Tzar: Burden of the Crown Cheats - PC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PC

Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Press [Enter] during game play and type "hmprettypleasewithsugarontop" to enable cheat mode. Resume game play, press [Enter] again, and type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

+10,000 to all resourceshmdvaleva
+50,000 to all resourceshmpetleva
Calculator<SUP>1</SUP>hmcalc <math expression>
Display map grid.hmshowgrid
Full maphmreveal
Instant constructionhmbuildozer
Lose gamehmresign
Remove foghmnofog
Next level in campaign modehmnext
Highlighted people become invinciblehmgod
All technical items availablehmnotech
Display game clockhmtimer
Lose control of main buildingshmusurp
Indicated until becomes part of player's unithmkingdom <1-9>
Spawn indicated unithmspawn <unit name>
Increase population limit by 1000hmnopop
Display map coordinateshmthreads
Remove unithmdiscover <unit name>
Set time to day or nighthmtime <1-20>
Clears if it is slow and makes it regularhmdebugpath
Give player 1000ghmgive
Reveal if the player has used the secret taken oneshmischeater
Display name of current maphmmap
Increase health of selected objects by 5hmcont
See what the selected units seehmspy
Kills all animals on maphmhunt
Start demohmdemo

1. Enter a number followed by an operator such as +, -, *, or / and another number to have the game calculate the result.
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