The Godfather Cheats - PC

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Downloadable The Godfather Cheats
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Aug. 28, 2007
Author: 18KB
Aug. 23, 2006
Aug. 08, 2006
Apr. 15, 2006
Mar. 29, 2006

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Press [Esc] to pause gameplay. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

corleone - Full health
stracci - Maximum ammunition
cuneo - $5,000
tattaglia - All movies
Tattaglias compound
When you think you are ready for the challenge, take on a compound. The Tattaglias in northeast Brooklyn might be the weakest family in New York, but that does not mean they are going to let you walk right in. Bring some bombs along and blow up the support pillars in the basements. You may start a mob war, but if you are successful you will have a new safe house with a group of guards.

Extorting businesses
When you are having trouble extorting business owners, try destroying some of their property and/or hold a gun to their face. For example, when you are trying to take over Good Eats in Brooklyn. you can hold the gun to the man's face then reholster the gun and press [V] to extort. He will refuse. Simply draw your gun again, lock on, and hold it. Keep doing this until he caves in. Do not forget to reholster your gun to avoid accidentally shooting him. In another example, when you are trying to extort money from the hotel owner in Brooklyn, hold a gun to him twice, break the downstairs cupboard, then finally blow his safe before you beat him into submission. Always buy available rackets first. Take a trip around to either buy another racket or go around the block. Do not attack until you visit again, and instead of enemy soldiers you will find all your soldiers. By doing this you do not have to fight a bunch of enemies and get your vendetta up.

Unlimited ammunition and $1 million
Reach the "Don Of New York City" rank at a 91.5% game completion.

Skip introduction sequences
Note: This procedure involves removing game files; create a backup copy of the files before proceeding. Enter the "\electronic arts\the godfather the game\movies" folder. Delete the "load.vp6" and "paramount.vp6" files. You will now only be prompted with the copyright clip before you enter the main menu.

"Death To The Traitor" mission: Hidden money
After placing the bomb in the upstairs of the bar, a single enemy will suddenly open up the previously locked door at the top of the stairs. Quickly run into the hallway he reveals to collect a massive stash of money bags. Do this quickly by sprinting, as you will not have much time to run downstairs and leave before the bomb explodes. Do not bother trying to open the second door in the hallway, because it is locked.

"The Don Is Dead" mission
Break the windows in the barber shop before start the mission. This will allow for easy shooting once the Don is shot. The recommended gun for this and any other close range shooting mission is the magnum.

Robbing banks
The type of bank will determine the easiest way it can be robbed. The type with the three guards and one room is by far the easiest, and should be robbed as often as possible. Use the following trick to rob it without being chased or even getting past two shields. First, bribe the cop outside. Then, go into the bank and choke the first guard by the door. Next, go into the vault area and start strangling the guard on the left. The other guard will come and attack you, but he will not shoot. He will only hit you with his billy club. Remember to strangle the man on the left first because he tends to start shooting with his shotgun if you attack the other guard. If you are robbing the big bank, start the same way by bribing the cop outside. Then, go in and immediately strangle the guards in the main room. Hurry down to the vault and strangle the two guards there. Open the door and blow the vault. Ready your Tommy gun for action. Three or four guards will attack you as you flee the vault. Get close to them as you are shooting them and you will perform an instant execution. After you shoot them, run up the stairs and move to the right. Then, take an immediate right to leave the building where the car is always parked. Get in the car quickly because you will be shot at when outside. Take off and you should not be chased after you hit the streets. After any bank robbery you must go to your hangout to get the money. The best bank to rob is the midtown bank, close to the apartment that the Corleone's give you after you save Michael. You wll get $50,000 there.

Taking over compounds
To take over a compound, equip your self with ammunition for all your guns, or you can use one powerful gun to kill other gangsters and take their gun. You must have cover at any time possible. Note: When behind the bushes to the left of the entrance they can shoot you through the bushes. Once inside, do the same thing and always have cover. Then, run downstairs. In the back house there are two men. One is behind a box and there is another behind a pilaer. After those two are dead, set the time bomb (not dynamite). If needed, stay in the basement and die, then drive back and repeat on the other house.

When the time to destroy the rival family compounds, the easiest way is to blow up one building at a time. Make sure you have all weapons with full ammnition.

Assaulting warehouses
Before going on a warehouse assault have these items: pistol (full ammo), Tommy gun(full ammo), shotgun (full ammo), Magnum (full ammo), Molotovs (6), and about $25,000. When going to a warehouse, try to blow up the roadblocks. After that, stand there and shoot at oncoming gangsters with your pistol (headshots are essential). Then, go in to the warehouse area. Stand behind boxes and shoot your enigmas with the pistol or Magnum (again with headshots). When you actually enter the warehouse, have either your shotgun or Tommy gun ready. Most enmeshes will have shotguns and Tommy guns. When you kill them, search for the owner. He will have puppeteer hands. Buy him out. Do not hit or injure him or you will not be able to buy him out and will have to use pressure. On the way you will have almost certainly started a mob war. Do not bother looking for bombing business. Instead, check the map for the nearest FBI agent and bribe him. You may lose $3,000, but it is less risky. You will now have a warehouse and won a mob war at the same time.

Use the following trick when you go to a hub, warehouse, or compound with people and cars blocking your way. Get a truck and run into the cars and people until it catches on fire. Then, finish off the other people that are still alive.

Easy money
Visit the sewer system. The entrance is directly south of the westernmost Tattaglia warehouse on the Hell's Kitchen Loop. Prepare for a battle. The crate containing the money you are after is guarded by a group of heavily armed bell-boys.

No heat for entering parked cars
When you reach the rank of Underboss, when you enter parked cars you will not get any heat.

Recommended weapons
Do not waste money on safe houses. You can make it fine with just the ones you get in the story. Instead, save money for clothing and weapons. All the best weapons cost a lot but are well worth it. The Saturday Night Special is a better revolver and it will cost $75,000. The Assassin's Pistol is better gun and costs about $200,000. The Python a better magnum will cost $250,000. The Dillinger is a machine gun that costs $450,000. Finally, the Street Sweeper, which works like a shotgun, sells for $500,000 and will kill most people in one shot.

Easier driving
While driving down the street, honk your horn constantly. This will send other cars to the side of the road.

Go to a police station and bribe the police chief. You can then steal the police car without any trouble. Turn on the siren. Cars will now move out of your way.

Marlon Brando's last appearance
Play the mission when you go to the hospital to protect the Don. After you kill the first assassin and Michael Corleone tells you to go to the basement, go foward and make a left. You should see a door with Michael Corleone talking to Vito Corleone while he is in the hospital bed. Listen to the conversation carefully. This is the real Marlo Brando talking, recorded while he was hospitalized.

Movie and television references
When in Little Italy it is possible to find a man with red hair a mustache and a fedora hat who is named Edward Rooney from Ferris Buellers Day Off.

There is a blonde woman walking around in a black dress named Pamela Anderson in Midtown.

There is a man with black-gray hair named Mike Brady (from The Brady Bunch) in Midtown.
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