ATV Offroad Fury 2 Cheats - PlayStation 2

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2

Primary Collection of Cheats
Master code
Select the "Profile Editor" option at the main menu, then choose "Unlock Items", and "Cheat Codes". Enter "IGIVEUP" as a code. A message will confirm correct code entry.

All ATVs
Select the "Profile Editor" option at the main menu, then choose "Unlock Items", and "Cheat Codes". Enter "SHOWROOM" as a code. A message will confirm correct code entry.

All games
Select the "Profile Editor" option at the main menu, then choose "Unlock Items", and "Cheat Codes". Enter "GAMEON" as a code. A message will confirm correct code entry.

All tracks
Select the "Profile Editor" option at the main menu, then choose "Unlock Items", and "Cheat Codes". Enter "TRLBLAZR" as a code. A message will confirm correct code entry.

All equipment
Select the "Profile Editor" option at the main menu, then choose "Unlock Items", and "Cheat Codes". Enter "THREADS" as a code. A message will confirm correct code entry.

All championship events
Select the "Profile Editor" option at the main menu, then choose "Unlock Items", and "Cheat Codes". Enter "GOLDCUPS" as a code. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Disable wrecks
Select the "Profile Editor" option at the main menu, then choose "Unlock Items", and "Cheat Codes". Enter "FLYPAPER" as a code. A message will confirm correct code entry. Note: Repeat this code to disable its effect.

1,000 profile points
Select the "Profile Editor" option at the main menu, then choose "Unlock Items", and "Cheat Codes". Enter "GIMMEPTS" as a code and press [X]. A message will confirm correct code entry. You will get 1,000 profile points each time [X] is pressed.

San Jacinto Isles
Select the "Profile Editor" option at the main menu, then choose "Unlock Items", and "Cheat Codes". Enter "GABRIEL" as a code. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Aggressive CPU ATVs
Select the "Profile Editor" option at the main menu, then choose "Unlock Items", and "Cheat Codes". Enter "EATDIRT" as a code. A message will confirm correct code entry. Note: Repeat this code to disable its effect.

Bonus ATVs
Successfully complete the training course to unlock the blue, green, red, and yellow Ravage Talon ATVs.

Play ATV Offroad Fury and save the game. Use the same memory card with ATV Offroad Fury 2 and create a new profile. A message will confirm that the G-Ride ATV, G-Ride Jersey, G-Ride Goggles, G-Ride Helmet, G-Ride Gloves, and the G-Ride Boots have been unlocked.
Launch into preload
Before you hit a ramp, press the [Analog-stick Down] then [Analog-stick Up] at the tip of the ramp to launch your ATV into a preload. This is very useful when attempting tricks.

Zoom out
Choose a freestyle competition track and race there. Once it begins, hold [R1] + [L1] + [Right Analog-stick Down] to zoom out to the point to where your ATV and rider appear very small.

Slide perpendicular to ground
From a standstill on ice, pull a wheelie untill you are on the verge of falling. Release the controls completely, and you will be sliding perpendicular to the ground.

Use the following trick to slide perpendicular to the ground on front your wheels. From a standstill on ice, pull a very high wheelie almost on the edge of falling. Note: It is better to have the "Disabled wrecks" enabled. After the wheelie is pulled fully, [Brake] and press [Forward] at the same time then release all controls.

Enable the "Disable wrecks" code, go to the track with the railroad, and jump off it . You will be launched in the air. Hold "Left-Analog Down" while in the air. This works better in first person view and does not award any points.

Stay in water longer
Press [X] + [Down] and do a wheelie before the five second water limit runs out. This will allow you to stay in the water as long as you can ride a wheelie.

Drive in stunt position
Enable the "Disable wrecks" code, then do a stunt. Keep holding the stunt buttons when you land and you can drive while still in the stunt form.

Easy win
Start with a Red Ravage Talon and edit the engine stats all the way up except for perhaps two. Take traction down by 1 or 2, and on suspension go up by 2. When you get enough profile points, buy the ATV that resembles a Yamaha Banshee or the Trinity Racing ATV and set it up the same as your Ravage.

Easy points
Enable the "Disable wrecks" code, then enter freestyle mode. If you flip the ATV, you can keep doing stunts until it flips back over. You can get up to twelve combos before you stop getting points, unless the back tires are moving you on the ground. It is possible to get up to 30 combos and 200,000 points from one flip over.

At the track that looks like the Amazon, go to one of the tracks that leads into a river. Once there, you will see an alligator and some piranha. Staying on the bank, drive down the narrow but deep river and an anaconda can be seen swimming around.

On the St. Croix Sound level, travel to the second island across from a volcano. There should be a very narrow, shallow creek/river somewhere on that island, barely big enough to fit your ATV in. Follow it and you will see a monkey jumping around in a tree.

On the St. Croix Sound level in free ride mode, go to the volcano. Look around the base of the volcano for some fish in the water. Go to the island with the trees, just to the right of the fish. Go to the end of the island and you will see a big shark.

Back flip
Enable the "Disable wrecks" code. Go to the Vancouver Ridge level in pro freestyle mode. Go to the ski jump. When you get to the top, go down the ski jump and pull back. You can do a back flip.

Enable the "Disable wrecks" code. Go to the Vancouver Ridge level with the ski jump. Approach the top of the jump with limited speed, then as you are about to go down, lay on the gas. When you are about to go off the jump hold [Down] to do a backflip.

Drive fast and catch big air
In any track, drive straight until reaching a huge hill. Go up the hill, and there will be a big flat field. Keep driving straight until you hear a shotgun. You will be thrown off very far.

When you are at the ATV selection screen, go to the rider selection screen and change the rider to a female player. Female riders are lighter and therefore can jump higher and ride faster.

Big air
In Prospect Springs there will be an area with a cement truck where they are building homes. Note: There is another place with a cement truck near a single home being built; this will not work here. Go to the place where they a building a few homes. There will be a ramp before the cement truck. Jump the ramp and land on the cement truck (spinning part). You fly very high in the air. This will allow you to do many tricksl but landing is a problem.

Go to the Arlington Stream level (with the train). Ride on the tracks and run into the front of the train. You will get huge air that is easy to land. Note: Enabling the "Disable wrecks" code will prevent you from doing this.

Arlington Stream train speed
In Arlington Stream, there is a train. The train will always be going 30 mph. You can prove this by going onto the train by going up the ramp at the rear of it. Get in one of the train cars (the one that looks like it has packed down coal works best). When in it, stay still. Look at your mph gauge to see that the speed is always 30 mph.

Flaming tire tracks
Go to the San Jacinto Isles level. Go into the volcano and drive through the lava. Your tracks will be on fire as long as you are in the volcano.

On the San Jamcinto Isles level, you can see and hear a monkey. Go to the islands that are surrounded by water. You get on one of the islands and you can hear a monkey. Note: Turn down the music volume only to hear it.

Drive in gutters
Go to the large lake in Arlington Stream. On top of the large hill, you can drive in the large open gutters on top of the two water wheels.

Sharper turns
To make a sharper turn, use a slower ATV. Turn as close to the side of the track as you can and you will not spin out of control. If you use a fast ATV, you will most likely spin out of control and hit a wall.

360 head spin
In any free mode, press [Select] and enter first person view. Slowly turn the Right Analog-stick and your character should turn his head all the way around.

Avoid drowning
When the water is just barely above your head, pop a wheelie until you almost fall off and try to keep your head above water.

Glitch: Get on top of tent
When you are riding in free ride mode, go under an open box tent with stripes on it. Repeatedly press [L1] + [R1] to reset on top of it.

Glitch: Get inside cabin
Go to Freeport Harbor in free ride mode. Go to the cabin by the water (that has infinite water beyond it). Go to the side that attaches to the ground and go under it to where the steepest slope of land is located. Ride straight up and crash into the floor, then repeatedly press [L1] + [R1] a few times to reset inside of it.

Go to Vancouver Ridge in Pro Freestyle mode. Go to the top of the jump. Line up so that you are facing the jump and go near the edge, but do not go down. Back up as fast as you can and hold [Down]. When your rider falls off, press [L1] + [R1] to reset. This may take a few attempts.

Glitch: See inside house
In Rock Bridge Park, go to the house with the rock under it. Hit the bottom of the house. If done correctly. you will see the inside of the house.

Glitch: Get inside house
In Prospect Springs, go to the place where they are building the houses. Go to the one with the jump beside it. Go to where the jump slants down to the house. Drive down the hill where the house meets the jump and press [Up]. You will start to sink into the sand and get inside the house.

Glitch: Fly
On the Arlington Stream level with the train, enable the "Disable wrecks" code. Hit the front of the train and you can fly.

Enable the "Disable wrecks" code and go to any of the freestyle stadiums. Find an inclined position off one of the larger ramps on the outside part.

Glitch: Go underground
Enable the "Disable wrecks" code. Go to one of the pro freestyle stadiums. Then, go to a slanted area that is at an angle into the ground. If you hold it for a while, you will start to go underground. You will then appear on the outside of the stadium and can explore.

Enable the "Disable wrecks" code. Go to Freeport Harbor. Go under the docks and go up to where it connects to the ground. You can go underground.

Go to the Arlington Stream level. Enable the "Disable wrecks" code. Find one of the many wooden jumps. Go to the back side. You should see a crossbar of wood. Go to either side of the crossbar and give it some gas. Your ATV and rider should go underground and pop up on the other side.

Go to the Arlington Stream level. Enable "Disable wrecks" code. Go to the short two support beam train bridge. Go under the bridge to one of the two corners were the bridge and land meet. Lean forward and give it gas. You will go under ground. If you do this while the train is on the bridge you will go under the train.

Go to Vancouver Ridge level. Enable the "Disable wrecks" code. Go to the ski jump. Go off the jump. Turn around and go straight into the jump. Floor it and your ATV and rider will go under the jump and pop out from underground at the top.

Enable the "Disable wrecks" code. Go to Arlington Stream. Go to the waterfall and get under the top rock. Give it some gas. Your rider should go under the rock and pop up on the other side.

Glitch: Go through jump
Enable the "Disable wrecks" and "Master code" codes. Go to the Vancouver Ridge level. Go to the bottom of the ski jump. Go under the jump and do not turn. You will eventually go through the jump and land on top. Note: Do not press [L1] and [R1].

Glitch: High above stadium
Enable the "Disable wrecks" code. Go onto any stadium track, then drive to one of the big jumps on the side. Sit on top of the jump and ride over the side. Hit the wall and press [Up] then [X]. You will sink underground and pop up on the other side. Press [X] until your ATV flies out of the game's boundaries. You will be high above the stadium. Turn around and do the same thing again until you are as high as desired. Note: The view down gets foggier as you get higher. Then, drive over the top of the stadium and hold a trick for lots of points as you fall.

Glitch: Two shadows
Play on the Dunes level and go to the top of the biggest hills in the level. Face in the direction that your shadow points. Slowly inch along down the top of the hill until you look out. You can see your shadow down on the ground far below, and one still under your ATV.

Glitch: Hands in wrong position
Enable the "Master code" and "Disable wrecks" code. Go to the Vancouver level and find the big ramp. Do a "hands-free" trick, such as the Cliffhanger, and hold the trick after you land. Press [Select] until the camera is set to first-person view. Your rider's hands will be on the handlebars. Press [Select] to get out of first-person mode and the rider's hands will be in the air.

Glitch: Hold trick position
Enable the "Disable wrecks" code. Go to any level and do a trick. When you land on the ground, keep holding the trick button ([Triangle] or [Circle]). Your rider should hold the position that he held while in the air. You can ride around with him for as long as desired.

Enable the "Disable wrecks" code then do a trick on any course. Then, hold [Circle] or [Triangle] then hold [Circle] or [Triangle] + [X]. You will now be driving like that. For example, do a Cliffhanger and you will be driving on the handlebars or do nothing.

Glitch: Nothing on the ground
Enable the "Disable wrecks" code. Go to pro freestyle and select the Nassau track. When you go over a big jump press [Triangle] + [Left]. Your character should do a nothing, then land. While still holding [Triangle], your character should keep doing a nothing on the ground. Note: This works best with the CT Racing ATV.
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