Armored Core 3 Cheats - PlayStation 2

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2

Primary Collection of Cheats
Add defeated AC emblems
Press [Select] + [Start] when viewing a defeated AC at the victory screen to add the defeated AC's emblem to your list. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

First person view
Insert a memory card with saved game files from Armored Core 2 or Armored Core 2: Another Age. After saving and resuming in Armored Core 3 from that memory card, pause game play, then press [L1] + [R2] + [X] + [Square] + D-Pad to get a first person view of the current screen. Note: The screen will return to normal when the game is resumed.

Drop parts
Hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] + [Triangle] to drop your R arm weapon, Back Unit, and Inside parts. Hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] + [L3] to drop Extension parts. Hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] + [Circle] to drop L arm weapons.

Human Plus enhancements
Successfully complete the game and load up the clear data. You will receive mail stating that someone wants you to defeat a pilot named "Exile" and that he is very powerful and if you need an edge. Buy the OP-INTENSITY part. It is free, but you need every optional slot open for it.

Successfully complete single player mission mode to get the Optional Part (OP-INTENSIFY). Save the game and equip the part. Note: It will use all slots in the AC. You must then do the following to get the enhancements while that part is equipped. You will receive a mail when each enhancement has been unlocked.
Add Radar Function: Defeat the Arena opponent "Thunder House".
Add Sensor Functions: Defeat the enemy AC in the Eliminate Intruders mission.
Blade Wave: Defeat the target in the Destroy Massive Weapon mission.
Enhanced Booster Performance: Defeat Arena opponent "Ace".
Enhanced Cannon Operation: Defeat the larger of the two targets in the Destroy Massive MT mission.
Enhanced Cooling: Defeat the smaller of the two targets in the Destroy Massive MT mission.
Enhanced Missile Interception: Defeat the enemy AC in the Defend Water Processors mission.
Enhanced Turning Performance: Defeat the enemy AC in the Bomb Disarmament mission.
Improved Targetting Accuracy: Defeat the enemy AC in the Defend Ruglen Laboratory mission.
Increase Blade Range: Defeat the Arena opponent "Exile".
Easy arena match wins
Go to the "Reservoir" arena level. At the beginning of the match, boost backwards to the point where your AC is almost out of bounds (indicated by the red line on your radar). Most arena opponents will try to get in behind you to attack. Using this trick will cause them to go out of bounds. You may take a little damage, but most fights will be over within ten seconds. Keep in mind that some opponents will not fall for this, but most will.

In the "Parking Lot", as soon as the match begins, boost backwards (into the corner). On occasion the enemy will get caught-up on the wall and you will have up to a minute worth of free shots. Since the part of the wall covers the R arm weapon, there are only a couple of Arena opponents that this trick will not work on.

Buy and equip the machine gun with 1000 ammo (R arm weapon), and the hovering legs at the end of the list (it is a long shaft). Strafe around your opponent in the arena while firing the machine gun. This trick usually works up until rank A-3.

Equip Heavy Tank Legs, and the heavy EO Core. Equip the Flamethrower L arm part and the Grenade Rifle R arm part. Go to the "Parking Lot" level. In the beginning, move backwards into the very back of the corner. Wait until the opponents get close, which they almost always do, and turn on the flames while pelting them with the Grenade Rifle and the EO weapons. The enemy AC might land on your head. Just look up and keep on attacking. No AC should be able to defeat you.

In the "Arena", there is an easy way to avoid a ground torpedo. In the center of the arena is a slightly raised platform. It may be difficult to notice, but its there. If you separate yourself from the enemy with that platform, the ground torpedo will hit the platform instead and not do any damage.

Equip any AC with a machine gun and flamethrower. Pick the Ruin level and put your back to a corner. They will come directly at you, or land on top of your AC. Just fire away to win. This works on any arena opponent.

Equip an AC with legs that can support a lot of weight, two Back Grenade Launchers, and the Howitzer on the left arm (the right arm is optional). Choose the Parking Lot for the stage, and immediately go back into the corner. Equip the Grenade Launcher, and as the enemy is locked on, repeatedly press [Circle] + [Square] ate the same time. This will kill the opponent very quickly. You will not lose much health, providing that your aim is good. Even if you do take heavy damage and use a lot of ammunition, you do not have to pay for anything since it is in the Arena.

Complete enough missions to buy two chain guns (the black ones that go on the shoulder), a good big gun for your right hand, a good blade, and the best tread module legs in the game. The game will indicate this with the information that appears under the part when looking at it. Equip it all. Next go to the "Reservoir" arena level and stand at the starting location while firing your hand gun or sniper rifle until your opponent gets close enough to target him with the chain gun. Unload on him with it while strafing. When you run out of ammunition, switch to the other weapon. This will work on almost any Arena opponent and many of missions. If you cannot defeat an Arena opponent with this (for example, Comeback, Ace, or Exile), switch to the Abandoned Factory. As soon as the match starts, press [R3], turn left, and switch to your chain gun while moving to the tiny hall on the other side of the room. Remain there until they enter or get within range of the chain gun. Ace or Exile will constantly try to get above you, and may get stuck on your top of you. In this case, it is an easy Arena win. If not, they will constantly hit you with their blade, which you can retaliate with your blade. Win at all the arena battles then buy the most defensive parts (keep the legs, chain gun, and blade).

Buy a chaingun, then stand in one place and fire. You should kill the enemy very quickly.

To defeat literally anyone in the Arena (even Exile), equip the following parts and go to the reservoir. Immediately turn left and go as quickly as possible to the platforms sticking out of the reservoir wall. Try to use over-boost as much as possible. First, boost up to the lowest one, second from right, and from there boost to the next one, to the right. Once you land on that platform, turn on your extensions and blast away. If you are fighting Ace, he might land on your platform and shoot you or stand there and recharge his energy. He will probably fly up again and go out of bounds by flying too high. The recommended parts are as follows.
Head: CHD-Skyeye (highly stable Crest masterpiece)
Core: CCL-01-NER (Good OB thrust, but lacks defense)
Arms: CAW-DVG36-01 (Toggle missile type: vertical/torpedo)
Legs: CLR-00-MAK (a fine example of Crest worksmanship)
Booster: n/a
FCS: AOX-F/ST-6 (Enhanced VREV-ST-1, six locks max)
Generator: KGP-ZSV (Revised version of the KGP-ZS4)
Radiator: RMR-SA44 (Competing product with the RIX-CR11)
Inside: n/a
Extension: KWEM-TERRIER (Vertical launch support missiles)
Back Unit R: MWX-VM20/1 (Dual vertical missile launchers)
Back Unit L: MWX-VM20/1 (Dual vertical missile launchers)
Arm Unit R: n/a
Arm Unit L: N/a
Optional Parts: OP-Intensify or your choice.
Bonus parts
Get an "S" rank on every mission. Depending on the mission, you will receive various parts that cannot be earned by getting a lower rank. Each mission is based on speed, damage taken, and ending price.

AC Test 1: Hidden part
Get a "A" or higher rank in the AC Test 1 (target practice exercise) to unlock the MLH-MX/VOLAR (heavy humanoid leg).

Defend Crest HQ: Hidden part
Complete the mission with an "A" or "S" rank. You will get a mail stating that you were very good and that a new leg part, CLF-D2-ROG, is in the shop. It is a quadruped leg part.

Defend Naire Bridge: Hidden part
There is a hidden head part on the mission "Defend Naire Bridge". Eliminate all enemies on the first half of the bridge. However, before crossing the incomplete part of the bridge, fly underneath the middle section of it towards an alcove. It resembles a road that just stops. Look on the ground of the alcove and you should see a very small circular object. Press [Circle] to pick it up. It is the hidden AC head part.

Defend Personnel Convoy: Hidden part
To get the MLR-MM/Petal leg part (same legs as Exile), get an "A" or higher rank. After completing it, you will receive mail stating that it has been added to the shop.

Defend Water Processors Hidden parts
There is a hidden inside part on the mission "Defend Water Processors". From where you start, go right (directly east, and go over the pipes) and back a bit (south). You will see a small object next to the pipes (somewhere in between the yellow and red out-of-bounds line). When you spot it, stand next to it and press [Circle]. You will be notified when you acquire it. Complete the mission to receive the MWI-DD/20 inside part.

Complete the "Defend Water Processors" mission as quickly as possible. If done fast enough, you will be asked to destroy two Crest bombers that are on their way to destroy a Kisaragi base. Complete this mission and the KES-ES/MIRROR energy shield is yours (Defense 71, Coverge 445).

Destroy Germ Canisters mission: Hidden part
To acquire the OC-22 (Dual Orbital Maker) part, destroy all of the enemy MTs located in the laboratory (including the AC sent by the "Controller" that you fight in the last room) and extra canister in the area. When this is done, a message will be sent to you by mail stating that there is an additional reward for your "Excellent" performance. The part will appear in the garage.

Note: Get a "B" rank or better to unlock the part. Using the MWG-MG/1000 machine gun and an MM-AD/20 ammo magazine is recommended. The CLB-LS-2551 laser blade can also be used to save a bit of extra ammo.

Destroy Gun Emplacements: Hidden part
To get the Karasawa, you have to complete the "Destroy Gun Emplacements" mission in a short amount of time. There are two guns on the shore you start out on, and three on the other side. After that, you will be asked to participate in an attack on a Union fortress. You must hold out for five minutes against a never ending onslaught of jets and Mobile MTs (the hovering type with the big cannon). When the timer reaches zero, immediately fall back to the escape point. Complete the mission and the MWG-Karasawa is yours.

In order to get the Karasawa laser rifle, complete the "Destroy Gun Emplacements" mission under two minutes with an "A" rank or better. Doing this will unlock the "Distract Union Defenses" mission. You must do both missions back to back using the same AC. An easy way to go about this is to use the Orc core unit, the Oc-22 back unit (releases independent weapon pods), and a good machine gun and blade. For the "Destroy Gun Emplacements" mission, boost over to the guns and pound them with the machine gun. Strafe heavily and try not to get hit; do not worry about the MTs). If done correctly, you will get a message stating there is another mission possible. You must get to the transport. When the second mission starts, do not fight as you will probably die. Instead, boost to the rear left corner and hide behind one of the leafy trees. Turn on the Exceed Orbit and switch to the Oc-22 and release it. Note: Do not release one after another, because the new one will destroy the previous one. Doing this will ward off fighters while your comrades take care of the rest. Last for five minutes and get to the escape point. You will take damage, but not too much.

Destroy Massive MT: Hidden parts
There is a hidden booster part on the mission "Destroy Massive MT". When you first start the mission, turn due west and boost straight ahead. You will see hill in front of you. Boost to the very corner of the map (somewhere in between the yellow and red out-of-bounds line). You will see a small, circular alcove on the backside of the hill. Look for a very small black dot on the ground of the alcove. When you spot it, stand directly over it and press [Circle]. You will be notified when you acquire it. Complete the mission to receive the CBT-FLEET booster part (boost power 19900).

Go to the "Destroy Massive MT" mission. Do not get a consort or you will not get the part. Attack the target however desired, but watch out for the four pursuit missiles it launches at once and the two large missiles and the four grenade rifles it has. Provided that you do not die, the thing will split in two. Attack the big part and defeat it. Once it is dead, the mission is complete and you will get the part.

To get the MLB-MOONLIGHT, you must complete the mission Destroy Massive MT mission without a consort.

There are two rewards for this mission. The first reward for completing the mission is the MLB-MOONLIGHT. The second award for the mission with a completion of rank(s) "A" or "S" is the AC core part, model number MCM-MX/002 from Union. Note: This is the best AC Core in the game.

Destroy Massive Weapon: Hidden weapon
Immediately when you start the "Destroy Massive Weapon'" mission, look down. You will see a destructible floor section. Blow it up. Go underneath the platform and look towards the enemy. On the railing surrounding the area is a part. Press [Circle] to grab it. It is a Parrying Blade that does 3,100 damage. It can be sold at the shop for 59,000 C.

Destroy Naire Bridge mission: Hidden part
Destroy two or more monorails to unlock the KWG-HZL30 (left arm spread-shot Howitzer).

Disable Pulse Generators: Hidden part
In the "Disable Pulse Generators" mission, you have to disable four Pulse Generators. After you have disabled the first two Pulse Generators (in the first part of the structure), get to the second part or the other side. When you get there, ignore the Raven that you are facing and disable the third Pulse Generator. It is located all the way at the bottom. Note: You should be on the other side, where the other Raven is located. Then, get to the fourth Pulse Generator. This Pulse Generator is in one of the doors with the air vents. Once you are in the room where the fourth pulse generator is located, destroy the vents on the top. Look up to find it. When you get to it, do not disable it. Look up again to see that there are air vents that are already open. Go to it and turn left to find the Stealth extension part.

MT Training Exercise: Hidden part
Complete the mission without getting hit to unlock the KWM-AD-50, which increases your ammunition storage by 50%.

Protect Crest Convoy: Hidden part
There is a hidden radar part on the "Protect Crest Convoy" mission. It is found behind the radar dish southeast of the starting point. When you spot it, stand next to it and press [Circle]. You will be notified when you acquire it. Complete the mission to receive the MRL-SS/SPHERE back unit.

Rescue the Survey Team: Hidden parts
There is a hidden extension part on the "Rescue The Survey Team" mission. The part is found in one of the sewage drains in the wall, to the left of the hallway immediately before you get to the only door you have to open in this mission (just before you meet with the construction crew). When you spot it, stand next to it and press [Circle]. You will be notified when you acquire it. Complete the mission to receive the MEBT-OX/MB extension part.

Destroy all enemies in the level quickly and get an "S" rank to get an AC optional part, OP-E-Lap, which takes six slots and increases blade power.

Reservoir mission: Easy completion
This trick works against slow/large weapons with low ammunition (Ox, etc.). Go over to the dam. Fly up onto the first little door. Land there, then target the opponent and learn how much ammunition they have remaining. Look up and to the left (or right). There should be another door in that direction. Fly to it while zig-zagging to avoid getting hit, and having them waste ammunition. Then, go back down. You are likely to get hit once or twice. Repeat this they are out of ammunition, then kill them. Do not use this trick against machine guns or rifles. It will appear as if the dam is out of area, but it is not.

Safeguard Alloy Sample: Hidden part
Defeat all the MTs and the AC Grinder. The transport truck must survive all the way to the end of the mission. After that, you will get a mail from Crest stating that you were exceptional. You will receive the extension part CEBT-HEX. It is a hovering booster part.

Leg part
In the "Garage" section, achieve a "S" rank in both the AC tests. You will unlock a leg part called MLH-MX/VOLAR. It is a heavyweight humanoid leg part that is good for balancing weight and performance.

Mid-sized Rocket Launcher
When the mission where you have to disarm a poison starts, stay on top of the reservoir dam and travel east (to your left) and you will find a back Mid-sized Rocket Launcher.

Spread Bazooka
In the mission where you have to find a sinking ship's cargo, look in one of the cargo rooms on the ship to find a Spread Bazooka.

Use Grenade Launchers and Chainguns with biped legs
If you get all of the upgrades for the OP-INTENSIFY part, save your game and load it again. Equip the OP-INTENSIFY part and you can fly around using Grenade Launchers and Chainguns on biped legs just like Ace.

Defeating Exile
Once complete the main game and defeat Ace in the arena, you will have to fight Exile. His skills are not that great, but his mobility will kill you. Get a heavy AC, go to the parking lot, and let him get right in your face. Then, use the flame thrower and big bazooka to attack. You will get 1,500,000 credits for defeating him. You will also gain access to the "Extra Arena" mode. In this mode, you and a teammate of your choosing can go up against two enemy Ravens at once.

To defeat Exile get the best tank legs, the Linear Cannon, and the flame thrower. Go to the Parking Lot Arena and back up into the corner. Blast Exile with the cannon. When he gets close, keep firing while using the flame thrower and he will go down shortly. Note: This may require a few attempts.

Inflict high damage
Equip your AC with the gun with 1000 ammo and the flamethrower. When in an AC battle, hold [Square] + [Circle] at close range to inflict high damage. It is difficult at first to keep them in range, mostly when they jump a lot.

Last mission
In the last mission where you are told you need to destroy the controller, it is both a very easy and annoying task. After completing the first section, which consists of almost nothing but MTs and laser pillars, all your ammunition and AP are restored -- do not worry about being stingy. In the second part, you will face two ACs at the same time who are a lot tougher than they look. Aside from having to waste a good chunk of ammunition, they will pose little threat to a good Ravin. After this, you will enter a long shaft with MTs and laser pillars that can all get very annoying. Find out were it says target, then slash that seemingly normal yet breakable wall to expose the generator. The rest should be obvious.

Completing missions
Armored Core 3 is all about preference. It is much better to go about completing missions and Arena matches with an AC that you are comfortable with, and not one that may be excellent but does not suit you. Usually, though, an AC used for finishing missions is different than one used for winning an Arena match. Many missions require exceeding amounts of ammo and something mobile, while Arena battles may need something more defensive that carries more firepower. It is a good idea to use one AC for missions, one for Arena fights, and possibly one other for playing against a friend.

In the mission where you fight a giant MT where it spits into two pieces when you damage it, fly behind the large part of the MT. Continuously fire into its back with your arm or shoulder weapons (machine gun recommended). Also attack it with your laser blade. You will kill it easily and get an "S" rank depending on your ammunition use.

Custom AC tips
Legs: Do not use Tank legs, Stay with the ORC or EDGE for bipeds or switch to the floating one with the 4999 weight limit. Unless you know how to handle them, Tank legs and heavy bipeds are not recommended.

Back weapons: The Smaller Grenade Launcher is better because it fires faster. Also, the Single Side Vertical Missile Launcher is great with the VLS (vertical launch system) extension. It dishes out a lot of damage. The Linear Cannon is a lot of fun, provided you can get the tracking correct. You should also use the Quartet Cannon if you have it. The Dual Multi Missile is also very good, especially with the missile extension. Note: If you can track with the Chainguns, they are the only way to go. They can cause a massive amount of damage and are not that heavy.

Right arm: You should only use the 1000 ammo machine gun or the Karasawa. The Sniper Rifle, the bigger bazooka, or the 12 shot grenade launcher are also good. At worst, use the 90 ammo energy rifle or the high heat hand gun.

Left arm: The howitzer is the only one worth having. Use it when you have got a lock with your right arm weapon and you should hit quite often. Also, it has a whopping 50 shots. If you like laserblades, use the Moonlight.

Cores: Use the 1021? Weight Overboost Core. It does not use all that much energy to Overboost. If you want to use the Exceed Orbit, the ORCA Core is best; if you miss a bit it has lots of ammunition to compensate.

Radiator: Does not matter. You usually do not heat enough to start melting, and if you do, you still take a substantial amount of damage regardless of your radiator.

Generator: Always use the heaviest generator. You will find the others simply cannot put out enough energy.
Glitch: Misspelling
In one of the later missions, the briefing agent Layiena, will say a few things. Look carefully at the second page for when she says "don't". It will not appear correctly, because "donft" will appear instead of "don't".
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