Total Annihilation: Kingdoms Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Total Annihilation: Kingdoms Cheats
cheat description   size
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Begin a game in Skirmish or Multiplayer Mode. Press [Enter], type any of the following "Codes" and press [Enter] again. To deactivate the code, enter it again:

+atm - Increase Metal and Energy by 1000
+bigbrother - Traces Unit/Structures in Order that they were built
+bps - Display Data Transfer in Multiplayer
+clock - Display Game Clock
+cdstart - Play CD Music
+cdstop - Stop CD Music
+contour[1-15] - View 3D Contour Mesh
+control[0-3] - Control Skirmish AI
+dither - Dithering Replaces Gray Line of Sight
+doubleshot - Double Weapon Damage
+halfshot - Half Weapon Damage
+ilose - Lose Game
+iwin - Win Game
+kill - Kill All Units
+light 1000 - Darker Structures
+light - Black Structures
+logo [1-9] - Change Opponent Color in Skirmish
+mapping - Cover the Screen in Black
+noenergy - Decrease Energy
+nometal - Decrease Metal
+noshake - Disable Explosion Screen Effect
+nowisee - Full Map, Disable Line of Sight
+radar - Full Radar
+shadow - Toggle Object Shadowing
+share radar - Share Radar (Multiplayer Only)
+share metal - Share Metal (Multiplayer Only)
+share energy - Share Energy (Multiplayer Only)
+share all - Share All Resources (Multiplayer Only)
+shootall - Also Shoot Buildings
+showranges - Display Ranges by Holding Shift when Pointer is Over Unit
+sing - Units Sing when Highlighted
+sound3d - Toggle 3D sound
+switchalt - Switch Units by Pressing Alt[number]
+view [0-3] - View Opponents Energy, Metal
+aimfromprimary - ?
+aimfromsecondary - ?
+aimfromtertiary - ?
+antialias - ?
+assert - ?
+assign - ?
+becarried - ?
+burnall - ?
+burnone - ?
+debugbreak - ?
+dprint - ?
+dr - ?
+drop - ?
+edge - ?
+feature - ?
+film - ?
+filmspeed - ?
+fshadow - ?
+give - ?
+iface - ?
+include - ?
+lostype - ?
+mem - ?
+memdump - ?
+move - ?
+musicmode - ?
+netstats - ?
+notoktobuild - ?
+numlines - ?
+numtables - ?
+oktobuild - ?
+profile - ?
+querynanopiece - ?
+queryprimary - ?
+querysecondary - ?
+querytertiary - ?
+rcache - ?
+reload - ?
+scrollspeed - ?
+screenchat - ?
+sealevel - ?
+search - ?
+selboxes - ?
+selectable - ?
+shot - ?
+sweetspot - ?
+tableinfo - ?
+treedeath - ?
+tshadow - ?
+zbuffer - ?
Hex Cheats
Enable Cheats in Multiplayer/Skirmish Games
Change following locations in to enable all cheats in single, multiplayer or skirmish games:

00428935h: 90h
00428936h: 90h
General Hints
When playing as the Zhon, hide your unit-producing units--the Beast Handler, Tamer, and Lord--under trees while they do their work. This will make them more difficult to spot when your enemy rushes into the jungle after you.

When facing Harpies, keep your units moving. Harpy mind control needs to hit a stationary or very slow-moving target. Keep a force of fast archers zipping around under them until the Harpies have used up their mana for a few seconds, and then cut them down.

Veruna players should practice using their Amazons and Berserkers as a fast land strike force to target enemy defense, while slower but tougher knights should be used defensively, or to move in after the initial enemy defenses have been breached.
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