Star.

When fighting Nightmare, it will perform an attack that sucks you into another realm where you must fight a mini-boss and some skulls. Notice that while in the room that the main Boss is in "shadow" form and will not attack you until all the skulls are dead. Just kill the closest skulls to the shadow figure, and taunt the shadow. Taunting enemies will raise your Devil Triggers. If you are low on health, taunt until your Devil Triggers are full. Then, use your Trigger to gain back health. This trick allows you to refill lost powers and vitality during one of the most difficult fights in the game.

The tracking dark arrows he shoots at you while the core is revealed can be reflected back to him with Rolling Blaze, doing damage. Time the jump when they are about to hit you. They will go back, hitting Nightmare's core.

If you let Nightmare snag you with a cocoon, you will only have to face a Sargasso and the ghost of the Phantom (the first time you fight Nightmare). The second time, you will face Sargasso and the ghost of Griffon. The third and final time you will face a Sargasso and the ghost of Nelo Angelo. All the ghosts of the Bosses fall easily with Holy Water or Alastor's Air Raid. Also, when you light up the Emblem Trigger in the room, he turns into a solid form. When he attacks in this form there will be a glow all on top of him continuously for easy kill. If he turns back to a puddle form, hit the Emblem Trigger to get him back into solid form.

You will need the Inferno skill and a Holy Water for this trick. Also, it is best to have your Devil Gauges full before this battle. Immediately fill the dial on the wall by attacking it. Then, avoid the Nightmare's attacks until he shows his core. Jump on his back and Devil Trigger with the Ifrits. Use Inferno on the core. If you have enough gauges, you can deal great damage to him. When the dial wears down, let him absorb you. Use the strategy for beating Sargassos to defeat them, then destroy the ghost Boss. This allows you to reveal your Devil Gauges. Exit and fill the dial again .He should be very low on health. When he shows his core, use the Inferno strategy again. When he is in his true form, after the bar runs out, use the Holy Water. It should be enough to kill him depending upon the difficulty setting your are playing under.

Defeating Nobodies
When the Nobody is in its smaller form, equip any sword and Ebony And Ivory. Do an upslash with the sword, but do not hold it so you jump in the air. Instead, pull out your revolvers and shoot away. The Nobody will stay in one position and will not move while you shoot it.

Defeating Phantoms
A well-timed sword slash can reflect a Phantom's charged fireball back to him, doing damage. Also hit him repeatedly with Air Raid when he is about to shoot.

The Phantom falls easily to Air Raid. Using your handguns or shotgun is almost useless. You must have a good Devil Trigger gauge for him to die easily. The key to defeating him is Air Raid or Holy Water.

When facing a Phantom, go behind him and use Air Raid on his butt. This is where most of his insides are exposed, so you can deal out more damage.

If you use a Stinger (the level is unimportant) as soon as you see him forming a fireball, he will throw his head back and either shoot it into the sky, or it will explode in his mouth causing extra damage to him. Otherwise, use your pistols to charge your Devil Gauge. When it is full, jump in and slash his face furiously. Another trick you can use on the Blue Phantoms (such as the ones encountered in hard mode) is to use a fully charged Meteor level 2. if it connects, it will kill him instantly.

Defeating the Phantom
To kill the spider in the hallway without having to repeatedly jump and slash, run away and jump until he stops. Stand next to his head. When he stops charging, time your attacks so that they begin immediately when he shoots. Do not swing too early. You may be able to swing slightly later. If done correctly, you will stuff his own fire down his throat.

When you fight the Phantom for the second time outside, you will see a round window on the floor. Instead of shooting or using the sword on the Phantom, try to make him smash through the window. Make sure you stand in the middle of the window. It sometimes works if you are also behind him when he jumps. Move out the way and when you see him land in the middle of the window you will see it smash slightly. It takes five times smashes for him to go through and die.

Make sure you have Alastor and Vortex level 2. Once in the hallway, jump up in the air and enable Devil Trigger mode. Then, hold [Circle] to keep spinning away at his mouth. This will defeat him very quickly. This strategy also works with Vortex Level 1, but when you stop spinning it leaves you open to attack.

When you get chased by the Phantom (the big spider) in the hallway, you do not have to kill it. If you run to the end of the hallway and go into the door at your right, when you come back out it will be gone.

To defeat the Phantom, you must strike either his face or back. When he charges up his blast from his mouth, hit him in the face until the attack backfires on him. This inflicts a large amount of damage. Make sure to dodge his claws when close; and if he attacks with his tail, roll or jump to the sides to dodge it. He will also sometimes attack with flaming spikes that rise from the ground. Before this happens, you will see an orange circle glowing beneath Dante's feet. Roll to dodge this. Continue to strike his face and back until he falls.

Defeating Sargassos
This trick requires the Round Trip technique. When you are fighting the Sargassos in the Nightmare World, they will be "ghosts", if you are far enough away from them. Charge the Round Trip and release. It should circle around a Sargasso. Move toward the enemy to make it "solid", thus resulting in damage from the Round Trip. This is usually enough to kill them.

Defeating Shadows
The easiest way to open up their core quickly is to use handguns with Alastor's Devil Trigger activated. Once the core is opened, two Devil Trigger sword combos will make them turn red, This works better if you also throw in a Stinger. Once they are red, repeatedly jump out of the way and shoot until they die.

Shadows can be difficult the first time you fight them. Do not try using Alastor (or Ifirits or Sparda). Instead, stay away from him and shoot furiously with your pistols. He has several attacks, most of which can be countered by jumping precisely. When his body melts away and his core is exposed, use your Devil Trigger and keep Stingering him. If timed correctly and only Stingers are used, you can "kill" him before he closes up again. After this, he will turn red and move very fast. Keep jumping (Air Hike if possible) to avoid him: If he catches you, he will explode and cause serious damage. After a few seconds, he will explode on his own.

Use Devil Trigger with the Alastor and go into Air Raid until he lets out his core. Then, use a Holy Water.

There is an incredibly easy way to defeat Shadows once you have their core exposed, and it does not involve wasting a Holy Water. First, use whatever method you prefer to expose the core of the Shadow (shotgun recommended). Then, equip the Ifrit Gloves and turn the Devil Trigger on. Next use the combination for what is normally Kick 13, and Dante will do a very fast version of the normal Ifrit combo. It seems like nothing special, but it only takes one of these combos to kill a Shadow in normal mode.

Defeating Sin Scissors/Sin Scythes
Equip the shotgun and keep shooting. This should only require three shots.

Defeating multiple enemies
When facing Fetishes, Blades, Marionettes, or Bloody Marries, equip Ilfrit and activate Devil Trigger. Press [R1], press the Left Analog-stick towards the enemy and press [Circle] rapidly. Dante should start a rapid combo of punches and kicks. The last kick will send the enemy into the air. Start lighting them up with your pistols while in Devil Trigger. When they fall, press the Left Analog-stick towards them and press [R2] to taunt. You should get two Devil Trigger symbols. Equip the Grenade Launcher and start shooting to regain more and repeat.

Mission 5: Get the Ball Of Power back to the Lion door
After defeating Nelo Angelo, you will only have two minutes. First, run to the door where the big gray mirror is so you do not face the Sin Scythes. Go to where the long staircase is located and jump down to the bottom blue door and press [X] to complete the mission.

Mission 9: Easier jumps
After you get across the bridge when starting , go to where the Time Capsule (store) is located on the left side. Buy Air Hike (costs 4,000 Red Orbs). Later in the mission when you get up to the platforms, use the Air Hike to make the jumping easier. In order to use the Air Hike, double jump in the air.

Mission 16: Easy Red Orbs
Note: You must have the Ifrit skill Inferno for this to work effectively. During Mission 16 under the hard difficulty setting, put the Wheel Of Destiny in place and reenter the castle. Defeat the Plasma that appears when you activate the dial on the wall. Then, enter the room you unlocked after defeating the Plasma. Inside this room will be a Plasma. Attack it with normal punches and kicks from the Ifrit Gauntlets until it splits into three Plasmas. As soon as it changes, jump, Devil Trigger, then use Inferno. This will kill all of the Plasmas and you will receive about 200 Red Orbs. Afterwards, simply exit and reenter the room and repeat as many times as desired.

Mission 17: Easy Red Orbs
Go to mission 17 after you have the Staff Of Hermes. Then, go to the painting on the left. You will end up in a familiar room in the castle. Find the stairs and go up all the way until you reach a red door. Once inside, you will be in a room with two more paintings. Once again, choose the left painting. You will end up in the castle yard. You will (under easy-auto only) fight about three Plasma. Try to make them multiply as much as possible. When you have finished them, go through the door then go back out. Note: They may not always reappear. If they do not, go in and come out until they do so. Do not use guns against them. They only multiply in their human form.

Mission 19: Easy Orbs
Note: The Ifrit gloves and Inferno are required for this trick. Go to the room in the mirror world where you get the Philosopher's Stone, and three Nobodies attack you. Use either the pistols or some normal attacks until you have three Devil Trigger gauges filled (enough to turn it on). Then, lure all three of the Nobodies toward you. Jump into the air, turn on the Devil Trigger, and use Inferno. Jump up quickly and do it again. This will kill all three of them easily in normal mode (they usually barely survive the first one). You can obtain roughly 500 Orbs by doing this, and it takes anywhere from five seconds to a couple of minutes (depending on whether you need to build up the Devil Trigger Gauge or if they steal your filled Devil Trigger Gauge from you). If you get damaged during this, one of them is guaranteed to drop health about 90% of the time, and it is usually quite a bit (about one life bar).

Grenade launcher
The grenade launcher has a lot of recoil. To decrease this, once you shoot it, immediately press [Triangle] to jump or roll.

The Nightmare-B is a mysterious weapon that was produced in the Underworld. To obtain it, you must be on mission 16 and have Double Jump from Alastor. When you begin the level, go up on the platform, and exit out the only door. You will see blue torches on the ground lit. Find the one side of the level with arc openings. When facing with the back wall inside, turn left to enter the room (where blue shield was located) follow the path through, make it through the forcing spikes, and you will reach to a dead end with a object glowing at the end and deadly toxins on the bottom. Jump onto the only platform, then use Double Jump to get Nightmare-B (must have Alastor equipped). This weapon is very powerful against the blob when he is transformed. However, it takes up one Devil Trigger.

When using the Nightmare-B, use devil mode. You will be able to use more charged shots because while charging, the only devil mode that is being used is that for being in devil mode.

To get the shotgun for Dante, go into the room next to the Judge Of Death. Go upstairs and destroy the table directly across from the Grim Reaper with the rusty key.

Hover with handguns
Dante can hover without using Alastor. Equip Ebony and Ivory. Then, when you jump, fire simultaneously and as rapidly as you can. This will make Dante hover in the air for a while and can help him dodge some attacks.

Bangle Of Time
Successfully complete secret mission number 12 in mission 21 opposite of the Time Statue in the room with the door that resembles arms that close when you approach. There will be a wall, but it is really a hidden door. Go through the secret mission and defeat all the Nobodies. After that, there will be a dragon. It breathes fire and guns will not work against it. After that, either two Frosts or a Shadow will appear. When you defeat them, make your way to the Bangle Of Time.

Good looking kill
Face your opponent. Then, press the opposite direction that Dante is facing and [Triangle], with your handguns equipped. Quickly press [Square] continuously until they die.

Easy Stylish combo rating
Attack groups of monsters -- you will only need to do a few combos to get a Stylish rating.

When equipped with the Ifrit Gauntlets and either the Shotgun or Pistols, run to the enemy, then press [Triangle], [Back], [Square] to perform a backwards somersault kick. Blast away with either weapon, then perform a homing kick into them. Execute the Flaming Uppercut, which usually connects at the exact time they stand up, and will sometimes still be classified as part of a combo.

Note: This requires the Nightmare-Beta. Whenever facing a group of three or more enemies, equip the Nightmare-Beta and use a fully charged shot. This will almost always give you a stylish combo or an awesome combo that is one to three hits away from becoming stylish.

Glitch: Super leap
Have the Stinger ability at any level and get to a ledge. Face it and get as close to the edge as possible. Once there, perform the Stinger. If done correctly, you will leap farther than normal.
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