Total Club Manager 2004 Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Total Club Manager 2004 Cheats
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End the game when you want
For this you'll need Fifa 2004. When you're in the screen that asks you if you want to just see the result, see the text mode, use football fusion or see the 3D game, choose football fusion. Then, when you're in the match, press [Esc] whenever you want, and choose to exit the match. The result that was in the moment you exited will be the result of the game. This way you can make 1-0 and avoid taking goals and yellow or red cards before the game ends and after you made the goal.

Sign Anyone
Any player you can bid for you can buy! Just make a bid of $0 and then they reject the bid. Then find the players profile and click improve offer. Offer the player a contract and they will move to your club after their contract expires.

Swap for money
Start the game with 2 human players pick any team you want for yourself.Than pick Real Madrid. Go to find player club when your are with you team go to real madrid pick ronaldo and then compare with your worst player...than swap the two players do that as many times as you like for every time youll get 10 million dollars if you did that a thousand times put ronaldo back at real and go to manager options for real madrid and quit carreer.
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