The Basement Collection Cheats - PC

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 All cheats for this game by platform: PC

Achievements (Steam)
<3 - 100% Meat Boy.
"Hey, do i know you?" - Make more progress through the main game in Time Fcuk.
"How odd, because i'm very sure i remember you" - Complete the game the wrong way in Time Fcuk.
"I'll leave when you remember who i am" - Complete the Unknown in Time Fcuk.
"Oh, hello" - Make progress through the main game in Time Fcuk.
"Please leave me alone" - Complete chapter 2 in Time Fcuk.
"Sorry, i don't remember you" - Complete the game the right way in Time Fcuk.
"Steven?" - Create a level in the editor in Time Fcuk.
"Why yes, you do actually" - Make even more progress through the main game in Time Fcuk.
( (o) ) - Beat Boss Rush in Grey Matter.
( ) - Beat Mormal Mode in Grey Matter.
( o ) - Beat Expert Mode in Grey Matter.
@ - Come full circle in Coil.
Acid Reflux - Complete Spewer Chapter 5.
Bad Milk - Complete Spewer Chapter 2.
Bibulon's Moon - Discover the Moon's of Bibulon.
Bile Butter - Complete Spewer Chapter 4.
Bonus Meat! - Complete bonus chapter in Meat Boy.
Build it and they will Spew - Create and play a custom level in Spewer.
Golden God - Unlock all bonus content.
Gravida's Moon - Discover the Moon of Gravida.
Hells Bells! - Complete chapter three in Meat Boy.
Hot Sauce - Complete Spewer Chapter 3.
Debasa's Moon - Discover the Moon of Debasa.
Dr. Fetus! - Collect 8 bandaids in Meat Boy.
Earth's Moon - Discover the Moon of Earth.
Forest Funk - Complete chapter one in Meat Boy.
Found - Find and collect all the lost larva in Triachnid.
Gish! - Collect 16 bandaids in Meat Boy.
I - Get XXX points in one playthrough in Grey Matter.
II - Get XXXX points in one playthrough in Grey Matter.
III - Get XXXXX points in one playthrough in Grey Matter.
Lost - Complete Triachnid.
Malaisus's Moon - Discover the Moon of Malaisus.
Platinum God - 100% the basement collection.
Salty Dreams - Complete chapter two in Meat Boy.
Spew Spew Spew - Complete Spewer Bonus Chapter.
Stomach Flu - Complete Spewer Chapter 1.
The Blue Castle Crasher! - Collect 4 bandaids in Meat Boy.
The Glutton - Find the Glutton.
The Lost Bird - Find the Lost Bird.
The Crybaby - Find the Crybaby.
The Demon - Find the Demon.
The End? - Finish the Game.
The Paradox - Find the Paradox.
The Runaway - Find the runaway.
The Skinless Boy - Find the Skinless Boy.
The Spaceman - Find the lost spaceman.

Unlock Bonuses
Meat boy Map pack - Beat Meat boy.
A.V.G.M game - Beat Coil.
The Box drawings - Beat Aether.
The Chest drawings - Beat Time Fcuk.
The Lonely Hermit game - Beat Triachnid.
Thicker than water comic - Beat Spewer.
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