ATV Offroad Fury Cheats - PlayStation 2

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2

Primary Collection of Cheats
All ATVs
Select pro-career mode, then enter "CHACHING" as a name. The game will return to the main menu to confirm correct code entry. Enter the name of your choice, then begin game play.

All tracks
Select pro-career mode, then enter "WHATEXIT" as a name. The game will return to the main menu. Enter the name of your choice, then begin game play.

Expert mode
Select pro-career mode, then enter "ALLOUTAI" as a name. The game will return to the main menu to confirm correct code entry. Enter the name of your choice, then begin game play. After a few wrecks, it will become a challenge to attain first place.

Fast racers
Select pro-career mode, then enter "ALLQUIKI" as a name. All racers will have the speed of the Ravage1000cc Quad ATV.

Ravage 1000cc Quad ATV
Successfully complete the game in pro-career mode.

Finish pro-career mode a second time to unlock another skin for the Ravage.

To preload, press [Down] at bottom of a jump then press [Up] and to fly like a jet.

To do tricks, hold [Triangle] or [Circle] and move the Left Analog Stick or D-Pad in any direction.

Quick resume
Press [L1] + [R1] if you go off-track or crash to quickly resume the race.

Zoom out
Hold [L1] + [R1] and press [Right Analog-stick Down]. The camera will zoom out until your rider and ATV are a tiny speck on the screen.
Canyon Country: Jump on the train
Go near the bridge that the train travels on. Go on the right side of it so you can see the train. When the time is correct, hit the gas and jump diagonally to try to land on top of the train. Watch your speed, preload meter, and the angle that you are jumping. Note: This trick is very difficult, and requires practice.

Go to the train station (located near the beginning, just follow the tracks), and go to the back of the station. There should be a wide stairway up to the first floor of the station. Go to the right and there should be another stairway. Go up this stairway and stop about half-way up the stairs (hold [Brake] to stop). Wait for the train to appear go forward fast and try to land on the train. Note: This may require several attempts. Once you get on, make sure you stay on by holding [Brake]. Also be also to be careful how fast you go on the stairs as you may fall off.

Canyon Country: Unlimited tricks
Follow the train tracks until you see a large canyon on the left. Go into the canyon and make a left into the cave. Go to the end and you will see a pueblo house. Go slowly up the stairs, then make a right. Get on one of the ladders. You can balance on them to do unlimited tricks.

Chesapeake (Stadium Supercross): Shortcut
On the fourth turn, launch off to the right to go over the boundaries and get ahead of the other riders.

Crater Park: Unlimited tricks
Go to Crater Park in freestyle mode and find one of the triangular tents. Slowly go up one side of the tent until you are stuck on top. You can now do as much tricks as you want. To get off, simply go forward very slowly.

Crater Park: Jump the tents
Go slowly up the tent, then hit the gas when you get to the top.

Fort Roberts: Lookout tower
Select "Cross Country Enduro" then choose the "Fort Roberts" level. Also choose the "Lap Attack", and "Long Race" options for the waypoint track. Choose a character and being game play. There should be a gray building in front of you at the fourth gate. Enter the open door. And as soon as you go in, turn right and go up the stairs. Go slowly, and when you get to the top, you will be in a hallway. Keep going until you see more stairs. Go up them very slowly. At the top, go straight to get to the lookout tower. Go slow and do not fall. Go through two doorways. Keep going straight, then go up one more staircase. You will now be up in the lookout tower. Remember, go slow as you can fall easily up there. If you fall, you will have to start all over.

Yardley Station: Dirt fountain
When you start, go to one of the little loaders. Go up to the side, then lean forward and hold [X] to make a huge fountain of dirt.

Setup for any ATV in Enduro and Free-Style Competition
When selecting your ATV, be sure to customize your bike settings in the "Garage".
Tires: Low Friction for higher speeds
Shocks: Maximum Stiff for better landings (far right)
Spring: Maximum Soft to jump higher (far left)
Acceleration: 3 moves to the left (faster top speed) of the default (center)
Steering: 2 moves to the right of the default (center)
Braking: 3 moves to the right of the default (far right)
Setup for any ATV in the Maxxis and Stadium
When selecting your ATV, be sure to customize your bike settings in the "Garage.
Tires: Higher Friction (makes the tires bite into the dirt)
Shocks: Maximum Stiff for better, faster landings (far right)
Spring: Maximum Hard for lower, faster jumps (far right)
Acceleration: 4 moves to the right (faster take-offs) of the default (center)
Steering: 2 moves to the right of the default (center)
Braking: 3 moves to the right of the default (far right)
Setup for Ravage 1000
Tires: High Friction
Suspension: stock
Acceleration: High
Steering: Low
Braking: High
Setup for perfect four wheeler
When selecting your ATV, be sure to customize your bike settings in the "Garage.
Tires: High Friction
Front Spring: Two click to the left
Front Shock: Two clicks to the left
Rear Spring: Two clicks to the left
Rear Shock: One click to the left
Gear ratio: Two clicks to right
Steering: Two clicks to the right
Braking: Two clicks to the left
Worst four wheeler
The worst four wheeler is the Lime Green Kawasaki.

Recommended four wheelers
The best four wheeler, besides the bonus vehicle, is the Polaris 500.

The best four wheeler is the Havoc Razor. It is better than the Polaris 500 but worst than the bonus vehicle.

The best ATV is the Honda 400ex, but if you want a lot of power for the freestyle competition, you should use the Polaris 500. For racing you should choose the Yamaha Banshee.

The best ATV beside the bonus vehicle is the Havoc Proformer.

The best quads on the game are the Havoc Razor and the Polaris 500. The Ravage 1000 will beat those two in the long run, but the Havoc Razor and the Polaris 500 will beat the Ravage from the start to top end.

Getting new four wheelers
Go to any race and win a championship. Go back to the championship you just won and go to the pro races. Two new quads will be unlocked.

Front wheelie
Do is a regular wheelie, but immediately before you are about to flip over, press [Clutch], [Brake], and [Forward] on the Analog-stick or the D-Pad. Note: This works best with the Ravage 1000.

"Walk" your four-wheeler
Do a regular wheelie, but press [Down/Left] or [Down/Right]. You should go up on one wheel. Then, start rotating back in forth [Down/Right] or [Down/Left] (depending on which way you started), while always watching your speed. It is a little tricky at first. Note: This works best with the Banshee.

Explode off your ATV
Go off a jump and get big air. While airborne, do the Scissors move ([Down/Left] + [Triangle]) then hold that so you continue to go in the [Down/Left] motion. When you are far enough into that motion, you will launch off your ATV.

Press [Right] + [Triangle] to do the Split-X trick.

Quick turns
Take the inside and use the clutch ([L1]) for a quick turn.

Press [Up] and the direction you want to drive while accelerating.

Go in reverse then release [Square] (Brake). You will see the dirt in the air. This works best with the Havor Razor.

Hold the clutch and hit the gas. Then, hold the gas and release the clutch. You will see the dirt fly up.

Return to track at high speed
Go to freestyle mode and on any level go off the track and keep going. You will eventually find a huge fall and then a hill of about the same size (do not fall off). After the hill you should notice that the landscape turns flat. Drive along here and after a short time you should be sent flying back to the track at high speed.

Big air
If you drive your four wheeler to the boundaries, you can fly a very long way back down to the ground.

Wrecking other racers
When launching off a jump when you are over a racer, press [L3] and land on them. This may require a few attempts.

Unlimited stunts
You can do unlimited stunts on all rails in freestyle competition.

To do an unlimited (five maximum) amount of stunts, play a two player freestyle game. When you start the freestyle, go in front of your opponent's vehicle and stop. Next, do a wheelie and hold [Forward]. You should now be on your opponents vehicle. Note: This works best if your opponent is not moving or controller two has [Square] held.

At Fort Roberts, turn around 90 degrees to the "training" area and go on the three bars. Straighten up with the lower bars. Lean back, accelerate, then lean forward. You should be able to land on the middle or top bar and balance. If you want to end that trick and get points, lean back and the trick should turn yellow. Then, lean forward to do it again.

Always land stunt
When you hit a high stunt that is very hard to land, press [R1] before you land. You will always land the stunt, as long as you land flat on the ground, leveled out, and still not doing the stunt.

When in the air and doing a trick, use the D-Pad or Left Analog-stick to level yourself out and/or to line up with the landing.

Enable the "All tracks code". Then, go to the collection of islands around the ocean. You can see a dolphin jumping around in the water.

Glitch: Odd camera angle
Hold [R1] + [L1] + camera [Analog-stick Forward]. The view will zoom in to about six inches away. It is difficult to steer, so exercise caution.

Glitch: Unlimited stunts
Go to the freestyle competition area and play on Crater Park. Get to the arch and find a lookout deck with two scopes. Go over to the deck and do a wheelie onto the bar. Keet it balanced and your wheels will be off the ground. Do stunts while on it and they will last forever.

Glitch: Teleport
When a rider is coming close to you (or you just wiped out), press [L1] + [R1] to teleport to a random location. This is a good trick to do when you are in front of an object and a rider is coming after you at full speed. You will disappear, leaving the rider crashing into the object that you were in front of.
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