Toxic Bunny HD Cheats - PC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PC

Achievements (Steam)
A sip of coffee ups the spirits - Find the health potion.
Add extra cheese - Eat 100 food items.
Alchemist - Find all the potion recipes.
All for some keys - Defeat Molefred.
Amateur coffee drinker - Drink 10 cups of coffee.
At least one casualty per shot - Procure a Hamster launcher.
Boing Boing... - Find the super jump potion.
Bunny approved engineering - Bunnies can fix anything.
Burn baby, BURN! - Find some Molotov cocktails.
Coffee flavored brainwash - Enslave your nemesis.
Coffee rush - Find the speed potion.
Death to the impostors! - Kill 25 evil bunnies.
Deep pockets - Spend $10,000.
Don't even look at me - Find the super damage aura potion.
Don't touch me - Find the damage aura potion.
Double the gun, double the fun - Find an upgrade for your gun.
Eating to survive - Eat 10 food items.
Factory cleanup - Successfully complete level 2.
Feel like a surgeon - Find the laser gun.
Feels like falling - The bright light at the end of the tunnel.
Finish him! - Boss fatality.
Forward to the past? - You don't think you can get that up to 88 MPH.
Getting warmer - Complete the game on normal.
Gravity sucks - Find the gravity potion.
He has gone all twitchy - Find the full health potion.
Hijack - Successfully complete level 1.
I can move it, move it - Find the free movement potion.
It seems pretty normal - Acquire Crazy Eddie's doorbell.
KFP is served - Defeat Predacluck.
Lending a hand - Takes a certain kind to pick up a rock.
Like a furry fish - Find the breath potion.
Lure the hungry - Use food to get your way.
Mating season - Find the extra life potion.
Nobody nose - The nose hair of destiny.
Now is not the time to go to the loo - Find the super Mexican chili potion.
Potty Trained - Complete the game on easy.
Puuurfect execution - Defeat Kitty.
Remember what the safety instructor said - Acquire a Rocket launcher.
Rock thief - Toxic will never again touch what does not belong to him... at least not if it glows.
Shocking conclusion - Kill 25 mages.
Short lived god mode - Find the invincibility potion.
Silver bullet for my valentine - Ready to kill something mythical.
Sleepless nights - Drink 100 cups of coffee.
Smell the colours singing - Drink 1,000 cups of coffee.
Something is burning... - Did you see the shock in his eyes?
Static fur - Find the lightning potion.
Suicidal feather - Find the float potion.
Surviving to eat - Eat 1,000 food items.
Sweet revenge - Defeat your nemesis.
The bane of bats - Kill 100 bats.
The joy brought by pain - Complete the game on hard.
There are many like it, but this one is mine - Take the stranded alien's weapon.
Too much hot sauce - Find the Mexican chili potion.
Toxic is a big fan of bacon - Kill 25 space pigs.
We ain't in Kansas anymore - Successfully complete level 3.
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