Supreme Snowboarding (Boarder Zone) Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Supreme Snowboarding (Boarder Zone) Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Here are the cheats for this elite game. Type them at menus:

HIIHTOOPE - New player: Guide
IMHOTEPMAAILMOJENTUHOAJA - Edit/Debug mode (press E during play)
SEIVAAVIDEOGRABBI - Takes a screenshot
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
Activate All Levels
First open up the /Saved_Data/ map in your "Supreme" folder.
Then open up "Avaiable_Levels.txt" and change the offsets to:
Save and exit that file.
Then open up "Defaults.txt".
Change the line that says:
available_tracks = 3;
available_tracks = 7;

Activate All Boards
Go to your directory where the game is and go to the folder \saved_data. Open the file: Available_Boards.txt. Change what you find to this:


More Cheats
Go into <game dir>/data/characters/<character name> folder and you'll see "plrcnf" text file. Use a text editor (Windows notepad for example) to open and edit it:

fluid_friction_coeff = 3; (1')
shadow_file = "data/characters/Bone_Shadow_Points";
player_name = "Mike";
mass = 50; (2!)
mesh_config_file = "";
max_jump_impulse = 250; (3!)
uniform_scale = 0.0082;
board_offset = {-0.01,-0.02,0};
board_scale = {1,1,1}; (4!)

(1!) Amount of speed you will lose when riding over a bump or a big jump's transmissions. Set it to 0.

(2!) Weight of the character. Set it to 25 and you will jump very high and falls very slow down; set it to 300 you won't be able to jump.

(3!) Maximum jumping impulse (height of jour jums). Set it to 1500 for extremely high jumps!

(4!) Size of the snowboard. Replace {1,1,1} with {7,2,6} if you want a huge board!
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