Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos Cheats - PC
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Press [Enter] to display the two player message box, type one of the following codes, then press [Enter] again to activate the corresponding cheat function. The message "Cheat enabled" will appear to confirm correct code entry.
iseedeadpeople - Remove fog of war
allyourbasearebelongtous - Instant victory
somebodysetupusthebomb - Instant defeat
thereisnospoon - Unlimited mana
whosyourdaddy - God mode
strengthandhonor - Disable defeat conditions
itvexesme - Disable victory conditions
greedisgood - Receive 500 gold and lumber
greedisgood # - Receive # gold and lumber
keysersoze - Receive 500 gold
keysersoze # - Receive # gold
leafittome - Receive 500 lumber
leafittome # - Receive # lumber
pointbreak - Removes food limit
warpten - Speeds construction of buildings and units
iocainepowder - Fast death/decay
whoisjohngalt - Fast research
sharpandshiny - Research upgrades
synergy - Disable tech tree requirements
riseandshine - Set time to dawn
lightsout - Set time to dusk
daylightsavings <hour> - Set time of the day
daylightsavings - Toggle daylight progression
motherland <race> <level> - Level select
thedudeabides - Cool down
NOTE: To disable most of the cheat codes simply enter the code again. Cheat codes only work in single-player missions and custom maps.
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
Starcraft Units
Finish the Night Elf last campaign in Hard mode to see a 20 seconds of Starcraft units in action based on Warcraft 3 engine. (NOTE: This is NOT a scene from Starcraft 2, it is just an example of what Starcraft units would look like on WC3's engine. Nothing more.)
Exploding Animals
To make one of the various animals in the game explode simply click on them a bunch of times and finally they will blow up in a large explosion. NOTE: The explosion will not hurt anyone else.
Extra Credits
After completing the game on hard mode and normal mode, check the credits, you'll see a parade of units while the credits roll, ending in some hydralisks coming out and kill them (not the same as the marine/hydrlisk battle listed elsewhere here).
Humorous Sounds
Most of the units say something humorous if you click them multiple times.
Jimmy the Seal
Somewhere in the middle of the map (Night Elf campaign, Chapter 5) there is some mushrooms with some spiders infront. There is a seal called Jimmy behind them. Click him until he blows and a manual of health will be dropped. NOTE: Use seedeadpeople cheat to find him easier.
Find the enemy with out cheating
If you think you beat the level but it wont say it most likely there is one more thing out there. If you press Tab the map will turn black and the enemy will turn their color. Therefore it will be easy to spot the enemy.