War Gods Cheats - PC

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat codes
Enter the following four digit numeric codes in the cheat codes box at the top right corner of the "Advanced" page under the "Properties" item. Some of the codes will not work if entered after game play has started.
Unlimited credits
Enter "2509" to enable the free play (unlimited credit) selection on the options screen. Enter "9052" to disable the code.

Player one invincible
Enter "1971". Enter "1791" to disable the code.

Player two invincible
Enter "1515". Enter "5151" to disable the code.

Player one extra damage
Enter "0708" to have player one's attacks cause more damage. Enter "8070" to disable the code.

Player two extra damage
Enter "3366" to have player two's attacks cause more damage. Enter "6633" to disable the code.

Quick game
Enter "4774" to complete the game after one CPU opponent is killed. Enter "7447" to disable the code.

Easy fatalities
Enter "1037" to enable a fatality when "HP" + LK" is pressed. Enter "7301" to disable the code.

Fight as Grox
Enter "3871" to allow player one to fight as Grox. Enter "1783" to disable the code.

Fight as Exor
Enter "9021" to allow player one to fight as Exor. Enter "1209" to disable the code.

Toggle framerate
Enter "5721" to toggle the framerate display.
Level select
Enter one of the following four digit numeric codes in the cheat codes box at the top right corner of the "Advanced" page under the "Properties" item. Some of the codes will not work if entered after game play has started.


Note: Enter "9996" to disable level selection.
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