X-Wing Alliance Cheats - PC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PC

Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Press [Esc] before starting a mission and enter the "General Options" menu. Then, enable the "Tour Invulnerable" or "Unlimited Ammo" options. Note: This will result in less points, no bonus points, and no medals during the game.

Hidden picture
After playing a combat simulator skirmish or combat engagement, a screen will appear with your score and those of any other players. At this screen, press [Shift] + [Ctrl] + [Alt] to view a hidden screen.

All missions and medals
Create a new pilot and enter "FongFong" as a name. Start the game, then immediately exit. Enter the "\lucasarts\xwingalliance\" folder and delete the "fongfong0.plt" file. Start the game again. All missions, intermission sequences, and medals will be unlocked.
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