The Ship Cheats - PC

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Downloadable The Ship Cheats
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Jul. 05, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Codes from Source Engine
Press the console button (default is [~]) and type in the following codes:

noclip - Do not collide with walls and objects
sv_cheats 1 - Enables cheats
god - Invincibility

Weapon cheats for The Ship
Press [~] in game (if you've got Enable Console turned on under options -> keyboard -> advanced) and enter the following codes below. Impulse 101 doesn't work like it does on other source games; The Ship is too different. Enjoy. Remember, sv_cheats 1 in console before using these.

ship_give_all_weapons_bludgeon - Blunt weapons
mfk_min_value # - Change minimum money awarded for a kill to #
ship_security_disable 0/1 - Disable/Enable all security
noclip - Fly through walls and levitate
bot_kill - Force all bots to immediately suicide
ship_give_all_weapons_shoot - Give all guns
ship_give_all_weapons_stab - Give all stabby weapons (swords, syringes, etc)
ship_give_all_weapons_slash - Give slashing weapons (razor, etc)
buddha - Invincibility
sv_noclipspeed 0.5 - Lowers noclip speed to normal walking speed
ship_enable_bots 0/1 - Turn bots on or off
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