Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus Cheats
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NOTE: There are 2 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Use the keys below as the paswords (where L = Leonardo, M = Michaelangelo, R = Raphael, D = Donatello, S = Shredder), enter under the password screen. Codes don't work in Tournament modes.

SDLSRLL - Deal double damage.
DRSLLRS - Decrease HP.
MLDSRDM - Different sound when objects are hit.
SSSMRDD - Different sound when walking.
RLMRDSL - Disable Shuriken.
LDRMRLM - Double defense power.
LRSRDRD - Enemies have instant death attack.
SLSDRDL - Enemies' damage doubled.
RDSRMRL - Enemies' defense doubled.
MRLMRMR - Health itens replaced by full HP pizza.
DSRDMRM - Infinite HP.
RSRLRSM - Infinite Shuriken.
SDSDRLD - Lose all HP after falling.
DSLRDRM - New Nexus outfit for Donatello.
LMRMDRD - New Nexus outfit for Leonardo.
MLMRDRM - New Nexus outfit for Michelangelo.
RMSRMDR - New Nexus outfit for Raphael.
SRMLDDR - Playmates unlocked in bonus section.
DRMSRLR - Regenerate HP.
MRMDRMD - Stamina stops recovery.
LSDRRDR - Take 0 damage.
Extra characters
Casey Jones (replaces Raphael) - Beat Open Brawl Tournament.
Karai (replaces Michaelangelo) - Beat Karai in Foot Fight Tournament within 150 seconds.
Slashuur (replaces Leonardo) - Beat the battle Nexus Tournament.
Splinter (replaces Donatello) - Clear level 11-7.

Unlock original TMNT arcade game
When on the rooftops in stage 9-1, start smashing the many crates to find an artifact. Take that artifact back home, and give it to April. Once she appraises it, she'll tell you that it is the original TMNT aracde game. Now go to the title screen, and go under options. The original TMNT arcade game will be there.
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